




Deregulation strikes again.

“Free market” capitalism does NOT care about raging forest fires, it does not care about endangering firefighters, it does not care about people dying due to lack of healthcare insurance. Unregulated capatilism cares only about making profits, apparently at any and all costs.

Californians! The state’s Net Neutrality bill just left committee (8/22) and went to the Assembly floor. Contact your Assembly member and tell them to vote yes: https://twitter.com/Celeste_pewter/status/1032469352501501952

the article: https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2018/08/verizon-throttled-fire-departments-unlimited-data-during-calif-wildfire

Remember this whole thing if you or anyone else ever starts thinking we don’t need net neutrality and ISPs are responsible enough to keep themselves in line.
