#alec lightwood imagine

Two Flies With one Stone: |Part 1| |Part 2| |Part 3| Your rest and recuperation lasted over two mont

Two Flies With one Stone: |Part 1| |Part 2| |Part 3| 

Your rest and recuperation lasted over two months, as the wound wouldn’t heal and close, causing a dangerous infection. Magnus had to be called in the middle of the night, his magical herbs and incantations saving your life once more. Izzy was helping prepare invitations for the wedding, making arrangements for the flowers and guest list. All in secret, as Maryse hadn’t been informed yet. Most of the time you had barely any energy to eat let alone suggest who should be sat at what table, but she wasn’t deterred. It was Izzy’s way of giving you the motivation to grow stronger.

When Magnus said you were well enough to move, you insisted on sparring to gain back some of the muscle strength you had lost. Alec volunteered to make sure you wouldn’t get hurt.
“I think this is a really bad idea.”
You grab a pole off the stand and roll your eyes, “everything I do at this point is a bad idea, according to you. Even going to the bathroom alone.”
“I-I just… I don’t want you getting hurt.”
“Your hovering is absolutely adorable.”
“Shut up.”
His cheeks grow red and he straightens into a fighting pose, you attacking him immediately. Unlike your usual fighting style where you use stealth and distance to take down your enemies, you decide on a different approach to trick Alec.

His pole hits your side and you double over in pain, holding onto your abdomen. Alec drops his training weapon and runs to you. At which time, you swipe his feet from underneath him. You point the end of the pole at him with a grin.
“Like I said, absolutely adorable.”
“You cheated.”
“I did not. I tricked you, that’s different.”

Someone clears their throat as you help Alec up, your eyes falling on Maryse. Since she announced Alec and Lydia’s marriage, you hadn’t spoken to her. And she didn’t attempt to seek you out either. Alec wraps a hand around your waist protectively, a notion that doesn’t escape his mother’s eyes.
“I see you’re feeling better.”
“Yes, much. Still not duty-able though…”
“That’s fine,” Alec plants a kiss on your temple, “you don’t need to do any missions.”

Maryse can see the loving bond shared between the two of you. How each would do anything for the other. Something she wanted to break up because she didn’t deem you worthy of the Lightwood name. It took months of resentment and arguments with her children for her to see that.
“(y/n), do you mind if we speak? Alone?”
“Erm, sure…?”
Alec doesn’t want to let go of you as he watches his mother leave the training room. He feels your lips on his skin, reassuring him. You make your way after her to the courtyard where she sits down on a bench, surrounded by fragrant white and pink flowers.

“It’s been some time since you’ve been outside, hasn’t it?”
“Yeah… Magnus said I was okay to move around, but I had to be careful.”
“Training isn’t being careful.”
“That’s why Alec insisted on being my sparring partner, so I wouldn’t get hurt. The others have no tact or regard, he said.”
She chuckles, looking at the flowers. Maryse pulls out a purple velvet box, your eyes observing her with mild amusement. You’ve never seen the woman so nervous before.

“I know you said you didn’t want our family name. But I thought… You might reconsider that.”
She opens the box to reveal a beautiful ring, adorned with blue diamonds in an intricate design.
“It’s a family heirloom. To be given by the suitor to his or her betrothed. Even I know what true love looks like and I’m… I’m sorry for all the grief I’ve caused you.”
She opens up your palm and slips the box into it, tears in her eyes.
“Thank you for loving my boy, (y/n).”
You wrap your arms tightly around her, a wide smile on your lips. Tears fall down both your cheeks in happiness.

Izzy joins her brother in spying on his fiance and his mother, conversing about who knows what with wide smiles on your faces.
“Your possessiveness is rearing its teeth, big brother.”
“Shut up. I’m just worried…”
“Don’t be… Mother finally saw the error of her ways. She even helped me made the guest list.”

Suggested by @rennyd-26

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Two Flies With One Stone: | Part 1 | Part 2 | |Part 3

Your relationship with Maryse was still strained after your outburst, but she somewhat accepted you as part of Alec’s life. Still didn’t like you very much, especially because you held no power in the council and there was nothing she could use you to advance her own position.

