
volvaaslaug: —Clarice Lispector, tr. Kartin Dodson, The Departure of the Train. for @aelflaedsPaintivolvaaslaug: —Clarice Lispector, tr. Kartin Dodson, The Departure of the Train. for @aelflaedsPaintivolvaaslaug: —Clarice Lispector, tr. Kartin Dodson, The Departure of the Train. for @aelflaedsPaintivolvaaslaug: —Clarice Lispector, tr. Kartin Dodson, The Departure of the Train. for @aelflaedsPaintivolvaaslaug: —Clarice Lispector, tr. Kartin Dodson, The Departure of the Train. for @aelflaedsPaintivolvaaslaug: —Clarice Lispector, tr. Kartin Dodson, The Departure of the Train. for @aelflaedsPainti


Clarice Lispector, tr. Kartin Dodson, The Departure of the Train.


Paintings, in order of appearance:

Jean Fouquet, Mary holding the Christ-child.
Giovanni Battista Salvi, The Madonna in Sorrow.
Artemisia Gentileschi,Judith Slaying Holofernes.

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