#batman x reader


*Y/N to Bruce after he saved Y/N from the Joker that was trying to hurt Bruce*

Y/N: Right now, I don’t know if I want to kiss you or shove off a bridge.

Bruce: *Slightly concerned* Can I pick?

okay so like i said im obsessed with kid fic aus because they’re so so cute BUT i absolutely lovethe unplanned pregnancy trope too

IMAGINE a one night stand with rpatz batman. its one of those getting caught up in the whirlwind, very spontaneous moments. maybe he saves you one night and you kiss him as a thank you gesture and he’s kissing you back. eagerly. desperately. like he’s never been kissed before. and next thing you know he’s lifting you up and pinning you against the alleyway’s wall and your legs are wrapped around his hips and he’s thrusting frantically in and out of you. you’re protected so you dont even think twice about him coming inside you.

but then a couple months later you find out that you’re pregnant. with the batman’s child.

you don’t have any clue who the man behind the cowl is. you don’t even know how to contact him to let him know he’s gonna be a father.

i cant decide how bruce finds out. whether you get desperate to let the batman know and try to reach out to him while the bat signal is on and wait for him there. OR you run into bruce wayne and he recognizes you immediately (because he hasn’t stopped thinking about you since your night together and the only reason he hasn’t seen you sooner is because he’s been too busy) and sees your baby bump…



Tim: What’s the best life advice you can give?

Dick: Be true to yourself. If you have to fake who you are to someone, they’re not worth it anyways.

Jason: Keep the people you care about close. You never know when something bad can happen.

Damian: Always make sure you are fully prepared for any situation.

Y/N: An apple a day keeps anyone away, if you throw it hard enough.


Through My Fingers

Summary:You both want what’s best for Gotham

Pairing: Bruce Wayne x Reader

Warnings:Language.Smut. Just a lil finger bangin, ya know?

Monday, April 18th

I’ve met someone. Arrogant. Flippant. Self-interested. They too, have plans for Gotham. An unshakeable need to play a hand at Gotham’s Rebirth. Her methods are radical, riot inciting, dangerous.

The city’s big. Enough for her to mold parts of it to her liking where my influence hasn’t yet touched. Too rough. Too sharp. My reach can’t remedy the damage. Should she continue, Gotham herself can only hope to be disfigured.

Something pulls me to her.

Keep reading


Through My Fingers

Summary:You both want what’s best for Gotham

Pairing: Bruce Wayne x Reader

Warnings:Language.Smut. Just a lil finger bangin, ya know?

Monday, April 18th

I’ve met someone. Arrogant. Flippant. Self-interested. They too, have plans for Gotham. An unshakeable need to play a hand at Gotham’s Rebirth. Her methods are radical, riot inciting, dangerous.

The city’s big. Enough for her to mold parts of it to her liking where my influence hasn’t yet touched. Too rough. Too sharp. My reach can’t remedy the damage. Should she continue, Gotham herself can only hope to be disfigured.

Something pulls me to her.

Keep reading


Through My Fingers

Summary:You both want what’s best for Gotham

Pairing: Bruce Wayne x Reader

Warnings:Language.Smut. Just a lil finger bangin, ya know?

Monday, April 18th

I’ve met someone. Arrogant. Flippant. Self-interested. They too, have plans for Gotham. An unshakeable need to play a hand at Gotham’s Rebirth. Her methods are radical, riot inciting, dangerous.

The city’s big. Enough for her to mold parts of it to her liking where my influence hasn’t yet touched. Too rough. Too sharp. My reach can’t remedy the damage. Should she continue, Gotham herself can only hope to be disfigured.

Something pulls me to her.

Keep reading

Through My Fingers

Summary:You both want what’s best for Gotham

Pairing: Bruce Wayne x Reader

Warnings:Language.Smut. Just a lil finger bangin, ya know?

Monday, April 18th

I’ve met someone. Arrogant. Flippant. Self-interested. They too, have plans for Gotham. An unshakeable need to play a hand at Gotham’s Rebirth. Her methods are radical, riot inciting, dangerous.

The city’s big. Enough for her to mold parts of it to her liking where my influence hasn’t yet touched. Too rough. Too sharp. My reach can’t remedy the damage. Should she continue, Gotham herself can only hope to be disfigured.

Something pulls me to her.

There you are. Sultry and intense. A bright vision for eyes accustomed to the darkness.

Bruce leans forward and hears himself emit a throaty grunt. It’s just the bruised ribcage he tells himself, knowing it’s a lie.

You’re passionate, as you always are, but being on camera ignites a chromosome in you that makes you magnetic. Anyone watching will be pulled by your words. Like mind control, your message will become theirs. You’re a north star in an empty night sky. You’re the way home. It’s dangerous, the type of power you carelessly wield.

“Now’s the time to reclaim what never belonged to them. Take back the city and let freedom ring!”

The climax to your speech has the crowd cheering with intense

A low vibration rumbles within Bruce like an old bell. “Incredibly dangerous,” he speaks aloud. Or in his head. He can’t tell which. He can only decipher that he needs to see you.

Not deep in the depths of the bat cave on a screen that flattens your visage.

He needs you in the flesh.

You’re washing off the day. Extra hot showers are good for that. The anxiety of being on TV, running back every word you stumbled over or important points you missed, isn’t something you want to keep with you.

So you let your mind drift. It’s a meditation technique your mother taught you. A very basic one, but one nonetheless. All thoughts are welcome. Your mind is free to bring up any memory it wished, so long as it’s business related. No self judgment or hatred of the thought is allowed — a crucial component of the exercise. As your mother had told you, “Allow your mind to freely roam for 30 minutes, and for the entire day you will know where your heart is.”

Suddenly, you aren’t thinking of better plans for Gotham. You’re thinking of hot cocoa and marshmallows during a winter storm. Extra, extra marshmallows. Extra cocoa too. But could you afford the carbs? Wait. Is that you judging yourself? This zone is judgment free. So you release the thought back into the void from which it emerged.

For a moment you’re just enjoying the feeling of being in the shower. But the mind takes over and strangely thinks of weightlifting competitions. Men and their bulging veins.

The thought doesn’t last long.

He arrives.

Of course he does.

The Batman.

It starts as the image of Gotham alight with the signal. We need you Batman. I need you.

The thought travels. What must it be like beneath all that heavy armor. Bulging veins? What kind of man was hidden behind the cowl?

Does he fuck as good as he fights?

You definitely judge yourself for that thought. You rather think about Gotham again than a man or a bat.

Finished with your shower, you dry off and throw on an oversized tee. In your head you’re mapping out your speech tomorrow: Something something like a lost soul, Gotham must find the light. Something something men with dark hearts have ruined this city. We have to fight back or find ourselves in hell.

You don’t realize the light in your bedroom is off until you’re already in it. That’s not how you left it. And before you can move to the lamp… you see him shrouded in the shadows. The silhouette of his thick frame. It frightens you, but not in a way that makes you run for cover.

“Your speech today —”

You give him no chance to finish. “What gives you the right to break and enter into my apartment? That’s the problem with men. Especially men like you. You think you own Gotham and everything in it.”

“Your speech today caused a 5% increase in crime.”

