#ahahahahahhahahaha hahahahahahhahahahahahahahah




I’m seeing the new Star Wars tomorrow.

The Last Jedi disappointed me a lot, especially after feeling so hyped after The Force Awakens. I’m looking back at it now and after watching it again with a friend I realized I hated it so much because at that time in my life I wanted…NEEDED something to meet my expectations. And oh ho ho ho… TLJ didn’t meet any of mine.

And omg I was so!!!!! Fucking crushed!!!!!!! I was reading through my archive on this blog and I basically became a Star Wars blog 4 years ago after TFA. The Phantom Menace was the first movie I can remember seeing and growing up all I could think watching the prequels and playing Star Wars battlefront was how cool would it be to see a female Jedi…that was the mAIN FUCKING CHARACTER. And they did that!!!!! They fucking did it!!!! I almost LEPT off my seat during that scene where Rey force grabbed Luke’s lightsaber away from Kylo Ren. That shit meant everything to me. I was coming up with theories for the trilogy for months, it kept me up at night.

damn idk, I wanted more in TLJ. And I think…I think I just wanted more in life. It was my first holiday season being single since I was a teenager. I didn’t really know how to handle it in a healthy way. I was really into someone that didn’t reciprocate. My music career at the time felt like I had such a long long way to get to anywhere I actually wanted to be. I didn’t have a gig for months. I was in the middle of writing an EP and had no idea what I was doing. My friends were away because we all graduated that year. I hated my job so fucking much and I was there 90% of the time. My period started that week lol. I just needed sOMETHINg you know? And I remember leaving the theater feeling so so so lost.

I’m ok now, though. I’ve grown a lot these last four years. I love this silly franchise and I’m glad that I spent both my childhood and early adulthood captivated with this world. So I guess I have no expectations now. I’ve heard already that it’s the worst reviewed film in the franchise, haha.

But that’s ok. I’m seeing it with one of my closest friends at a great theater and I’ll enjoy the ride no matter what.

but if Daisy Ridley fucking kisses kyklo zan I’ll eject myself out of the theater

