#aizawa shouta x reader


Unexpected Diagnosis

anon asked: I requested this a while ago but I think tumblr ate it. Could you maybe write Hawks comforting his S/O who recently got a diagnosis that’s freaking them out? I was recently told I might have a heart condition and it’s been freaking me out. If this isn’t okay for you to write then feel free to not write it. Thank you!

Characters: Takami Keigo (Hawks), Aizawa Shouta (Erasurehead), Usagiyama Rumi (Mirko)

a/n: I hope you are faring well and just know that you’re giving an amazing battle no matter the disease you might have, know I’m proud of you for being such a strong person and pulling through this. Also know that my messages are always open for anyone who feels like ranting or releasing pent up feelings, I’m here for you. Love ya <3

TW: bad diagnosis, no disease mentioned just the bad news, crying and breaking down.

KEIGOreceived the news through text. It was short and curt, a sign someone else had written it and not you. His heart dropped to his stomach upon the diagnosis, the files in his hands slipping away and spilling near his feet, eyes glued to the screen. He flies out of the agency and straight to the hospital, frantic labored breathing escaping his lips as he checks in at the main office and is led to your room. Your parent is standing outside, a troubled expression on their face as they clutch your phone in their hands. They step aside allowing him to enter, tear strikes on their cheeks as they quickly look away. You’re sitting on the bed facing the wall, fingers playing with your feather necklace, eyes blank as silent tears run down your cheeks. He sits next to you in silence, wings enveloping you as a shield and gently nudging you to lean on his shoulder, his fingers searching yours through the deafening silence. You begin to sob then, uncontrollable and loud, cutting off your breathing short and as he quickly brings you into his chest, he too feels your pain at the news. He strokes your hair, humming a small tune to calm you down, wiping away your tears with his thumb and leaving small kisses on your hairline. “Everything’s gonna be alright. I promise you we’ll get through this.”

AIZAWAwas there. He witnessed the doctor’s crestfallen face, your smile disappearing, how your hands trembled and your face paled at the news. He caught you as you fell to your knees, thanking the doctor on their way out and holding you tightly to his chest as sobs wrecked your body. The news were bad, devastating and right now as you fell apart in his arms he didn’t know what to tell you to make you feel better. So he didn’t say anything. He just rocked you both back and forth, arms tightening around your frame and letting you claw at his chest. No hero training could prepare him for something like this, in reality he too wanted to burst into tears. Right now he wouldn’t because you needed him to be strong, you needed him in these moments and you always came first in his mind. Kissing the top of your head he grabbed your hand bringing it up to his lips allowing his actions to speak for him. “Shouta I can’t-” “Of course you can.” His voice was soft and soothing almost as if he was afraid to break the silence. “You are the strongest person I know and if anyone can beat this it’s you. You’ll pull through, you’ll make it work.” He knew the sun would shine through, even if the sky seemed clouded at the moment.

The email came on RUMI’s phone. You had given the clinic her email address for some reason and she was the first to know. Reading through it, at first she thought they had made a mistake. This couldn’t be right… You were perfectly healthy! This must be a mistake. But upon continuing down the diagnosis she began finding things that had changed throughout the past few months. Symptoms that the both of you had taken too lightly blaming it on allergies, the weather, the strong wind or the rain that you had been caught in on the way home. How was she supposed to tell you? How was she supposed to look you in the eyes and share something like this? Dialing your phone number she asked you to meet her at your favorite cafe and order whatever you wanted from the menu while you waited. She found you with an untouched strawberry shortcake in front of you and a brightnining smile, not a care in the world. Sitting down, she intertwined her fingers with yours giving them a firm squeeze and running her finger over your wedding ring. With a deep sigh she began: “I have some news, darling…”

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Thy shall not sin where thy feast

Hi guys ! This is my piece for the bnharem “on the job” may collab! Really had fun writing this fic, ties to another idea that I had, so tell me what you think about it

(Thanks to my beta and Dad L for the help ✨)

⭃ Aizawa Shouta x Reader

⭃ 4k

⭃ workplace AU

⭃ slight Dubcon/ Power play dynamics / fingering / dry humping / stocking kink somewhere /


As the Department Senior Manager Aizawa was used with his coworkers asking for favors. You didn’t.

Just another day, just another problem he has to solve at the company.

It was Aizawa’s fourth cigarette in less than ten minutes.

Each time he brought it to his lips, he had to control the impulse of reaching into his back pocket for his phone, fingers itching and teeth grinding against each other in frustration, just another one of his bad habits.

He lets his arm fall back on the railing where he was slouching, resting on his elbows to relax but changes his mind not a second later when his phone vibrates. Again. He was seething.

He has twenty more minutes.

He will not pick it up.

The deep drag he takes finishes the cig in one go, the smoke barely staying in his lungs before being exhaled and quickly disappearing with the biting wind, his hair coiling and whipping around his neck and making strands get out of his half tied-up hair and on his face, making him even more irritated.

It was an ugly day.

It’s been raining all week with no signs of letting up, it rained all night again and the morning was cold, humid, and dark.

Aizawa could swear it was something with the rain. Every time the rainy season begins all staff starts to underperform to multiples degrees of —incompetence — that did not match their positions. from trainees to supervisors, all of them would one way or another drop the ball. fail to pay attention to a document, slip up on a deadline, or another rookie mistake.

As the department senior manager and with many years of experience, he was prepared for that, even when working at a branch and staff that was not his own, but today it was like everything decided to go and explode at the same time.

Corporate likes to give pep talks about how everything is connected inside the company. Everyone is an important cog in the big machine, and to that everyone needs to be at their best performance so everything could go smoothly. Well, for Aizawa that was indeed true, but with a different perspective.

One small mistake is easily unnoticeable. Two small mistakes are passable. Three small mistakes are fixable.

But a series of mistakes in the span of almost two months lead to a domino effect that now affected big clients, some of them in operations that interlaced with one another, the numbers not matching leading to errors that could cost much more than what they could cover — the damage big enough to affect multiple sectors.

Even Aizawa being a big name was still just one man. with his phone blasting all day and employees coming and going from his office, the entire floor was chaos, himself and others skipping breaks to try and solve this with the minimum amount of damage possible. And at least within the week.

However he was nothing if not a man who could make the best of every situation, including this one where he can see clearly the heads of department and managers were inept for their positions, not identifying the situation before it was too late leaving no other option besides him being the one to clean the mess.

With him in charge to pick the teams and managers for the new company branch, oh , this will definitely play a big role in his decision.

It was an ugly and stressful day and it wasn’t even past four yet.

Throwing the burnt butt at the small trash can by his side, Aizawa already has a new one secured between his teeth while looking for his lighter in the pockets of his jacket, letting out a frustrated grunt at not finding it. Another vibration from his pocket. Fucking hell.

He was able to control the situation enough with the managers to be able to take his first breather of the day, and his ground rule was to not bother him on his break, he needed this time to clear his head to come back and do his job right, and he knew they could manage without him for half an hour. he pats the pockets of his suit more firmly.

A curt noise that Aizawa thinks is a giggle covered by a cough interrupts his stressed spiral, making him look behind him to the wooden bench where you sit, stocking-clad legs crossed over one another and a hand holding a cigarette of your own covering your mouth.

Before he manages to take a deep breath to control his temper and give you a very curt inquiry about what was so funny, you give a quick glance to your side at the place where he was sitting previously on the bench. Where his lighter sat untouched.


There’s mirth in your eyes as he grumpily grabs it.

Aizawa and your interactions have been something -distinct- to say the least.

Deflated from his composure for reasons he himself doesn’t understand, he sits back at the end of the bench and lights his new cigarette while making a point of staring at the other buildings right in front of him, the chill wind biting his hands.

“Working late again today huh?”

He doesn’t dignify you with a full answer nor look, eyebrow shooting up in a sarcastic arc while smoking slower now, slouching over with his elbows on knees.


“On the bright side, this time we’re getting company for a while.”

Now this time Aizawa lets an amused huff escape, your sarcastic tone with that perfect amount of classic curated office politeness that you both live and breathe daily and seemed to be fed up with.

“You don’t seem to care to socialize much.”

“Since it’s always just me there it would be nice to give the others a chance to juggle pots and plants around to impress you a little.

He glances back at you over his shoulder. From the corner of his eye he sees the satisfied little grin you try to hide taking another drag yourself, one arm still crossed at your middle and shoulders hunching close, your blazer and pencil skirt doing nothing against the cold.

Your eyes don’t leave his during this time. His eyes do fall to your lips once or twice.

There is something to say about this dynamic that both of you developed since he was sent to supervise this branch.

You were just one of the many people under him that at the moment see his presence there as a one-time chance to get some steps up in the promotion ladder quickly if fallen in his good graces.

So a veiled competition was issued between them to see who could do the best job, handle the biggest client, deliver the best projects, all of this between trying to earn his favor and tear each other down in the process. Of course.

