#tj klune


“His skin was hot, but Linus wasn’t afraid of being singed and blackened. Arthur would never allow it.”


Fire animation under the cut!

(Once I finished painting this, I had to see if I could make this little fire trick work. Not bad! )

“They were Wallace and Hugo, dead and alive. A great chasm stretched between them.”


I don’t have any excuses—I was just in a mood. This book tore me up and put me back together, especially this scene.

I haven’t done a reading update for a while!

Good book—reminiscent of A Marvellous Light. Author clearly has a size kink lol.

This was a conclusion to a trilogy and I really loved it! It was a murder mystery, and I always enjoy lighthearted mysteries set in the ancient world.

YA space adventure novel. I enjoyed it. This book definitely had the YA problem of like…I don’t really buy that these teenagers could pull all this off, but they are at least written like teens in other respects, and they were likable.

I didn’t expect to enjoy this as much as TJ Klune’s adult fiction, but…I expected to enjoy it more than I did. TJ Klune is verygood at writing in a teenage voice which I think was part of the problem. I repeatedly found myself cringing because the main character reminded me so much of myself at 15. It was too well done haha. I’ll probably read the other two though, because it was cute and well written.

Actually a really interesting dystopian novel about a world where everyone is cloned, and you only live until you’re 30. The plot is about a clone who has just turned 30, and when you turn 30 you basically age 1 year every day, then you go to die. He meets a man at a coffeeshop and of course the scales fall from his eyes and he learns The Truth.

Man I wanted to like this book more than I did. I loved the romance and the characters, but I kind of hated the writing style? There were waytoo many pop culture allusions and references, and they were often just awkward.

I liked this one a lot, despite the extremely contrived set-up, haha (seriously you guys, a divorce involves more than sending in some paperwork). It was a really sweet story and I loveromance novels with more mature characters. I also really loved that it featured a queer couple that wanted to live in the suburbs, and the acknowledgement that not all queer people want to be in the city all the time and clubbing, because some of us are introverts and like quiet.

Oh man, this book was SO YA. Like…the YAest YA that ever YAed. I liked it, and I mightpick up the sequel, but like…so YA. It was published in 2013, so clearly part of the Dytopian YA fiction wave. But it had an interesting premise, and I liked the two central characters.

AHHHHHHHHH omg this book was so good. I lovedThe Queer Principles of Kit Webb, which is Cat Sebastian’s biggest title, but I actually liked this one more. It’s post WWII and that’s just not a period I read a lot of? It especially doesn’t seem prominent with MLM romances. But I loved that setting. And I LOVED the two main characters, they were so good. It was my favorite romance dynamic, too, haha.

One of the mains has PTSD (never called that as the term didn’t exist). Considering how short this book is, the mental health stuff was really well done. I just really loved it. I ordered the second one in the series and can’t wait to read it.

Did not get what I expected from this book based on the cover (which is incredibly cheesy). This was a very sweet novella set in a dystopian future (lol yes I just called a dystopian novel “sweet”). The premise is that an algorithm chooses the best genetic match for people to marry. There are two districts in the city, one that gets all these tax breaks, and the Taxable District which is essentially a slum, but they have the freedom to live their lives the way they want to. The main character (who’s one of the well-off people) meets a man from the Taxable District, realizes he’s gay, and then takes control of his life to be with this guy. It was quite lovely.

Just started reading this, and I love it already. I loved Boyfriend Material but I wasn’t sure if Alexis Hall could do period romance. He can! This book is really funny.

So I recently read the the house in the cerulean sea by T.J. Klune to start in the pride month 2021 and I just love it.

I really enjoyed the characters and their interactions with each other. The kids are freaking adorable and (I want to adopt them all) the love story of Linus and Arthur is so so so cute. It’s really enjoyable to read

All in all this book is amazing and if you want to read a pure and heartwarming story I can highly recommend it to you!!!

Sooo I had to draw Linus and Arthur… just because I love their relationship so much!!! ☺☺☺☺

Tap for better quality.

The House in the Cerulean Sea by TJ Kline

Spoiler Alert: A man with 10th-grade English teacher energy and a man with slightly baffled substitute science teacher fall in love while taking care of the son of Lucifer and other very normal children (and they get ice cream!).


