#alegeri parlamentare

I hate it when others say who to vote for. I’m not going to do that. I will ask who you should

I hate it when others say who to vote for. I’m not going to do that. I will ask who you should not vote for. Please remember who legalized corruption, who became very rich and who at the same time made Romania poor, who threw tear gas at children and the elderly, who have deaths on their conscience with their everlasting love for corruption, who literally said ‘fuck you’ to the Romanian people, who did nothing in three years in office, who protect each other until the prison takes them apart: PSD.

Vote for any other party. ANY PARTY. Of course, every one of them can be criticized in some way, but never as much as the PSD. Vote for the best party if you are an optimist, vote for the least bad party if you are a pessimist, but please go and vote.

Vote this weekend for change, and share this message of hope. Only we, dear Romanians, can change our beautiful country in a better place. Keep the corrupt out of our parlement. 

(Never thought I would say this in times of corona: don’t stay at home, go vote!)

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