#all men have limits



AMHL – Masterlist


Y/N had her forearm across her forehead as she stared up at the ceiling of their bedroom.

“You OK?” Dick broke her out of her thoughts.


“Sure? ‘Cause I can tell you’re having an intense conversation with yourself in that pretty head.”

That finally got Y/N to tear her eyes away from the ceiling and look at her boyfriend.

Then she let out a nervous laugh.

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They’re so sweet.

We love a man who encourages therapy, as if dick needed any bonus points on his perfect record.

Also this is a BIG conversation. It took so much less prodding than it would have a year or two ago. Dick can ask and she can answer him honestly with her fears. He postures them in a supportive way, letting her touch so much of him and feel him beneath her- not trapping her at all. It’s so subtle but it’s so necessary.

She talks and he hears her. That’s been the beauty of their relationship and why I’ll be team Dick till the end. She said it best in the series. She can’t read Bruce’s mind and he wouldn’t communicate. I love that she’s is actively practicing this with Dick. It takes courage to be so open with someone, even someone as open and inviting as Dick. The fact that she still chooses to be vulnerable and honest with him is so beautiful.

They give me hope for the future.




— If Jason ends up going home with someone, call me and I’ll come pick you up.

Y/N read the text from her boyfriend with a smirk. He’d sent it 20 minutes ago, but she was just now seeing it.

It was the only message Dick had sent her all night, always trying to give her the independence and space she needed.

Dick was always amused by Y/N and Jason’s little “club.” It even became an ongoing joke within the family. But Dick also knew that there was something sincere underneath it, as well.

Dick realized early in their relationship that there were some things in Y/N’s past he could never fully understand or help her with. Yes, he had his own trauma. But it didn’t involve abuse. His parents had died, but there wasn’t a day before that when Dick felt unloved by them.

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Club business. I love them. Jason and her have a special relationship and that’s so sweet. But dick. Ugh. Dick. I love that she has a safe place to stumble home to and bare chest to koala herself onto. Those are the important things.




We need to know how the kittens grew up!!! I know this is stupid but I’m genuinely interested lol

Yes, the kittens did grow up. 

As I mentioned before, Bruce knew all along that Damian had them. He figured if he pretended not to know, Damian would be more responsible with them – and not try to push the care of them onto Alfred. 

However, Bruce can’t pretend forever, especially when they grow older. 

There’s 4 kittens, plus their mother. Bruce finally puts his foot down and tells Damian that he can only have three cats at the manor. 

Damian keeps the mother and the two smaller kittens. 

Y/N offers to take one of them. And it’s the first one she ever held that night when Damian shared his secret with her. 

She names him Stoker. And he is obsessed with her. When Y/N is working/hacking, he loves laying in her lap, knowing she’s not going to move and disrupt his sleep anytime soon. 

Dick gets jealous that Stoker isn’t as in love with him or just as attached to him. He tries so hard to gain the cat’s love, constantly giving him treats and buying him toys. But Y/N will always be Stoker’s #1. 

Damian sneaks into Jason’s safe-house in Gotham and drops off another cat. 

There was no discussion with Jason beforehand. 

Damian just knew Jason had a soft spot and would never say no to a tiny, innocent animal. 

Jason acts annoyed once he realizes what Damian’s done. And he pretends to hate the cat. 

He won’t even give her a name. He just calls her Cat. (Just like in Breakfast At Tiffany’s.) 

But the whole family knows Jason is secretly obsessed with her. 

He buys Cat the nicest food and the most expensive beds that are scattered around his safe house. He even built a hanging bed from the ceiling for her. 

But if you ask Jason if he has pets, he’ll say no. 

When Y/N teases him and asks about Cat, Jason will say something like, “That stupid thing? It’s just living here rent free, not pulling its weight.” 

Oh good. The cats are okay.

I’m a little salty for Damian tho. Like come on Bruce. What’s the real difference between five cats and three? truly? That was just you grasping at some shred of control in a situation where you have none.


Character:Dick Grayson x Reader x Bruce Wayne

Summary:A certain bat believes that Y/N is in way over her head, that she’s too naive to act in her best interest. So, whether she wants it or not, the vigilante family is going to help and protect her before she gets herself killed.

Word Count: 6,600+

Warnings: Mentions of past abuse

Previously on…



Dick threw his small duffle over his shoulder as he looked around at his surroundings.

It sure was beautiful.

The complicated and long journey to get there was definitely worth it.

Dick figured out his surroundings before starting to walk.

