#alex turner imagine


Opinion No one Asked For (Alex Turner Edition)

I wanna preface this by saying i’ve never done drugs nor do I know if I alex turner has but something in my mentally ill brain every time I listen to his music I think “Damn, Alex Turner would be great to do cocaine with” 

I know he is in a very healthy stable relationship but he strikes me as the man that is perfect for that, young passionate fucked up on cocaine situationship that is just the ever going chase and you really like each other but for some reason none of you will admit it so you make each other jealous all the time and the sex it’s just immaculate, raw and just overall… Toxic, especially at his 2013-2015 era

Now please tell me that it’s not just me that thinks like this

I know I’m entering my Alex turner phase extremely late but…. Would y'all like it if I posted content for him?

Blame it on the summertime part 2

Miles Kane x reader (Alex Turner platonic)

Not my gif, credits to the maker!

Part 1

Summary: When a creativity block forced you out of the country and out of your comfort zone, making you travel completely alone, you realized that this might have been the best decision of your life.
Warnings: Mention of smut, lots of flirting, cigarettes and alcohol and being drunk
Words: 4K

Blame it on the summer time part 2

Miles came outside with the coffee and sat next to you but with some distance between the both of you. “Found ya creativity?” He asked you, lighting a cigarette before handing you one. “Sort off…. Got some ideas at least.” You told him while you quickly went to work. He smiled while watching you work and seeing how emerged you got when working. Miles got on his phone and so now and then looking at you with a smile. After 45 minutes Miles got up. “Imma make some breakfast.” He told you, making you look up with a smile and nodding. He got into the kitchen and started making breakfast while you were done with your first project and was already working on your second.

Miles came back outside not long after with breakfast for you as well. He put the tray with food on the table and you looked surprised at him. He smiled at you “Figured tha ya forgot about breakfast so made sometin for ya as well.” he told you while you placed your laptop besides you. “ Thank you…” you told him still a little in surprise but thankful. Miles was right, you were so immerged in your work that you forgot that you were hungry in the first place. He made some toasted bread with eggs on it and some fresh fruit that he had cut in pieces.

You both started chatting while eating. “Tha boys always sleep in late… Ya want to go to tha beach when ya done? They can take a while.” He asked you, sipping from his coffee. “Yeah! Sounds great! I think that I’m done in half an hour or so.” He nodded “I’ll get some stuff in tha meanwhile.” He told you, making you nod. After dinner you got back to work and once again was finished pretty fast. It was perfect timing because Miles just came outside, wearing his buckethead. You smiled, which he returned.

You placed your laptop back and walked with Miles to the beach, chatting about music and stuff. You found a couple of beds and placed your stuff there while Miles was busy with the parasol. You placed your and Miles’s towel on the bed and saw that Miles was fighting with the parasol. At first you kept looking with a smirk on your face before helping him out after he started cursing. You chuckled and put the parasol up with ease. Miles looked surprised at you that it worked with you but not with him. You shrugged “Gotta have patience Kane.” He chuckled and shook his head and sat down on the bed, mirroring you and you looked around, seeing that you were the only ones here on this part of the beach.

Miles got the sunscreen out and started putting it on himself. He turned to you “Babe, could ya do meh back?” he asked you in his scouse accent. “Yeah of course.” You replied and took the sunscreen from him and started doing his back. You could feel him tense his muscles underneath your touch. “Just relax Mi.” you told him softly and he visibly relaxed his muscles again. “Could you maybe do my back as well?” you asked him after you stripped from your dress, into your bikini. Miles stared at you, his mouth slightly agape.

“Mi?” you asked him, pulling him out of his trance. “I eh… yeah of course luv.” He told you, taking the sunscreen from you. His touch was soft as he rubbed the sunscreen in gently. It felt nice and you could feel the butterflies rising again at how gentle he was towards you. After you were both done with the sunscreen, you laid back for a while and started chatting about music again and Miles pulled his speakers out, letting you hear some tunes from the bands you were talking about.

After a while Miles proposed to going into the ocean for a dip which you agreed on when the temperature rise. You both walked towards the ocean and saw that it was perfectly blue and crystal clear. You stepped into the water, dipping your feet in it. “It’s beautiful here.” You remarked. Miles agreed “Yeah, that’s why I like to come here. Is beautiful.” He told you, walking a bit in front of you and turned around, waiting for you to join him as the waves crashed against your legs.

“You know, I’ve always loved the ocean. Doesn’t really matter where but it feels like the water washes all my problems away and I’m finally in peace.” You told him, looking down at the crystal clear water and where you were going, making sure not to step on sharp rocks. Miles smiled at what you just told him, slowly opening up more and telling him about your life in a personal perspective, which made his heart flutter.

“Do ya go to tha beach a lot?” he asked you “No not really since we don’t really have one where I come from and it sort off only works if I’m on vacation or such. It’s kind of silly, I know.” you chuckled, shaking your head softly. Miles grabbed your hand softly. “Nah, it’s not. It’s perfectly understandable babe.” You smiled, feeling comforted and heard by Miles. “Come on, let’s go further.” Miles told you, not letting go off your hand but held it a little loosely so you could pull away if you wanted to but you wouldn’t.

You stood a little more deeper in the water and the waves pulled you a little up. The water came to your chest now and you took a dip, surprising Miles when you let go off his hand. When you came up, you could see him smile at you and took a dip as well, coming up in front of you with a big smile again. He splashed some water towards you and you tried to act offended, your hand on your chest. “Mister Kane!” Miles just chuckled and that’s when you threw some water back. He gave you a playful look which you mirrored with mischief.

“Ya a little troublemaker aren’t ya?” he asked you playfully with a smirk on his face before you had a full blown water fight. Miles kept being careful and gentle with you and you felt the love grow more for the British man. After a while you jumped on his back and let him take you where he wanted while he slowly swam around.

“So…about me being your favorite artist…. How did that happen?” He asked you softly now and was interested in you. You could tell that he wanted to know more about you and he didn’t asked to get his ego stroked. You slowly opened more up to him and told him what his music meant to you and what kind of things he helped you with. You were still a little held back since you were afraid of scaring him off but he kept listening to you, sometimes responding.

“I’m sorreh that you went through tha…. But I’m glad that my music helped ya. Ya know, that it was always in ya, I just helped ya discover it. Ya realleh did tha on ya own.” He didn’t wanted the credit and it was true if you thought about it. You already had it in you. “But from what I’m hearin… Ya a strong lady. Fearless even.” He joked but there was a serious tone in it.

You asked him about some songs and what was the meaning behind it, as in, why he wrote it in the first place and what went on in his head. Just like you, he was slowly opening up to you as well and you felt a deeper connection with him by just being together and talking about some deeper stuff.

You both decided to go lay down on the bed again and you laid on your side so you could face Miles and hear him talk. You start to fall really hard and fast for him, not knowing that the feeling was mutual on his side.

Miles handed you a water bottle that he let rest in the freezer so it would be extra cold. The conversation became more light hearted again, both able to make that switch and talked about hobbies and movies, just getting to know each other more.

“Look what the ocean dragged out! The one and only crispy turtle king!” You both looked around, seeing Alex and Zach walking towards the two of you. Miles got a big grin “Look who decided to wake up and join us!” he remarked back at Alex, making you chuckle. They stood next to the both of you and saw that there were only three beds available right now. “Can I sit next to ya?” Miles asked you so he could give his bed to Alex. “Yeah of course! You don’t need to ask.” You told him as you both smiled at each other.

Alex and Zach made some small talk and you could see that after a while Miles started to stretch his back and massaging his shoulder. “Mi, you can rest against me if you have pain in your back.” you told him. “Ya sure babe?” he asked you, not wanting to make you uncomfortable. “Yeah, of course! Otherwise I wouldn’t suggest it.” you told him with a reassuring smile. He got more on the bed and let his back rest against you. You slowly started massaging his shoulders and you could feel him relax underneath your touch. “Thank ya babe, tha’s realleh nice.” You smiled and Alex and Zach eyed each other again, wiggling their eyebrows.

“Hey tonight there’s a partyh, ya’ll wanna check it out?” Alex asked merely you and Miles since he already agreed with Zach on going. Miles turned a little around towards you. “Yeah sounds like fun!” you told them. Alex smiled at you and Miles agreed as well. “Why don’t we go to tha restaurant again and go out after? Tha food was realleh good yesterday.” Zach offered. “Sounds like a plan to me.” you told him and Miles agreed as well just like Alex.

