#alexander of brennenburg


The Victorian gentleman’s guide to torture, 2021

Daniel wants to share with the class and talk about everyone’s favourite subject.

The Fair Ones: chapter 16
The Fair Ones: chapter 17
The Fair Ones: chapter 18 - Epilogue

Fandom: Amnesia: The Dark Descent
Characters: Alexander, Daniel, Hazel
Tags: Slow Burn, Canon divergence – AU, Angst, Folklore
Author’s notes: I decided to post the last 3 chapters in one go, so enjoy the ending and thanks for reading!

‘How warm and alive he was. Intoxicating in the dregs of his humanity, tangible, real, after so many years in the dark. To touch him was to follow Icarus to the sun, and Alexander wanted to burn.’

The Fair Ones, chapter 15 on AO3

Fandom: Amnesia: The Dark Descent
Characters: Alexander, Daniel, Hazel
Tags: Slow Burn, Canon divergence – AU, Angst, Folklore

“Is there someone there?” he whispered, a cloud of white obfuscating his view momentarily. It was cold, so cold that his hands had turned bone-white. Something rustled behind him. He spun around wildly, eyes darting every which way, but nothing materialised from the darkness. He shouted, “hello! Anyone there?”

The Fair Ones, chapter 14 on AO3

Fandom: Amnesia: The Dark Descent
Characters: Alexander, Daniel, Hazel
Tags: Slow Burn, Canon divergence – AU, Angst, Folklore

‘The sound dragged on and on, and suddenly Hazel realised what it was. Growling. Low, guttural growling. She held the reins tight, heels firmly dug into the pacing filly’s sides to hold her in check.’

The Fair Ones, chapter 13 on AO3

Fandom: Amnesia: The Dark Descent
Characters: Alexander, Daniel, Hazel
Tags: Slow Burn, Canon divergence – AU, Angst, Folklore

“I’ll be damned. I thought you hated me.”

“I thought you hated
me. We’re even.”

The Fair Ones, chapter 12 on AO3

Fandom: Amnesia: The Dark Descent
Characters: Alexander, Daniel, Hazel
Tags: Slow Burn, Canon divergence – AU, Angst, Folklore

“If you’re thinking of pelting mewith snowballs, I’ll make sure you’ll sorely regret it.”

The Fair Ones, chapter 11 on AO3

Fandom: Amnesia: The Dark Descent
Characters: Alexander, Daniel, Hazel
Tags: Slow Burn, Canon divergence – AU, Angst, Folklore

“He’s as dim as they come; a typical London scholar with an upperclass background. Obstinate. A pain in the arse. Thinks the world revolves around him. No wonder the university sends him abroad so often.”

The Fair Ones, chapter 10 on AO3

Fandom: Amnesia: The Dark Descent
Characters: Alexander, Daniel, Hazel
Tags: Slow Burn, Canon divergence – AU, Angst, Folklore

“Something had happened, she was sure of it. Alexander seemed to be avoiding his eye, whereas Daniel was staring at him more than was strictly polite, as though expecting him to grow a pair of wings and fly off, then hastily looking away as soon as the baron turned around.”

A/N:This fic (and I) is going on my traditional mid-fic break after this chapter, so next update is coming early in April. Thanks for all the love and support so far, guys, it means more than I can say!

The Fair Ones, chapter 9 on AO3Fandom: Amnesia: The Dark DescentCategory: MaturePairing: Alexander/D

The Fair Ones, chapter 9 on AO3

Fandom: Amnesia: The Dark Descent
Characters: Alexander, Daniel, Hazel
Tags: Slow Burn, Canon divergence – AU, Angst, Folklore

“And what are you going to do once you have your answers? Run away screaming into the night? Alert the villagers and tell them to bring torches and pitchforks?”

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The Fair Ones, chapter 8 on AO3Fandom: Amnesia: The Dark DescentCategory: MaturePairing: Alexander/D

The Fair Ones, chapter 8 on AO3

Fandom: Amnesia: The Dark Descent
Characters: Alexander, Daniel, Hazel
Tags: Slow Burn, Canon divergence – AU, Angst, Folklore

“What is he? Alexander?” he whispered.

“I don’t know. You’ll have to ask him that yourself.”

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The Fair Ones, chapter 7 on AO3Fandom: Amnesia: The Dark DescentCategory: MaturePairing: Alexander/D

The Fair Ones, chapter 7 on AO3

Fandom: Amnesia: The Dark Descent
Characters: Alexander, Daniel, Hazel
Tags: Slow Burn, Canon divergence – AU, Angst, Folklore

“Alexander had stopped ahead where the treeline ended. He beckoned to them, and only for a moment Hazel hesitated. He alone stood out, as sharp and clear as her vision had been. The air around him stood still. A gust of wind made the branches tremble, but it never seemed to touch him.”

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The Fair Ones, chapter 6 on AO3Fandom: Amnesia: The Dark DescentCategory: MaturePairing: Alexander/D

The Fair Ones, chapter 6 on AO3

Fandom: Amnesia: The Dark Descent
Characters: Alexander, Daniel, Hazel
Tags: Slow Burn, Canon divergence – AU, Angst, Folklore

“She knew that she was more tired than she felt, but as soon as she placed the tip of the quill on an empty page she stopped thinking about everything else. All that mattered was her and her words on paper, and they had all the time in the world for each other.”

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The Fair Ones, chapter 5 on AO3Fandom: Amnesia: The Dark DescentCategory: MaturePairing: Alexander/D

The Fair Ones, chapter 5 on AO3

Fandom: Amnesia: The Dark Descent
Characters: Alexander, Daniel, Hazel
Tags: Slow Burn, Canon divergence – AU, Angst, Folklore

“It is my request that you address me by name. Is it not improper for a gentleman to decline another’s request?”

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