He approaches and hands a handheld device to you. The screen of which is cracked, but you can still make out the ticker.

“Looting has increased significantly in the East End—”

“Correlation doesn’t imply causation.”

“Swipe right.”

As you do so a picture pops up. A vandalized convenient store. A man wearing a mask of the president holds a banner with a man wearing a mask of the Vice President. Let freedom ring scrawled in blood, nearly illegible. A bludgeoned store clerk sits

Batman, in his typical monotone whisper, asks, “is this your idea of Freedom?”

You push the handheld into his chest. “A version of it.”

“Your words have power,” he says, “the things you say could be used for good.”

A thought enters your mind and you don’t pass judgement on it. Here is The Batman. In your bedroom, in the dark. It’s enough to make you bite down on your bottom lip. “That’s what you came all this way to tell me? That I have a naughty mouth?”

He’s silent. As still as the night that coats your apartment. You take the reigns, hoping his lack of a protest is a sign of approval. Lips pressing against his, you groan in approval when he kisses you back. It’s soft, fragile, nothing like the brutal way he’s bludgeoned petty criminals. Makes you think either he doesn’t do this often, or he doesn’t want to hurt you.

His device drops from his hand. It startles you, makes you want to jump from your skin, but his fingers against your waist keep your form flush against him. The kiss breaks and there’s just breathing. Heavy breaths regaining composure.

“Don’t,” he warns as your hand runs along the smooth plating of his cowl. You make no fuss about it, no forcing things. You have every intention to drop the lust, but he’s forcing you back first onto your bed. You flowing with the ebbs of the mattress and sink into the weight Batman forces against you. “Just lie still.”

You do as you’re told. Cold fingers, hard and metal, untie your towel. You’d forgotten that was all you had clothing you. And barely recognize that the hand reaching between your legs is gloved until -


His fingers slide inside you. You’re not sure how many. You just feel full. To the brink of it burning. It’s just the right amount of stretch.

“You’re wet,” he murmurs, all soft in the darkness. It makes you moan harder when he pushes back inside you. A little rougher and you roll against his finger’s thrusts. “So wet.”

“Does it feel good?” he asks, fingers swirling around your clit. You wrangle out an answer between pants. Yes. It feels so fucking good. With your head thrown back and legs wrapping around either side of his waist.

You come, in the black void of space and he’s kisses you through it. Something he wants to taste for himself.

And then he leaves. Picks up his device and leaves. No trace of him ever being there.

now 2 | changes part 7

authors note: just a short chapter since i’m sick but hope you enjoy! this one is kinda just fluff

masterlist for series

thomas didn’t know what to think about bruce in his suit. he was obviously frightened over the whole situation so he clung to you the entire ride back to the manor.

you almost couldn’t believe it when bruce drove you into literal cave. “unbelievable, you really are the most extra man i know.” you shook your head with a small laugh. only he had the funds to make an actual bat-cave.

bruce ignored your comment and parked. when he got out, you took a moment to fully admire the suit and all it’s intricacies. once,he took the cowl off again, his dark paint smeared down his face. you finally could recognize your bruce now that you weren’t in a full blown panic.

you got out of the car and held thomas close as bats flew over your head.

when he walked over to his work station, he pulled out his contacts and put them onto a machine where the worst night of your life started to replay in front of you.

you turned away, unable to stomach it again. you hadn’t even shown up on the screen yet, but just bruce’s point of view of him racing to get to you.

bruce noticed this after he was through shedding the rest of his armor. “come on, let me get you both settled.” you nodded and followed him upstairs to the manor.

nothing had changed since you left. it was like time had stood still. when you walked through the stairwell, memories hit you, hard. you willed away your tears and walked to the master bedroom.

bruce didn’t question it. that had always been your bedroom together, but it looked like it hadn’t been used in a while. you turned to ask but he spoke first, “that night you came. in the rain. i stopped sleeping in here. i couldn’t face it. after what i did to you. i knew i had broken you and all your stuff was in here and the room smelled like you. i-“ he took a deep breathe, “i’m sorry.”

you closed your eyes for a moment and settled thomas on your hip. “i love you and i want you to be apart of our lives but how can i trust you won’t do that again?” you whispered, before he could answer you continued, “i’m going to bathe thomas and then myself.”

after thomas’ bath and your shower, you felt human again. bruce had taken a shower in the other bathroom and was in some pajama pants that were familiar to you. he had laid out one of his old shirts on the bed and a pair of your underwear that you had left behind for you to sleep in.

there was also a package of diapers and onesies; bruce had obviously run to the store while both of you bathed. you smiled softly and changed both yourself and thomas. thomas was exhausted and didn’t even need a bottle to fall asleep.

when he was asleep, you went looking for bruce.

you saw the light on in one of the guest rooms and opened the door. he was laying in the bed, reading. “come to bed.” you said softly. it wasn’t a question, but he could say no.

he looked up at you, confusion on his face, “i want you to come sleep in the bed with us. i won’t feel safe unless you do.” you said walking over and sitting next to him. you also missed him but couldn’t let him know that.

you didn’t want him to think that things would go back to normal, but after the night you had, you couldn’t fathom sleeping alone.

he sat up and gently put his hand on your cheek, “i will never let anything like that happen to either of you again.”

you rested against him and inhaled, “just don’t leave ever. that’s all that matters. now come to bed, b.”

you stood up slowly and took his hand. he took it and followed you to the master. you crawled in next to thomas and bruce next to you. the three of you curled into each other’s arms.

your little family was almost whole again. all that was missing in the house was alfred. then things would be complete.

WARNING: Ehhhh rain? Hot pizza? 
Summary: So Clark and reader spend time together. Will something happen? Will Clark finally confess? Stay tune and find out!
Notes: Chapter update? Whaaaaaat. is this real? Have I finally got my depressed ass to write a semi decent chapter? 

@lady-acinonyx-jubatus@atomicpeacekryptonite@overcasst @jazminwinchester@bookishlyever-after@ironman-lover-9147@shonaldo@the-slxxping-soldier@sarahlynn24495@soivebuiltupaworldofmagic@batsuperflashmartianwonderman 

Chapter 8

LA Devotee - P!atd<– montage music cx I recommend listening while reading the beginning



  He smiles at you and answers, “Sure. What do you want to do?”

You thought for a moment, where can we go? 
“Um, anywhere? I guess. It doesn’t matter to me I just don’t want to be home.”

He nods in understanding and turns to grab his bicycle. “Well hop on.” He then straddles his seat. You look at him, dumbfounded. “Wait, what?” You were caught off guard of by that.

He gestures to the handles of his bike with a nod. “Get on. I promise you won’t fall.” 

You stood there with a raised brow while eyeing the bike in uncertainy, not sure if he was serious. 
“Are you for real? Is that legal?” You ask.

He shrugs his shoulders. “I don’t know but I’m willing to find out.”

Unsure but excited you take a look around at the people before walking over to Clark’s bike and climbing onto the handles. He holds out his hand and you take it for support. 
“There you go.” He says; “Put your feet on the pegs.” 

You do as he says then he grabs hold of your waist and leans you back against his chest. You were flushed against him, feeling his warm breath down your neck.
 “I got you.” He speaks lowly. His mouth just mere centimeters from your ear. By now your cheeks were definitely a different shade and you were hoping he can’t see from where he’s at. 

