#alex turner x you


Opinion No one Asked For (Alex Turner Edition)

I wanna preface this by saying i’ve never done drugs nor do I know if I alex turner has but something in my mentally ill brain every time I listen to his music I think “Damn, Alex Turner would be great to do cocaine with” 

I know he is in a very healthy stable relationship but he strikes me as the man that is perfect for that, young passionate fucked up on cocaine situationship that is just the ever going chase and you really like each other but for some reason none of you will admit it so you make each other jealous all the time and the sex it’s just immaculate, raw and just overall… Toxic, especially at his 2013-2015 era

Now please tell me that it’s not just me that thinks like this

I know I’m entering my Alex turner phase extremely late but…. Would y'all like it if I posted content for him?