After a while of chit chatting and listening to music, Alex and Zach decided to go for a swim. They took there ball with them which they found at the Villa. Miles started to relax more against you, his head resting against your chest while you went with your nails over his shaved head. “If you feel uncomfortable or want me to stop, I want you to tell me.” you told him. You saw him smile. “Nah, this realleh nice babe. Keep going if ya want to.” He told you and you could see that he closed his eyes underneath his sunglasses and a smile plastered on his face.

You smiled and continued while you both sat there in a peaceful silence and listened to the music with the sounds of the waves in the background and kids playing a little on the other side from the beach. It was very relaxing and you closed your eyes as well.

After a while you heard some soft voices and opened your eyes, seeing Alex and Zach smile. “He’s knocked out cold.” Alex whispered to you, pointing towards Miles. You looked a little to the side with a smile on your face. Your arms were resting on his shoulders, while Miles let his arms rest on your legs. Alex and Zach chuckled while they sat down. You started chatting with Alex about music as well and got into some deeper stuff.

You still couldn’t believe that you were here with The Alex Turner and The one and only Crispy King himself, Miles fucking Kane. Sometimes you had those moments of realization and you started to fangirl inside again. You felt Miles stir a little and Alex looked at Miles. Miles woke up and looked around a little dissociated before chuckling. “Fell asleep didn’t I?” he said and sat straight on the bed by your feet and took a water bottle. “Ya looked very peaceful. Must’ve been a great nap.” Alex said with a smirk on his face as Miles looked at him side eyed and chuckled.

“Thank ya babe. I realleh needed tha.” He told you, making you smile. “No problem” Miles got a cigarette, offering you one and light it. “I’m gonna get some cocktails. Ya’ll want some too?” Alex asked everyone. “Yeah, I’ll walk with you mate.” Zach said, grinning to Alex and both walked to the beach club. Miles saw you struggle a little with your legs “Ya can rest ya legs on meh luv.” He told you and he didn’t have to tell you twice before you let them rest on his lap. Miles softly massaged your calf’s with one hand while making some small talk but you let Miles wake up in peace.

Alex and Zach came back with the cocktails, as he handed you yours. Miles placed your legs to the side and gave you a smile before standing up and playing with the football. He started to do some tricks while he woke up more and more. Alex and Miles started joking around and kicking the ball over to each other. You stretched yourself a little out.

You all had another swim and played with the ball in the water with a lot of laughter. You all had to keep the ball from hitting the water so everyone jumped over each other while other people joined as well. You teamed up Miles, Alex and Zach. It was amazing and had a lot of fun before you all decided to head back to the villa, have some cocktails over there and get dressed for dinner and the club.

Miles plopped on the couch and looked at you with a smile. You chuckled slightly and he patted between his legs that you could sit there and you weren’t passing on that opportunity. You sat down between his legs, your back resting against his chest. Miles rested his arms on your shoulders while you got more comfortable. It felt like each passing minute the attraction and connection between the two of you grew. Alex and Zach came outside with the cocktails and Alex chuckled as he saw the two of you, handing you and Miles the cocktail. You felt very relaxed and comfortable against Miles. They told you about the fun bars and clubs here since it was your first time on the island while finishing your cocktails and after that all decided to get changed and head into town.

After a lovely dinner at the same place and a lot of laughter had passed you all headed for the beach club at first since it was still a bit early. As the drinks started flowing the flirting between you and Miles got more and more, much to the entertainment of Alex who was chatting and flirting with another girl. You and Miles couldn’t really keep your hands off of each other and besides that, Miles was a very affectionate person anyways so most of the times he either had his arm around your waist or around your shoulder, pressed against his body.

After a while you all headed to the club. Alex with the new girl and Zach found someone for himself as well. You and Miles looked at each other with a grin. “Look’s like it’s going to be a long night in the Villa.” You whispered to Miles who chuckled. “Ya ave no idea luv.” You chuckled and walked further with Miles.

When you entered the club, it was stacked but seemed like a lot of fun. Miles held your hand as he led you through the crowd of people and towards the bar. “Whatcha want tha drink babe?” he asked you. “A Gin tonic please.” You told him loudly because of the music. “Girl of meh heart.” He remarked with a smile towards you, making you feel flustered.

When he got the drinks, his slender hand found yours again and he let you towards where everyone was. Luckily you had a VIP section because of Alex and Miles. Alex and Zach sat on the couch, chatting with the girls. Miles looked at you “Do ya wanna dance luv?” Miles asked you, making you nod. He held you hand again and led you to the dancefloor and started dancing.

This was a moment where you had a moment of realization again that you were standing with The Miles Kane on the dancefloor, your favorite artist and happiness flowed through you while you moved your body to the rhythm. Miles smiled and gave you a lot of compliments tonight. At one point he held your hand while dancing and you started to dance together. Miles twirled you around and pulled you towards his chest, making you both giggle as you kept dancing together. Eventually Alex, Zach and the girls joined but you and Miles were inseparable.

There was another girl who tried it with Miles and once he realized what was going on, he placed his arm around your shoulder again and pulled you against his body and in the conversation. “I’m surry luv, but I’m wif this hell of a woman.” He told her but looked at you with a flirty smile which made you feel flustered. The girl walked off and huffed. Miles pulled you into a hug and kissed the top of your head and looked at you with a big grin again before you both started dancing again. The eye contact the both of you had really felt like you could just look into each other’s souls, completely indulged into each other’s eyes as if you were the only one there.

After a while you felt proper buzzed just like everyone else and all decided to go back to the Villa. You and Miles walked up front while Zach and Alex were flirting a lot with the girls who were all over them. You and Miles looked back at them and chuckled before looking at each other again. He could tell you were tired and buzzed “Jump on meh back luv.” You frowned a little “Are you sure?” he gave you a reassuring smile “Positive babe.” He told you while helping you on a rock so you could easier get on his back and carried you back to the Villa while you rested your head besides his on his shoulder, giving him a kiss on the cheek. “Thank you Mi.” you told him tired. “Is no problem babe.” He told you and you could swore you saw him blush.

When you arrived at the Villa, you walked to your room, Miles besides you. “Goodnight Mi, I had a lot of fun.” You told him with a tired smile. “I did too luv. I hope ya get some sleep with those troublemakers. Gonna be a long night for them.” He signaled to the boys and girls. “Yeah probably.” You chuckled. “If ya can’t sleep or anythin…. Or whatever, ya know ya can come to meh.” He told you honestly and reassuring. You smiled back “Thank you Mi, same goes for you and I mean that.” He smiled back and came closer so he could give you a kiss on your forehead. “Goodnight Y/N” he told you and you felt butterflies at the way he said your name.

You both walked into your room and you freshened yourself up before letting yourself fall on the bed. You could hear Alex, Zach and the girls going upstairs loudly and it didn’t took long before you could hear them having sex. You groaned and stared at the ceiling since you could unfortunately hear them through your earbuds.

A knock was heard on your door and you whispered “Come in” but loud enough for the person to hear which you suspect was Miles and you were right when the door opened. He seemed a little uncomfortable with what he was going to ask you. “Can I maybeh sleep in ere tonight? Meh room is next to Alex’s and well ya can hear it as well…” he chuckled uncomfortably because of the question. “Yeah, it’s no problem, come in.” you told him and made room for him as you held the covers up.

He walked over, closing the door behind him. “Thought you would be used to it.” you chuckled, making Miles smile as he got in next to you. Your legs touching but it felt nice. “Yeah it ehhh depends on tha girl ya know?” he chuckled, making you laugh and once you did, he did too at this awkward situation you both had found yourself in. “Yeah I could understand that.” You told him as you laid on your side, facing him which he did too and stared into each other’s eyes with a smile resting upon your lips, mirroring Miles.

Miles readjusted his head on the pillow, closer to your face. His slender hand cupping your cheek and waited for your reaction in case you wanted to pull away but instead you came closer as well and placed your lips softly against his. You both stayed like that for a second, enjoying each other’s lips before Miles took initiative and started moving, kissing you deeper, pulling you closer to his body. You felt his tongue slip in and all the butterflies got loose in your stomach. Miles moved and hovered a little over you without breaking the kiss. Your hand on the back of his neck on your other hand on his cheek as well. Miles’s hand roamed your body while the other held him up but his body was still pressed against yours.

Before Miles went any further you stopped him. He looked apologetic at you, making you chuckle. “It’s not that I don’t want to but ehh it’s not the most romantic moment.” You commented while you heard one of the girl loudly moan, making you both laugh at the situation before making eye contact again. He placed a soft, loving kiss on your lips before laying besides you again on his side to face you, which you did the same. Miles played softly with your hair.

