#adrian dolan


Fuck it, I wrote the fic I was thinking of as I watched the surfing at the Olympics. Inspiration very much struck down like lightning, an idea of Adrian competing with Deran nervously watching in the stands. It was great to write, ‘cos I’ve not had time nor inspiration in a long while, so I was doubly excited to have both and fucking went for it!

I usually give fic time to rest and myself time to consider edits, but I’m a Olympic junkie and absolutely want to post during the games, so this has only had two days. That means plotholes and grammar mistakes are probable, please excuse them! Focus on the excitement instead :D

For Deran to be in Tokyo, covid had to disappear, and to make it work somewhat with the show’s timeline, I moved the Olympics back to 2020. Meaning no restrictions to travel etc. I have huge respect and sympathy for the entire world affected by the pandemic and think it’s kinda crazy the Olympics are even happening at all in our dark reality so I truly hope this doesn’t come off as tone-deaf. It’s supposed to be a fun, fast fic with some cool dudes and not at all a reflection on reality.

As for the show, it’s canon divergent with all of S3 and S4 having happened except for Adrian’s storyline. Let’s pretend he and Deran were trying to navigate a healthier relationship but that money and drug use were creating obstacles on top of Adrian being away so much.

I hope you all enjoy! Again, I’ve not seen any of S5 so NO SPOILERS PLEASE :D

I keep seeing the surfing event at the Olympics and thinking “what if Adrian was there” and then I feel sad. He could’ve been a contender!

/Haven’t seen a single ep of S5 yet but had to post. I’m saving the eps until all are out there to view, so no spoilers pls :)

lq pics of the Deran/Adrian photostrip to tide us over until someone gets it in hqlq pics of the Deran/Adrian photostrip to tide us over until someone gets it in hq

lq pics of the Deran/Adrian photostrip to tide us over until someone gets it in hq

Post link

Deran and Adrian pics from the Animal Kingdom season 5 trailer.

That photostrip was on their fridge in the background of the scene where Smurf brings Adrian a lasagne and I nearly broke my eyes trying to see the details but never could. In the pic from the trailer it looks like one of them is kissing the other’s cheek in the second pic on the strip? And you can’t see the fourth picture on the strip in the trailer, but it looks like their heads are together again in that one based on this shot from the s4 lasagne scene:

I had all kinds of season 5 headcanons where Deran keeps that pic on his nightstand, in his wallet, etc. so I don’t love that it’s on fire, but hopefully we get a nice close up before Deran’s breakdown.

  • “…I will buy two tickets to the new Avengers at the Regal… I’ll sit through it, even though you know I think that shit is lame—”
  • “Yup.”
  • “—and then I’ll see you at home [*pop*].”
  • “[*pop*] I can find somebody else to do it if you’re not comfortable with it, just saying—”
  • “No no no, I like being your alibi.”