#ace attorney funny


I’m kind of shocked that Ace Attorney hasn’t really leaned into the supernatural all that much. I mean, we have spirit mediums and the associated spirits, but not much else. Even Barok, who has goddamn bats chilling in his dramatic ass office, is only lightly suggested to be a vampire. Just make him one! Where are the werewolves at? Answer us, capcom

The way these mood matrix frames are shown all together without context makes it look like the jacket attacked and like… assimilated Robin lmao

Responses to this post got me thinking… if there was an Ace Attorney Scooby Doo AU, who would be who?

Immediately, I knew Larry had to be Shaggy. Fred being Phoenix fits a little less well, but it makes the most sense. Daphne could maybe be Franziska, and Velma could probably be either Maya or Ema (I’m leaning more towards the latter).

I was lost on who would be Scooby Doo himself, because while I could just make him be Missile, that didn’t feel right- I needed someone with more personality. Then it hit me- Gumshoe. Just give the dog a trench coat and we’re all set.

Was discussing the sidekick characters a few days ago and came up with a tier list of sorts. I didn’t include one-time partners since they’re harder to judge.

Tied for first: Maya (trilogy) and Trucy (AA4).

  • Maya is just straight up iconic- her AA6 appearance just didn’t do it for me as much as the og trilogy though. Trucy is similar, in that she made a huge impact in her debut game but the interactions afterwards are less remembered by me (though aren’t necessarily bad). Both are super lovable and quirky, and their dialogue never fails to make me laugh.

Second place: Susato

  • As much as I like the silliness of Maya and Trucy, having a sidekick that really seems to know what she’s doing is super nice every once in a while. Her special moves are also pretty awesome, with funny animations to boot.

Third place:Athena

  • I admittedly don’t care too much for her as a player character, but I like having her as a sidekick during cases. Her animations are always a treat to see, and she has a good mix of serious and silly to her.

Fourth place:Kay

  • It’s been a while since I’ve played MEI, so I don’t recall enough positive anything to really rank her- If I suddenly went and replayed that, I wouldn’t be surprised if she jumped up one or two places on here. From what I do remember, she was a good foil to Edgeworth’s seriousness. Also, her theme is great.

Fifth place: Rayfa

  • Gave me the same vibes as a very angry Pearl or Trucy. Not bad, had some funny lines, but generally forgettable to me.

Sixth place: Pearl (trilogy)

  • She’s cute, but the consistent shipping is kind of weird to me. Her DD/SoJ appearances were a bit forgettable to me, so I don’t know where I’d put those.

Msc collection of more dev art of all different moods from the Dual Destinies artbook. Fuse’s is a vibe lmao

I saw bondage art of Mike Meekins on this hellsite like four years ago and it’s been living in my mind rent-free ever since.

It was like. really well made, too. Weird choice of character as well but hey, go off, my friend

Some more assorted developer creations… they certainly are. Something.

At least they’re less body-horror-y than the Filch one lmao

Also ngl loving Trucy in that outfit

Some choice storyboards from the Dual Destinies cutscenes

Will never not love awkward looking sketched out smear frames lmao

Would like some more murder cases with victims that deserved it more than your average chump. My heart can’t take any more well-meaning friendly characters dying just because™

Then again, if there’s a deep story meaning and some possible angst… go right ahead lmao

If we ever see the inside of Klavier’s house, I’d honestly be shocked if that statue of him from Turnabout Academy wasn’t, in a repaired state, prominently displayed where everyone could look at it.

He gives me the vibes of someone who displays pictures etc of himself all over the place… not like that’s a bad thing.

Utterly hilarious that some guy at capcom had to have been like… Ah yes, lawyers are what the kids of today love, right?

Of all the ideas the AA team has had, this one is probably one of the best. It’s this or shirtless protags for the next game or I’m rioting, capcom

And, an addition: only Edgeworth does not have a costume and he has a perpetually terrified look on his face.

I think it’s utterly hilarious that Apollo, as a baby, had his silly hairstyle already… obviously hair doesn’t usually stick up like that, so I’d like to think that Jove did it because he thought it looked funny

…then he dies, and that fact dies along with him, so Dhurke just thinks it’s his normal hairstyle and keeps styling it like so

Would love to see the plot of Ace Attorney added to the foundation of Prof. Layton. Mfs walk into a murder scene and decide it’s time for a puzzle… luke is crying but the professor won’t let him out until he fits the correct missing limbs on the mutilated torso…

Absolutely love the genre they made for Ace Attorney… “law battle”. I mean, it’s an honest title, it just sounds so underwhelming lmao

And then for DGS, they added “Dai” in front of it, so it became “(the) great law battle”… as in, “The great Ace Attorney”… iconic

Gee was I excited when I saw Capcom was having some sort of event! And gee was I utterly uninterested when I then read that it would only be about already-announced titles!

throw us a bone Capcom, I’m begging you please

Me: understands that “Wright” is a generally common surname

Also Me: [sees the name “Wright”] whoooA??? like the ATTORNEY character???? hooahg very cool !!!

I love when random, seemingly irrelevant pieces of evidence are added to the court record and have a massive role later in the case.

…Then I forget about them during the endgame and have to use a guide lmao

Mentioned this in the comments of a recent post, but… Since I’m going to consider the fact that Jove most likely did not bring Apollo’s official papers with him to Khura'in, all of his base documents in the US/Japanifornia/etc are most likely forged.

I’m assuming he also realized this at some point, as there’s probably some weird discrepancy on one or he just came to the conclusion based on his situation. It must be sort of strange to be a lawyer while also knowing your entire documentation in this country is completely fudged.

Maybe this is one reason why he chose to stay in Khura'in after the events of SoJ lmao

I’ve realized it must be fucking AWFUL to work at/visit the WAA. I mean, we got two living lie detectors, an empath, and… whatever you’d consider Phoenix with his magatama to be.

The moment you think something wrong everyone is immediately on your ass & cross-examining you… good luck keeping anything secret with that vibe