“I don’t want ya to fink that ya just a girl to meh. I realleh like you and ya presence. Aven’t felt like this in a long time.” He told you and you felt flustered and shy. “I really like you too Miles and I’m glad you told me this.” you placed your hand on his cheek and came closer again to give him a passionate kiss. His arm was around you, pulling you closer to his body. “Can I take ya out on a date tomorrow. Just tha two of us.” He asked you, making you smile. “I’d love to.” He smiled brightly, like you haven’t seen before. You crawled closer to Miles and had another make-out session but not lustful more filled with love and passion. After the make-out session, you rested your head on his chest while his slender fingers massaged your scalp, relaxing you completely and it was like all the noise from outside was gone and it was just the two of you again.

You rested your hand on his chest, grasping his white top, your legs entangled with each other while you both fell into a peaceful sleep.

Blame it on the summertime part 1

Miles Kane x reader x Alex Turner (platonic)

Summary: When a creativity block forced you out of the country and out of your comfort zone, making you travel completely alone, you realized that this might have been the best decision of your life.
Warnings: cigarettes and alcohol, slight anxiety and mention of a panic attack
Words: 3,7K

Blame it on the summer time part 1

Going on a vacation alone wasn’t something you would do very fast but here we are in Ibiza all alone. You needed another surrounding and a different town in your country wouldn’t do anymore. You needed a different country and apparently a last minute ticket for Ibiza and a shared Villa was the cheapest. You didn’t knew the people who you would share the villa with but decided to get out of your comfort zone and just go.

For a while you had a creativity block and couldn’t really get rid off. You were a multimedia designer and currently working for an upcoming band. Once you were at the festival they were playing for, you grabbed the attention from other people who wanted you to work for them as well and you did. But the block really made you stuck in your life, so you booked a ticket, grabbed your stuff and your computer and decided to work from somewhere else, which wouldn’t be a problem at all.

You were lying if you weren’t anxious and it would just build up in a full blown panic attack at the airport. You went to a quite place and tried to gather yourself. You were completely pulled out of it when you saw a familiar face. Miles fucking Kane. Your favorite artist ever. You saw him walking with a car and suitcases on it. He was with one friend and the Alex Turner, who was taking some pictures with fans, while Miles waited and looked your way, seemingly pulling all the air out of your lungs as you quietly gasped. He smiled at you, which you automatically returned. You wanted to walk up to him and ask for a picture but seemed stuck on the bench you were sitting on.

He walked away and that was when you realized you just saw Miles Kane in Ibiza…. The world can be so small and never have you been happier about it. Your phone pinged, letting you know that your uber arrived. You stood up and tried to gather yourself some more, knowing you would soon meet the people in the villa and sincerely hoping you would get along with them and that they would be nice.

You greeted your driver as he helped you with your stuff. You got in the car and made some small talk with the driver and he gave you some very useful tips for your trip here. You stared out of the window as a spark of excitement went through your body when you saw the beach and the ocean. Apparently the villa was linked to the beach. You would also have a big pool outside and a big place to sit there. They didn’t call it a villa for nothing…

The ride was about 30 minutes and you tipped the man. He also gave you some good tips for where to eat and some nice clubs along side beach clubs. He helped you with your suitcase and gave you the key to the residence. You walked in the big villa and entered. It seemed that there were already people inside and you felt your anxiety along with social anxiety go to the rough. You heard a familiar voice but couldn’t place it in your head yet.

You placed your suitcase by the stairs and gathered yourself and your nerves before walking to the backside. There was music playing and the vibe was nice as far as you could tell. You walked out, only to be met with the one and only Alex Turner. You were staring as he looked at you with a grin, waiting for you to speak but you were gob smacked. You looked to the other people and made eye contact with the kindest brown eyes you ever saw from none other than the only Miles Kane. He was smiling as well at you. Everyone went quite, waiting for you to say something.

“Hey! You must be Y/N! I’m Zachery but you can call me Zach! We’re sharing the villa right?” he pulled you out of the trance which you were very grateful of. “Yeah, I’m sorry, I’m Y/N.” you told him kindly with a smile as you gave him a hand. You turned around towards Alex and gave him a hand as well. He still had that grin on his face and it felt like you could just bury yourself then and there. He made eye contact with Miles who shook his head with a smile. “Hi, I’m Alex and that’s Miles over there.” he told you pointing towards Miles. You smiled and gave him a hand as well. When you made eye contact, he looked intently at you. You could tell he was thinking as if he recognized you, which could be. You’ve met him two times before after a show of his. You could see the ball drop in his head and he smiled warmly at you, which you returned. He didn’t say that he knew you just yet and you weren’t sure that he would.

“So, what do you want to drink? We’ve got many things to make you a cocktail if you want. We also have wine, beer and just normal drinks. So what’s your poison.” He asked you. You chuckled “Surprise me.” you told him and he smiled. “Alright, coming right up!” he walked inside after you thanked him. “I’ll show ya, yer room.” Miles told you, surprising Alex. “Oh, thank you.” you were a little surprised as he stood up and walked past you, giving you a warm smile.

He walked to the stairs, getting your suitcase along. “Oh you don’t have to do that Miles, I got it.” he turned around “Don’t wurry luv, I got it. Ya must be tired from tha flight.” He was always very kind when you would meet him but it still surprised you. You followed him upstairs and saw that he was wearing shorts and a blouse. “This is meh room, that one is Alex’s and that one is Zach.” He pointed out while you nodded. He showed you the way and walked you up to your room until he turned around.

“Don’t mind meh askin…But we’ve met before aven’t we?” he asked you and you felt your cheeks heat up. You looked shyly to the ground “Yeah, I’ve been to your show 2 times. I really like your music and I’ve met you after the show.” you saw the smile on his face grow bigger. “I thought so. You looked very familiar. Thank ya for the luv ya know! Really appreciate it!” he told you, making you smile. You wanted to ask for a hug but didn’t want Miles to feel uncomfortable. “It’s nice to see ya again babe! Can I give ya a hug?” He asked you, making you smile even brighter “Yeah, absolutely!” He gave you a short hug, making you long for more. “Well I’ll see ya downstairs! I’m glad we’re sharin the villa with ya! We gonna ave a blast!” he told you before walking downstairs with a smile plastered on his face.

You stood in front of your room, a little starstruck at what just happened and what would happen in the future. You were beyond excited to share a villa with your favorite artist the one and only Miles Kane and Alex Turner.

You walked into your room, which was just beautiful. You had a big bed and a balcony with the view of the ocean. You could hear the music and the boys as the balcony was overlapping them. You placed your suitcase down and quickly changed into some more comfortable things. You texted your friends and family that you’ve landed and about who you shared the villa with before walking downstairs again.

Zach was still in the kitchen, making the cocktails for everybody. “You like your room?” he asked you sincere. “Yeah, it’s amazing!” he smiled and handed you the cocktail, walking outside with you. Miles smiled at you, making you feel flustered. Alex eyed the two of you and chuckled slightly. You sat down on the couch and sipped your cocktail. “Oh this is really good.” You told Zach, who chuckled “Thank you, thank you it’s a talent.” He playfully said, making everybody chuckle.

Miles got a cigarette, offering one to Alex, you and Zach. You took one, making eye contact again and he smiled warmly. This man is going to be the death of you this vacation. “Wha brings you ere, if I might ask?” Alex asked you interested. “A creativity block.” You chuckled slightly and they waited for you to continue. “I’m a multimedia designer and right now I’m doing a lot for different bands, like leading there social media, filming videoclips and editing them, making posters and business cards for them. Also photograph a lot for them and stuff but lately my creativity is lacking a lot and hoped that a different surrounding would maybe help with that you know? Like seeing different things and hoping that that would stimulate my creativity.” You told them honest. They looked intrigued at you.

“Well, I’m a photographer myself so if you need help with that I can help.” He told you. “Thank you, that would be lovely.” You told him “So ya’re all alone here?” Miles asked you softly. “Yeah… It’s a little out of my comfort zone…. Well actually a lot but sometimes you need to do that.” You told them and they nodded in understanding. “Well, ya’re always welcome with us.” Alex told you and Miles nodded. “Thank you! That’s very nice and comforting.” You chuckled feeling shy and a little overwhelmed. “This is actually my first time traveling alone so it makes me a little nervous.” You told them honestly.

“That’s quite understandable.” Zach told you. “We’re actually going to eat dinner later somewhere. Want to come along?” Miles asked you his voice glanced with hope. You didn’t want to disturb there vacation and be a burden so you were doubting until Alex spoke up. “We would like it if ya would come along. We can use some femininity here so it would be nice ya know.” he told you, taking away the feeling of being a burden. “In that case, I would love to!” Everyone smiled and you all chatted along. You were getting along great with them and it felt like you’ve known them for years, taking away all the anxiety. They made you feel incredibly welcome even so much that you felt more welcome here with them than with your family.

