

Guilt and my take on dreamcore

My take: dreamcore should have an absence of your personality, the poster. Don’t show your face, it is too real. Too alive.

It should also have an absence of vivid details.

Obscure faces.

And for guilt as of todays post, I admit I am mean to my siblings

I don’t know If I have some sort of undiagnosed illness or disorder (mentally) but I get angry very easily, or uncomfortable, or irritated. I am 16, and I argue with a 7 year old and pulled his hair, and shot him in the eye with a nerf gun

(Mind you he spit in my face and got in my mouth beforehand)

He knew in the moment it was karma, and got embarrassed

(I am a germaphobe, like washing my hands until they shred apart kind)

So that was relatively bad.

I am almost an adult, I could drive (If I had a license, they keep cancelling drivers tests due to covid)

I just want to be nice and sweet and quiet. But I am crazy and LOUD!! Like Ena. I relate to her most of any character. I am dramatic.

I spilled too much of myself, my personality to my family.

I wish I could be more like rei from NGE, I wish I could be quiet.

But It is summer break. Maybe, I will pick up on writing.