But you didn’t.

As Aizawa climbed ranks and the years passed, he learned by seeing what happened with coworkers old and new and even with him, what situations it was in his best interests to avoid.

As much as there is the abuse of power, there is the exchange of favors, and he had no interest in losing something he gave years of his life to for batting eyelashes from someone who wanted to use him as a stepstool.

When he thought he found a nice little spot on the rooftop that no one seemed to come and he could get some peace and quiet the first weeks he begin working there, he was less than thrilled the day when he went up the two flight of stairs out of the last floor from the elevator that gave access to the rooftop and found you already comfortably sitting at what he thought was his spot, drinking coffee and finishing a cigarette.

He learned to avoid encounters with female coworkers in places like this, he knew there were no cameras up here nor at the stairs, and that was something that could guarantee the safety of both parties over there.

Apparently, he was too deeply caught in his fight or flight instinct to notice you already finished your smoke break, and as you passed by him at door, you only give a polite nod with a “Mister Aizawa,” and you make your way down through the emergency stairs to the elevator on the floor below.

The next time he encounters you there he chooses to stay.

It’s silent most of the time, and when you both talk it’s mostly amenities, as if you are not at work, and he is not a superior analyzing your performance with a fine comb every day.

Shouta likes the change of pace.

There were plenty your coworkers could assume was going on between you. He was in the game long enough to know how this works.

Shouta holds his smirk back at your daring jab. It was a dangerous move you did right there, both of you knowing the limits of what could be said between you, he your senior many times by years and position, and if it was anyone else he would chastise them with a verbal warning, his stare seems to remind you of that.

But it did the job of distracting him from the stress of the job, your gaze silently conveys, low eyelids slowly blinking like a cat at him, strands of your hair also falling out of your styled updo and messily flying around your face while you hold his stare.

You really did, but your distraction ends up being one completely different from what you had in mind.

He breaks away first and goes back to staring at the skyline, swallowing and taking another deep inhale from his cig, a warm feeling coiling on his guts that he tries to distract himself slightly bouncing his legs with the balls of his feet.

Well. This was not exactly a first, but it was definitely new for him to actually want to act on it.

Shouta was an active man, and even when he found one of his coworkers attractive, he behaved as always because at the end of the day, coworkers come and go but the job stays the same and this is what you have to prioritize.

His gaze goes to his hand holding the burning cigarette, and just beside it your high heels and black-clad legs.

It has to be the stress. He takes a deep breath.

You are moving around now, he’s too distracted to notice what you are doing. His throat dries when your legs seem to part slightly. And they kept going.

It’s when you grunt that he sits back and looks at you fully.

You finished your smoke and were trying to fix your hair with a hand mirror to probably go back to the floor. The strong wind had whipped some strands out of it, and the more you messed with it by taking out and putting pins back, the sloppier it got.

Certain unspoken decorum rules must be followed. You were not supposed to be as comfortable as this in front of him to just go and groom yourself in front of him like this as if they are intimate. Is this one of those generational differences?

His gaze drops to the slope of your neck as you try and fail to tame and hold your hair down against the current, breasts are hugged by your tucked white blouse with your movements, and keep going to your hips where your skirt hikes up showing more of your thighs with you moving around. Those skirts sure are tricky.

You have to know what you are doing, Aizawa nervously thinks while messing with his cuffs. There’s no way you don’t realize what you’re doing.

Is this An opening?

You are professional to the core and from what he sees demure in behavior, but you still meet him in the middle in your casual chats, not lowering your head as his underling in your politeness and still having a playful streak around him. He uses your distraction with the mirror to admire how your smart attire hugs your waist, his phone vibrates again, but this time he barely notices.

To be so naive around a superior alone where anything could happen. He twitches inside his pants. You were lucky it was him there with you.

Aizawa’s reverie of your nylon-covered thighs is interrupted by your frustrated voice, although he quickly recovers pretending to look at the skyline just behind you, lost in thoughts. “Hng, I can’t- I have to fix this in the bathroom. I’m going down, you coming?”

You are already up and putting your things away inside your small purse before you finish speaking, and you pause briefly to look at him, hair in a similar messy state, burnt butt at hand, and a look in his dark eyes you couldn’t pin down.

Shouta doesn’t think too much about his reply with you looking down at him at his side, messy hair and messy clothes, and slightly hugging your middle because of the still harsh cold.

“Yeah, sure.”

As he calmly follows you back thru the rooftop exit, each step he takes is a step closer back to the chaos at the office, all the phone calls, reunions, and emails he would have to send for damage control at who knows what time today. And tomorrow. And if he was lucky, next week.

Both of you have a lot of work to do.

However, his eyes were fixated in the sway of your hips in front of him, the whistling wind loud enough to cover the sound of your heels. In a casual barely-there movement you give him a glance over your shoulder and go back at looking ahead of you.

Did you notice him staring?

As Aizawa reaches first and opens the metal door, you give a little nod as you pass by him, the same “Mister Aizawa,” as always. Professional. Nothing between the lines.

How long has it been for him?

He remembers a conversation he had a long time ago. At the time he just got promoted as a supervisor, and one of his superiors that took a liking to him treated him to drinks as a celebration.

“Lemme tell you something Aizawa, Shouta right?” The burly blond said, already well into his beers, “You are a very good-looking young man right? Haha! No need to be bashful! I do see the stares of our dear girls working with us every day, it happens!”

As the metal door closes behind him, the creeping cold is cut abruptly, the warmth from the building heaters reaching even the fire escape stairs, both of you exchange glances as you relax not realizing you were tense from the chill.

Two flights of stairs to the elevator.

“I too get some myself, but since you are showing more promise with each new project you get, I will share the sound advice that my mentor shared with me and brought me where I am today, and surely will take you very far in your path!”

He lets you take the front as always, and with one hand at the railing and the other holding your purse you make your way down the stairs with him a little far behind you, your steps echoing loudly.

“Since we are just two men drinking, no need for formalities right?”

The high yellow lights are weak compared to outside, but still, it throws your shadows far into the walls, looking down where he’s stepping is just instinct, and his gaze is just drawn to the sway of your hips that are right in front of him again, this time much more accentuated while going down.

He was about to chastise himself in his head.

You look over your shoulder at him midstep-you had to have caught him staring this time- and as you take another one, you give him a small smile, without breaking eye contact.

“Always keep this in mind: Don’t fuck where you eat Shouta. Don’t mess around where you win your bread.”

One flight of stairs to go.

Don’t fuck where you eat.

Well shit.

With three big steps, he reaches you easily at the stair landing, and before you could make your way to the second flight he grabs you by your wrist.

Halting in your steps, you turn around in confusion, looking up you are about to ask what’s wrong before he pulls you towards him at the same time he closes the distance, you are unable to make any noise as he bends down to kiss you with a vengeance.

You try to get him away, small hands pushing his chest to try and slip from his grasp but Shouta was quicker, getting a firmer hold on you with an arm encompassing all your back and a hand grasping your face firmly by your jaw.

He licks your lips trying to pry his way in, and again when he fails. Shouta is as headstrong as they come, and he finally gets his way when his big hand suddenly squeezes your rear through your skirt making you yelp.

He huffs in amusement as he tugs your bottom lip with his teeth. There was just something so different in kissing you, feeling you up, making you squeal. Aizawa didn’t know if it was finally falling into the taboo, or it was something with you. He growls low in his chest as he gropes you again and you whimper against his mouth.

You are not fighting now, just clinging to his jacket -as if he would let you fall - so he uses this moment to move you around, walking with you without stopping his exploration of your mouth until your back hits the corner of the walls at the landing.

his arms hold you as he crowds you with his body, and he pulls away, the kiss breaking sloppy and wet

with a heavy inhale as he takes your state in.

Your eyes are wide and teary, he’s hunched over you with an arm above your head against the wall, pinning your body with his own. swollen lips from his kisses and bites an alluring picture that only made him want to abuse them more.

You look scared, but not exactly. uncertain and afraid, but not really.

He brings his hand to cup your jaw, thumb brushing your cheek softly, neither breaking eye contact.

You keep your eyes on his while still panting. His drops to your lips once or twice as he rubbed his hard-on against your hip.

Aizawai’s free hand drags slowly up the length of your thigh, long fingers groping the flesh, sliding fingertips over your stockings like a map, and when they find the hem of your already dangerous ricked-up skirt.

he gives you a moment to acquaint yourself with the tip of his fingers slowly exploring the spam of your thighs until they reach their soft insides, you tremble as his cold fingers slowly caress their way up.


Aizawa narrows his eyes, gaze that had fallen to tour shivering legs now back at your face. his fingers stop going up, but they linger in place, staying right between your legs.

“Give a girl a heads up next time… a-almost scared me to death.”

He fucking knew it.

Shouta bunches up your skirt at your waist, all reluctance now out of the window with your confirmation in the open.

