#akaashi x read


Short little blurb I thought of tonight! Hope you love it 

Sometimes Akaashi has bad days. Sometimes he just lays in bed before school, a slight frown on his lips. Another day of babysitting Bokuto. Another day full of making sure that his captain is at his best. And while he appreciates the bond between the two of them, sometimes he just wants to rest. Sometimes he wants to not have to worry about Bokuto. He just wanted to worry about himself. 

“Oh no,” you said in a playful sigh when you entered the boys room, “Did I walk into Emo Akaashi?” 

“You’re lucky you’re cute, Y/N,” Akaashi chuckled, raising the blanket so you could join him in the bed. You happily took your place, snuggling into his chest and resting your top leg across his legs. He sighed contently, pulling you closer to his body and placing a small kiss on your forehead.

“You understand, don’t you?” he asked quietly, almost ashamed of feeling this way. You looked up at the beautiful boy with a sweet loving smile and nod. You understood how he felt. Everyone gets tired, even the strongest people. 

“I get it,” you vocalized, cupping his cheek with your hand and forcing him to look to you, “Everyone gets tired and that’s understandable. People have limits, Keiji,” you whispered, stroking his cheek with your thumb, “Don’t be ashamed for being human, you can only act supernatural for so long.” 

“You think I act supernatural?” he questioned with a quirked brow. 

You nodded, “You have to be if you love me.” 

“I think that’s what makes me supernatural.” 

With pink dusted cheeks, your lips met his. His strong arms wrapped around your waist and hoisted you onto his lap. The kiss was passionate. It felt like snow days in elementary school, but with warm fuzzy skies. You couldn’t really explain the feelings that bubbled in you when Akaashi kisses you. All you knew is that they made youfeel supernatural. 

Our love made us supernatural.