You were all laughing a lot and it really felt like you were a part of their friend group and you actually were but that was still a little hard to believe. “I should go to the store. Do you know where it is?” you asked them. “Yeah, I’ll walk with ya. Need some cigarettes any way.” Miles told you and Alex grinned again. You smiled at Miles and nodded while you both stood up. You got your linen bag, keys, phone and wallet.

Miles opened the door for you and walked next to you while leading the way. “I meant it when I told ya that it was nice to see ya again ya know.” he told you sincere. You smiled “Yeah, I can’t really comprehend that I’m sharing a villa with my favorite artist you know, let alone walking to the store together.” You chuckled a little embarrassed. Miles stopped walking for a moment, getting the biggest smile you’ve ever seen. You realized that you slept up and felt completely embarrassed right now.

“I’m sorry…. I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable.” You told him but he kept smiling “I’m your favorite artist?” you looked up in surprise at him. “Well… yeah I mean… Your music is great but when you perform you do it with so much passion and emotion… no other artist had that effect on me but you do.” He placed his hand over his heart. “Oh my god bahebe. That means a lot to me realleh!” he told you, pulling you into a hug. You chuckled “Well, thank you… Your music helped me in many ways.” You told him as you continued walking.

You had to walk up a stair and walk over the rocks, which felt like a hike. You were chatting about music and you both were enthusiast about it, talking fast like there wasn’t even enough time and you could feel a spark between the two of you. “Oi babe, wait. Let meh walk in front. Is a bit tricky here. Been ere before.” he told you and grabbed your hand so he could help you over the rocks. If you would be on top of one, he would hold both of your hands and help you down. His hands were soft and you never wanted to let go. Apparently neither did he as you kept walking hand in hand and continued chatting.

It didn’t took long in the store as you grabbed the things you needed along side Miles. The trip back went just as the trip to the store. You both talked about almost everything and continued chatting while you walked into the villa. Alex looked at Zach with a grin, which he returned. You all drank some more cocktails outside until it was time to get dressed for dinner. You wore a nice, casual yet sexy dress and put your Dr. Martens on and fixed your make-up a little bit. You walked out of your room at the same time as Miles. His room was next to yours. You both stared at each other in awe. He was wearing a white blouse with black jeans. The blouse fitted very nicely and showed off his muscles. He was wearing something around his arms over the blouse. It was golden jewelry. It was like a bracelet but then around your upper arm. “Babe… Ya look amazin….” He told you as he checked you out. You felt flustered. “Well, have you seen yourself? You look amazing as well!” you complimented him. You swore you could see him blush.

He offered his arm for you and you wrapped your arm in his before walking downstairs and let go when you arrived downstairs. You were the first to be the done so you waited for Alex and Zach. Normally you would have a lot to talk about but there was a noticeable tension between the two of you, both feeling shy and flustered around each other. Alex hopped down the stairs and noticed the tension between the both of you. He eyed Miles with a smirk and looked away.

After Alex came down, it didn’t took long before Zach walked downstairs as well and all made your way to a restaurant/beach club next to the beach. You all climbed your way over the rocks and obviously Miles helped you once again, not wanting you to hurt yourself. Unfortunately there wasn’t an easier way to get to the beach, unless you want to walk for over an hour.  

Once you finally arrived in town, which you had to go through in order to get to the beach in this case, you looked your eyes out. There were people everywhere and you were overstimulated. Miles softly grabbed your arm to get your attention, since you weren’t really looking where you were going. You looked at him and he gave you a kind, warm smile before wrapping his arm around your shoulders and pulled you gently against his side. You took his hand in yours which rested on your shoulder and walked with him. It didn’t took long before some fans to come up to Alex and Miles, asking for a picture.

Miles reluctantly let go of you but you gave him a reassuring nod and smile before standing next to Zach so the fans could have their moment with their attention. Zach looked at you with a grin, hinting towards the fans, making you chuckle. “Happens all the time.” Zach commented. “I could understand that. But it’s nice you know. That their music such an impact on people.” Zach agreed with you as you both waited patiently for them to be done.

After 15 minutes they said their goodbyes before more fans would come up to them. Besides you were all pretty hungry at the moment. Miles placed his arm around your shoulder again and you held his hand which was incredibly soft and made your heart flutter. In all fairness, everything he did at this point made your heart flutter. Some fans made pictures and videos of the four of you.

When you finally arrived, the sun was already setting. Miles pulled the chair out for you like a gentleman. You thanked him and he sat down next to you. Everyone got their menu card and looked at the various different foods they had. You ordered a sangria which Miles thought was a good idea and ordered one too and all ordered your food. You were chatting with Alex who was very interested in your work and you showed some pictures and told him where your journey had started.

Alex was very impressed by your work, which made the rest interested in it as well. You showed your work and they were all a little stunned by it. “Ya’know, if ya ave time and stuff, Maybeh ya can work for us.. of course we’ll pay ya.” Miles asked you carefully. Alex nodded, completely agreeing with Miles. You were taken by surprise “Are you kidding me? I would absolutely love to!” They smiled and shared their ideas with you.

When the food arrived, Miles took his phone out for his Instagram and filmed the table with the food on it and then Alex after that Zach and then you. “What’s ya insta babe?” Miles asked you so he could tag you in it. He gave you his phone and you searched your name, tagging yourself in it. Miles immediately followed you and saw that you were already following him. He looked at you with a smile and tucked his phone away again. Zach and Alex eyed each other quickly knowing that the both of you had a connection.

You all ate your food, while chatting in between. You told you some crazy tour stories, making you laugh and Miles laughed some more when you did and couldn’t take his eyes off of you.  Alex and Zach knew damn well that Miles liked you and was very attracted to you. They could see that you felt the same way and how you had an instant connection with him that they haven’t seen before. The only thing they were curious about was how long it was going to take the two of you to admit it.

After dinner you all had some drinks at the beach club where they were playing some music. You felt complete at that moment. This was your dream and here you were living it. You all agreed to go swimming tomorrow and you couldn’t wait, happiness overflowing your heart and you haven’t felt this great in years, losing all the weight that you’ve carried around for so long. You all laughed a lot and took many pictures and videos, along side with Miles. You were all pretty buzzed and jetlagged since they arrived today as well and decided to go back to the villa, knowing you still had a lot of evenings left to go out and party.

Miles helped you on the rocks again and you finally arrived at the villa. You gave them all a hug, whishing them a good night before you walked upstairs. Miles’s eyes followed you when you walked up the stairs. Alex chuckled and swatted his best friend on the arm, grabbing his attention. That’s when Miles knew that Alex knew and he wasn’t so subtle after all. His cheek had gotten completely red and Miles laughed a little embarrassed.

You got into your room and freshened up before getting into bed and having some good night sleep. You went through your phone before going to sleep and opened Instagram. You had gotten a lot of followers in a short time, all fans of Alex and Miles. You went through Miles’s stories and couldn’t wipe the smile off of your face, feeling butterflies in your stomach again as the realization sat in. You placed your phone in the charger and tried to get some sleep.

~next morning~

You woke up, feeling a little disoriented and felt like everything was a dream until you looked around. Excitement already setting in and replacing the tiredness. You knew you wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep again. You looked at the time on your phone, seeing it was 9 o’clock in the morning. It was a nice time, you thought and stepped out of bed, changing into your bikini and put a dress on and freshened up in your own bathroom before walking downstairs with your laptop you already heard some music coming from downstairs, hinting that someone was already awake. You saw Miles in the kitchen, the door to the backyard already open he was wearing shorts again and a shirt with only one button holding it together and teasing his abs from underneath.

Miles turned around from the sound. He got a big smile on his face when he saw you. “Good morning” you said happily. “Good morning luv. Sleep well?” he asked you, his voice was husk from sleep and his scouse accent coming through while he was making coffee. “Yeah slept great actually and you?” you asked him and he couldn’t stop smiling. “Good, a little short but it was good.” He replied. He signed at the coffee if you wanted some. “Yeah thanks!” you told him and walked outside with your laptop, opening it. Miles kept looking at you but you didn’t really notice it since you finally had some ideas for the bands you worked for.

Part 2

Sick puppet

Miles Kane x reader

Not my gif , credits to the maker!
Summary: After two years of dodging covid, it was finally your turn once you were in Ibiza with your boyfriend, Miles for his new videoclip. You had no other choice than to give Miles the permission to take fully care of you.
Warnings: covid and all the symptoms along with it and small mention of smut.
Words: 5,1K
A/N: Might make a part 2 with the pool party! 

