#admin co


Hohoho~ the season for giving is coming once again! Unfortunately, we are sad to announce that SantaPooch will not be hosting a Secret Santa Exchange this year u _u life threw too many lemons, we need time to process them.

We will however, still do a Christmas Countdown per our usual tradition   o(*>ω<*)o Please look forward to our 2016 Twelve Days of Christmas, and may you all have a safe and lovely holiday~ 

Hello everyone! We have some good news to share with spring coming along:  Prints of the countdown hHello everyone! We have some good news to share with spring coming along:  Prints of the countdown hHello everyone! We have some good news to share with spring coming along:  Prints of the countdown hHello everyone! We have some good news to share with spring coming along:  Prints of the countdown h

Hello everyone! We have some good news to share with spring coming along:  Prints of the countdown have [finally] arrived! To recap, TWO WINNERS will receive the following:

  • set of 2015 DNSS countdown print ( 10 6 x 4 in prints)
  • DN Wedding print by Admin Yun (6 x 4 in)
  • small watercolor of a character from your 2015 wishlist.

The raffle winner will be drawn from our 2015 participants. Winners will be announced and the prizes will be sent in the next two weeks so please look forward to it ( ノ^ω^)ノ゚ ***If you do not wish to disclose your mailing address, please let us know ASAP.*** 

Thanks for everyone for participating to make this secret santa successful!

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