Im gay, sad and he knows it

The House in the Cerulean Sea by TJ Klune

Well then, this one has been a bookstagram darling for some time, hasn’t it? I have to be honest with you guys, I would not have picked this one up if it wasn’t our book club pick for the month. For no other reason than the fact that I have had so many books on my TBR, that I was not attracted by a YA fantasy novel. The same can be said for a lot of other YA fantasy out there (like The Shadow and Bone series, even though I adore the show).

Then of course there was the issue of some problematic information that we discovered earlier this month (via @/varnishedvalkyrie’s insta account, as well as the articles she very kindly shared with me, which I am happy to send you via DM) about where the source material came from, and how it exploits BIPOC trauma.

Given these facts, I was not keen on reading it. But a few of my friends shared how much the book meant to them, and others suggested that maybe reading the book, and then discussing it’s problematic use of the source material would make for an interesting discussion about how white authors use BIPOC histories/ stories in their work, and when it is and isn’t appropriate to do so.

So I read it, and here’s what I think. I can see why the book meant so much to my friends. The themes of found family, love and acceptance are at the heart of this book, and some moments in the book definitely made me tear up. The story is easy to read, and the characters are lovable.

It did feel a bit preachy at times, but then again, I have to remember, I am not the intended audience (age-wise) and I would definitely have appreciated this book a lot more as a young adult.

Overall I gave it 3.75 stars, and am looking forward to our discussion on Sunday

neilminyards: oh, look. it’s the love of my life


oh, look. it’s the love of my life

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Hey everyone guess who’s back!! I’m sorry I’ve been gone for so long, but I promise it’s with good r

Hey everyone guess who’s back!! I’m sorry I’ve been gone for so long, but I promise it’s with good reason! The holidays kept me busy and right afterwards this incredible book was recommended to me and I’ve been all wrapped up in it since! I hadn’t heard anything about it until my friends recommended it to me but now I’m obsessed - if you like lgbtq+ romances, werewolves, angst and humor you’ll love this book! If you’ve already read it totally hit me up cause I’d love to chat and if you haven’t/have any questions about it, do the same! I can’t speak highly enough about it! And (ignore the shameless self promotion) if you don’t already follow my fandom blog it’s @aglionbyfoxes, Ive been posting a bunch there about this book!

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Hate is loud, but I think you’ll learn it’s because it’s only a few people shouting, desperate to be heard. You might not ever be able to change their minds, but so long as your remember you’re not alone, you will overcome.

T.J. Klune, The House in the Cerulean Sea

 Pinecones and candy canes. Epic and awesome.❌ do NOT use, edit or repost my art on ANY social med

Pinecones and candy canes. Epic and awesome.

❌ do NOT use, edit or repost my art on ANY social media platforms!!! ❌  

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Im reading The Damning Stone by TJ Klune and in my head Dylan looks like Taika Waititi’s Blackbeard in Our Flag Means Death


Linus Baker - The House In The Cerulean Sea by T.J Klune

Linus Baker - The House In The Cerulean Sea by T.J Klune

He panted as he laid his head back on my shoulder, his cheek scraping against mine. The scent of himHe panted as he laid his head back on my shoulder, his cheek scraping against mine. The scent of himHe panted as he laid his head back on my shoulder, his cheek scraping against mine. The scent of himHe panted as he laid his head back on my shoulder, his cheek scraping against mine. The scent of himHe panted as he laid his head back on my shoulder, his cheek scraping against mine. The scent of himHe panted as he laid his head back on my shoulder, his cheek scraping against mine. The scent of him

He panted as he laid his head back on my shoulder, his cheek scraping against mine. The scent of him, of the wild and untamed forest, flooded my mouth. I wanted to bite into him. Make him bleed. Hurt him for hurting me.

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Under the Whispering Door dust cover commissioned by @foxandwit.Tea leaves, Chrysanthemums, Lilies aUnder the Whispering Door dust cover commissioned by @foxandwit.Tea leaves, Chrysanthemums, Lilies a

Under the Whispering Door dust cover commissioned by @foxandwit.

Tea leaves, Chrysanthemums, Lilies and Rue. Lilies and Chrysanthemums are often associated with death and grieving, while rue symbolizes regret.

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