Sick puppet

You were in Ibiza with your boyfriends Miles Kane. The plan was to shoot his music video there: Blame it on the summertime. Covid was still very much alive and going but the restrictions were lifted. For all these two years you’ve managed to avoid them. You would be the one to edit the video for Miles and be a co-director for the videoclip, alongside act in it. Miles hired a pretty big villa and you finally felt alive again.

Getting enough vitamin D as it felt like the sun kissed your skin. God did you needed to get out of rainy London. You felt alive and energetic again. You were filming with the director when your coughing started. You figured that it was your body, finally relaxing, it wouldn’t be new for your to get sick on vacation. Miles looked concerned at you and you waved it off even though you started sweating more than normal and you felt very hot but blamed it on the weather.

After a day of shooting, you felt completely wreaked. Your muscles felt sore and you had cramps in your stomach. You were cooling off by the beach. You just took a dip in the ocean and felt a little refreshed but not too much. You laid back on the towel and let the sun hug your body. Miles just got out of the water and you couldn’t help but stare with a smile, which he returned cheekily. He laid down next to you. “Watcha lookin at babe?” he teased you. “Just the most handsome turtle that just got washed up on shore.” You teased back with a smirk while Miles cackled. It was a good day today. The filming went absolutely fantastic and you knew Miles was hyped for it and wanted to celebrate but you felt worse and worse.

“Babe! Ya wanna go and ave dinner somewhere and have a few drinks after that?” Miles asked you hyper after a while , knowing you wouldn’t pass on that, but as soon as you made eye contact with your loving boyfriend, he knew something was wrong. “Babe are ya alright?” He asked you while softly rubbing your arms. You really wanted to go and once again, didn’t think much of your symptoms so you played it off.

“Yeah, I think I just need some food and I haven’t been drinking enough water than I should for standing so long in the sun.” Miles still frowned. He handed you his water bottle. “Drink this up luv, don’t want ya avin a heatstroke on meh.” He told you concerned as you chugged the water bottle. “There we go luv. I’ll giva ya another glass when we get home.” He told you while standing up, not wanting you to be in the sun longer than you’ve already been.

He packed your stuff along with his and held your hand while you climbed the rocks to get to the villa. It always felt like a hike when you left the villa. Miles helped you at some tricky parts as he held your hand and helped you get off the rocks so you wouldn’t fall. You started sweating more than you normally would, which Miles noticed but decided not to bring it up.

When you finally arrived at the villa, Miles gave you another glass of water before you both walked into the room and got changed for the night. You felt worse and worse with the minute but ignored it. You and Miles were done and you chugged another glass of water before leaving the villa. You walked hand in hand through town and saw some restaurants besides the beach. Miles pointed it out and you smiled at how relaxing it looked. You decided to go there.

You wanted to sit down but Miles stopped you midway. “No luv, I don’t want ya in tha sun right now.” You smiled at how caring Miles was as he helped you in the chair like a gentleman, perfectly in the shadow. “I luv ya in tha sun darlin, but not tonight.” He told you with a cheeky smile as he held your hand from across the table. You both ordered sangria and the food you wanted while chatting. Miles still kept a close eye on you. He knew you through and through and you weren’t acting like your usual self-right now even though you tried.

You watched the sunset together and it felt extremely romantic while some deep house was played in the background. After dinner you met up with the crew that helped with filming. You all sat down at a beach club before going to the actual club. Miles got some mojito’s and you had some more sangria. Miles noticed you got more and more silent, so he rested his hand on your thigh to give you some comfort. This was completely the opposite from you and it concerned Miles.

After sitting there for a while you moved to the club and you got very anti-social at this point where even the crew noticed that something was going on. Your coughing got worse along side your runny nose even though you still played it off, not thinking too much of it. It was how you were raised. After a while Miles got very concerned to the point that he was ready to pull the plug and go home.

“Sweeteart, let’s go home ya? I know ya not feelin well.” he told you but you were so used to take care of yourself and not be a bother to anyone that you played it off once again. Miles knew about how independent you were and he liked it but he didn’t like it when you wouldn’t let him take care of you like he wanted to.

“Miles, this is your evening, stay! I’ll be fine. How about I text you when I arrive at the villa?” you tried to rearrange something with him like it was even up for discussion. Miles chuckled softly at your attempt and rolled his eyes slightly at your stubbornness. Luckily he was used to stubborn people thanks to Alex. “Yeah, that’s not gonna happen. I wanna take care of meh favorite girl. Let me.” he told you. “Mi, I’m fine. Enjoy your night, I’ll be okay.” He chuckled more at your attempt. “Luv, I won’t enjoy my night if ya not next to meh, besides ya’re not feelin fine at all. Tha only thing I wanna do right now is takin care of ya, and it’s not up for debate. So get ya pretty ass movin hot stuff.” He told you teasingly and you knew Miles wasn’t going to budge so you gave in as it already costs you too much energy.

You were just not used for people taking care of you and stuff. You’ve always done that yourself so it could sometimes be very hard for you to accept Miles’s caring side since he was the complete opposite. But that was also why it worked between the two of you, learning so much from each other.

Miles helped you on the rocks again and you were deuterating very quickly. “Jump on meh back luv.” He told you and helped you to stand on a rock so you could easier get on his back. He carried you towards the villa while you shined your flashlight on the stones so he could see where he was going. You arrived at the villa and he carefully let you slide of his back next to the pool. Your cramps got worse and you started to get a headache as well. Miles got a permanent frown between his eyebrows from concern.

He helped you inside when you got a coughing attack and started to sneeze. Miles frowned once again while he softly rubbed your back and handed you a glass of water. He got a covid test out of the cabinets and gave it to you. Miles had it a month ago or so, so he couldn’t get it again just yet. You did the test and it came back very soon on positive. Miles looked at you sympathetically. “Alright babe, let’s get ya to bed. ya’ve already done too much.” He told you softly. “No Mi! You could get it too.” You told him and got out of his grip. His got a hurtful expression on his face once you didn’t let him touch you. “Babe, I’ve had it just a month ago. Besides I’ve been around ya for a while… I should ave it too then but I don’t so I’m safe. Just let meh take care of ya now.” he told you and you could just cry. All you wanted was for Miles to cuddle you now and give you the comfort you needed.

You agreed and placed your arms around his waist, just wanted to feel him right now. He placed his arms around you as well and went with his hand over your hair, placing kisses on your head. After a while he helped you up the stairs and you were already out of breath. Miles helped you out of your clothes and put one of his shirts on you, laid you down on the bed.

You sniffled, feeling utterly miserable. Miles got freshened up and crawled in next to you. Your arms were immediately around Miles. He chuckled softly, knowing you would get very clingy for the couple of days and he loved it when you accepted his care. He just wished that you wouldn’t feel as bad as you did. He wrapped his arms around you as well and let your head rest on his chest while petting your head. He placed his hand on your forehead and felt you burning up. “Wait a minute luv.” He told you, giving you a kiss on your forehead before getting up out of bed again.

He opened the window and put the fan on, hoping it would cool you down. He remembered when you would take care of him when he had covid and the other multiple times which was more than he could count on his hands and now it was finally his turn to take care of you. He crawled back besides you while you curled up in a ball, hoping it would ease the cramps. He carefully pulled you against his body and wrapped his arms around you once again and carefully pulled your head on his chest. He softly rubbed your back in a calming manner, letting you fall asleep fair quickly.

~time skip~

You woke up from something cold against your head. You opened your eyes slowly, followed by a cough. You sat up quickly and had a coughing fit. Miles sat next to you, rubbing your back again. After you calmed down a little you let yourself lay down on the bed again from exhaustion. You looked at Miles who had a soft comforting smile on his face. He held a washcloth against your head since your fever got higher. “Goodmornin luv. Ya had a rough night. Ad to wake ya a couple of times from nightmares” he told you while he went with his other hand over your hair. “I’m sorry I woke you.” your voice sounded extremely hoarse and it was very unpleasant to talk, which Miles picked up on.

“Sshhh it’s okay luv. Don’t worry about it. I just want ya to be fine or at least comfortable.” He told you and you gave him a tired smile “I’m gonna run to tha store real quick and get ya some stuff. Ya get some sleep and I’ll be back before ya know it.” he told you while placing a loving kiss on your forehead. “Thank you Mi.” you whispered, unable to speak louder. “Everythin for meh favorite girl eh?! It’s meh turn to take care of ya know!” he told you teasingly, trying to get a giggle out of you but you felt too miserable to do so.

