#active project

Bad Medicine ~ Infectious Teacher~Description:“He” was a rational teacher that you looke

Bad Medicine ~ Infectious Teacher~


“He” was a rational teacher that you looked up to…or at least he was. There was a dark classroom that one must never set foot into.

In there are extremely dangerous special lessons with the teachers. When you realize the true forms of the teachers…. will you be able to handle it?


Only 10 scripts left for this game. Bad medicine project’s leader is recruiting for proofreaders! Please apply by contacting RAN via Discord RAN#4918 or tumblr @jokertrap-ran. Or by going to Otogelib’s discord server.

Post link

New Amnesia LaterxCrowd project leader: Jenni 

106/147 scripts translated!

Here’s how to join the community and translate as a hobby :) (You can also step up to take the project leader role and lead your team to finish translating a game! As a project leader, you are free to post your translations to your blog/website or decide whether or not a patch would be made. For further information, please join our discord.)


Please remember, Otogelib is a community for hobbyists!

Description: Based on the anime and manga series Vampire Knight, you play as the not-quite-Yuuki Cro


Based on the anime and manga series Vampire Knight, you play as the not-quite-Yuuki Cross protagonist striving to keep the peace between the Day and Night Class, whilst courting any of six dateable main characters. The gameplay is split between classes, patrols and mini-games, featuring plenty of heart-throbbing and blood-pumping action, as well as a multitude of choices driving the plot direction. Get to know the Vampire Knight bishies as never before!


The original team for the project is back together! We have translated all the way up to Chapter 3 and we need some help completing the rest. We primarily need translators (very good in Japanese to fluent). Please join the Discord and speak to Dariya, who will guide you what to do.

There are the text dumps and the translations are in Google Sheets, located in the Google Drive. This allows for more organization and an easier time seeing each branch. Translators will have to take the files in the Google Sheets and translate them. In some cases they may spot mistakes and can use the text dumps to fix those mistakes. The text dumps are for reference. 

The Google Drive link is located below.

Link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1AvXYvM9tqfNqyziFJ0aE2Hh-j9C4uTA6?usp=sharing


If you have any questions or inquiries about the specifics, please join the community’s Discord and @Dariya. Thanks!


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