His fingers curl into the top hem around your waist and tug the stretchy material of your stockings down, peeling the black fabric off you until they were bundled at your knees.

Your head falls back at the first contact of his fingers to your clad pussy, the material wet and tacky. He squishes his fingers up against your puffy lips through the fabric, making you moan cutely.

“Does that feel good?” He murmurs against your ear, deep voice barely there but still making you jump and shiver all over, you nod your head panting with need.

Your hips thrust slightly by themselves at each pass of his fingers against your soaked panties, the material clinging to the swollen folds letting his digits give the good friction your little clit ached for.

Aizawa thrusts his cock against your hip in time with his fingers at your core, and his other palm cups your tits over your clothes, going from one to the other groping and squeezing your breasts.

He can’t hold his smirk when he feels your trembling hands bumping against his, undoing the buttons of your blouse.

He admires your pretty lacy bra for two seconds, the way they push your breasts up, before roughly yanking them down, his other hand still at your cunt giving your clit a mean pinch.

Your moan is loud, and Aizawa cuts it by kissing you hard and now you welcome his advances, he stroked your clit harder as you sloppily sucked his tongue.

You spread your legs as wide as you can when he bunches your panties to the side, he trails kisses down to your neck, when he reaches the base of it he gives a little nip.

his fingers are slow on you, spreading your swollen lips apart and your slick all around, His lips brush your ear.

“Yeah that’s it, spread ‘em”

He teases at first, drags his knuckles one by one slowly against your slick clit, so puffy and sensitive from all of the previous friction.

fingers squeeze and grope your breasts with gusto, feeling their bulge between his fingers, the squelching noise loud between your pants through the slick gathered between your pussy. Your breasts bounce so enticingly that Aizawa cannot resist, bending down and suck the budding nipples with his lips.

under his wet sucks at your nipples and his hand following after the rolls of your hips to keep flicking at your clit.

You gasp and arch, rolling your hips when his wet fingers push back down over your folds.

A wet sound follows the rub of his fingers over your clit and through your drooling cunt. You arch up, hips bouncing back against his fingers.

leaning down to messily lap his tongue around your hard nipple you gasp, mouth falling open at the sudden stimulation, he dragging his teeth across your breast.

your drooling, spread cunt finally finishes with a wet squelch, You gush wet and juicy against his palm, your little swollen clit hot all over.

“Gonna come with just me playing with your clit?” His fingers slip down your drenched pussy and prodding your leaking hole teasingly, the point of his fingers could easily slip inside, “What about here huh? don’t you wanna me to finger you good?”

You mewl again and pull his face to you, burying your hands in his dark hair and dragging your nails over his scalp as you ride your high.



Shouta takes some seconds to get his bearings. The cold helps.

You are standing at his side, puzzled stare in your eyes as you look down at him, messy hair and messy clothes and slightly hugging your middle because of the still harsh gusts of wind.

“I said I was going down, need to fix my hair in the bathroom,” the puzzlement now changes to slight worry, “Are you coming too?”

He blinks a couple of times, did he doze off? In the middle of a conversation no less?

He takes a second to process his surroundings and what you said. And two. And three.

He replies at thirteen.

“Actually, I’m going to stay a little longer. You can go ahead.”

You nod politely and give him a little smile,” Ok, see you around at the night shift, Mister Aizawa.” He nods back not really looking at you, only when sometime after he hears the heavy bang of the metal door is when he lets himself relax.

He slumps against the bench throwing his head back, eyes wide.

That. Was something

Your moans, the wet sounds from between your legs, the way your hips moved.

He takes a deep breath, fingers itching for a smoke, and leaves a deep sigh when he touches his hard cock resting over his thigh inside his underwear when reaching in his pocket for his pack.

He drops his head with a grunt, what is he doing?

“I’m too old for this shit.”

BNHA Imagine - Spiderman

A/N: So… Marvel huh? There was literally nothing specific that inspired this other than me just suddenly feeling like writing this AU. Also, this would have totally been posted yesterday, but I decided I was going to add Sero because what’s a Spiderman reference in BNHA without Sero.

Characters: Izuku Midoriya, Hitoshi Shinsou, Hanta Sero, and Shouta Aizawa x GN Reader

Genre: Fluff

Warnings: Mentions of harassment in Sero’s (reader and other characters get followed by someone) & robbery in Aizawa’s.

Summary: Either imagine the MCU or the BNHA universe, but the majority is quirkless so heroes are much more rare. Where, these heroes hear their crush mention or talk about their secret hero identity.

Word Count: 3.5K

Izuku Midoriya

  "Have you heard about that new hero yet?“ Midoriya had heard the words more than once in his school. But, it still shocked him to the core when he heard your friend ask you about it.

"Huh? I don’t think I have.” You replied.

Midoriya attempted to be just slightly more subtle in his eavesdropping. He looked back to the books before him; afterall, he’d been studying just moments before you and your friend entered the library. It wasn’t like it was uncommon for the two of you to come to the library; Midoriya was just really bad at not eavesdropping. 

“Seriously!” They exclaimed, “C'mon, look at this!" 

Midoriya did everything in his power to not look back up to see what your friend was showing you. He had a likely guess, though. The green haired boy wasn’t inept on social media; he kept close tabs on any public information that was spreading about him. Admittedly, it was relatively isolated right now: local news and posts from people mostly located within this town. In this instance, he’d already seen the video on his own and had been shown it by Uraraka. It was a video of him, (well, the masked hero "Veridian”) jumping across the tops of buildings and sliding down a fire escape before promptly looking at the camera after the person behind it yelled. 

“So,” Your friend prompted once the video presumably ended, “isn’t he hot?" 

Izuku instantly flushed.

"Kind of, but you can’t just say that after seeing one video of him.” You countered. 

“Well you haven’t seen the other videos. Hold on, there’s one where he saves a cat, and he’s so cute! Let me find it.” Your friend began scrolling through her phone while Izuku was absolutely burning in his seat.

“Kind of? What do they mean by kind off? Do they mean I’m hot? No one’s ever called me that before!” Izuku repeated mentally. He really hoped he wasn’t muttering those words.

“Oh, hey Midoriya. ‘Didn’t notice you there!” Once your attention was away from your friend’s phone, it seemed you finally took notice of your surroundings. Izuku wasn’t too far from the two of you, just a table away.

“H-hey (L/N)!” He returned the greeting. He failed miserably to hide the stutter, blush, or the small giddy smile overtaking his face. Midoriya wasn’t a completely hopeless romantic, at least. He’d made multiple efforts to talk to you (with varying levels of success), and you sat next to him in one of the several classes you two shared. Although, he wouldn’t boast his ability too much; Midoriya and you were acquaintances at most. 

“Look, found it!” You seemed ready to say more, but you were quickly distracted by your friend shoving another video towards you. 

His next words died on his tongue, but he could still feel a tiny smile on his face as he tried to make his brain focus back on his notes before him. Although, his attention was really on you. 

Hitoshi Shinsou 

   "Shinsou loves heroes– actually, he knows a couple heroes!“ Kaminari loudly declared while Shinsou paled at the accusation. He regretted this interaction instantly. 

Denki Kaminari was undeniably the school flirt– when they graduated in a year the title will be under his name in the yearbook. Kaminari went to every social event he had access to, talked to anyone who would listen, and was more or less the class clown. And, he was Hitoshi Shinsou’s best friend since middle school. The relationship was very obviously odd. Shinsou sort of disappeared in the crowds with his dark clothing and frequent silence, meanwhile Kaminari was visibly bright and could fill a room with just his voice.

Despite their differences, Shinsou wouldn’t really have it any other way. Kaminari was a good friend, and, no matter how popular he got, he never skipped out on Shinsou. But, at times like these, the purple haired boy really wished he could go back and just strangle the blonde before they could have even met.

Today, Kaminari had tugged Shinsou from their usual library spot to the much busier high school cafeteria. All the while, he rambled on and on with a mix of some much needed context for Shinsou. 

"So– y'know your crush, right?” Kaminari began.

“I don’t have a–” the blonde didn’t even let Shinsou speak as he continued, “Well, I just got sat next to one of their friends in Algebra, they’re cute by the way. And, they said I could sit with them at lunch. So, as your great best friend who won’t let you keep pining for (Y/N) for the rest of high school, I’m bringing you with me!”

“I have homework to do, though.” Shinsou tried to avoid the event he was being “invited” to. 

“Nope, now you don’t. Did you miss the part where I said you won’t be pining anymore?” Kaminari repeated.

“I didn’t tell you about this just for you to drag me around school and play matchmaker.” The purple haired boy attempted to dissuade the blonde with his cynical comment. 

“Must suck because we’re here.” As usual, it didn’t work, and they were standing at the entryway of the cafeteria

The blonde rather easily found the group, and Shinsou was just as easily ditched by the blonde to sit beside you. He could, maybe, forgive Kaminari for this just a little bit. It was pretty easy to strike up a conversation with you; the two of you shared a couple of classes, afterall. But, that goodwill ended instantly when Shinsou and you were brought back to the conversation of the rest of the table. “Hey, Shinsou, what do you think about heroes?" 

