#ace comic con

Wow what a weekend! It’s still so surreal meeting Tom, seeing so many amazing actors in personWow what a weekend! It’s still so surreal meeting Tom, seeing so many amazing actors in person

Wow what a weekend! It’s still so surreal meeting Tom, seeing so many amazing actors in person and meeting so many new friends! I had an absolute blast!

My story is very straightforward, I’m very shy so its hard for me to interact sometimes. My friend had vip (I had all basic passes) and our photo op was Saturday. Security was so tight that day they wouldn’t let us hug or interact in the photos so we didn’t get to be creative like the photo ops on Sunday, which was kinda a shame. Tom in person is so PETITE. He was so adorable and so polite. We bumped into Tom later that day while walking on the top floor. I was trying to get past Stan Lee’s booth when a security guard stopped me and wouldn’t tell me why I couldn’t continue forward. I knew someone had to be coming. Sure enough the doors to my right opened and Tom was ushered through the crowd of screaming girls. I was only a couple feet away from him.

While waiting for my friends signing that day I decided to give him the only copy of my fanart since my signing wasn’t until Sunday and it didn’t dawn on me we could gift things. So when it was my turn in line he asked me if I’d like the artwork signed and I said it was a gift. He looked at it for a second (keep in mind we were being pushed through line quickly so my time with him was only a couple seconds) and then he looked me in the eyes and said “wow it’s lovely, I appreciate it so much,” and then I was on my way. That was probably the quickest signing I’ve ever been to. I’ve been spoiled in the past with meeting celebs at other smaller cons, so it did feel rushed but I was over the moon regardless and his response to my artwork made me ecstatic!

Sunday my photo op went a lot faster so I hardly got a word in. This time I got my artwork signed and he remember me. I did ask how he was doing because he seemed tired. I know this was his first full con experience so I think the day was taking its toll. My favorite part of the day was the panel. I could sit and listen to Tom all day, he’s so witty and playful! Before Tom came onto the stage Dom Holland came out onto the floor and took a couple photos with fans. During the interview Tom talked about Spiderman, his experience on the set of Chaos Walking (!!!!), and his first and last day with the cast of Spiderman. He at one point got up during the interview and said he needed water and ran off stage and brought Jacob and Laura water and then told the interviewer they could share if he’d like lol.

I’ll be flying back home tomorrow. I will definitely be making Tom’s future cons if I can, it was such a wonderful experience. I never thought I could like Tom any more than I already do, but goddamn I’m obsessed now!

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Newsfeed #104 August 19, 2018 (19 Úrimë)WORDPRESS DEBUT WAS A SUCCESS: One of those days I wish I dr

Newsfeed #104 August 19, 2018 (19 Úrimë)


One of those days I wish I drank…I’ll drink some V-8. Anyway, I had estimated 20 views (and I kept Khalessi from burning down Laketown) but I got well over 100. I think this is my early birthday present. It has to be: I share my birthday with Beyoncé and so I’m quite sure I’ll be ignored the whole day as always.

Evenbefore my father’s Alzheimer’s he would come to my house and say, “Did you know it was Beyoncé’s birthday?” And I would say, “Yes, Dad. It’s mine, too.” And he’d say, “Really?”

Anyway, it was a good day. Off to the next adventure: Chicago (maybe) to meet my alter ego (Lee Pace). I’m still nursing a bruise from Monday and I don’t want to be away from my father too long these days. We’ll see.

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This photo that ACE Universe posted…

Lords of Kobol, help me!

A selection of my images from the Dark Phoenix panel at Ace Comic Con Phoenix 2019. I was six rows back but the best shots came off the massive, lovely screen above the stage.

A selection of my images from the Dark Phoenix panel at Ace Comic Con Phoenix 2019. I was six rows back but the best shots came off the massive, lovely screen above the stage.

I was fortunate enough to be able to make the trek from cold, snow-covered Michigan to the wonderfully warm climes of Arizona to attend Ace Comic Con Phoenix 2019. When Ace announced Michael Fassbender, I was completely floored. Fassy is one of my favorite actors of my generation, he was never someone I thought I’d get the chance to meet.

Grace (my SD) & I were one of the first people through the autograph line and I was killer nervous. I don’t tend to get starstruck anymore, but I was feeling it a tad. Michael was all smiles, held his hand out for me to shake, introduced himself (I reciprocated), and he told me I had a great handshake. I said thanks, then thanked him for coming. At this time, Grace was trying to crawl under the table (she was checking the area like she is supposed to do) and I had to pull her back and apologized to the security guard who was standing next to us. Michael stopped signing and stood up and looked over the table, and smiled and said, “Oh, hello, beautiful.” He then finished my auto, I told him thanks again and he replied in the welcome. BTW- I love the sweater choice, he looked so relaxed in it.

For photo ops, we were again near the front. I had purchased an additional op like normal so I could get 1 with Grace and 1 without (if the actor would allow so.) When we went up, he smiled and I asked if we could do a shot with my SD, he said certainly, then got down on her level and started to scritch her ears and get/give puppy kisses (I take her vest off for photos and let her have some “doggy downtime.”) You can see by the photo how relaxed she is. We then did a semi-hug photo and I thanked him again and was done. Well, sort of as I still had the trio to go.

For the trio op, my plan was to do one of my normal poses- choosing one of the actors while the others look confused, disgusted, elated, etc. I of course chose Michael and had no idea what Tye or Alexandra were doing other than feeling/hearing Michael full body laughing. I love that I got a real genuine smile/emotion out of him. They all said hello to Grace as she stood by and then it was over, we were off to get our prints.

I never thought I would see Michael Fassbender and Comic Con in the same sentence (outside of the San Diego sense.) So yeah, when this came across my feed on Wednesday I was, well, shocked and overwhelmed (in a good way!) And then of course started making plans on how to get to Phoenix for a vacation in January!

hiddlesedits:Tom at ACE Comic Con Arizona, January 13, 2019 | [via].hiddlesedits:Tom at ACE Comic Con Arizona, January 13, 2019 | [via].


TomatACE Comic Con Arizona, January 13, 2019 | [via].

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Suddenly, I heard a tapping, as of someone gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.

You heard me rapping, right?

This past Saturday at Ace Comic Con I decided to finally bring out Eric Draven.

The Crow is one of my favorite Halloween movies, and I’m so glad to have finally done a proper Crow cosplay, and I think I can say I did it justice.

The makeup for the Crow was done exclusively with Kryolan products, primarily the TV Paint Stick in “00” as a base with Supracolor in “070” as a highlight, with contour and eye makeup done with a black eyeshadow, and lipstick in “LF415”.