There weren’t many people he passed, even when he got close to the town. But ones he did, they all stared, immediately recognizing him as a tourist. The place was too isolated for people to be passing through frequently.

Dick used that infamous Wayne charm to give polite smiles and nods to the townsfolk who gawked at him.

An hour later, Dick was at the bottom of a small hill, outside the fence of a bright yellow house. On the other side of him was water – the Norwegian sea.

The air was crisp and fresh, and Dick’s lungs seemed to thank him every time he took in a deep breath.

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I don’t even know what to say.

I will start by commenting on the soundtrack. Each chapter was swell, but I really felt this one was fitting. Sort of soft, light. Even the heavy parts felt good. I loved that ending for her. She deserved her Walter Mitty year and someone sweet waiting for her when she was ready.

I love the way this wrapped up. Dick waited like a true gentleman, but not in a broody distant way. He stated his intentions, he followed up, he followed through and he didn’t hold anything against her. I’ll never find a love like that so I’m just going to be elated that even in the imaginary world a guy like this exists for someone.

I love LOVE that she’s in therapy. And I love that she uses her skills. And that she’s honest and not afraid of confrontation and that she makes friends and works on a farm and hangs out with kiddos. I love this little life of hers.

I love that Bruce hasn’t changed in the slightest. He gave vulnerability a try during their conversation, but she carried that whole scene and good. She should. I’m not even sure she realizes how much the power dynamic has shifted through her healing. She’s the one who is growing and isn’t afraid and is making choices that aren’t self destructive. That’s power. It’s beautiful.

FUCKING DAMIAN TIGER KING WAYNE. I love this kid. I wanna keep him in a shoe box in my closet too. Of course he knows too much and of course he shares what he knows with her. Part of me wonders if he realizes what he’s telling her or if he’s just spitting out observations the way kids do without thinking about the implications. I’m leaning toward the second. And I’m betting he LOVES getting a little undivided attention from her. She’s his mommy. Duh. Because Dick is daddy. Sure Bruce is father. But does he give warm hugs?

This familial chaos is something that comic books do so well but it’s missing from the movies more often than not but I’m glad to see it’s alive and well in this universe.

Excuse me whilst I comb through your dc list for more dick. And when I find none, I shall cry. It’s fine.


Character:Dick Grayson x Reader x Bruce Wayne

Summary:A certain bat believes that Y/N is in way over her head, that she’s too naive to act in her best interest. So, whether she wants it or not, the vigilante family is going to help and protect her before she gets herself killed.

Word Count: 3,700+

Warnings: Mentions of past abuse

Previously on…


How did she let this happen?

Y/N had tried to push her short-lived romance with Bruce Wayne out of her mind for two years. And the moment she sees him again, for the first time since, it all went to hell. 

Why did she let him have her so easily? 

Why was he so hard to fight? 

His presence was difficult to ignore. And when he acted on their mutual feelings, Y/N knew she’d do just about anything for him.

But could two stubborn, emotionally distant, and nearly impossible people make it work?

But then Dick…Dick Grayson

Whenever Y/N thought of him, a warmth spread through her chest. He wasn’t scared of her. Instead of trying to break down her walls, he patiently waited for her to open a side door for him. He was patient and kind. Though he adopted Bruce’s flirtatious and charming ways, it was backed by substance in a way Bruce never bothered to follow up with.

Both men loved her differently.

But that didn’t mean one loved her more than the other either. 


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Both men loved her differently.

DONT even get me started.

Idk about this. Does Bruce love her? Does Bruce LOVE anything? TRULY. I need an answer. Look I’m all for dark and broody and not much for words. But I just don’t get “love” vibes from him. At all. Everytime I think about YN and Bruce I just get the sense that he feels strongly and doesn’t know what else to call it so he just kisses her and then kissing her feels good so then he does more of that and then wham bam thank you ma’am. Like. Idk. Maybe I’m being too critical but I don’t think I am. Does Bruce love anything? Anyone?? I don’t know. I just don’t.

Dick…. I mean okay now that I know it’s been 6 months, I’m more open to the idea that he may actually feel love for YN. Fine. You can say it Dick. Even this though, I struggle with. Like…… he’s been strung along and we really haven’t gotten that much of his perspective, so I dunno. Is it love? Really? He says it is and I’m inclined to believe him, but I wish we saw more of that. Of whatever their connection is. As terrible as it is, I feel like he was sold when he learned they were the same age and it’s just been confirmation bias since then. Idk. Maybe I’ll just day dream for a bit about the days when he would just sit with her in the cave while she worked and convince myself that they are in love. Idk. I’ll work on it.