He wasn’t quite sure what led up to the conversation, but he answered normally, "They’re cool, I guess." 

"Oh come on– Shinsou loves heroes! Actually, he knows a couple heroes!” The only indication of what Kaminari was about to say was a seconds-long, telling stare.

Shinsou had to channel all his willpower in that moment to not get up and drag the blonde out of the cafeteria right at that second. He’d told Kaminari when the blonde found out about him being a hero, “I don’t want this to be a public thing, alright. It’s for my safety and everyone else that this stays secret.” What was he even trying to do by mentioning it? Make himself more popular? He promised in that same conversation he would never do something like that– no matter how awful he is at keeping secrets. 

“What heroes do you know?” Was asked on top of, “Do you really?" 

"He’s lying. I’ve talked to a hero that comes near my apartment, but that’s about it.” Shinsou countered. He could back that up, right? He’d talked to a couple of older, underground heroes, but he’d have to twist the story just a bit about why they were talking.

“No,you’re lying,” if looks could kill, Kaminari was six feet under, “He makes equipment and stuff for this new hero!" 

"Who!” The questioning shouts of your friends persisted. 

“Um– Mindjack…” Shinsou didn’t know what else to add about him– well, himself. This wasn’t what he planned for at all today, and Kaminari will be paying for it.

“Huh– never heard of him.” Relief flooded over him at the words of the first response.

“I guess if they’re new then there isn’t much out about them yet.” Another friend spoke. They were technically right, but it was more like Shinsou actively avoided any sort of public attention in the past two years he’d been officially doing hero-work now. 

“No wait, we had a real question to ask first,” Someone else said before holding a phone towards Shinsou, “Which hero is hotter?”

Shinsou had to stop his complete deadpan expression at the words just uttered. It was the person sitting next to Kaminari too– no wonder the blonde liked them, that was exactly something he would ask. 

“Uh– the left one, I guess.” He answered bluntly. Thankfully, it was enough for everyone else to head back to their conversations even as the bell rang signaling the end of lunch.

Instantly, his eyes were on Kaminari. He was trying to corral the group, more specifically the one person he had interest in, out the door as soon as possible. Kaminari had been friends with Shinsou for long enough to know the “your days are numbered” look, and he was wisely trying to escape. 

“Hey, um–” Luckily for Kaminari, a voice interrupted his war path towards the blonde.  You, who had been silent most of the previous interaction, finally began talking again.

“Do you actually work with Mindjack?” You asked.

“Yeah, I kinda do. I help– him make equipment and those sorts of things.” It felt odd talking about himself in the third person.

“That’s so cool!” You exclaimed, “I’ve been wondering for a while how things like that voice modulator work– oh, and the capture scarf too! Did you, or him, based it off Eraserhead? They seem really similar, but I’ve never really seen them work." 

The more you talked, the bright red Shinsou’s face flushed and his heart raced, "You know who Mindjack is? And Eraserhead?” He voiced his thoughts exactly. Well, more exactly would be the wonders of how you knew about his equipment. Had people managed to take pictures of him? When? 

“Well um– yeah, kind of. There’s a lot more interesting communities about the less– mainstream heroes, you could say. Sorry if the questions were weird, though! I get it if it’s private information and stuff.” You rambled your explanation. 

Heroes had been brought up only a couple of times the two of you talked, but he had no clue you were such a big hero fan. Much less that you knew a lot about underground heroes of all things.

“It’s not weird,” he quickly corrected, “Um– I have some of the basic designs I could show you tomorrow for the artificial vocal chords, that’s what the voice modulator is called. I’m sure Mindjack wouldn’t mind if you saw them." 

"Really? That’d be great, thank you so much!” You smiled brightly. Maybe, some of that forgiveness for Kaminari returned…

But only a little. 

“Seriously? I work with heroes?” Shinsou asked Kaminari, who was currently dangling from the ledge of their apartment building with Shinsou’s binding cloth as the only thing keeping him from falling the multiple stories. Was it cruel? Yeah. But, would he drop the blonde? Probably not. 

“C'mon, I didn’t say you are one! And, it worked didn’t it? (Y/N)’s super into heroes, and I saw you two talking after!” Kaminari explained. 

“So you were trying to set me up?” Shinsou spoke evenly. Neither continued rage or a new calm was particularly clear in his voice.

“Does that make it better or worse?” The other timidly asked. 


Hanta Sero 

   Sero’s rooftop swinging halted as a shout came from somewhere below him. It was a couple people shouting things along the lines of, "Leave us alone” and “Stop following us!” Neither of those phrases were usually a good sign. He scanned the area quickly before making his way over to the group he could see in the distance: it was a group of six huddled together with the perpetrators clearly being three guys following behind.

“C'mon, I didn’t mean to scare you away. It was just a joke.” One of the guys insisted. 

“No, it wasn’t just a joke.” One of the people in the group shouted back.

The guy previously speaking stepped forward, “Babe, I really didn’t mean it. Just come back to the party and–" 

He was interrupted by someone else, "Just go away. She’s not going back–" 

"I didn’t ask you!” The guy snapped and shoved whoever had interrupted him to the ground.

“Okay, now seems like a good time to do something.” Sero determined. From his previous spot, he jumped to the sidewalk– perfectly landing between whoever this guy was and the other group. Lucky for him (and his dignity) he didn’t mess up the landing as he did many times before.

“You alright?” He addressed the person who had been pushed first and– oh shit.  Sero recognized you instantly. You were dressed slightly differently from earlier, but it made sense; you had just been at a party after all. 

“Yeah, we’re all going,” You had mentioned during lunch, “(Name)’s going with her boyfriend, but I get really bad vibes from him, y'know. So none of us really wanted her to be alone." 

Remembering that information, he easily recognized everyone standing around him now. Your friend group was the five others behind him, and your one friend’s boyfriend was standing inches before him. 

"Thanks.” You accepted the hand he had reached out to help pull you up. 

“Everything alright here?” Sero turned his attention back towards the upperclassmen before him.

“Yeah, we’re fine.” The guy responded.

“Um– yeah, I’m pretty sure fine doesn’t mean pushing people to the ground,” Sero said, “Why don’t you go back to your party over there and leave these people alone." 

"This is none of your business, tape boy.” He sneered. 

“Cellophane.” Sero corrected. 

“Whatever,” he scoffed, “just fuck off already." 

He reached a hand up to push Sero, much as he had done to you, only for his fist to be wrapped in a heavy layer of tape. "What?” Seconds later, he was stumbling backwards towards his friends– Sero having kicked him square in the stomach.

“Let’s just get out of here, it’s not worth it.” One of his smarter friends suggested. 

The main guy muttered something before calling out to, presumably, his girlfriend, “You better call me later!" 

Sero had to hold back a laugh as one of your friend behind him whispered, "Don’t fucking call him." 

"Asshole,” You muttered as you watched the three guys retreat, “Thank you so much. Cellophane, right?" 

"Y-yeah,” he stuttered, “No problem! Just get back home safe, got it?" 

God, he sounded like someone’s Dad. He was so thankful for the decision to wear a mask and keep his identity secret.

"Sure thing!” You called back with a wave while a couple of other friends added, “Thank you!" 

He easily caught the ledge of the closest roof with his tape and pulled himself back up to return to his previous patrolling route. 

"Then he went like,” You demonstrated a kick as well as you could from your seat at the cafeteria, “and he ran away! I can’t believe he helped us, though. I don’t know what we would have done if that asshole kept following us." 

"Yeah, that is lucky. I’m glad you guys were safe.” Sero wasn’t the best actor, but he seemed to be pretty good at convincing you that this was his first time hearing of this. 

“Yeah, I’m glad too… oh, and the hero was nice too! Like, he helped me up and everything.” You continued talking about the hero.

“Wow, sounds like you have a crush on this hero.” Sero teased. 

“Hm– wouldn’t be the first time I fell in love with someone after talking once,” You replied jokingly, “I’m sure he’s cute under his mask, though.. Maybe I should try and get in more danger to get his number?" 

No matter if you were serious or not, a deep blush covered Sero’s face. Did that mean you think he’s cute? "Y-you could become his uh– archenemy or something, start robbing banks.”

Whether you noticed or not, you didn’t mention it, “Ooh an enemies to lovers thing, I like it." 

He awkwardly laughed, "Y-yeah…”

He was so bad at this. 

Shouta Aizawa 

   "Welcome in!“ You called out as Aizawa slowly pushed the door open to the brightly illuminated Cafe. It was one of the few places that was open so late and served coffee good enough to get Aizawa to power through the night.

