#age regressor

Disliking an age regression community is fine but sending them hate and threats is wrong!!!

Disliking an age regression community is fine but sending them hate and threats is wrong!!!

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Your regression is valid no matter what you call it

Your regression is valid no matter what you call it

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strawberryeuphie: ⭐️ for regressors with insomnia ~!just a list of resources and other recommendatio


⭐️ for regressors with insomnia ~!

just a list of resources and other recommendations to hopefully help my fellow restless little fwiends get a good night sleep!


try some yoga before bed! it helps you get out any leftover energy from the day, without getting your adrenaline pumping too hard! // cosmic kids bedtime yoga adventures

read a bedtime story! if you have a caretaker available, you can have them read it to you. if not, read one yourself or look up audio recordings of someone who reads them aloud ~! reading helps you become more tired… like magic!

listen to lullabies online or make your own bedtime playlist! // here’s some quick recommendations: 1 2 3 4

take a warm bath! add some epsom salts, johnson’s lavender bedtime baby bath, or a bath bomb, and of course bubbles! soak for as long as you want, but i suggest getting out once the water starts to get cold! after you’ve dried off, try using johnson’s bedtime baby lotion, the smell is so relaxing and i find it works for helping me get to sleep.

try a relaxing drink! get your favorite bottle or sippy cup, or just a regular cup will do if you don’t have those, pour some milk of your choice in it (i like vanilla almond milk for this), put two spoonfuls of honey in it, and put it in the microwave to warm up! you can also try different decaffeinated teas or herbal teas if you are feeling extra stressed. i recommend sleepytime vanilla decaf.

if you need a snack, no sweets! sweets are just gonna wake you up more and make your teeth all icky! try banana, strawberry, blueberries, or other fruits. you can also have plain animal crackers, yogurt, or a small cereal bar.

don’t drink/eat too much before bed! having one drink is okay, but don’t do anymore or you might be up all night or worse: have an accident! even if you use pull-ups and/or diapers, it’s best to not have any accidents during the night so you don’t have to get up and change.

have a nightlight, don’t leave regular lights on! nightlights aren’t that expensive and leaving on any other lights can be a problem when you’re trying to sleep. pick a cute sleepy light and have that instead! (my favorite nini light is shaped like a unicorn.. just thought i’d share hehe~)

use essential oils. not everyone has these, and that’s fine, but if you do then they’re great!

— ⏰ start getting ready for bed half an hour before you actually go to sleep. it’s important to have a bedtime routine in place so that your body will get used to going to bed at a certain time, and you’ll sleep for longer!

try getting your plushies/dollies ready for bed with you! play pretend and have them brush their teeth, get their pajamas on, and then you tuck them in for sleep!

if it helps you, try stimming! there are tons of stim blogs and youtube channels out there, or if you have your own things then try it! many of my friends say this works for them.

— ☁️ make sure your sheets & pajamas are clean! you’d be surprised how much this matters. it’s a lot more comfy to go to bed with good smells. if you are wearing a diaper, make sure it’s completely fresh! 

try your best to stick to a routine on your own! don’t stay up too late! even without a caretaker, you can have a good bedtime routine. i know we all dread sleeping ‘cause the fun for the day is gonna end and we just wanna stay up, but sleep is so important so you can keep having fun the next day!


good luck fwiends, i hopes you has a good sleep wiff many nice dreams all da time…

— princess euphie ⭐️

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soft things

•gentle rocking from your cg

•cuddly cotton jumpers

•soft blankets

•warm milk from a baby bottle

•’cuddle noises’


•cookies straight out the oven

•fluffy socks

•afternoon naps in the sun

•hot chocolate with marshmallows

•forehead kisses

•holding hands and playing with eachother’s fingers


•bedtime stories

•kitten purrs

•playing with your cg’s hair

•sunday morning lie ins

•new stuffies

•having your onesie snapped up by your cg


Keep a small stuffed animal in your purse or backpack

Wear barrettes, butterfly clips, pigtails, braids and other cute hairstyles!

Eat baby snacks; goldfish, dry cheerios, lunchables, carrots with ranch, popcorn, fruit snacks, and other foods you can eat with your hands

Wear oversized shirts, sweaters, and sweatshirts! They always make me feel little and flappy sleeves!!