Their feelings aside…. I get it girl.

I hear the pain. This gal didn’t sign up for this shit and now she’s got some decisions to make that only kind of have anything to do with her men.

She’s trapped between the broken one that gets my brokenness and responds in a way that hurts but feels familiar and deserved and the good one, the pure one that makes me forget my brokenness and treats me like I’m not, but I know he deserves more.

It’s terrible. TERRIBLE.

I can’t help but think that she’s looking at dick and seeing what Bruce is doing to her just reflected on this sweet soul and boy that doesn’t make it better.

So her decisions are really about HER. Who does she want to be? The person who sticks in the sick social cycle she’s stuck in, taking the bare minimum. Or the person who wants more and in turn has to give more. Both are scary.

How do I join this club with YN and Jason? Is there an orphan version? Oh I’ll just start one with Dick.

“When I meet men, in my eyes, they’re all my father until they prove otherwise. And the reason I’m always waiting for the floor to drop out from underneath me… is because it always has.” Look. You don’t know me like that, so if you’re going to come for my throat, at least give me a heads up. Thanks.

Also lol they’re all my father…… like….. like Bruce? She can join our daddy issues club. There are many clubs.

Now I’m starting to wonder…what if the only things you like about me is just everything that he made me be? And this is where I shrieked so loud my soup dumplings shook. Thanks. The dog hates me now.

On instinct alone, he put his hands on top of hers, scared she’d stop touching him too quickly. Still shrieking. look. He wants to be with her. Near her. Wants to give comfort to her and receive it. He wants her. BRUCES INSTINCTS- no don’t bring him up. Focus on dick.



“Then tell me why you love him,” Dick surprised her by asking. “I need to know. I need to know why, because that’s the only way I’m going to be able to let you go.” And now I’m shaking too. Sweet. I love this. So much. Love it. The way she says please don’t make me…. How much of that is because talking about Bruce sucks and how much is because she doesn’t want dick to let her go? HOW MUCH

Guys. Look. I’m not okay. I’m not OKAY. The way Dick just…. Oh my god. Like a lesser man would be so anti this Bruce thing and let it keep them apart and he just doesn’t. He’s so good. He sees her love for Bruce and it’s a part of her and he just wants her, all of her. So he kisses her. He is not shying away and my body huuuuuuurts.

NO NO NO NOOOOOOOOOOO. I love Jason but their moment ended but DICK YOU HAVE NOT LOST HER. STOP IT. BAD DICK. NO.

Okay wow. I love Jason. This friendship is so pure. Bless. I feel blessed by all their interactions.

This fucking tracking device. I want to smash it. No one cares where you are Batman. Actually…… like a ton of people care where you are Batman. Just giving someone a tracker for your whereabouts is hella irresponsible. Like. Why? Why would you do that? Is it even a real tracker? Is it in Damian? Why? It’s symbolic, but if what? SYMBOLS ARE POINTLESS IF THERES NOTHING BEHING THEM. It’s not like he actually cares about her more than being Batman, there’s no way. So why bother with this tracker business? To feel like less of a jackass? No. I reject this. Take the tracker back. It’s pointless. I’m so mad about this. God. This is so like him though. FUCK.


She would bend and fold herself for Bruce, lowering her expectations and latching onto what little he gave her, putting it all on a pedestal and giving it more meaning than it deserved. EXACTLY. THATS WHAT I AM SAYING WITH THIS TRACKER BUSINESS. What does it mean?! NOTHING. NOTHING.

AHHHHHHH. this discussion between Bruce and dick. Damn. Daaaaaaamn. It’s so good. Bruce is clinging to his self righteousness like Damian clings to the ceilings. Idk if he does that but he’s a demon baby I won’t underestimate him. Also his name is Damian. I love that Dick is getting it all out there but damn I kind of wish YN could hear it.

Ugh. This is so hard. Bruce really is doing the right thing. He knows his limits and he knows he can’t be for YN what she deserves, I respect his self awareness. I MEAN I KIND OF WISH HED COME TO THIS CONCLUSION UMMMMMMM IDK SOMETIME BEFORE FUCKING HER TWICE AND ABANDONING HER. WHAT A CONCEPT. Alas. He’s reached his conclusions and naturally, he’s not going to share them with her. Dick is absolutely right. Even knowing that Bruce really is not good enough, I said it and I meant it, for her, just leaving her in the dark instead of saying that like really truly saying that is such horse shit and just proves the point. I wonder how much of that is calculated. Is bruce fucking it up on purpose because his pride won’t let him say it or is he just captain self fulfilling prophecy?