"I haven’t seen you around in awhile, 'zawa.” The wait staff was nice too. Well, you’re the only person ever working at such a late hour. Also considering he was often the only person occupying the building at his very specific time, it was inevitable he ended up talking to you a bit.

“Been busy.” He took a seat down at the exact spot across from you.

“With…” You prompted him to continue as you poured his usual. It wasn’t too complicated of an order: plain, black coffee. 

“Finals week,” he sighed deeply, “Lots of grading." 

Aizawa, unfortunately, found himself settled as a highschool teacher. He would really rather be teaching college level courses, but he began his hero work at the same time he got hired for a part-time teacher position. So, now he was just a full time teacher coupled with nightly hero work, and he did not have the time to switch up his routine. 

"I feel you,” You nodded in agreement, “Well, as a student more than a teacher." 

You held up a messy notebook from behind the counter to indicate the studying you were doing prior. In the time you two talked, Aizawa learned that you had just recently returned to college after a many year break to finish the degree you dropped. The night job at the Cafe seemed to be your best bet for paying the simpler college expenses. 

"Don’t let me distract you, studying is important.” The man took a sip of his coffee. 

“Sure thing, sensei.” You teased, “But seriously, I needed a break anyway. I’ve been working on it since my shift started –no one’s really come in anyway, probably 'cause of the robberies and stuff." 

"Right, you told me about those. How’s everything been lately?” He asked. 

“Fine, apparently there’s been some sort of hero hanging around here and scaring guys off. So, maybe business will pick up again.” You replied. 

The question was really only a formality. Aizawa was the said “hero” hanging around, and he was, in fact, “scaring away” any possible criminals after you’d informed him of the robberies. 

“They’re probably hitting all the stores around. I hope there’s at least someone else working with me whenever they come by here.” You solemnly said.

“You can’t call the police?” Aizawa mildly expected the answer you would give. 

“No, they won’t really stick around unless they have some reason to believe it’s soon. But, it seems like the group waits a couple before robbing another place. That’s why they’ve just been hitting every store down the block in a row.” You explained.

With the renewed resentment he had for the local police force (that same resentment had pushed him to become a hero in the first place), he changed up his patrol area to hang around the Cafe. He wasn’t quite sure what the criminal group looked like, but he was successful in scaring off some suspicious groups so far. He kept a close eye on the Cafe too. If he saw anyone go in, Aizawa was on guard until they left. 

Was it a bit over the top? Yeah, Aizawa would admit to that. 

“At least someone is doing something around here.” He responded to your explanation.

“Yeah, it’s nice to feel a bit safer around here.” You smiled.

Aizawa went to take another sip of his coffee –only to notice that he’d finished the cup in the rather short time you two had been talking. Awkwardly, he placed the mug back down after pretending to take a final sip. 

“Want any more?” You seemed to notice while holding up the coffee pot.

“No,” his voice held evident disappointment at the denial, “I’ve had a lot today anyways, just thought I’d stop by.”

Yamada had become very serious recently with getting Aizawa to stop drinking as much coffee. “Only 3 cups at most,” the blonde English teacher declared, “Otherwise, I’m sending you home and you’re sleeping for the day.”

It was unfortunate the man was so good at talking to others, especially their boss, to actually make the threat a reality. He’d demonstrated so just last week. 

“Aww, thanks! I enjoy it when you come by, too.” You smiled. 

“Oh uh– I’ve been meaning to ask. Can I get your number– i-if you’re alright with that. We’ve been talking a lot here, so I thought that maybe it’d be nice to see you when I’m not on the clock for once.” You nervously added. 

Aizawa paused for a moment in contemplation. He hadn’t really given his number out in a long time, much less to someone he found himself interested in, and it was mostly because of his secretive hero career. The moment Yamada got close to him, it was only weeks later the blonde found out about the hero stuff. 

“This is different.” He concluded the train of thought before verbally responding, “Sure, here." 

You beamed as you pulled your phone out and put your numbers in each other’s phones. "See you around soon, 'zawa.” You called out as the dark haired man left after paying. 

A small smile came across his face when he received your first text only moments after he had resumed his perched spot near the Cafe, “good luck getting me to stop bothering you now >:)" 

Wet Clay (P.5)

Shouta Aizawa x Reader

Summary: You’ve got your own handful of problems- being a counselor doesn’t mean you can’t also have anxiety or feel overwhelmed by it all.

A/N: it’s finally here!! thank god!! and thank you everyone who was so patient waiting for the new part. i honestly had a lot of fun making this new chapter- i wanted it to be a bit longer as a Thank You for the long wait. I hope you all enjoy it, and look forward to the next chapter!

Word Count:5,500+

Tag List:@babayaga67,@cosmichorse95,@sugacookiies,@howthe-f-didigethere,@rintomoj​,@missadorable96

Part One|Part Two|Part Three|Part Four


Technically-not-but-still-technically House Arrest is finally over, much to your relief.

You, Bakugo, and Midoriya were finally freed from Aizawa’s punishment and proceeded with your regular schedules. And while Bakugo and Midoriya have a lot of catching up to do, the same goes for you.

Which you weren’t expecting at all, but you’re pleasantly surprised by a few students standing at your office on your first day back greeting you and asking for a scheduled meeting.

Slowly but surely, word of you and your practice has been moving around the school, which is exactly what you were hoping for. Especially since it got out that you were able to have a successful session with Bakugo, of all people, the students seem to suddenly have a newfound interest in trying therapy that wasn’t there before. It’s the progress you’ve been waiting for to report to Nezu, letting him know that students even outside of the hero course were asking about therapy.

Due to your agreement, you couldn’t give them a session. Your time was pointed strictly at the hero classes for the time being, but it wouldn’t always be that way. You had the interested students fill out a simple questionnaire once the idea popped in your head, which helped you immensely for your reports to Nezu.

They were simple questions, not asking anything too personal, of course. Things like, ‘why does therapy interest you?’, ‘what problems would you like to talk about?’, and ‘what are some of the things that stress you daily?’

The answers you received confirmed that you were right from the beginning- U.A needed a proper counseling team hired, and it would be best if it was sooner rather than later.

And on top of all that good news (though kids needing therapy admittedly wasn’t the best news, but at least it was being assessed instead of being ignored), Nezu agreed with you! After hearing and reading your reports on the students, he agreed to start working with you to begin making after-school programs and looking for professionals to hire. It would take a few weeks, if not more, but the beginning of your dream for U.A was finally taking big steps, and it was overwhelmingly exciting.

You haven’t been able to fill anybody in on your news quite yet, but your change in attitude was noticeable by the staff and the students. It’s especially noticeable to the staff when you come in one morning, cups of coffee and tea hot and ready that you had bought for them when they came into the Teacher’s Lounge before class.

Yamada enters with Kayama, whistling low as he quickly walks over and inspects the cups. “Ho-hey!” He exclaims. “What’s all this?”

“Good morning, Yamada,” you smile at him and nudge a cup his way, which he takes with a gleeful hum. “I was just feeling good this morning and I’m really thankful to how much everyone has helped me settle in, so I figured I could buy everyone a drink.” Kayama walks up as well, grabbing one of the teas, surprising you with her choice.

She notices, a deep frown on her lips. “You tempt me, honey, but I have to watch my figure!” She gestures to her body, which is on full display at all hours. Not that you’re a prude, but it makes you wonder how the pubescent boys and girls feel while in her presence. You’re not envious of them. “But I appreciate you very much, thank you.”

“It’s no problem, I’ll make sure to try and get something better for you next time,”

“Oh, don’t worry! A little tea won’t hurt me.” Kayama quickly waves off your concerns and she sits on one of the chairs available in the admittedly small room. “So? Why’re you so happy?” She raises an eyebrow, and before she can ask-

“Nothing that you’re assuming, I’m sure,” you tell her quickly. “Truthfully, it’s because my work is going well. My tenure here might actually be useful- Nezu and I are talking specifics on hiring other counselors, now.”

Yamada cheers, as loud as ever, “really?! Good job!” He wraps an arm around you and shakes you- if the coffee hadn’t woken you up before, you were surely awake now with his energy! “Does that mean you’ll be staying?” Kayama perks up from her seat.

“Oh, does it? It would be so nice to keep you around longer!”

“I’m not sure about that,” you laugh uneasily, “what the students really need is someone that can be fully devoted to them and their needs, you know? I can’t give that to them while I’m still working as a counselor on the side, and I’m really not sure if I can give up that job.”

“Aw,” Yamada frowns, keeping his arm secure around your shoulder as he looks down at you. The man was freakishly tall, honestly. “Shouta will be so bummed. Do you know how long your tenure lasts?”

“I sort of hoped you were giving up on that,” you deflate. “But, no, I’m not very sure. But it’s probably not for much longer. A month more, maybe two at most. Then I’ll be leaving.”


You and Yamada turn your head towards the door, and you get a face full of his hair, making you sputter and sneeze as he laughs at you and apologizes (but it doesn’t sound like he’s sorry). You shove him away so you can actually look at Yagi, dressed in his usual baggy, bright yellow suit.