Listen to to Disney music

Ring Pops and Baby Bottle Pops are great substitute pacis

Keep fidget or sensory toys near you!

Chewable jewelry are teethers in disguise

Order kids meals, if anyone asks just say you aren’t that hungry

Draw or color! I promise no one will care, this is something I do all the time :)


random things that make me feel little:

• “do you need the potty?”

• “hold my hand baby”

• “you’re too little for that”

• “make sure you wrap up warm little one!”

• “do you want me to cut your food up for you?”

• “who’s my good girl/boy?”

• “let me help you tie your shoes”

• “do you want some more juice in your sippy baby?”

• “why don’t you colour me a picture?”

• “if you’re a really good girl/boy today then we will go buy some candy!”

• “want to watch some cartoons while daddy/mommy is at work?”

• *spoon feeding*

• *bottle feeding*

• “does my little baby want to be carried?”

• having my onesie snapped up for me

• having my shoes and sockies put on for me

• “what colour is the flower, baby?”

• “what sound does a puppy make?”

• *forehead kissies*

• “come sit on my lap!”

• *hair stroking*

• having my paci put in when i’m being fussy

• being rocked in daddy/mommy’s arms

• when daddy/mommy knows my stuffie’s names!

• “awww you’re so tiny”

• “do you wanna play with your stuffies with me?”

• “looks like somebody needs naptime!”


Tips on Little Space

Hey little friends! I get a lot of asks and messages from you all asking for advice on slipping into littlespace! Sometimes it’s hard for us due to stress, anxiety, or over thinking! So fear not, I’ve decided to make a little list with some helpful tips I hope this helps some of you, and feel free to add any tips of your own!

Start your littlespace adventure in a safe place where you know you won’t be interrupted! Most people choose to go into littlespace in the privacy of their home or in their bedroom with the door locked.

Set uninterrupted time where you can get lost in yourself without it disrupting grown up tasks! An hour or longer is preferred so that you can take time to relax into the right state of mind. Try not to set too short of a time to where you feel rushed.

Surround yourself with soothing audio. Turn on one of your favorite movies or cartoons. You don’t have to watch it, but the background sound itself could help bring you into the mindset. If you don’t have your favorite movie or show available, then try listening to children’s music. Like lullabies or Disney soundtracks.

Surround yourself with stuffies, dolls, and toys that remind you of how cute and little you are!

Maybe try laying down on the floor on your favorite softest blankies and a paci or soother if you have any.

Build a blankie fort with lots of blankies and pillows and fill it with tons of your toys!

Make sure to have at least one activity while in littlespace. This could be small activities like coloring with crayons, minor popsicle stick crafts with glue, beading necklaces and bracelets, building with legos or blocks.

Regress yourself further with speech! Even if you’re just babbling to yourself or verbally playing pretend with your stuffies and dolls, baby talking has been shown to really help Littles into their special head space.

Dress up! Wear what makes you feel most happy and feeling little. Whether it be your fav onesie, a big over sized sweater or your fav tutu!

Eat little-sized snacks and drinks! Use sippies/bottles, and colorful or cartoon oriented plates and plastic wear. Try eating and drinking things you enjoyed as a kid. For me, it’s things like gold fish crackers, mandarins and apple juice or chocolate milk. I’ve noticed finger foods make me feel the littlest!

That’s all the tips I have! Just remember to be yourself, and try not to over think too much. We all have trouble getting into little space sometimes. It’s normal, and you aren’t any less valid because of it. Keep in mind, when you’re calm and relaxed in a safe place, slipping into littlespace will come with ease. Good luck lil angels


  1. scrapbooking
  2. slime making
  3. felting (be careful, felting needles are sharp!)
  4. popsicle stick crafts
  5. makingsensory bottles
  6. writing stories
  7. making fun shaped crayons
  8. crochet or knitting
  9. jewelry making
  10. making perler bead keychains
  11. pressing leaves or flowers
  12. journaling
  13. making shrinky-dink charms
  14. t-shirt designing (with puffy paints or fabric markers)
  15. paper chain crafts
  16. figurine painting
  17. origami
  18. making friendship bracelets
  19. decorating with stickers
  20. cross-stitching
  21. making collages

Get creating, kiddos!! ✏️

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