#alexei navalny


There is no time we need to act now

Today the entire Moscow went to protest against court sentensing 2,5 years of imprisonment to Alexei Navalny.

We need to get him out now.

Police blocked the whole center and acts move violently than ever. Please donate to help people with legal support and spread the word!!





ACF (Anti-Corruption Foundation) went international!

Please donate and support them if you can!

Alexei Navalny was sentenced to a 1.2 million rubles fee and 9 years in high-security colony which means it would be difficult to access it and keep contact with him.

Freedom to Navalny ✊❤

Navalny’s reaction to the sentence:

‘9 years. Well, just like what characters from my favourite show “The Wire” said: “You only do two days. That’s the day you go in and the day you come out” I even had a t-shirt with that motto but prison authorities seized it, considering it as an extremist item’

Kira Yarmysh, a Russian public figure and Navalny’s press secretary, explains how Alexei’s new fake trial went and why it’s important to share information about it.

Today he will be sentenced (the judge is announcing the verdict atm)