“I’ll be right back luv, get some more rest.” he told you softly again, giving you a kiss on your head and placed the washing cloth on your forehead before he left the room. You tried to fall asleep but needed to pee so you stood up to get to the bathroom, only to be met with a lot of dizziness and lightheadedness. You held yourself up by the wall and went to the bathroom to get a little freshened up and got out of breath again. You felt exhausted by just your trip to the bathroom so you walked back into bed and fell asleep again very quickly.

Miles came back in the villa with a lot of fruit, juices, painkillers and more stuff to get you better. He made some tea for you and put some lemon in cold water along with some mint. He made a bowl of fresh fruit and 2 crackers for you before walking up stairs again. He saw your form underneath the covers, once again you were curled up in a ball and he almost didn’t have the heart to wake you. He looked at you for a while, contemplating on to wake you or not. You started coughing really bad in your sleep so Miles decided to wake you and at least give you the painkillers.

“Honey? Wake up sweeteart.” He whispered softly as he brushed some hair out of your face and placed kisses on your head. You opened your eyes, once again getting a coughing fit. Miles never stopped rubbing your back in order to give you some comfort at least. Once you stopped coughing so much, Miles spoke up: “I made ya some breakfast, tea and water. Try tha eat sometin luv.” He told you as you tried to sit up, which he helped you with.

He got the pillow more up so you could sit against it. He placed the tray on your lap and got up to open the doors of the balcony to let some fresh air in. You looked horrible, absolutely miserable and Miles just looked at you in sympathy, wanting to take the sickness over. He sat next to you and placed some strings of hair out of your face. “Let meh help ya, get a shower after this. Might do ya some good and after we can watch some trash British tv show” He told you as you started eating the fresh fruit, nodding but already out of breath from just eating.

You took the painkillers with the lemon water, Miles made for you. He even dropped some oranges in it for more vitamin. You sniffled while drinking your tea. “I’m sorry Mi.” you told him as he frowned at your statement. “For wha babe?” you shrugged “Being sick and all.” He chuckled softly as he shook his head. “Babe, it’s not ya fault. Ya can’t help it. Besides, now I finally get the chance to take care of ya!” he told you, trying to take away your guilty feeling which worked a little.

“When ya feel a bit better or ave more energy, we can sit outside but for now, you just need to rest babe.” He told you softly while his knuckles softly brushed your cheek. You gave him a smile and he gave you a quick peck on your lips. You started to lean against Miles as you sipped your tea. He wrapped his arm around you and let you rest against him.

Once you finished your tea, Miles helped you to the bathroom and put the shower on a nice temperature. “I’m gonna chance the sheets real quick. I’ll be right back babe.” He told you once you got underneath the shower. You nodded and started to wash your hair. It didn’t took him long before he returned and sat down on the toilet seat to keep an eye on you and help you once you got out.

He held out a towel for you as you climbed out of the shower. He gave you a hand so you wouldn’t slip and wrapped the towel around your body before pulling you into a hug. He let you dry up like that. He sat down on the towel seat again and pulled you in his lap so you didn’t have to use so much energy. While you sat on his lap he wrapped his arms tightly around you and rocked you softly from side to side as the water dropped down on his legs. He kept placing kisses on the side of your head which you rested against him and tucked it underneath his chin. “We’ll get ya better babe, don’t worry.” He whispered softly, placing a kiss on your temple.

You nodded as speaking was just unpleasant. You didn’t want to get up from this intimate and loving moment but you really wanted to lay down and Miles picked up on that. “Let’s get a kimono on ya, huh babe?” he offered. You stood up and he helped you into your panties and his kimono’s on before sitting you down on the toilet again. “Ya gonna ave to help me with ya skincare babe… Which one do I use first?” he asked you while looking through your stuff. You chuckled slightly at your caring and loving boyfriend.

You pointed out the moisturizer and a serum. He got the stuff and sat down in front of you. He got some on his slender finger and put it on your face before gently rubbing it in. You smiled at the loving gesture of Miles. “All done babe.” He told you and gave you a quick kiss on your nose and helped you up, leading you to the bedroom. He had completely opened the doors of the balcony and put the curtains away to let some sunlight in. You looked at the freshly made bed and could just cry from appreciation.

Miles heard you sniffle but in a different way, making him look at you in concern. Once he saw you cry he made you sit down on the bed and crouched down, letting his hands rest on your knees. “Babe, what’s wrong?” he asked you softly. The care and love radiating from his eyes, made you cry just even more. “You.” You told him, making him even more concerned as sadness glaced his eyes “Do ya want some time alone? I’m sorry, I just wanted tha help ya.” You quickly shook your head and held his hands as you chuckled slightly.

“No, I just appreciate this so much. I’ve never felt this loved and cared for in my entire life. Thank you.” His eyes got even softer as sympathy was written over his face along with relief. “Aww bahabe.” He told you and sat next to you, pulling you into his lap again as he held you tightly. “Ya deserve all the love in tha world. I love ya so much.” He told you while comforting you. “I’m sorry for crying.” you told him, feeling silly but Miles immediately shook his head. “Don’t ever apologize for gettin emotional babe. Not with me nor anyone else. Ya feelins are valid ya’know. don’t hide ‘m.” he told you and you felt so loved by Miles.

He really tried to fix everything that broke you and you loved him for that, his patience and reassurance meant the world to you. You leaned your head against him. “Thank you turtle. I love you too, so much.” He chuckled at his nickname and kissed your head again. “Let’s watch some trash tv huh?” he asked you as he scooped against the headrest with you still in his lap. He turned the tv on and gave you the remote. You and Miles loved to watch trash tv and it wasn’t even a secret pleasure anymore. It helped the both of you to turn your brain off for a moment.

You decided on ex on the beach and let Miles cuddle you. “I’ve never been happier in my life with you in it.” you told him all of a sudden and his eyes softened again. “Same here luv. Ya really mean tha world to meh. I’d do everythin to make ya happy.” You held on a bit tighter on to Miles and after a while he made you lay down on his chest, seeing that you got more sleepy. He looked at you lovingly as you drooled on his shirt, clinging it in your hand as well. Even while you were drooling on his favorite shirt, his love for you grew.

This went on for about two days. Miles made you breakfast, lunch and dinner, making sure it was healthy. Brought you fresh fruit, even cutting it in hearts for you, made more lemon water and gave you painkillers and vitamin to get you better. After the third day, you became restless for staying in bed for so long and wanted to get outside in the sun. Miles laid next to you on a sunbed, texting Alex while you read a book.

Alex was in Ibiza as well and wanted to have a little get together but Miles told him that you had covid and didn’t want him to get it as well. Alex completely understood and whished you a fast and soon recovery while you told him that once you got better that you and Miles would throw a pool party. Luckily he would be a while in Ibiza just like you and Miles and still had enough time to see each other.

You enjoyed the sun on your skin as you felt your muscles started to relax which helped with the pain. Miles put some music on and you felt ten times better and decided to go through the clips that you had shot a couple of days ago. You started editing and you were always pretty fast with that and was almost done in two hours. Miles thought you were writing, which you did a lot too but when you called him, he was surprised to see the almost finishing results from the clip. He looked at you in awe “Babe, ya didn’t ave to do that. Ya still sick.” He told you and you shrugged. “I felt up for it.” you told him with a smile and he placed his hand on the side of your head and kissed your temple and cheek.

“Want to see it?” you asked happily and unable to hide your excitement. “Of course!” You played the video and Miles couldn’t get the grin of his face while yelling so now and then “Yeah baby! This looks fantastic! This is mega!” and “Ya’re amazin babe! Oh my god, this looks so good!” You smiled at his enthusiasm. You had also wrote the script with Miles for what he wanted and he trusted your vision on it. “Babe, this is amazin! I want you for every videoclip!” you chuckled at his excitement. He held your hands. “nah, I mean it babe! This is mega!” as his smile got even bigger, peppering your face with kisses. “I wanna post it!” you chuckled “It’s not finished yet Mi. I still have to make the edit the colors and stuff.” he chuckled, letting you know how excited he was. “Alright but I am gonna film it for meh insta.” He told you, making you agree as it was a smart move to do anyways.

He filmed your computer and after that you, his famous laugh going over the music while you laughed once the camera was pinned to you. “Imma save this. Ya look cute in this.” he told you, forgetting the videoclip. Miles loved to show you off and let everyone know that you were his and it made you feel very confident and loved. You both made a selfie and he posted it to his Instagram. He got up “I’m gonna make dinner babe. Ya’re amazin!” he told you, kissing your lips. “I’ll finish it tomorrow, I’m a little tired now.” you told him “Babe, you’ve done more than enouf! Take some rest, ya deserve it!” he told you as you closed your laptop.