“Alright here we go. Hold on.” He stands on the pedals as he pushes, making sure you were leaning back on him. Feeling his warmth made your heart flutter, this was fun. You were smiling and so was he as you passed people and the wind started to pick up. 

“Whoa! Clark! Hey!” You shouted, whole body tensed and trying to stay balanced.
 “I got you Y/n,” he says cooly with a smile, leaning forward more so you can use his shoulder to lean back on

You couldn’t believe what you were doing; here you were on the handle bars of Clark’s bike while he sped through downtown Metropolis during rush hour and both of you didn’t seem to care. Though people of all kinds, from having baby strollers to other cyclists, jump out of the way before you two could plummet into them.

“We’re gonna crash into something,” you yelled but it started to turn into a giggle as you were enjoying yourself not feeling any danger at all, it’s like Clark himself was your safe point.

 “I promise you we won’t,” he laughs back, enjoying seeing you smile and laugh. Just as he said that he didn’t notice that the street you two were headed towards had turned green and cars began to move through. 
 His eyes and yours went wide when you both were about to cross over the edge of the sidewalk until Clark braked hard sending you flying towards oncoming traffic.
  You panicked and closed your eyes, throwing your hands forward to break what ever will hit you but nothing did. Slowly your eyes open and you were still safely on the sidewalk, then you felt a warm arm wrapped around your middle. Your head turns to see Clark holding you against him and his bike thrown back a few feet from you two.

“I got you,” he whispers still holding you to him.

“How did you do that?” You ask, trying to figure out how he had time to jump off the bike, throw it to the side and manage to catch you even though you were sent flying.

“Adrenaline, I guess.” He shrugs his shoulders, shaking off how fast he was to save you. “Are you okay?” He asks 

You nod, still feeling shaken about the situation. “I’m good.” Your voice squeaked a little at the end. His eyes scan your face, making sure you were actually okay then he gave a guilty look. “Okay. I’m sorry about that. I wasn’t paying attention. It won’t happen again, ever.” 

Tucking your bangs behind your ear, you shake your head. “Don’t sweat. We’re both okay, that’s all that matters.” You smile at him so he knew that you meant it and once he did, both of you continued on foot to a unknown destination. 

You two were taking a stroll through the quiet side of the city, away from busy streets and crowded sidewalks. It was peaceful, the sun just started to set, leaving a warm glow of yellow and pink. The air was cool and the crickets began to chirp.

“So how’s life been? I haven’t seen you for awhile.” You point out to Clark. A small grin appears on his lips as he looks down at you; 
 “It’s been good. Just busy with work. You?”

You shrug. “Same as always only now I have to start applying for jobs in the city and get started on my life.” 

He agrees with a nod of his head. “Are you excited for graduation?”

“Yes!” You answer immediately with a enthusiastic tone. Your child like behavior of excitement made him giggle. 

“Are you going?” You ask turning and walking backwards behind him.

“Of course,” he says. “Why would I miss something so important to you.” 

His answer made you smile. “Thanks Clark. And Lois is going of course?”

“Uh,” he begins. You pause in your tracks at his answer.

“’Uh’ what?”

His mouth tightened into a thin line then curved, followed by his eyes making a ‘not so sure’ look. “She might be out of town around that time.” 

You took in a deep breath, not liking that. “You’ve got to be kidding me?” you said in a exasperated tone, slouching your body. “She promised me!”

“Hey but I’ll be there. That’s something.” He shrugs, not sure what to say.

He was right. He’s your best friend and your go to person when you need to talk to someone and never has he rejected you so this was something.

“You’re right. As long as you’re there I’ll be okay.” 

At your words he gives a warming smile, then out of nowhere a loud grumble emerged from your body. Clark raises his brows then laughs, “Okay so now that we got that out of the way let’s get you something to eat.”

Red cheeks, you agreed with a quick nod as you walked side by side with him with your hands over your stomach.


 Luckily for the two if you, there was a pizzeria near by just around the corner, it was small but had a home feeling to it. It stood out like a sore thumb; the lights buzzed and flickered and only a few people were working including the manager; he was a nice man, he complimented how good you two looked together as a couple. ‘I can see the romance burning between you two!’ He said in his native tongue, his son had to apologize with an embarrassed look when you clarified to them that you and Clark were just friends.

After they left to the back to take care of your order you and Clark took a seat at the only table there with two chairs that sat at the corner. It was small but then again this was a ‘go to and leave’ kind of shop; you get your food and walk off. 

Poor Clark, he was a big guy so it was amusing seeing him keep shifting to get a comfortable position. 
 “Do you want to trade spots? I can fit in that corner.”

“No. No. No” he kept saying. “I’m okay.”

After another two minutes of seeing him keep changing positions you sighed with a shake of your head. “That’s it, we’re trading. Get up Kent.”

He slouches his body onto the seat, feeling defeated and got up so you can sit down. “Better?” You ask seeing him not move so much in his seat.

With red cheeks he nods, “Yeah. Thanks Y/n.” He says sheepishly.

“What would you do without me Clark?” You said leaning back into your seat and crossing your arms, smiling at him.

“Honestly, I don’t know.” He answers leaning forward and placing his elbows on the table. 

“Me neither…” you say quietly to yourself, wondering if you’ll be able to ever get over him. 

Silence settled between you two, both thinking of the same thing without the other one knowing it. Until the son approached your table with a large pizza cluttered with olives, mushrooms, spinach and pepperonis. He then settled two plates and said he’ll be back with your drinks.

The smell hit your nostrils and you hummed, eager to dig into the Italian delicousy. “Whoa there tiger,” Clark cooed, seeing your hunger rising as he set your plate and his.

You didn’t listen and grabbed a slice from the tray, strings of melting cheese trailed over the table, light coat of grease over the pie. It looked beautiful to you. 

The first bite was hot and full of flavor, you didn’t care that it was burning your mouth, you were just really hungry. Clark also was stuffing his face and taking in the deliciousness.

After a few slices you two sat back with fully bellies. 
 “That was needed.” You huffed out. Clark hummed in agreement then he suddenly burped loudly, you two were quiet then you smiled at him but then you burped loudly too. 

Quickly you covered your mouth and looked at Clark in embarrassment, a smile slowly crept on his lips and he started laughing, you shortly joined in. Tears streaming from your eyes and stomach starting to feel sore from so much laughing.

After a few more moments of laughter it quieted down and left you two to silently stare at each other.
 Clark watched you with admiration in his eyes, you were the perfect girl to him and though there was flaws, that is what made you perfect.

He opened his mouth to say something, “Y/n?”

Your eyes looked to him and he couldn’t help that gaze you would give him every time he called for you. “Yeah?” You asked with a tinge of a smile on your lips and a little of curiosity in your voice.

He took in a deep breath, careful of his next words. “I have to tell you something..” his voice trailed off. Your heart sped up a bit, what did he want? Is it about the other night?

“Listen Clark if you’re still on about what happen at the park–it’s okay. I understand. You don’t need to keep feeling guilty about it.” You reached for his hand and rubbed his knuckles gently with a soft smile.

