#ace attorney



Day 19 of me posting Wrightworth until they become canon


He’s smiling because Wright is probably out there on his bike somewhere getting drenched.



[Image description: Screenshot of a tweet with sprites from Ace Attorney edited on them, making it seem like Apollo Justice is talking about Klavier Gavin. The tweet is by @ lost_quotez and reads, “It’s okay to tell your boyfriend his music’s ass.” End description]


Blue blooded royal body
Elegantly posed to death


I wonder if it eats him inside to be nice



really good conversation i had on here the other day

Ace Attorney Heritage Post



A joke from a convo with the fellas.

Twitter liked it more than I expected, so here.

She’s about to update someone’s autopsy report…

happy fresh friday @jessiewongg!! i drew your cute baby as trucys newest assistant, she’s a star~ th

happy fresh friday @jessiewongg!! i drew your cute baby as trucys newest assistant, she’s a star~ thank u and @arlir for organizing the freshest fridays as always!!!!!!


Post link


A joke from a convo with the fellas.

Twitter liked it more than I expected, so here.

Back in gay lawyer hell with my favorite purple prosecutor and The Devil. Why do all of my favorite

Back in gay lawyer hell with my favorite purple prosecutor and The Devil. Why do all of my favorite characters have daddy/brother issues? .__.

My headcanon is that Kristoph wanted to gtfo of Germany as fast as possible, so he only applied to American law schools (or Themis I guess) and stopped speaking German as soon as he could. Klavier is along for that ride (he’s saying “You’re so strange.”) I have… so many Gavin headcanons.

Post link


if i were an Ace Attorney murderer I would just do an absolute fuckton of completely random shit to cover it up. i’m talking red paint on the curtains, meaningless coordinates written everywhere, seven different lethal weapons that don’t match the crime left lying about. I’d ride a unicycle there and take a taxi home. I’d put a live goose in the same room as the victim. I’d disguise myself as the fucking president. they only have three days to solve this shit. Good luck figuring my logic out when I have none buckaroo



TheThot Bimbo Clown Character of the Day is: Geiru ToneidofromAce Attorney


Character development. Round 5.

“At least you’re my idiot, Wright.”


Don’t mind me, just over here making a comic about how two of my favorite characters have a similar awful dad situation