“Morning, Yagi,” you greet him tiredly. If you said before that you were energized by Yamada’s behavior, you take it back now. He’s actually exhausting. “Yes, eventually. I’m not officially hired, you know.”

“I must have forgotten,” Yagi mumbles under his breath, looking equally tired but thankful as you nudge a cup of tea his way and he takes a long sip. You remember him telling you that coffee was one of the things on his long, long list that his stomach couldn’t handle. “I’m getting too old, probably.”

“How old are you, anyway?” Kayama asks from her seat and Yagi smiles.

“That’s a good question,” he says, and then looks to you. “You’re leaving in a month or so, though? That’s unfortunate, Shouta will miss you.”

“That’s what I said!”

“Nice job avoiding the question, pro-hero,”

“I swear the two of you never quit it!”

The three of you talk over one another at the same time, and after a moment’s silence, burst into laughter together. Despite everything, these people had quickly become your friends, and chatting with them like this every morning was a part of what made the extra stress and work all worth it. “I’ll miss allof you when I have to leave, I mean it,” you tell them once the laughter subsides, and Kayama coos.

“We’ll miss you, too. I’m sure the students will as well, you’ve grown on them.”

“That’s true… I don’t feel good about the whole making-a-relationship-and-bowing-out thing. It takes a long time for a child to feel comfortable talking to you about their issues, and I finally have that! And now that I’d have to leave…” You sigh heavily as you rest against one of the tables, crossing your arms at your chest.

“Give it some more thought, then,” Kayama suggests. “Everyone would be happy to keep you around, including Nezu. Think about all your options before you make any decisions.”

It’s good advice, but the truth is, you’ve already done that.

The time you’ve spent at U.A has been amazing, yes, but you’ve never been more overworked in your life. The stress of keeping up your two professional jobs has you tossing and turning at night, and the burden of feeling like you’re going to let everyone down isn’t good for your mental state, either. For your own health, you can’t keep working the way you are now.

You’re going to have to choose. And it hurts you more than anything.

Despite all of that, you smile at Kayama. “You’re right,” you say, and you try not to sound as tired as you feel, “I’ll think about it.”


The first thing you have to do with your new duties from Nezu is put together after-school affairs. He doesn’t give you a lot to go off of- he just wants you to put together some sort of event or club that the students can go to after hours that will be good for them. Nezu is nice, but he gives you too much freedom. It’s hard to create ideas all on your own and be the judge on if they’re worth the school’s time and money or not.

You’ve thought of several things. The thing you’re trying to do is create an original idea that isn’t purely formed around therapy , per se, but a way for students to vent their problems in a healthy and calm environment. Your best idea has been a little something you called ‘food for thought’, a baking club students can go to where they can learn to bake and cook a variety of simple dishes, and while they bake, everyone gets a turn talking about something that’s bothered them or that they’re working through, no judgment. It can be a bit therapeutic to cook in general for some people, and if you gave students the chance to vent during that time, you think it might be something healthy and fun. And then they could all eat snacks afterward.

…But you doubt yourself again and think about scrapping the idea. There’s too many variables- some students might not like the idea of group therapy like that, and some students might abuse the club by coming only for treats and ruin it for everyone else. Plus, not everyone likes to cook.

You groan and deflate in your seat, laying face-down on your desk. This is too hard…!

Out of nowhere, your phone vibrates. It makes you reluctantly pull your head up, grasping for the device and wincing at the bright screen when it turns on.

It’s one of your clients asking for an appointment.

You take a deep, tired breath in, and let it out slowly. Slowly you sit up in your chair and open one of your desk drawers, fumbling around for your planner and slapping it down on the desk as you open the text and start to ask for details.

Your schedule is crammed, a lot more than it used to be. You end up feeling guilty not being able to see your patient soon enough and give up some of your free time in order to see them. Not that they know that- they thank you and tell you they’ll see you soon, and the conversation is ended.

Somehow, you’re even more tired than before.

Eyes wander over to your plush, comfortable couch. It’s a tempting idea, but… the scattered papers full of drafts of ideas for an after school activity are staring at you, so you shake your head at the idea and try to focus on the papers instead. You can’t afford to nap right now, even though it sounds so, so nice right now.

Your eyes droop, but you can’t sleep. Absolutely not. Your shoulders sag.

You fall asleep slouched over your desk before you can even realize it.


Waking up is surprising, because you didn’t remember falling asleep. It’s always odd when that happens- opening your eyes and forgetting you even closed them, so it has you sitting there like, wait, what ? For a few moments.

You’re not even at your desk like you remember being. Instead, you’re laying on your couch- something you very much remember wanting to do, but you hadn’t. You’re alone in your office too, which is even more odd. You don’t think you sleepwalk.

As you slowly sit up and stretch your tired limbs, you look at the clock on your wall and see that it reads 3:20- school is just about to end.

Drat. You were hoping to get more done before now…

You suppose that’s fine- you can always work more at home and email Nezu if you come up with a great idea by the end of the night, but you sort of doubt that will happen. You go back to your desk to start gathering your things, but from the corner of your eye, a bit of yellow catches your attention.

There’s a sticky note on your ‘food for thought’ paper. Your eyebrows spring up in curiosity as you lean forward to read it.

It’s not much. It just says ‘good idea’ and then there’s, strangely enough, a doodle of a cat giving a thumbs up. It’s not the best drawing you’ve ever seen, but it’s cute.

Kind of strange though. A cat? Who even wrote this, anyway? Who was in your office when you were asleep?

You doubt it was a student. You’re not really bothered, but… the sticky note says it was a good idea. You were doubtful about it, but the second opinion makes you rethink your decision.

Maybe it wasn’t that bad of an idea? According to the mysterious cat-doodler.

Hm. You pocket the sticky note, and then put the paper with details of your idea in your bag as you continue to pack up. Maybe if you run into one of the teachers on your way out, you can ask them what they think. You should have thought about that earlier, to be honest.

Quickly you pack up and lock your office. You’re going to miss the train home if you don’t hurry, after all, and you want to get out of the building before the bell rings and the students crowd the halls.

Fortunately, though, you spot Cementoss- Ishiyama- at the front doors, and you wave to catch his attention.

“Ishiyama! You’re heading out, too?”

The cement-like man looks toward you, and he walks through the doors, holding it open for you. “Mm. I need to make it to an appointment,” he says simply.

“I see. You wouldn’t mind if I ran an idea by you really quick? It’s for the kids.”

He shakes his head. “Not at all, I just needed to get out before the children did.” You grin and tell him you were doing the same- and then you tell him about your after-school baking idea.

By the time you finish telling him the small details, you’ve walked to the school’s parking lot and Ishiyama looks interested in what you have to say. “I don’t think that’s a bad idea at all. It’s creative, and I think the students would like having something to do besides sitting in a circle and talking.”

“Right!” You animatedly burst for a second- and then bashfully smile at your outburst. “That’s what I was trying to do. I’m glad to hear that it might be worth it. For hires, we could maybe hire a cook, and then the therapist who’d be willing to lead the conversation. That’s where my worry comes in- we’d be paying two people at most, along with spending money on ingredients…”

“Ah, I don’t think you’ll have to worry about that,” Ishiyama says, and he slowly comes to a stop in front of what is probably his car. It’s a big, heavy looking vehicle- which kind of makes sense. The guy probably weighs a lot and needs something he won’t crush into the ground. “We have plenty of ingredients and food left over from lunch time, and Lunchrush would be willing to chip in. It could be something that’s held once a week, maybe.”

“Ah, you’re right. I guess I just didn’t want to assume anything on his part, since he already does so much.”

Ishiyama laughs. “You’re very considerate, but don’t let that get in the way of exploring your ideas. And don’t let Nezu scare you- he’ll let you know if it works or not. If it doesn’t, that’s fine. You’re not wasting his time.”

The words are, quite frankly, reassuring. You didn’t realize how much you needed to hear that, and your body naturally relaxes a bit. “Yeah,” you smile at him, “you’re right. Thanks a lot, Ishiyama. I’ll let you go now- good luck with your appointment!” You wave at the cement-man as he enters his car, but right before he closes the door, you suddenly remember something as you light up. “Oh! I had one more question?”

He looks up at you as he keeps his door open.

“Do you know anyone that likes cats?”

The question is an odd one, and his cemented eyebrows raise in surprise, but you don’t really have a proper explanation. Ishiyama thinks about it, and then he says, “the only person I know who actively likes cats is Aizawa.”

It’s your turn to be surprised. Really? You had no idea.

“Huh,” you say aloud. “Well- anyway, thanks a lot for your input! I’ll see you tomorrow!”

You wave off Ishiyama as he drives off, and once he’s gone, you pull out the sticky note still in your pocket. Aizawa likes cats, huh…? He might have been the person who looked over your paper, then, and he probably moved you over to the couch when you fell asleep at your desk.