He returned one back but he shook his head, “No there’s more to that. I don’t know how to tell you this–”

“–Then don’t. Wait until you’re absolutely ready but for now can we just enjoy this night?” You look to your side at the quiet night. He stared at you and nodded, “Of course Y/n. I’m sorry.”
“You can apologize by walking with me.” You stood and held your hand to him.

He took it and stood walking with you to his bike, he grabbed it and you wrapped an arm around his to lean against him as you two walked together.
“It’s nice right now.” You said leaning your head on his arm.

He nods in agreement looking up at the white sparkles in the black sky, “It sure is.” 

A tear drop of water landed on his cheek making him wipe it off. “Looks like it’s going to rain.” He pointed out right before more drops of water started to come down.

“Damn, my camera.” You sigh as you rushed for cover under an awning.

The calm rainstorm cornered you two, unable to get anywhere without risking getting soaked.

You opened your camera bag to make sure none of your equipment was damaged.
“Is everything okay?” Clark asked over the storm. You give him a thumbs up as you continued to fiddle through the lenses and cables. “So far looks like everything is okay.” You answer.

“That’s good. I’m glad. Sorry about the storm.” He gestures his his chin.

“You kidding?” You scoffed at him as you zipped up your bag and put it down where it was safe. He looked at you.

“Rain storms are the best!” You shout and darted out to the empty streets. Spinning around the puddles with your arms above your head.

Clark smiles softly.

“C’mon Clark! Not afraid of a little water are you?” The teasing in your tone caused him to raise a brow at you. 

“It that a dare, (Y/n)?” Your name resonates from his cool deep voice. 

You lick your bottom lip and giggle a bit, knowing full well what you just started.

With narrowed, predator like eyes not leaving you he pushes himself off the wall and lifts the strap of his bag from across his chest and settles it down next to your camera bag. He then proceeds to start walking from the warmth of under the awning and towards you.

Your feet start to slowly back yourself away, ready to run the other way from him. His long legs carried him with only a few lengthy strides and he as only a few feet from you. 

You zipped off, both of you running around trash cans and trees on the sidewalk, you used every possible obstacle you can to slow him down but somehow he was more cunning and quick.

 You smiled and laughed, able to just slip his grasp, feeling his finger tips just grazing your arms and slightest tugs of your shirt.

When you looked back you didn’t see him until you ran right into him, there he wrapped his arms firmly around you and he spun you around. 

You yelped at the surprise, placing your hands on his shoulders.

Slowly he stopped and you two settled against each other, both breathing hard from running around and then you started to shiver.
“You’re cold,” he said with concern, feeling his arms tighten a bit to bring you closer.
“I-I’m fine.” You smiled up at him.

The street light from above highlighted the droplets on your plump lips. His eyes cast down at them and you noticed, one of his hands found they’re way to the back of your head and held you in place as he slowly closed his eyes and brought his face closer to yours and paused.

“Clark….” you said in a sweet whisper, urging him to go further with his actions, your hands gripping the collar of his shirt.

He grinned in response, pleased with your reaction and grazed your lips with his. Just that teeniest, tiniest touch set your skin ablaze, your heart was in your throat and you couldn’t breath but none of that mattered, what matters is this moment. 

One of your hands cupped his cheek, as he continued the tease, he wanted to remember this as you.

His lips were soft just like you imagined, his taste was sweet and even in the cold rain you felt the heat from his body and his mouth was an even higher temperature. 

His tongue grazed your bottom lip, begging for entry and you obliged. He indulged in your soft touch, holding you closer to him, afraid that something might pull you away. 

The kiss was hot and wet, exactly how you pictured it would be.

You two pulled away, faces inches from each other. A wide smile appeared on both your faces.
“I’ve been wanting to do that for a long time. I’m in love with you (Y/n).” Clark said with a hoarse voice. There. He said it. He finally fucking said it.

You let out a shaky laugh, keeping your eyes closed. “Fuck. I’ve always wanted to say that to you. Guess you beat me?”

His then opens his eyes in shock. “Really?” A hopeful tone.

You nodded then a phone rang.

You both look to your bags.

“Sounds like yours.” You said.

“I’ll check it later. Probably Louis.” He shrugged off looking back at you.

Then realization dawned on you. Quickly you pushed yourself away from him and covered your mouth with your hands.

“What?” Clark asks puzzled. “What is it? What’s wrong” 

“This is wrong. Oh this is wrong on so many levels! What am I doing?!” You shout walking to your bags.

“I’m so sorry Clark! I shouldn’t have done that!” You then proceed to take out your phone and message Bruce to pick you up, he replies quickly that he’s around the area. You turn on your phone gps signal for him to find you.

“What? What are you talking about?” He asks quickly as he grabs his bag and bike.

“This was so wrong. I knew it! You’re so stupid (Y/n)!” You shake your head as you continue to walk away from him.

“(Y/n)! Please! Talk to me! Please!” He begs as his softly grabs your arm. He turns you around but you kept your head down. “No this is wrong.”

He cupped your cheeks to face you to him and he saw the tear trails. “Did I do something wrong? I’m sorry if I did.” He was worried and confused, what happen to the happy moment?

You cried more and just shook your head. “I’m horrible. Louis is a good friend how can I do this to her!” 

He furrowed his brows for a moment to think and then put the pieces together. She thinks he’s with Louis.

“I’m sorry! I overheard you guys a couple weeks ago in the copying room and you confessed your feelings to her and I just come in wrecking it all! I’m so sorry!” You slipped from hi grasp, just in time for Bruce to pull up around the corner. 

Holding your bags close to you you kept our head dipped as you ran to the passenger side and got into the car.

Clark watched like a fool, letting you slip again. He confessed but he didn’t think to clarify with (Y/n) about Louis. 

Now she knows so what will happen?

He put his head down, the rain now slowing down to a mild sprinkle.He stood in the empty street, jaw clenched.
A smile crept to his lips as he also remembered that you too confessed to him.

“I might have a chance with her.” He said to himself.


this is pretty much crack treated quite seriously, um, this is just silly?

A little heads up for the language!

-When the boys heard their mother’s booming voice from the cave, they knew shit went down and at that moment one of the oldest boys had Damian’s ears covered.


- Just imagine how terrified they were when their mother declared that. Their faces turned into varieties of paleness.

- She was going to leave them? Oh crap, oh no, Bruce what the fuck did you do???

- it was obvious who they were going to be with.


- they were bringing Alfred if she REALLY moved.

- the next day after the one-sided screaming session their mother was silent.

- Dead silent.

- they had never been so intimidated just by hearing someone breathing.

- her overall presence is terrifying to the point when she went on patrol almost no criminals were found that night because they could just SENSE that she needed punching bags to get the rage out of her system.

- they ain’t risking their lives because of Batman’s fault.

- they just knew it was the bat’s fucking fault.

- Joker’s thugs are like Joker? Joker who?

- Oh, you mean that fucking pussy who always tell them what to do? OHH-

- Bruce had to know if it was Alfred who cooked the food.

- no, Batmom could cook hella fine but god when she was mad it’d be better to avoid her cooking.

- but he also knew it’d enrage her if he didn’t finish the food.

