#alex london


I haven’t done a reading update for a while!

Good book—reminiscent of A Marvellous Light. Author clearly has a size kink lol.

This was a conclusion to a trilogy and I really loved it! It was a murder mystery, and I always enjoy lighthearted mysteries set in the ancient world.

YA space adventure novel. I enjoyed it. This book definitely had the YA problem of like…I don’t really buy that these teenagers could pull all this off, but they are at least written like teens in other respects, and they were likable.

I didn’t expect to enjoy this as much as TJ Klune’s adult fiction, but…I expected to enjoy it more than I did. TJ Klune is verygood at writing in a teenage voice which I think was part of the problem. I repeatedly found myself cringing because the main character reminded me so much of myself at 15. It was too well done haha. I’ll probably read the other two though, because it was cute and well written.

Actually a really interesting dystopian novel about a world where everyone is cloned, and you only live until you’re 30. The plot is about a clone who has just turned 30, and when you turn 30 you basically age 1 year every day, then you go to die. He meets a man at a coffeeshop and of course the scales fall from his eyes and he learns The Truth.

Man I wanted to like this book more than I did. I loved the romance and the characters, but I kind of hated the writing style? There were waytoo many pop culture allusions and references, and they were often just awkward.

I liked this one a lot, despite the extremely contrived set-up, haha (seriously you guys, a divorce involves more than sending in some paperwork). It was a really sweet story and I loveromance novels with more mature characters. I also really loved that it featured a queer couple that wanted to live in the suburbs, and the acknowledgement that not all queer people want to be in the city all the time and clubbing, because some of us are introverts and like quiet.

Oh man, this book was SO YA. Like…the YAest YA that ever YAed. I liked it, and I mightpick up the sequel, but like…so YA. It was published in 2013, so clearly part of the Dytopian YA fiction wave. But it had an interesting premise, and I liked the two central characters.

AHHHHHHHHH omg this book was so good. I lovedThe Queer Principles of Kit Webb, which is Cat Sebastian’s biggest title, but I actually liked this one more. It’s post WWII and that’s just not a period I read a lot of? It especially doesn’t seem prominent with MLM romances. But I loved that setting. And I LOVED the two main characters, they were so good. It was my favorite romance dynamic, too, haha.

One of the mains has PTSD (never called that as the term didn’t exist). Considering how short this book is, the mental health stuff was really well done. I just really loved it. I ordered the second one in the series and can’t wait to read it.

Did not get what I expected from this book based on the cover (which is incredibly cheesy). This was a very sweet novella set in a dystopian future (lol yes I just called a dystopian novel “sweet”). The premise is that an algorithm chooses the best genetic match for people to marry. There are two districts in the city, one that gets all these tax breaks, and the Taxable District which is essentially a slum, but they have the freedom to live their lives the way they want to. The main character (who’s one of the well-off people) meets a man from the Taxable District, realizes he’s gay, and then takes control of his life to be with this guy. It was quite lovely.

Just started reading this, and I love it already. I loved Boyfriend Material but I wasn’t sure if Alexis Hall could do period romance. He can! This book is really funny.

Annabelle at Supreme by Emily Soto | Designer Alex London | Makeup/Hair Aliana Lopezwww.EmilySoto.co

Annabelle at Supreme by Emily Soto | Designer Alex London | Makeup/Hair Aliana Lopez


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Most Anticipated LGBTQ+ Middle Grade Fiction: July-December 2022

Most Anticipated LGBTQ+ Middle Grade Fiction: July-December 2022

The Language of Seabirds by Will Taylor (July 19th)

Jeremy is not excited about the prospect of spending the summer with his dad and his uncle in a seaside cabin in Oregon. It’s the first summer after his parents’ divorce, and he hasn’t exactly been seeking alone time with his dad. He doesn’t have a choice, though, so he goes… and on his first day takes a walk on the beach and finds himself…

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Paper Memory by EmilySoto Photographer Emily Soto | Designer Alex London | Makeup/Hair Alyssa Lorrai

Paper MemorybyEmilySoto
Photographer Emily Soto | Designer Alex London | Makeup/Hair Alyssa Lorraine

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