It makes me so sad how hard it is for dick to wrap his mind around what Bruce is saying. I can hear the desperation in his voice when he said “so dont, don’t put her second.” It’s so simple in his mind because he is a better person than anyone else involved. Maybe a little naive but I’m choosing to think he just knows what he would do and it’s frustrating for him to see someone he respects do the opposite. That’s SUCH a shitty spot to exist in.




All Men Have Limits - IX

Character:Dick Grayson x Reader x Bruce Wayne

Summary:A certain bat believes that Y/N is in way over her head, that she’s too naive to act in her best interest. So, whether she wants it or not, the vigilante family is going to help and protect her before she gets herself killed.

Word Count: 2,800+

Warning: Violence, Mentions of past domestic abuse

Previously on…



Of course it had to be raining the night they needed to execute their plan. 

Y/N didn’t know if she was shaking because she was freezing or because she was so nervous. Even with all the layers and her knit hat, she couldn’t seem to warm up.

Y/N had been walking around for half an hour. They’d mapped out her route so her face would get picked up by as many street cameras as possible. If The Court was as sinister as rumored, they’d be watching.

“Scratch your nose if you’re doing alright,” Dick said in Y/N’s ear.

The whole family had explained how imperative it was for Y/N not to speak. They had to assume that Y/N was being watched the moment she left the manor. And if her lips moved, the Talons would know something was up.

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Character:Dick Grayson x Reader x Bruce Wayne

Summary:A certain bat believes that Y/N is in way over her head, that she’s too naive to act in her best interest. So, whether she wants it or not, the vigilante family is going to help and protect her before she gets herself killed.

Word Count: 3,600+

Warning: Mention of sexual assault 

Previously on…


“Going along with this plan seems rather unlike you,” Tim finally pointed out to Bruce.

It was the two younger boys and Bruce sitting in the cave. 

“Without her help, we would have never been able to get the evidence we need to take down The Court of Owls,” Bruce sighed as he looked up at the screens.

“Yeah, but like you said before, we never use our own as bait,” Tim countered.

“Y/N knows what she’s doing.”

Tim and Damian shared a look.

“Are you certain things have not gone too personal, father?” Damian finally asked.

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Very conversation heavy chapter.

Which I only point out because this family is better at killing than communication.

Also I think they’d prefer it.

ANYWHO. interesting conversations happening. Bruce is in full dad mode, which I find hilarious. He treats adults like children and literal children like adults. It’s almost weird to see him mandating family dinners, being embarrassed by his sons, and then tucking one into bed. It’s so different from the Batman or Mr. Wayne. It’s his third personality. Hidden away until the other two aren’t necessary.

I’m glad you dove into Jason’s story a bit, I just asked too soon. Lo siento. He is fun. Sure deflecting isn’t the *best* coping mechanism, but it’s my preferred method so I’m team Jason Shit Stirrer.

Damian is so weird, I love this little sourpatch kid. He is the Halloween candy they used to warn us about on local news. He is the Razor Blade in the Milkyway.

Talia and Bruce. Damn. What a story. I appreciate the way you talked about it. It happened. Bruce clearly doesn’t want to talk about it and I think that’s fine. Respecting victims wishes and NOT dwelling isn’t making light of something. It feels very true to his character as well. I can’t imagine there are many instances in which Bruce Wayne was a victim, so I’m sure that’s a difficult memory for many reasons. Even if his son is arsenic in the sugar bowl, it’s clear he cares for him in whatever ways he can.

I don’t know why but the idea of Damian having a bedtime is fucking hilarious. Like. I know he’s a child and he needs to go to sleep. But I can’t help it. The fact that he probably (definitely) has wet the bed and also rides shot gun in the Batmobile is really making me laugh.

I demand to know what Damian Wayne’s pajamas look like.

Dick. Dick dick dick dick. You heard my threats. And you still found a way to fuck it up. Not entirely but still.

Pro: I’m glad he came clean so fast.


It’s so real though. People who have good family memories and healthy relationships and do the absolute most to put the fun in dysfunctional often can’t understand those of us who feel safer in shadows. “Why didn’t you tell me-“ CAUSE I DIDNT WANT TO DICK. We’ve kissed like thrice, pump the breaks sheeeeeeeeeesh.

Now. I will say. There is power in the exchange of information. Which is why YN is hacker. It’s the power that’s available to her after feeling powerless. And she uses it to leverage the powerful and help the powerless. Love it. Information is core piece of this series.