- so he put some test into every single dish before eating, he had to know that his wife didn’t put anything in it.

- she never did, of course.

- the boys would miss their mother’s gentleness. She was still kind to them, but she wouldn’t be comfortable when they got too close in fear that she’d snap at them.

- she was still pretty mad.

- this would last for 5 days, give or take.

- then she would break down and tell them how sorry she was for being a bad mother figure to them, for acting like a child.

- group hugssss!

- Bruce would ask for her forgiveness only to be cut off by her bawling. Bruce could barely understand but had the gist of what she was trying to say.

- gross crying. Intense sobbing. Slurred words. Talking too fast.


- “leave you? Never. I’m sorry too.”


- if there were unfortunate people she happens to beat the shit out of, she’d visit them in her full attire. Mask and all.

- and rest assured because they would receive THE BEST TREATMENT EVER.

A/N: not sure if I’ve written this one before… OH WELL

cuddling with the big bad bat.

You found Bruce sitting on the bed, back resting against the headboard with his blue eyes closed. He seemed so content and relaxed shoulders visibly slumped seeing he had his guard down, legs crossed at the ankles.

Gently, you closed the door before walking further into your shared bedroom, sauntering towards the bed and almost immediately, as if he sensed you nearby—maybe he did—that you were there, he lifted one of his arms without opening his eyes.

You couldn’t help but giggle softly, slipping into his open embrace as you sat down by his side, head resting against his broad chest and felt it lifting up when he took a deep breath.

He was just so warm his big body was perfect to be cuddled and it exactly what you did. You had your arms around him and his muscular ones around yours, bringing you closer to his body protectively causing your heart to flutter giddily in your chest.

“I love that you don’t bother to ask a question and just let it happen,” you teased, head tilting up to look at his face, finding his eyes already opened to greet yours. His gaze was gentle, adoration twinkling in those hypnotizing blue depths.

“I’m pretty much used to it by now,” his big hand sought for yours, lacing your fingers together before resting your joined hands on his stomach.

“Or maybe you just want to cuddle with me,” you cooed.

The look in his eyes changed and you found yourself flush at the intensity of it, then his mouth opened, he was all but drawled his words. “What if I do?” then he leaned down to bring his face closer, lips ghosting over your slightly opened ones, “what if I actually want more?”

Unable to answer, you settled by hiding your face in his chest—ironically, trying to hide from him as you whined, you were sure he could feel the heat in your face through his dress shirt, missing his smile and chuckle as you were too occupied by hiding your embarrassment.

Bruce Wayne: Ladies Man

A/N: A bit of Batman because I don’t have enough on here.


It was simply a side job, in Gotham such honest living was difficult to come by so when an old friend of the family offered you a waitress position at their bar you couldn’t refuse whilst getting through school at 16. Who wouldn’t want to earn some cash right? Surprisingly they upheld a few laws, like not letting you serve alcohol but if you remained then it would be something you’d learn among other things.

After 2 years, one interesting thing about the job was the vast variety of customers the bar attracted. You intermingled with the likes of Gotham royalty, both of upper class and the underground depending on the day and being a long term employee meant they remembered your name whether you liked it or not. Unfortunately, due to your uncanny ability to charm just about anyone, you were the pub favourite often requested to serve and the owner adhered to the requests of the wealthy for obvious reason - plus they tipped you generously.

Among these was young bachelor Bruce Wayne, you were on a first name basis with how often his friends came in clubbing. They weren’t 21 but money and fake IDs do the talking. Although you cared not for their names, it was Bruce who seemed more mysterious and calculating than he’d ever let on.

Tonight he sat at the bar in contemplation, a member of his group snogging the face off of some lass rather lazily in your opinion.

“I’m surprised you aren’t indulging in the same luxuries.” You casually addressed your friend, sliding your platter onto the bar and leaning on it beside him gesturing to the aforementioned pair.

“I’m not great at charming women yet. The status does it all for me right now.”

“You can’t rely on that! You’re Bruce Wayne, I expect you to be smooth and have me falling at your feet. What if there’s a girl you really like who won’t care for your status hm?” He raised a brow at your playful tone, but you’d captured his interest as you usually did unintentionally.

“I don’t know, I haven’t met one yet.”

“Alright then we’re going to prepare for that day so she’ll be wanting more. C’mon, show me.” You patted the bar for emphasis, smirking at his suddenly confused expression.

“Right here, now?”

“Dazzle me.” Came your simple yet upbeat response as you gestured him to bring it.

“Okayfine. So uh… you come here often?” Bruce attempted rather awkwardly, leaning against the bar in a way he thought to be seductive as you remained unreadably silent.

“Pfffttt that’s the best you’ve got?” You couldn’t hold your laughter for long, head falling into your arms on the bar to stifle them.

“No - no! (Y/n) it’s not that funny…” He hummed, lightly nudging your arm to regain your full attention.

“You’re right, I just - it was sobad. You’re so crap at flirting it hurts!”

“Oh? How would you do it then?” For someone so young, he was challenging and you would be lying if you said you didn’t enjoy it.

You ran your hands through your hair, fingers gently grazing his arm with a gentle bite of your lip.

“Now now, we can’t have you falling for a mere waitress now can we?”

“You’re not just a waitress (Y/n)…” His gaze followed you around the bar as you now learnt over it with a courteous smirk.

“Right there - you watched me walk away, I already have you hooked right?”

“Wait - that didn’t - you didn’t use a pick up line or anything! How does that even count?” Bruce looked back and forth, stammering once coming to the realisation that you’d charmed him so easily whilst you leaned back to clean a glass.

“Look, chances are that pickup lines are only going to be laughed about and to break the ice anyway, after that you’ve just gotta be yourself. The people who are worth it will stick around.” You gave a haphazard shrug with a genuine smile on your lips and you nodded to the billionaire across from you. It always caught him off guard, the amount of wisdom you held for someone only his age.

“Like you?”

“There are better people in the world than me Bruce Wayne.”

The air was bitter as you stood outside the usually welcome doors of your workplace, ones that remained closed due to recent occurrences. You held the keys and deed between your fingers, fiddling due to the unfamiliar weight of newfound responsibility - the owner was always a mysterious man, striking resemblance to a character from Kingsman adorned with a British accent and designer suits. Even so his death came as a shock, his Will stating that his bar and all its contents be passed on to you even more baffling.

“The only thing you’ll catch out here is a cold.” A calm but witty voice commented, the man now standing beside you expecting your signature snark.

“What are you doing here?”

“I heard the news, and I thought you might like some company doing this. I know you could handle it but I’m here.” Bruce casually answered, your friendship remained constant through the years even if surprising. It seemed you just couldn’t get rid of each other.

“Is it a nightclub? Pub? Restaurant? A combination of all that? Is that even legal? I can’t run this place - I don’t even know what the hell it is! And the customers - they’re… well, some of them are illegal…” You grimaced at your overwhelmed outburst, palm slipping from the door it once had the intention of opening.

“Hey, why don’t you come over to the Manor? I’ve got the evening free and we can go through it all together, and I’ll attempt to lighten you up as we go.” You were carefully torn from the door, the millionaire holding your hands in his, the warmth a welcome comfort from the breeze of Gotham.