That’s why, despite everything she promised her son, Maryse decided to arrange a marriage between Alec and the newcomer Lydia who was appointed commander of the New York Institute. You had both just returned from a date when Maryse dropped the bomb in front of everyone. She was hoping to set you off.
“I have nothing to say to you, Maryse…”
You wanted to say so much more, express so much more anger and frustration and spite. But you were tired. Emotionally drained. Alec stood there in shock until he felt your hand slip away.
“You can’t do this, you promised you would stay the hell out of our life.”
“Things change. It’s for the better of the family.”

You gave Alec a weak smile and left their sight, Izzy and Clary quickly following you. They watched you slide to the ground at the foot of your bed before closing the door for privacy.

It was a week after Maryse’s declaration that you decided to go on a mission. Again, you were paired with Alec and Izzy. Jace told Alec to stay away from you because you were hurt, Alec noticed how empty your eyes were and void of the spark he loved about you. An empty shell. The bags beneath your eyes pictured a devastating image of a brokenhearted figure, crying herself to sleep every night. It twisted Alec’s heart with agony.

The three of you had fallen into a trap while on your way to discuss boundaries with Rafael. No one suspected that rogue vampires had known about the secret meeting. When the battle started, you were quickly outnumbered, but you needed to hold out until Rafael could come to the rescue with his own men. And just as everyone thought the coast was clear, someone pulled out an unknown weapon and aimed it at Alec. Time went slowly, your body moving on its own out of instinct to protect your loved ones.

The weapon fired, creating a deafening sound, one that stopped time. Your body hit the ground and blood poured out from the wound and mouth, the shot instantly causing internal bleeding. Izzy slew the rogue vampire and Alec fell to his knees beside you. He quickly hugged you to him.
“(Y/n)! No, no, no! Please, stay awake! No…”
A bitter smile reached your lips as the edges of your vision darkened.

Both Alec and Izzy were wrought with anxiety and fear that you might not make it. The weapon was something new to the Downworld market, it didn’t just fire magical bullets, they also ended up corroding the areas they damaged. Magnus was barely able to stop the process, barely able to heal you up enough so you could fight on your own. The Institute was in a whirlwind of chaos as everyone sought to determine where the weapon came from. Lydia was there for Alec, comforting him. When Maryse saw her son day in and day out by your side she started having second thoughts about the arranged marriage. But it was good for the Institute, she thought, this needed to happen. Feelings were just in the way.

“Are you insane?”
Alec rounded on her mother in the middle of the hallway.
“Excuse me?”
“You want us to proceed with this sham of a marriage while the woman I love is barely holding on?”
“This is important, you must understand that. And (y/n) might wake up or she might not. We need to think about the future-”
“No, mom, you’re the only one who cares about this. You’re the one who wants power. (Y/n) saved my life, she saved Izzy’s and I won’t abandon her.”

Alec left his mother’s sight, heading back into the room you were kept in, locking the door. Tears fell as his eyes saw your unconscious figure, all the happy memories resurfacing and the young man found himself wondering if there were ever going to be any new memories. Happy or sad. He wanted it all.

It was another week later when you finally opened your eyes. The full moon shone brightly, illuminating the room. Weakly you sat up and hissed in pain, holding onto your abdomen. The figure beside you moved but didn’t wake. Your eyes fell on Alec who even in his sleep looked stressed and distraught. Caressing his cheek, he grabbed your wrist a little too harshly, making you gasp. Eyes snapping open, Alec saw you awake for the first time in two weeks. He was quick to pull you into his embrace.

His body was wrecked in silent sobs, tears falling onto your shirt.
“I was afraid… Afraid you’d never wake up.”
“I heard your voice calling out… Every night. You haven’t really been taking care of yourself, have you?”
“I don’t care. You’re awake.”
You chuckled and laid back down, his head on your chest, listening to your heart. You took hold of his hand, playing with his fingers with the intent of finding out if Maryse made him marry Lydia while you were in a coma. Alec smiled brightly and kissed up your neck to your ear.
“Marry me.”

You observed Alec for a long moment before you nodded, wide smiles on your lips.
“What about Maryse?”
“She’ll accept it. Otherwise, we’ll put in transfers for another Institute.”
“What about Jace and…”
“I want to spend the rest of my life with you. And no one’s gonna stop me.”

Requested/suggested by @rennyd-26.