The thought makes your chest warm. That was certainly nice of him, if that’s the case. But- ah!

The school bell rings, and you jolt into action. If you’re not quick, you’re going to miss your train home!


Your phone had died on the train ride home.

It was tragic, honestly, because that meant you didn’t have anything to distract yourself with as you swayed in the crowded cart during your long ride home. No music, no texts, no articles… you busted yourself by reading the ads on the ceiling of the train, but there was only so much to read, honestly.

By the time you got home, you quickly plugged in your phone and started to make yourself some dinner. It wasn’t until after your dinner, which was just some quick and easy curry and rice from a package, that you were able to look at your phone again.

There’s several text messages waiting for you.

Some of them are from Yamada, and then there’s a few from a client of yours. But there’s an odd contact among them that you never saw in your messages.

Who knew Shouta actually texted people? He seems like the call-only type.

You click on his messages first. There’s three of them, all sent at different times during the day.

Shouta (7:43am): Thank you for the drinks. Glad to hear your work is going well.

You wonder who told him, but you figure it was probably Yamada.

Shouta (1:30pm): If you keep sleeping during work hours, you’re going to want to get a sleeping bag.

So it was him who was in your office! You should have known he’d be a cocky bastard about it, too.

Shouta (4:10pm): Bakugo only yelled five times today?

The last one was kind of funny. Without thinking, you reply back to him.

You (6:45pm): Thanks for the sleeping bag idea, but I’ll pass for now. It was sweet of you to move me to the couch, but next time you’ll need to wake me up instead!

You (6:45pm): Did you see Bakugo go anywhere after class?

Surprisingly, you don’t have to wait at all for his reply.

Shouta (6:45pm): You looked like you needed it.

Shouta (6:46pm): He didn’t go to his dorm, but he stayed on campus. Why?

Hmm. You wiggle on your bed, plugging your phone out of its charger so you can relax in a comfortable position as your fingers tap on the screen.

You (6:47pm): I guess if anyone’s a good judge of someone’s need for sleep, it’s Mr.Baggy Eyes, huh? Go figure

You (6:47pm): also, that’s confidential. But I think he deserves a lollipop at this point. Bakugo cares a lot more than he likes to show, but the fact he’s actually thinking about our session and considering some new methods says a lot about his character. Thanks for telling me.

Shouta doesn’t say anything after that, at least not right away, so you move on and look at your other messages. Yamada’s are a bunch of absurd internet pictures, so nothing too important, and your other client who texted you is asking for a reschedule.

It takes a bit of back and forth with your client until you eventually decide on a new date where both of you have time- thankfully, it didn’t require you taking time out of your weekend more than you already have. By the time you’re done, you have one new message from Shouta.

Shouta (6:56pm): You’re right about that. Bakugo is difficult, but with some help, he’ll be able to do a lot for society. Hopefully you’ll be around enough to see him change. His trust doesn’t come easy.

The words make a heavy feeling in your stomach drop. Without meaning to, Shouta has stabbed you in the gut with guilt, and you’re feeling even more about your decision to leave U.A.

How could you leave, really? The students need you- but so do your clients.

Stress builds up in your shoulders again, and staring down at Shouta’s message, your head swarms with bad thoughts.

Anxiety and discomfort rolls over you in waves.

And you don’t really have anyone to confide in. Part of you feels like talking to Shouta- but you’re not really that close to each other yet. You doubt he wants to hear your complaints about work.

Shouldn’t you be grateful for your opportunity?

You blink as you barely make a reply, and then you toss your phone to the side once you turn it off. Your eyes look at the ceiling of your room, and despite the exhaustion deep in your bones, you’re suddenly wide awake.

You feel like you won’t be going to sleep tonight, as much as you would like to.

You (7:08pm): You’re right. I’ll try my best.


Coming into work the next morning is dreadful. The only thing keeping you awake and mildly aware of your surroundings is the caffeine that’s running through you- you’ve drank so much coffee and energy drinks that you wouldn’t be surprised if it’s a part of your bloodstream at this point. You look like a mess, but there’s work to be done.

It’s Friday, which is usually nice, because Saturday is your only day off. But you sacrificed your Saturday for a session tomorrow, so there’s no promise of a break for you for at least another week.

Overnight, due to your lack of sleep, you thought of three other ideas for after-school activities the students might like, and you sent all of them over to Nezu once the sun began to rise and you decided it was an appropriate hour to message him. He hasn’t gotten back to you yet, but that’s unsurprising.

With nothing else to do, you got on the train early enough that it’s not even that crowded. You still can’t find a seat, but that’s fine. You’re afraid if you sit down and relax for more than a moment, you might fall apart.

Hence why you’re heading to work several hours early. Hopefully you’ll be able to pull yourself together before work starts.

You stumble a bit each time the cart shakes when it comes to a stop, but eventually you get off and walk to U.A. It’s practically empty, which is also unsurprising, but the doors are open for you, so that’s good. You were a bit worried it might all be locked down.

As you head to your office, it’s eerily quiet in the building. Beside the sound of your shoes tapping on the floor, there’s nothing. It’s a bit unsettling.

Maybe that’s just because you haven’t slept at all recently and your anxiety is through the roof at the moment. Who knows? Regardless, you make it to your office with no issues. But when you open the- unlocked- door, you jump.

And then you slam the door shut with a surprised scream.

“Oh my god!” You yell at the door, and you can hear the people scrambling from inside your office. “What’re you doing?! On my couch?!

Kayama speaks up, her voice just a lilt higher than it usually is. “Would you believe me if I said it was nothing??”

“No! No I wouldn’t!” You yell back, and you rub your eyes with the heel of your palms. “I will never be able to wash my eyes from what I just saw, Jesus-“

“We’re sorry!! You’re really early!”

“Do you always do this shit on my couch?! I have students sit on that thing- oh my GOD, I was laying on it yesterday!”

No- we swear-“

And then suddenly, as if from nowhere, Shouta is coming from around the corner with his face twisted up in confusion. “What’s going on?” He asks as he walks up to you, and you gesture angrily toward your closed door.

“Yamada and Kayama were fucking on my couch!”

“No we weren’t!!” Yamada’s screechy, way too loud voice denies.

“Yeah, tell me that again as if you’re not scrambling to put clothes on right now.” You huff, and Shouta’s eyebrows have successfully disappeared beyond his hairline. “Did you have any idea about this?” You look toward him, a hateful look in your eye- but he quickly shakes his head.

“I just got here. I was actually- well.” He looks toward your office. “I was going to nap.”

“ Lord - does everyone use my office as they so please? Do the keys I own mean nothing?”

Yamada wails, “we’re sorry- “

“Shut! Shut it!” You snap.

This is the worst. You have had no sleep, no food. You’re overworked and stressed enough as is- this was just the last straw.

“Clean up my office. Get rid of all your ridiculous germs- the door, my desk, the couch- anywhere the two of you touched needs to be squeaky clean or else.”

You’ve never been the type to really get mad, especially at your friends. Especially at friends who you haven’t even been friends with for less than a year. You try to keep your cool. This was just… bad timing.

“Yes, right. We promise,” Kayama says from beyond the door.

“And you-“ you point at Shouta, who is more than a bit surprised at your tone, and his face shows it. “You haven’t had sex in my office, have you?”


“Good.” You let out a frustrated breath. “Then you’re invited to get breakfast with me so I can cool down while those two put themselves together.”

He doesn’t really need much more convincing. He’s already walking by your side as you turn around, walking much faster than you normally do as you head for the front doors.

Shouta walks a bit faster and opens the door for you, too, which you barely mumble a thanks for.

It’s quiet as you walk down the sidewalk in the early morning, but eventually Shouta speaks up, keeping up with your pace easily. “Do you know where you’re going?”

You stop in your tracks.

“No.” You bite your lip as you frown, and you truthfully can’t even look at him. Instead, you keep your eyes on the ground, at the pebbles on the ground. “Do you know anywhere to go?”

“…Yeah. Follow me,” his voice is surprisingly soft as he reaches forward and nudges your arm his direction, and you both turn around as he takes the lead. You don’t walk for long, crossing a few streets and making a few turns, until you’re at the same place that Shouta brought you to last time.

The familiarity as you enter the restaurant makes you relax just a little bit.

“So,” Shouta starts once the two of you sit at a booth. A waiter handed you both a menu, but you haven’t opened it yet. “You’re not usually so tense.”

Shouta doesn’t make meaningless observations, you know that much about him. He’s inviting you to talk about why you’re acting strangely, and you’re tired enough that you take the bait.

You vent. You vent and vent and vent about everything you’ve been feeling lately- stressed from two jobs, guilty for having to leave, not wanting to leave, tired, upset you have to give up your free time, upset you can’t talk to anybody about your feelings, anxious that you’re not good enough- all of it.