“The key word in there was ’attempt’, wasn’t it?” You met his concerned gaze now, tone holding expectant sarcasm despite remaining laced with defeat.

“It has been said that my brooding can get in the way.” Bruce responded, hand rubbing the back of his neck out of what you assumed was embarrassment.

“Sounds fun, lead the way oh rich one.” You released a half hearted chuckled as the male rolled his eyes, offering his arm to you. However, the foreign soft whisper that followed caught him off guard so much so that he almost made a spelling error on the email currently cancelling tonight’s scheduled meeting.

“And thanks Bruce… for everything.”

You spent the night at the Manor, delving into your insecurities and Bruce aided in the business side of things where he could in aid of settling at least some of the worries you had. Afterwards you enjoyed one another’s company, catching up on the weeks events as well as the unfurling of his newest addition to the household over the fanciest champagne and 5* meal courtesy of Alfred who you’d convinced to dine with you also.


In a month or so with Bruce’s support you were able to apply your extensive knowledge of the business into running it as your predecessor had and since the regulars knew you already it made it much easier as profits rolled in rather substantially. Now you knew how the old manager could afford his luxury suits.

Tonight though, Bruce made an appearance looking rather despondent and almost exhausted which may not be so obvious to surrounding staff or those not close to him but of course, you were an exception.

Naturally, you leaned on the opposite side of the bar, promoting a weak smile after you’d asked what was bothering the man.

“A business deal didn’t go quite how I expected, and it kept me up all night.” Bruce summarised, strategically avoiding the details regarding Penguin.

“Then I believe you need some cheering up, I hope you don’t have any plans because they are now cancelled~”

“The Manor is free, I can get some strawberrry champagne (Y/n) -”

“Nope, it’s my turn. You’re about to find out how us commoners spend our evenings.”

Without another word you walked him to your spacious apartment which was only around the corner, the hefty bar profits kept it well furnished and your cupboards stocked - even so, you convinced the billionaire to lower his standards to order in which you paid for against his protest.

I’m paying this time, you’re the one whose had it rough recently so I’mtreatingyou. That’s what friends are for, besides this food is a little below your pay grade don’t you think?” You laughed as you filtered through your movie collection before finding a perfect selection for the night.

“If you think that after adopting Dick that I haven’t been subjected to takeout then you’re sorely mistaken. I quite enjoy it actually.” The billionaire replied rather smugly, slowly growing accustomed to the relaxing atmosphere you and your home radiated. Bruce, for once, felt oddly content.

The movie began and ended, the time filled with idle conversation of which grew deeper as the credits rolled and continued whilst you pottered in the kitchen. Moments later you emerged with a tray, Bruce opening his mouth and closing it being too taken aback to comment.

“I present to you, Chocolat de (L/n).” Came your dramatic voice, accent where necessary to add charm.

Bruce shot you an amused glance, carefully taking on of the two tall mugs from the tray you held - the hot chocolate topped with cream, marshmallows and a flake - very appealing to the eye and tastebuds. It was practically famous in your club.

“(Y/n)?! This is - incredible.”

“Why thank you, only the best for you right?”

He smiled at that, a genuine smile that he’d hoped expressed his immense gratitude right about now.

“That must be why I have you then.”

“Ah, now that is a smooth line. Being in my company has improved your skills huh?” You wittily countered, though Bruce only offered a hopeless yet content sigh.

Clearly they weren’t as effective as you believed.


Bruce seemed refreshed after leaving that night, he’d emphasised his regret of not being able to see you in person to thank you properly over the various texts you’d exchanged in the past week - although, as you were wiping down the counter after an early close you were not expecting the uncanny interruption.

An hallowing echo against the oak bar captured your attention, finding a sheepish bachelor at it’s origin.

"What’s this?” You inquired as you picked up the item he’d placed down moments ago, inspecting it precariously.

“It’s premium Raspberry Ripple White Hot Chocolate - I thought we could try it, together.”

“How on Earth do you get as many women as you do with vague attempts like that hm?” An amused brow was raised in his direction, the action relaxing the millionaire more than he’d admit.

“I’m much smoother when I don’t actually have genuine feelings for someone, as such I suppose you don’t get the privilege of cliché pick up lines. So what do you say (Y/n)?” It was unorthodox yes, but judging by your quiet laugh he assumed it was the way you’d want it.

"You had me at ’Do you come here often?’”


“You’re saying that line worked.” Bruce taunted from his place by the Manors kitchen island, you sipping your drink with a nonchalant argument.

“It did not. It was awful.”

“I had this all semi planned from the beginning (Y/n).” He smugly replied, tone basking in the victory of the overly drawn out ‘plan’.

“Hah! I refuse to believe this is how you predicted things to go when we first became friends.” It was possible but it had been years since you’d first met, he could not have suspected you’d ever end up together this far ahead.

“You’re correct Miss (Y/n), Master Bruce spent the entire evening whining about how he’d embarrassed himself in front of you after your little competition and that it was near impossible to win your affections. A common occurrence whenever he visited your bar really…” The loyal butler unceremoniously intervened, pride radiating from his unwanted revelation as he entered the kitchen.

Alfred.” Bruce released a defeated groan as he had you wrapped around his finger for a second, something he’d wanted to relish in for a few seconds before Alfred had besotted you with the truth.

You however, were pleased with the information, winking at your partner with a gracious smirk befalling your lips.

Knew it.”

Open Requests

I am aware I have been gone for a long time, but with this whole situation that is happening worldwide I have some free time for writing again (I really miss doing that). 

This is also a really big thank you for the fact that, somehow, I have over 4.5kfollowers.Thank you so much!

You can request anything (imagine/headcanon) with Bruce, Dick, Jason, Tim or Damian (or all in case of a headcanon). I also write both imagines and headcanons with Batmom. 

Please be aware that I am allowed to refuse requests if I find them inappropriate, even though it usually never happens (and I don’t mean the dirty one, just the ones that make me uncomfortable, such as the boys being involved in a romantic relationship, for example). 

Requests are open and I have all the time in the world to write, therefore, if you want to request something don’t be shy. 

Guess who’s back…back again…

  • Summary: Bruce comes clean to the reader about his Dark Knight persona. (I wrote this in like an hour and I didn’t edit it, be aware)


Word Count: 1.7k

Regarding my permanent tags, as I was off Tumblr for a long time I’m going to redo the list, as maybe some people aren’t interested anymore. Therefore, If you want to be added to my permanent tag list, leave a comment or send me a message. ^^


Alfred greeted you and offered you some tea and biscuits just like any other time you would come visit. He started to get used to your present in the Manor and was very fond of the idea of Bruce finally having someone reliable, someone who actually seems to care about him other than Alfred himself. You were also like a breath of fresh air, in his opinion, as Bruce was always with a smile on his face at the sight of you. It is quite interesting how a person can change when they fall in love, and he wasn’t sure he was going to see that happening with Bruce, the man he basically raised, but he was more than thrilled that it happened, and deep inside, Alfred was praying for this relationship to last a very long time.

Bruce texted you asking if you can come over, without any reason in particular. You thought that perhaps he missed you, as you haven’t seen each other in the past few days due to his busy schedule, but in reality he had something else prepared. The truth.