You started to read until you got bored and looked what Miles was making. He had music playing in the background while apparently making paella. He was dancing a little and you leaned against the door with a loving smile. Miles turned around and immediately smiled when he saw you. He reached out his hand for you to take so he could dance with you. You chuckled while he carefully spined you around. Once he noticed that you got a little out of breath again he sat you down on the kitchen counter and stood between your legs, which you wrapped around his waist, making him chuckle. He nuzzled your nose and gave you a chaste kiss.  

“How about we throw that pool party next week? As a sort of release party for your videoclip?” you suggested and he got a big smile “That’s a mega idea babe!” he told you happily. He praised you for how smart you were which made you giggle which just made him continue. He loved to see you laugh and smile and knowing that he was the reason for it. He just wanted to make you feel good and loved when knowing that he could.

“Dinner is almost ready, why don’t ya sit outside and let me do the table?” you got off from the counter while Miles kept his hands on your waist to help you get off the counter. You wanted to take something with you but Miles got it out of your hands. “I got it babe. Ya still sick!” you chuckled at how caring he could be. You placed a kiss on his cheek, making him smile and blush slightly as you walked outside.

It got dark outside and the fairy lights that hang above the table went on. Miles got the speaker with him so you could listen to music outside while carrying two white wines outside. He got in and outside again with more stuff until everything was ready and sat down opposite you. He got your hand in his and placed a kiss on the back of your hand, making you feel flustered. “I’m glad ya feel a bit better.” He told you as you smiled “Thank to you!” this time you saw that Miles got shy and you loved having that effect on him. He was completely smitten with you, even Alex told you a while back that he never saw him like this and gave you credit for making his best friend feel so good.

You started eating until Miles spoke. “So I got some songs finished….” You looked up in surprise. “I can’t wait to hear them!” you told him. He knew you were a fan of his music, way before you actually met each other in real life. “I actually made a song about ya.” He told you a little unsure of your reaction. You were in awe “Really?” he chuckled and nodded. “I can play it for ya after dinner if ya want to?” you was still unsure of your reaction “You know I’ll never say no to that.” He chuckled and was still a little shy about. “What’s the title for the song?” you asked. “I’ll never get tired of dancing.”

He told you, making you even more curious. “Now you’re just teasing me.” you told him, acting, terrible bad, as if you were mad as Miles cackled at your reaction. You finished dinner and wanted to hear the song. He cleaned up the table and when you tried to help, he made you sit down again. “You can help once ya fully better.” He told you as you chuckled.

He finally got you out of suspense when he came outside with his guitar and the wine bottle which was already halfway finished. He sat opposite you and started playing while looking at you while he sang the lyrics. You felt so flustered and shy as your cheeks kept heating up. Back in the day when you had a crush on him and he didn’t even knew you excited yet, you dreamed of a moment like this and now it was happening. You felt even more shy as the sang further. The lyrics hitting you and you couldn’t wipe away the bright smile on your face which was apparently contagious.

After he was done, you were at lost for words. “I… I love it so much Mi! You make me shy.” You chuckled a little, not knowing how to behave right now. You stood up and got his guitar out of his hands, placing it carefully beside him. He was waiting for what you were about to do. You sat down in his lap, sideways and placed your arms around his neck and he automatically placed his arms around your waist as a response. “No one could ever make me feel this special except for you. I really love it Miles.” He smiled brightly “That’s all tha matters to meh.” He told you honestly. You kissed him passionately and before things could turn more heated he stopped you. “Ya still sick! I don’t want ya doing things while ya still sick!” he told you laughing at your attempt.

“But I feel a bit better!” you tried to debate, making him cackle even louder. “A bit better, isn’t fully better babe! And even though, I love that activity with ya, we’ll do it when ya fully better. Ya troublemaker!” You grinned at the nickname he just gave you. “Now stop tryin, cause I won’t budge.” He told you and you knew he wasn’t. “Okay, okay.” You told him and wanted to get off of his lap but he pulled you back. “That doesn’t mean that you can’t sit on meh lap. I like it when ya sit on meh lap.” He told you, kissing your cheek.

“Let’s finish this wine and get into bed for some more trash tv huh? How does that sound?” he suggested. “That sounds good.” He got a bright smile, which you returned. “God I love you so much.” You told him with a big smile while you stared at him. He chuckled slightly as he looked down, his cheeks already turning pink. “And I love you babe.” Making sure the tone on you was hearable.

You didn’t mind being sick but only if Miles would be by your side. He really is your sunshine and you are his.

Totally wired

Miles Kane x reader 

Not my gif, credits to the maker!
Guest appearance: Alex Turner
Summary: being a part of the team of designers for a festival and artists, might just make all your dreams come true
Warnings: Alcohol and cigarettes? Oh and quick mention of smut
Words: 2,8K.
A/N: i’m not too happy with this since i didn’t write it in one sitting and was out of the vibe

Totally wired

You were at a big festival in your home country. The Last Shadow Puppets would play before you and you would close off with a couple of other DJ’s that were famous. You didn’t start off as a DJ but always had a love for music. When you got to be a multimedia designer for the festival, you made a lot of connections and friends with some famous people. You were busy on social media as well with your work and to show your progress on work. Showing the good and the bad side, letting people know it wasn’t always sunshine and rainbows but definitely worth it.

You had a big increase in the amount of following and was now known in your home country. This year was no different and you did the big stuff for the festival, carrying your laptop with you everywhere you went backstage and doing some last minute changes. The finishing act would be crazy and you were doing some last animation things for the background.

It would be absolute chaos and you knew it. They always got their friends and famous people on stage to help them make an absolute blast of the party. It was always their goal to be sure that their show would be the most talked about and it worked every time.

You sat backstage on a table in the sun, trying to work as fast as you could. You wanted to be finished so you could see The Last Shadow Puppets. You were a very big fan of the crispy King Miles Kane himself and you would take every opportunity to see the man. You were sipping on your gin and tonic while some music blasted through your headset.

You were completely indulged with your own bubble that you had no clue of what was going on around you until you got pulled out of that bubble by a gentle hand on your shoulder. You jumped a little and quickly looked at the person. That was when you were met with those familiar kind brown eyes. You put your headset off in disbelieve. “ ‘m sorry. Didn’t meant tha scare ya luv! Is it alright if we sit here?” Miles asked you kindly and you looked towards the place he was pointing at which was Alex and the band.

You were so gob smacked but managed to get yourself together somehow. “Yeah, of course! Take a seat!” you told them and made some room for them. Miles was taking a seat next to you. “Fank you so much luv!” he told you. You’ve met Miles before but was sure that he didn’t recognized you anymore until he start checking you out. You noticed even though you were on your laptop, your attention was shifted towards Miles.

You felt your cheeks heat up at the attention you were getting. “I know ya from somewhere. We’ve met before didn’t we?” he asked you, grabbing the attention from Alex as well. “Yeah we did! Wasn’t expecting you to remember me to be honest.” You told him shyly. “Yeah… You’re Y/N right?” he asked you, trying to remember. “Yeah!” you were shocked that he remembered your name. “Yeah! You were lovely! It’s nice to see ya again!” he told you excited. “Yeah! I can’t wait for you guys’ gig!” you told them excitedly.

“Aww babe! You’re coming then?” Miles asked you while he sat with his body completely towards you. “Yeah absolutely! I’ll be at the side of the stage, taking some pictures probably!” you told him with a smile. “Realleh? D’ya work here?” he asked you deeply interested. “Yeah! I’m the multimedia designer for the festival and some artist! I was just about to finish up some animations for the last act, which is going to be absolutely crazy in every good way possible!” you told him excited.

You made eye contact with Alex who just looked at you with a smile. You reached out your hand. “I’m sorry, I haven’t introduced myself! I’m Y/N.” Alex held your hand with a smile and shook it softly “Hi! I’m Alex” he told you. “Yeah, big fan of the both of you!” you told him. “So how do you know each other then?” Alex asked you and Miles.

“She was at my show.. 2 years ago?” he looked at you to see if he was correct and you nodded. “Yeah, so we met backstage and chatted a bit! Ya made me night that day! I was supposed to go to a partyh with ya but we we’re a little busy makin music backstage so we didn’t make it. Felt realleh bad about that.” He told you. You couldn’t contain the smile on your face. “Well, you could make it up to me if you have time after the show! Like I said: The last act is going to be chaos and a lot of fun, so if you want to join me and some friends… You are both more than welcome!” You offered with hope glossing your voice.