BUT DICK. There is power in the exchange of information. There is INTIMACY in the equitable exchange of information. (Full circle to my whole ass rant about intimacy during that flashback). There is intimacy in two people wanting to know each other and wanting to be known. That’s beautiful. BUT IT CANT BE FORCED.

I understand that Dick feels the scales are tipped out of his favor, considering she already knows everything, (does she tho?), but they aren’t really. There is a difference between a background check and a real conversation. Dick is really STILL in the power position because he isn’t afraid of intimacy.

Can we have a breakdown of how much time YN has spent in Wayne Manor? Cause this is kind of what I was worried about. Bruce telling Dick about YN’s past and Dick feeling an even deeper connection without the benefit of YN offering it up. It’s like a seesaw and Bruce heaped a bag of sand onto Dick’s end and Grayson’s sitting on the ground shouting up into the air to YN “why are you so far away?”

I can appreciate that Dick is trying to even the playing field with his honesty. At least she knows that Bruce shared something that didn’t belong to him anyways. Ironic isn’t it? Considering all the tension? All the times he had a hard time sharing something that didn’t belong to him anyways.

Anywho. Loved this. As usual.

Love watching both men just fuck up continuously.

YN. Homie. You sound a little too much like me and that’s a lonely existence, so if you could….. actually do whatever you want girl. We’re not here for a long time, just a hard time.


Character:Dick Grayson x Reader x Bruce Wayne

Summary:A certain bat believes that Y/N is in way over her head, that she’s too naive to act in her best interest. So, whether she wants it or not, the vigilante family is going to help and protect her before she gets herself killed.

Word Count: 3,500+

Warning: Mention of domestic violence

Previously on…


“The Court is holding session two weeks from now,” Y/N announced to the group.

“How do we know they’re going through with it after all the recent attention?” Damian challenged.

“They haven’t missed one in over over 20 years.”

“So, what’s the plan?” Dick asked.

Y/N took in a deep breath, “We need a diversion.”

“Diversion?” Jason asked.

She nodded. “The Court has two kinds of protection: the Talons and then the protection they either buy or blackmail. The Talons are at every meeting, making sure nothing goes down and protecting The Court.”

Y/N eyed all of them before continuing – except for Bruce. The two of them hadn’t spoken since their argument, and Y/N hadn’t so much as acknowledged him.

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…………if you bring Babs into this, I will explode.

That’s. That’s my ship. I MEAN IF BABS IS IN THE PICTURE, Bc let’s be honest even after they broke up, she was still in the picture. Ugh their love story, it kills me.


Wow. Thanks for putting this hypothetical in my head where it hurts the most. Is this how you do it? Is this how you flip me to team Bruce? Cause it’s tricksy and I don’t like it.

Dick loves. And he loves well. And I also wonder what YN would do if she had someone who just loved her and loved her well. Feels a little premature to think like that, but they’re very comfortable together and near death experiences followed by tender moonlit hand touches mean you automatically level up in a relationship, I didn’t make the rules.

So Dick sees the similarities. Sounds like I’m not the only one with daddy issues. Jk. Kind of.

Bruce sharing her backstory with Dick……….

I have EXTREMELY mixed feelings about it. I hear him. I hear what he’s not saying. I get the message.

It just…. It wasn’t his story. And he’s no less a control freak for weirdly dumping someone else’s trauma on Dick’s shoulders just so he can not say that he’s giving Dick permission but also that’s 1000% what he’s doing. Like. WUT.

Why say anything at all? “Because she won’t” WELL THATS KIND OF UP TO HER AINT IT BRUCEY? Nope. Not anymore. Mr. See problem make problem to problem just swooped in and said if I can’t fuck her, let me hand pick the next guy who will and give him this deeply intimate knowledge so that the guy now feels even more connected to her without her knowledge.


If dicks first act is not to tell YN that Bruce spilled the beans I will riot. When he inevitably decides not to because if he does, she’ll be weirded out and pull away even harder, I will riot then too. I get it. But I don’t like it. Straight up if I found out two dudes were swapping my fucking trauma story behind my back, I would kill them. Or run away and never speak to them again. Or both. Idk. But that’s a non negotiable. SO NOW IM JUST ANGRY and waiting to see what YN does. Cause as the person behind the screen who is used to having all the information about others…. Finding out that the tables have been turned is going to be hard to swallow.

What was I going to say? Nothing. Bruce is being weird. All of my reblogs are now

TL;DR Bruce is a weirdo doing weird things.

