#aheemheem whimper

gavinom:Witchs Heart CG redraw! original is under the cut :)Keep reading


Witchs Heart CG redraw! original is under the cut :)

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A digital drawing of Neftlix Matt and Foggy hugging, Matt is embracing Foggy from behind, faces squished a little, they are both smiling they are wearing suits. Colors are warm, sunset like atmosphere, pink hearts around them.ALT
A digital sketch in grayscale of Netflix Matt and Foggy. Matt is kissing Foggy's cheek, holding Foggy's side. Foggy is looking away form Matt, having a sad, resigned expression on his face, he's wearing a shirt, his tie is undone. Matt's eyes are closed and his brows are furrowed, his hair is untidy, he has a band aid on his cheek, he's in a hoody.ALT
One digital illustration of Foggy Nelson and Matt Murdock from the Daredevil comics run written by Mark Waid. The drawing style is similar to Chris Samnee's illustrations for those comic books, but with softer outlines, paler colors, and much softer shadows. The men are pictured from the waist up and are facing each other. Matt's shoulders are hunched and he is wearing his all-red court room suit, complete with crisp black pocket square. His orange hair is cut very close to his head. Foggy, nearly bald and wearing a gray hooded sweatshirt over an orange collared shirt, reaches up to pull Matt's face against his own in a snuggle. Foggy asks "Aw, did you you shave your stupid head for me, Matty?" To which Matt replies in a small speech bubble to the side, "N-- No." Both men's faces are lined with wrinkles and their eyes are shut, but Foggy has a weak smile while Matt casts his face half-heartedly to the side even as he leans in.ALT
Simple cartoony digital drawing of young Foggy and Matt holding hands, they are wearing oversized clothes. Foggy's on the left, blushing, smiling and looking up at Matt, he's wearing a checked jacket with a hood and a backpack, his pants are rolled up. Matt is buried totally under his 3 layers of garments, a sweater, a hoodie and on top of this all a puffy jacket. His face is half hidden by a sweater collar, the other half is covered by his red glasses and floppy hair.ALT
Netflix college era Matt and Foggy in a diner. They are sitting in a booth, both are laughing, Foggy is hiding his face in a crook of Matt's neck his had touching his face, other had is over Matt's back, his hair flowing by the motion. Matt's face is blushing a little, he is holding a milkshake in his hand, whipped cream flying out of the glass. Foggy's untouched milkshake is standing on a table. Colors are warm sepia like.ALT
A digital drawing of comic Matt and Foggy in blue tones. They are both blushing, both are in coats, Matt's collar is turned upright, Foggy has a checked scarf around his neck. Foggy's eyes are closed, he is smiling and taking. Matt is frowning but has a little smile on his face, hair is a messy quiff, he is slightly tilting his head towards his friend.ALT
One digital illustration of Matt Murdock and Foggy Nelson as portrayed by Ben Affleck and Jon Favreau in the 2003 film Daredevil. Foggy is seated and Matt sits perched in Foggy's lap with his arms wrapped around Foggy's shoulders. Foggy embraces Matt tightly as well, his hands pulling Matt closer at the small of his back. The coloring style is very loose, with a dull pink background, Foggy in mustard-colored suit and Matt in a brown suit. Their skin tones are left white except for small scratches of pink on both of their scrunched, blushing cheeks. Matt's glasses are red and his hair stands up and then curls over in all directions. His hand is directly atop Foggy's head, holding Foggy close to nuzzle his chin on Foggy's cheek. Both men have shut eyes and deeply content, close-mouthed smiles. A small flock of sketched white hearts circles above them.ALT
One digital illustration of Matt Murdock and Foggy Nelson in a soft style with rich, somewhat muted colors. This is the Netflix version of Matt and Foggy, wearing suits and ties. Foggy's hair is long past his shoulders and Matt is wearing his red, circular-rimmed glasses. The men are pictured from the shoulders up. They are seated close and facing each other, with Foggy leaning to rest his chin on his fist. Both men have soft smiles and Foggy's cheeks are rosy pink as he gazes directly into Matt's face. There is a comfortable, close feeling, like Matt and Foggy are focused on each other and not really paying attention to the rest of the world. A clear, warm light falls across their faces.ALT
A digital drawing in pink tones of young Matt and Foggy lying on a bed together, both are dressed casually. They are gazing at each other, melancholic expressions on their faces. Foggy is on top of Matt, his hands are tucked under his chin. Matt's one hand is embracing Foggy, with other he is touching Foggy's face. Matt's glasses are on top of his head.ALT
A digital drawing of young Matt and Foggy in green tones. They are sitting in grass, wearing casual clothes. Matt's folded white cane, his glasses, a book and a backpack lying around them. Matt's eyes are closed, he is sitting on his heels front to Foggy, he is smiling a little, and he is holding Foggy's face in both hands. Foggy is pictured from behind, one hand is resting on the ground, the other hand is raised above his thigh, the visible side of Foggy's face has a little blush.ALT