Miles looked at Alex and Alex shook his shoulders. “I don’t see a problem with tha! I’m up for a proper party!” Alex told Miles. “So ya gonna be there right?” Miles asked you. “Absolutely!” Miles smiled and placed his hand on your knee. “Than count us in babe!” you smiled. “Deal!” Alex stood up “Imma get anotha drink. Ya want somethin?” Alex asked you. “Yeah a gin tonic please.” Alex smiled and nodded. “Ya too Kane?” Alex asked and miles nodded.

Alex walked away and you quickly made some finishing touches. “so ya do the animation for the last show?” Miles asked. “Yeah, and I’m (along side others) the videographer, photographer and graphic designer.” Miles nodded and had his eyebrows raised. “Ya impress me!” he told you, making you smile and chuckle. “It’s my job.” He nodded “I won’t keep ya distracted then.” He told you but you were fast to say: “Oh don’t worry! You don’t! I can multitask and besides that I’m already almost finished. I worked harder so I could see your show.” Miles chuckled “Aww babe… Thank you, that means a lot to me!” you smiled “Well, I wouldn’t to miss it for the world!”

“Can I see what ya just made?” Miles asked you. You shoved your laptop towards Miles and showed him the trippy animations. Miles looked at you in surprise “Ya made this? Ya fookin talented babe!” You felt flustered and smiled shyly at him. “Thank you.”

“There are going to be more animations played on the stage that I made, but these were just the last finishing touches.” Miles smiled, still looking at your laptop. “Could I maybe get yar working card? So that I could give ya a call? I would love to have you do some designs for meh new album if ya like!” you were gob smacked. “Yeah, of course! That would be a honor! I would absolutely love that!” Miles smiled as you handed him your business card. “I’ll definitely give ya a call!” he told you and Alex came back with the drinks.

You put your laptop away. “Could I maybe get a picture?” you asked them shyly. “Of course luv!” Miles said immediately and Alex agreed. You all stood up and you were placed in the middle. Miles held you by your waist and kissed your cheek while Alex kept looking at you with a grin and also an arm around you.” Someone from the crew took the picture. “Thank you so much!” you told them and they waved it off. “No problem! Definitely not for such a gorgeous girl like ya!” Miles told you with a wink and you felt flustered again.

“We ave to go but you’ll be on the side of tha stage right?” Miles asked you. “Yeah definitely!” M “Good luck boys!” you told them . iles gave you a hug and a kiss on your cheek before walking off with a wink towards you. You put your laptop in a safe spot and grabbed your camera. And walked in front of the stage where the other photographers were placed.

The boys came up and started playing. You got some good pictures of them along side some good videos. Miles kept his eyes on you and that definitely didn’t go unnoticed by you. Every time he started a serenade for you, you looked away from your camera and towards Miles who got a smirk. Obviously Alex noticed it as well and chuckled throughout the set.

You got back to the side of the stage to enjoy the show. Someone from the crew hurried to the stage to give them beer but he accidently threw it over you as he tripped. You helped the man up and he hurried back. The accident didn’t go unnoticed by the boys because it was a hard smack that he made. Your whole shirt was soaking wet by now and you tried to make it dry but to no avail. The man came back and this time didn’t trip, giving them their beer. Miles asked him if he was okay as he stepped away from the microphone. The man nodded and walked off quickly, apologizing to you profoundly but you were just glad that he was okay.

They came to their last song and the whole crowed went wild. They said there goodbyes and walked towards you. Miles looked at you “You guys were amazing!” you told them and Miles grabbed your hands softly in his slender hands. “Are ya okay babe?” you were a little taken back that he was concerned about you even though it was just beer. “Yeah, don’t worry. I didn’t get hurt. My shirt is just soaked.” You told him. Someone handed him a beer. “Walk with me luv.” He told you and held your hand, leading you towards the backstage area and towards their trailer.

You looked around and couldn’t really comprehend what was happening. “Here ya can borrow me blouse if ya want! I bet it’s not great to walk around in a soaked shirt.” He told you. You were taken back by surprise “Are you sure?” Miles smiled “Yeah. Positive babe! Dun’t wurry about it.” he told you. He saw that you felt a little uncomfortable since you didn’t want to go through his stuff so he helped you.

He searched through his suitcase. “Ya would look good in everthin babe.” He chuckled. He finally found a blouse and held it in front of you. “This would look mega on ya! Try it on!” he told you. Miles turned around and you got your dirty shirt off and quickly got into the blouse that still had his cologne on. “Alright, what do you think?” you asked Miles, who turned around. “Fookin hell babe! Ya look bloody sexy innit! Ya should keep it for tha time bein. I’ll get it back later.” He told you with a wink that made you feel flustered again.

“Ya lead tha way babes” Miles told you as you held hands again so you can lead him to the party and through the people. On the way you found Alex and Miles dragged him along which he seemed fine with. You arrived backstage and you saw your friends already hyping themselves up on the side of the stage before going up. Stephan walked up to you . “Hey Y/N! Your animations are absolutely epic!” he told you while giving you a hug.

“Thank you.” you smiled “Your gonna party along right?” he asked you hopefully, making you nod. Miles came back with some gin tonic for you and some for himself and Alex. Stephan said his goodbyes to you and left, jumping on the stage as the music started. Your other friends got up from behind the DJ set where they were hiding and the whole crowed went wild.

You, Miles and Alex started dancing along side some other friends from you and the DJ’s. It didn’t took long before they pulled you on stage and gave you a microphone to hype the crowed up along them. Everyone cheered as you came up. Miles and Alex cheered and had a big grin on their faces. You started to jump with the other Mc’s as sparks of fire came from the side of the stage for more impact effect.

The whole crowed went wild as one of the Mc’s started stagediving and floating animals, for in the water, were let go in the crowed and confetti cannons went off. You walked towards Stephan as he hinted for you to come. You took the set over while he started hyping the crowed up. The animations you made were floating around you on the background and you started to make the coolest drops with the music while jumping. You look to see if Miles and Alex were still there and when you made eye contact with Miles you saw how hyped he was for you.

Alex was smiling brightly as well and talked to Miles while pointing out stuff in the crowed. Miles started filming, probably for his Instagram. Everyone went wild as more confetti was blasted in the public. Stephan stood next to you “Let’s hear it for Y/N!!!” he screamed through the microphone, making you smile and made another sick drop as the crowed started jumping and screaming. Stephan started making music with you and making sick beats.

The videographers and photographers were capturing everything, from you to the crowed and the Mc’s. They picked some people from the crowed to get on stage while you kept playing some very familiar songs. People started making selfies with you on the stage and filming. Everyone started jumping in sync while screaming things through the microphone in the language from your country. It was indeed chaotic in every way possible but that was really what made it so awesome. A lot of people were sitting on shoulders from their friends as they kept jumping. The security had to stand on the railing to keep an eye on the people because it got so crazy.

You filmed something from your own phone and saw you got tagged in a story from Miles. You looked to the side and smiled to Miles, seeing what he had posted. “One hell of an ending! Go have it babe! Show ‘m” the text in the story said. You smiled and filmed the DJ set, the crowed and after Miles and Alex. “The kings in real life.” You put underneath the video.

This went on for a good while and right around the end there was fireworks on the beat of the music, along side some more fire, making everyone lose their minds. The last song was coming up and everyone left the DJ set to go to the front and all jumped with the crowed. You all said your goodbyes to the crowed and gave some people high fives before leaving the stage.

Your adrenaline was very high from all the excitement and energy you received. Miles seemed to be copying your energy and Alex was just smiling a lot. “Hole shit babeh! Ya really know how tha party! That was mega!” he told you while pulling you into a hug. You all started dancing and jumping around to the music as they went for a little while longer.

You, Miles and Alex walked off of stage and towards the backstage area. “I bet you’re very busy but… if you’re up for it… ya can join us on tour to make some media stuff for us and of course we’ll pay ya.” Miles told you while Alex nodded. “Are you kidding me? That would be a dream come true! I would love to!” you told them excited and they got excited for you. You did agreed with them to go home first and meet them on their next location so you could take some stuff with you.

You and Miles started flirting more and more and you were very curious how all of this was going to play out over the couple of weeks on tour with them.

~time skip~

It was now 2 months later and the physical attraction between you and Miles were through the roof. It just got more and more with everyday until the both of you just couldn’t take it anymore and after one, very heated night, which you were glad was in a hotel room, you finally became boyfriend and girlfriend. You went with him to his shows and he went with you to your shows. You both got a lot of energy from being on stage and perform but nothing came close when the other would be there. That made it just 10 times better and it felt like heaven. You really did bring up the best in each other.