For a long time now, Bruce was facing a feeling he hadn’t felt in a really long time, such a long time that he even forgot it exists. Happiness. As strange as it sounds, happiness wasn’t something the philanthropist was used to. But as he met you, things began to change, and he realised that this thing called ‘’happiness’’ that he felt when he was with you is something that he enjoys and cherishes.

But due to his nightly activities, he knew that there is a possibility that he might lose you. Not everyone is eager to put their life in danger to be with someone like him. You already had to face the Gotham’s elites at every Gala, he doesn’t know if you can take this part of his life on your shoulders as well.

As you met his eyes, your heart couldn’t help but get filled up with love. It was unbelievable what love can do to a soul and how fulfilling can it feel.

‘’Love.’’ he approached you, lowering his head a little to be able to kiss you. ‘’I missed you.’’ He pulled you into a hug and took a deep breath.

‘’I missed you too.’’ You replied, letting yourself melt into his arms.

Your reunion was followed by silence, as both of you were assimilating each other. And as he held you in his arms, and your arms were holding him, both of you silently agreed that you loved each other. And Bruce knew that it’s time for the truth to be revealed.

‘’[Y/N]…I must confess something to you.’’

As you looked into his eyes, you could tell that he was worried. Of what? You were about to find out.

‘’Bruce…Is everything alright?’’

‘’Follow me.’’

You did as he said, and stopped when he did. In front of you was that big watch of his, that wasn’t really your style but in a way you found it kind it fascinating.

‘’There is something that you don’t know about me and I think it’s time to come clear. I appreciate and love you too much to let you get attached even more when there is all of this behind me.’’

‘’Bruce, what are you talking about?’’

He sighed and did the thing. That thing that you didn’t even know it’s possible. He set the time of the clock at 10:48 and somehow, like in those spy movies, a dark entrance was revealed behind it. You could only tell that there were some stairs, but you couldn’t tell what’s after them.

‘’What’s in there?’’ You asked, a bit hesitating.

‘’After you.’’ He was serious. Maybe too serious. Thing that creeped you out a little.

You were never the one to truly trust someone, and as much as you loved him, this was creepy.

‘’Look, Bruce, no offense, but there are two possibilities here. One, you are Batman, two, you are a serial killer. And I am not very fond of the second possibility…’’


‘’Look, I watched too many documentaries too be fooled.’’

He was a little surprised by your reaction. He was expecting anything but that reaction.

‘’[Y/N] is not what you think.’’

‘’If not I better find the Batmobile down there. After you.’’

The fact that you were actually serious made him smile.

‘’Why are you smiling?’’ You asked suspicious.

‘’What if I am both?’’


‘’What if I am both Batman and a serial killer, have you thought about that?’’

‘’If that is the case I guess the odds aren’t really in my favour…’’

‘’I guess not.’’

‘’Are you messing with me?’’

‘’A bit.’’

‘’Bruce this is not funny!’’

‘’Come on, [Y/N], if I was a serial killer I think you would have been dead by now.’’

‘’Look, man, serial killers work differently. I don’t know how you operate. Maybe you make women fall in love with you and then you show them your secret entrance to some kind of creepy huge ass basement.’’

‘’[Y/N], just trust me.’’

‘’Na-ah. My motto in life safety first.’’

‘’Really? I thought it’s live, love, laugh.’’

‘’Fuck you, Bruce Wayne!’’

‘’Later. Now come, I’ll go first.’’

‘’Alright.’’ You said as you took a step forward, following him.

‘’But you know I can take you down even if I go first, right?’’ And you stopped at the top of the stairs.

‘’Bruce, this isn’t funny at all.’’

‘’Alright, I’m sorry, no more jokes, now come.’’

Suspiciously you followed him. You have to admit that you were a little more than curious to see what’s down there, and if your boyfriend was indeed a serial killer he can take you down in the blink of an eye, so might as well satisfy your curiosity before dying at the hands of your lover, right?

But as you were walking the lights were up and this gloomy basement wasn’t really a basement as you assumed. It was a cave. With a huge dinosaur and…the Batmobile?

‘’Is that the Batmobile?’’ You gasped. ‘’Oh my god. You are Batman.’’

You looked around, assimilating everything. It was a lot. The computers, the suits, the vehicles and all the other things. Bruce just followed you as you took small steps, curious of your surroundings.

‘’But…’’ You turned around to face him, being a few steps away from him. ‘’This doesn’t rule out the serial killer possibility.’’

‘’[Y/N]…are you serious?’’

You pointed a finger at him. ‘’I must investigate first.’’

It was quite hilarious; he has to admit. He wasn’t expecting this reaction at all. He was expecting you to be upset, to cry, to judge him, to criticize him, to tell him that you cannot put your life at risk because of his personal decision of dressing like a bat and going around Gotham and beating the shit out of bad people…

But no. Instead of all of that, you turned into a little investigator. It was actually…cute.

As you walked around the cave, you were fascinated of what you were seeing. Truly amazing. But this little game of yours was fun and you decided to play a little more.

‘’No bodies around this area. No traces of blood…Hmm…You are either clean or a good cleaner. I must investigate a little bit more.’’ You told him as you approached the Batmobile.

‘’The easiest way to transport bodies.’’ You said looking suspicious at him.

At this point he was actually giggling and the stress was almost gone.

‘’Open it.’’ You demanded. ‘’I must search for evidence inside.’’

‘’[Y/N] if you want to sit in the Batmobile you have to just ask.’’ He laughed.

‘’Just open it.’’ You smiled, forgetting about your whole detective persona for a moment.

He did as you asked, and in that moment you wondered ‘’How the hell does this man gets in this thing?’’ You had a small figure, comparing to him, and getting inside the Batmobile revealed to be a struggle.

‘’Can I help you?’’

‘’Yes, please.’’

He giggled and did as he said. This was the most amazing thing you ever saw in your entire life! You felt like a little kid when your mother finally allowed you to get into one of those bumping cars at the carnival.

‘’Mr. Wayne, I came to the conclusion that you are clean. You are not a serial killer; you are just…Batman?’’

And then it hit you. You are dating Batman. Your boyfriend is Batman. The same guy everyone is talking about. The same person that keeps this city as safe as possible. It was him this entire time.

Bruce got into the Batmobile and sat next to you. He took a deep breath, putting his thoughts in order.

‘’This is…quite the secret.’’ You said.

‘’Yeah. I know it’s….a lot. And I understand if you think it’s too much and if it’s something you’re not ready or want to have in your life. The thing is that…I’ve never happy since my parents died. I’ve never felt actually happiness. But then I meet you. And you make me so happy and so loved. That’s why I’m telling you this. I love you and if you decide to stay well…that would be…the most amazing thing. But if all of this is too much…I understand if you want to break up with me.’’

He looked so sincere and hurt it broke your heart. How much suffering has this man endured…All you wanted in that moment was hold him and never let him go.

‘’You’re right. It’s a lot. Was I expecting this? Not really. Am I shocked? Hell yes. I have a lot of feelings right now and I feel like saying extremely stupid and not appropriate jokes to cover my actual emotions but I will try not to do that.’’ You took a deep breath and looked. ‘’It worries me. When you think about Batman you think about crime, bad guys, police, prison…Bad things. I can’t even imagine how many times you were hurt doing this…but I am not willing to let you go. I love you too much to be able to do that. This freaks me out a little bit but I can get used to it. But only with one condition. Actually two.’’