You’re a therapist, so you know how important it is to communicate your feelings, but you haven’t been doing it for yourself. You should know better, but it’s hard. You tell all of that to him too, even though he didn’t ask for any of it.

He gave you an opportunity to speak, so you did. All of it.

And by the time you’re done, your food (which you don’t even remember ordering, so Shouta must have done it when you were busy ranting) is sitting hot in front of you and ready to be eaten. You feel like a hot pile of blubber by the time you’re done, releasing a big sigh full of all the ghosts that have haunted you the past few days. And then you stab your fork into your food, and it feels oddly gratifying.


Shouta just barely moves his head as he closes his eyes- a fairly weak version of shaking his head as a way to deny your apology. “I’d be on my last wire if I saw Nemuri and Hizashi fucking, too.”

Despite yourself, you snort.

“I know you haven’t worked at U.A for long, but if you wanted to ask for a day off, I think Nezu would be willing.” You barely open your mouth before he’s already shutting down your argument, “you want to help the students, and I understand that. But how much are you going to help them in this state? You can’t do anything if you’re doubting yourself and you’re sleep deprived on top of it all.”

Brutally honest, but they’re words you needed to hear. You sink into your seat and nibble on your food instead of arguing with him, which Shouta snorts amusedly at as he eats his food too.

Once again, he pays for the meal, but you don’t really try to argue about that, either. You appreciate how considerate he’s being right now.

“You’re right, and you know it too, so I don’t really have to say it. But you’re right.” Shouta smiles as you play with your fork, food now finished. “I haven’t had a day off in so long, I guess I forgot they existed. I don’t even know what I’d do, besides sleeping a lot.”

“Sleeping is always nice,” He comments and you roll your eyes, because of course he’d say that.

“What do you do on your days off?” Shouta gives you a look and you click your tongue. “Right.” Sleeping.

“Could always go out of town. Have a day trip.”

“I suppose, but I’m not really sure where I’d go,” you hum thoughtfully. “I’m not really sure what I even like to do… I know I like spending time with you. But I guess you have even less time than I do to really go anywhere, huh?”

You’re too out of it to really think about what you just admitted, and you’re looking out the window so you don’t see how Shouta’s face shifts at your little confession. “If you’re fine with me being on patrol, we could go somewhere. That’s probably the best I can do.”

And you’re also not aware of how foreign it feels for him to offer his time up like that for another person. You really have no idea- you just smile at him and light up. “Yeah, that’d be fine! Just having a day out, walking around and all that sounds nice. Aw man, it’s kind of exciting now,” you laugh, your eyes squeezing shut as your nose scrunches up.

Shouta discreetly looks away.

“I’m not very exciting, but whatever you say.”

“Well, that’s true,” ow, “you’re relaxing. And I think I need to relax more than I need excitement, really.” Oh.

He just hums in response.

“Well, anyway. Thanks a lot for letting me say all that. It was really nice of you,” you move the subject along, rummaging through your things until you find your phone and click it on. “It’s still awhile until class starts, but we should head back and check on the two love birds.”

“Hopefully they’re decent by now.” Shouta rolls his eyes, scooting out of the booth with you, and with the food already paid for, you both walk out of the diner together.

“I really can’t believe those two to begin with. Did you have any idea they were together?” You look up at him as you walk.

“Honestly? No. And that’s on purpose. I don’t want to know.”

You laugh. “That’s fair.”

Shouta hums again in response, and the two of you chat some more as you head back to U.A together. It’s nice that you can feel a bit lighter than before, now.

But it’s notfair. It’s not fair that now you’re feeling better, a bit more energized than before, you completely miss the way that Shouta looks at you. The way he’s beenlooking at you ever since you were exploding with anger at his two best friends.

A look that’s a bit too akin to attraction.

pitter patter -> bnha drabble.

ᴀɪᴢᴀᴡᴀ × ꜰᴇᴍ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ

ꜰᴏʀ:@kirakirasaku’s 300 event 「雨の愛

ᴛᴀɢꜱ/ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ:18+, smut + fluff/smuff, cute soft sex, I tried to make the smut just a little more realistic, a dash of comfort because deep down we’re all a little depressed, semi-clothed sex, raw sex babyyy, creampie, pet names, he calls you kitty, rain themes, rainy date inside, 雨の愛/Rainy Love collab event entry, drabble

ᴀ/ɴ:cats don’t like the rain

18+ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ! ᴍɪɴᴏʀꜱ: ᴘʟᴇᴀꜱᴇ ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ɪɴᴛᴇʀᴀᴄᴛ!

Sheets of rain lash against the windows of the apartment as you stare, bare-foot and pyjama-clad, at the gloomy haze beyond the glass, rubbing your eyes. Your plans for a day out are clearly ruined.

“Well, that’s just brilliant,” you mumble through a yawn as Aizawa sidles up to you carrying two steaming cups of coffee and hands you one. You both settle in and watch the soothing pitter-patter of the rain and wind battering the windows. You grin over the curling steam of the cup. “That settles it, then. We’re having a rainy date.”

“A what?” asks Aizawa, sucking in the corners of his smile. The bags under his eyes are making him look particularly hot this morning.

“A rainy date,” you reiterate. “You know, staying inside, watching movies, snuggling up in blankets and making pillow forts. All very mature activities befitting our advanced years.”

“I see,” he muses, placing down his coffee cup and wrapping his arms around your waist as you walk past. “What do you want to do first, then?”

You lean back into his chest, stroking your fingers through his hair as he dips his head into the crook of your neck. “How about the pillow fort?”

His lips peck and your collarbone making you giggle. “I’ll get the pillows.”






“What’s the difference?”

“Pillows are from the bed, cushions are from the sofa!” you say, picking up a pillow crawling your way across the mess of things on the floor just to smack him over the head with it. He falls back onto the pillows with a whump!

“Oh, so it’s a pillow fight you want, is it?” Aizawa grins, picking up an arsenal of weapons as you squeak and try to crawl away, only to be knocked to the ground by a squishy missile hitting the small of your back.

He scampers over the pillows to you, pinning your hands above your head as you try to reach for something in order to defend yourself. With him staring down at you, your laughter and giggles fade, until you’re panting together on the bed of pillows, listening to the sound of the rain as the tension rises.

His eyes search your body, something darker behind them as he grips your wrists a little tighter. You arch your back and bite your lip, inviting his knee to nestle between your legs. A hum progresses into a growl in this throat as you arch your hips, grinding the apex of your thighs against him.

“Hmm, an eager little kitty today, aren’t we?” he whispers, your lips grazing each other’s. You nod and his mouth presses against yours, stealing your breath.

As you kiss and suck against each other, you feel his hands wandering down you body, pulling at the waistband of your pyjamas. You break the kiss, nipping his lip. “What about the pillow fort?” you ask.

A devilish grin slides across his lips as his thumbs drag at the fabric of your pants. “It can wait.”

His pyjama bottoms are bunched around his thighs as he pins you to the ground, flattening his hips against yours.

“Mm-fuck.You’re so wet for me already, huh, kitty?” His arms hook under your thighs, sliding your legs over his shoulders as he eases forwards, finally bottoming out inside you with a groan. He wastes no time, slow-thrusting deep into your pussy and pressing you down into the pillows littering the floor.

“Shou-Shouta,fuck. Don’t slow down,” you mewl, arching your back. He tugs at your top, exposing your chest and lowers his hungry mouth to them. His breath his hot on your skin as he sucks and licks at your breasts while his cock drags against the tightness of your walls.

“You close already?” he rasps. He grins at you whines beneath him, until you rake your fingers through his hair.

“Shut up,” you whisper, forcing his lips against yours.

His moans are muffled into your mouth and softened by the delicate patter of the rain as his hand slides down your body. His finger slips between your folds, stroking and encircling your clit.

“A-Ah! Mm!” You break the kiss and nip at his lower lip, and he chuckles, only becoming more relentless in his stroking of your swollen nub.

“Haa, that’s it, kitty,” he groans, as you tighten and flutter around him, squeezing his hard, tender cock. “Cum for me baby. I’ve got you, cum for me,” he coos in your ear as your hips roll into his thrusts and you begin to unravel beneath him.

He hushes and coos you through your high, kissing your lips and caressing the side of your face until he winces and groans, cumming thick, warm ropes into your quivering walls.

The apartment is quiet, the only sounds to be heard are the rain and thunder outside the walls and the shifting of bodies against pillows as they huff and pant together in a heap on the floor. Aizawa’s thumb runs over your lip as you look up through your lashes and giggle.

“How about that pillow fort?” he asks, leaning his forehead against yours. His hand seeks yours, splaying your fingers and interlacing them with his.

You plant a peck on his nose and then his lips, brushing his tousled hair from his face and enjoying the scratch of his stubble against your cheek.

“That sounds perfect.”

© ɪᴍᴏ-ᴄʜᴀɴ-ɪᴍᴀɢɪɴᴇꜱ 2021
