#all i seem to write lately is these boys making out


A/N: A klance drabble, because boys will be boys.

“This is awesome.”

Keith breathes hard through his nose, inching back so he can look his boyfriend in the eye. They’re tucked away in some bushes, messing around when they’re supposed to be pulling weeds for his mom, and Lance is the picture of frazzled underneath him, cheeks flushed, hair a crow’s nest and parted lips glossy with spit.

“What?” he asks, because it’s just like Lance to want to talk during heated moments like this.

“I said, this is awesome.” A bony knee knocks against his hip before the leg attached to it rises and wraps around him, muscles contracting to pull them closer together. “Cause it is- really awesome. Like, the awesome-est.”

Lance’s jacket is slipping off one shoulder, pulling at his shirt and exposing the sharp line of a collarbone. Keith takes advantage of this and ducks down to place a sloppy kiss on the skin there, lips trailing upwards when he feels the pulse under his fingertips jump. Encouraged, he nibbles on the lobe of his ear, having one of his hands drift down to press into a fresh bruise on the jut of a hipbone.

The body underneath him twitches. “B-best thing to ever happen to me and oh s-shit, do that again- yeaup, you’re literally the greatest. I’m so, so, so glad we’re together.”

“Oh my god, shut up.” Keith goes back to attack the boy’s mouth, trying to hide the fact that his face is quickly becoming a tomato. It’s all in vain though, because Lance laughs this laugh through the kiss, all breathy like a case of the hiccups, and it has Keith’s insides twisting pleasantly. “You’re so embarrassing.”

Lance doesn’t listen. “Aw, look at you,” he says with a long drawl on the first syllable. Fingers entangle with the ends of his hair, twirling- it feels good and Keith never wants him to stop. “You’re so cute when you blush.”

“Just shut up and kiss me again.”

“I will, I will. Don’t get your mullet in a twist. Wait, hold on- there’s a rock digging into my back…” A few leaves rustle when Lance wiggles underneath him, stomach arching up and brushing against his in an effort to find a more comfortable position. Their belt buckles clink together. “There we go- oh, nope, I can still feel it.”

“For the love of-” Keith snakes an arm around the tan boy’s waist and lifts, leaning back until he’s sitting with a gorgeous boy firmly in his lap. The new position puts Lance slightly higher, but that’s nothing a good crane of the neck can’t fix, and it allows Keith the prime opportunity of grabbing a handful of his boyfriend’s ass and squeezing to his heart’s content.

Ah,” Lance says when he jerks up and elicits a wonderful collision of hips, the sound harmonizing with the hitched breath that whistles pass Keith’s teeth. “Ah, ah, ah.”

He does it again, harder, and feels Lance’s legs spasm on either side of him. Hands trail up his arms and knit around his neck, pulling them even closer; Keith goes willingly, swallowing a moan when sharp hips dip down to meet his own on the next grind.

And, okay, Lance is right. It is pretty awesome.