‘’You have to promise me that no matter what, you will always come back to me.’’

‘’I promise.’’ He bit his lower lip and smiled. ‘’And the second condition?’’

‘’You have to give me a ride in this thing.’’

You were full of surprises, one of his favourite things about you. As a little secret, everything about you was his favourite thing.


‘’Can we stay here a bit more? And, you know, make out like teenagers?’’

‘’I’d like that.’’

Batman fic recommendations

(Reader inserts) Recommendations of my favorite headcanons/imagines/fics/scenarios (I don’t own any)






A Burning Hill (Batman/Bruce Wayne x fem!reader)


Rated: Mature, Explicit 18+

Word Count: 7.4k

Warnings: !!spoilers!!, some fluff!!, smut, explicit language, unprotected sex, oral (m&f receiving), cum eating, vaginal fingering, face sitting, slight praise kink, mentions of violence/death, (lmk if I missed anything please!!)

a/n: not too proud abt this one but oh well hope you enjoy!!! thank you for your patience!

The funeral is drab, and the weather even worse. The crowd is a swath of black—solemn faces of the mayor’s colleagues and bitter contempt of the public who emerged to pay homage, or to spit on the mayor’s casket. You can’t blame them for that. You’d rather mingle with the crowd than be standing on the smooth steps of the town hall—scrutinized for whatever the public assumes you’ve done wrong. 

Your mother is a tipping point—you love her, you really do, but Christshe’soverwhelming. Swarmed by cameras, gaudy public statements and hounded by media is not your cup of tea. Senator Nahdi thrives in it. It’s a good thing your parents all but scrubbed away your existence—different last name, no sight of you on campaigns or honorable mentions—a ghost. If anything, you’re mistaken as her assistant and not as her daughter. 

It’s for the best.

Seguir leyendo


god I love this fic, your writing is amazing and the story is SO GOOD!!!

(also I wonder if Bruce is jealous of himself since Blue doesn’t know he’s batman yet she’s making out with both kskdkskd)


A/N: Hey guys!!! So It’s 2:00am…and I only proofread this once. I’m getting pretty lazy with proofreading, so I’m sorry if it’s loaded with mistakes. I’ll check back tomorrow. Anyway, here’s the sex pollen fic!!! I really hope it doesn’t totally suck. It’s based on “Closer” by Nine Inch Nails. I would’ve titled it “Closer” but someone else already has a Bruce fic under that name so it didn’t feel right :) Anyway, enjoy!

Summary: After the Riddler strikes again, he leaves some unusual clues behind for you and Bruce…including a strange green dust.

Warnings:SMUT! It’s completely consensual (and there is mutual pining), but bc this is a SEX POLLEN fic, imma give a dub!con warning. 18+, cursing, violence, grammar mistakes, and once again, some canon divergence with a Nightwing!reader/life long friend!reader but it’s not really important to the plot at all so you won’t even notice.

Word Count: 4,407

You swallow firmly as your boots clunk against the ground. The music blaring from the DJ booth below echoes off the walls of the club, the sound ricocheting through your eardrums and back out again. The metal floors of the balcony vibrate underneath you, threatening to fall onto the packed crowd on the dance floor. 

Keep reading

the good old sex pollen, i dont think i’ll be ever be tired of this trope


(Seeing) You — Bruce Wayne

Requested by Anonymous!

Fandom:DC Comics, The Batman 2022

Pairing:Bruce Wayne/Batman + Reader


Word Count: 2,653

Summary: As Alfred recovers in the hospital, your Aunt Dory asks you to act as a temporary replacement as staff in Wayne Tower. But you get much more than you bargained for. 

Reader is a psychic per request. More specifically, she’s an empath as well as a spirit medium. 

Also, I was listening to When The Party’s Over on repeat while I wrote this. This is also really silly but I digress. 

Might publish a bonus spice chapter, might not, who can say?



Before all this, you were pretty sure you’d met Bruce Wayne only once. 

You’d been twelve years old, visiting your Aunt Dory with your mother, and as much as you tried to be friends with him, he kept to himself, and though he didn’t tell you, you knew why. The people he missed the most passed on their love through you, but when you tried to tell him that, he didn’t speak to you for the rest of the visit. 

You tried to explain that you were a medium, but he didn’t believe you. Aunt Dory told you he’d come around, but you were pretty sure she was just trying to comfort you. 

Now, you were pretty sure he’d forgotten all about that incident. And you were seeing him again.

Keep reading

my heart is so full rn


Heart in darkness

Bruce Wayne/Batman x Reader

Summary: You have become the private nurse of your childhood friend Bruce Wayne, who is trying to find out how he feels about you, but it seems he has lived too long in the dark.

Words: 1648

Warning: blood, injuries, mention of rape (No spoilers!)

A/N: When I saw Batman several ideas came to my mind, but I couldn’t seem to put them on paper, it was very frustrating, but by some miracle (@maah-sama) I managed to think of something I hadn’t even imagined heeheheh So let’s go from a dark and sad Bruce.

Bruce got out of the Batmobile with great difficulty, he leaned his hand on the window glass and didn’t even notice the bloodstain he had left there. His legs didn’t want to answer his command and he tried his best not to fall, but they gave up on him the next step and he howled in pain as his aching body fell to the ground, he doesn’t know how long he sat in the cold, but it was long enough for a hand to help him and put an arm around his neck. It was Alfred, he looked at him with more concern when he saw the dripping blood, he couldn’t tell where it was coming from but he knew it was serious so Alfred did his best to get him to the couch, Bruce softened his body more and looked where Alfred was going.

“I don’t want doctors here” he spoke snidely when he saw Alfred pick up the phone, the butler looked at him and typed in a number he knew.

You didn’t even take ten minutes to get to Wayne’s mansion, Alfred ran out of the house with an umbrella when he saw a taxi parked. You and he rushed in and you were already close to your best friend, the one who turned into Batman at night. Bruce jumped slightly when your hand touched the bruise on his stomach, you kissed his forehead and began to tend to his injuries.

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Should I Stay or Should I Go?

Bruce Wayne x Reader

Summary: You haven’t seen Bruce for weeks now. He’s been so busy being Batman that he’s seemingly forgotten about you. You’ve accepted a job offer in another city and haven’t been able to tell him. Will he convince you to stay? Reader uses she/her pronouns.

Warnings: Angst with fluffy ending because I need happiness.

Word Count: 4038

A/N: I finally got around to writing my Battinson x Reader fanfic! I have more ideas, but I’m in the middle of finals which is why this took so long to get to. Hopefully in a few weeks I’ll have more time to dedicate to writing but for now, I hope you enjoy this!

No matter how many times you walk up the steps to Wayne Manor, it’s still intimidating. You and Bruce had been best friends since you were kids. Your first encounter was not one you’re particularly proud of.

You were born into poverty and grew up knowing that money was hard to come by. Though you were young, you wanted to help your mom financially—that is, before she abandoned you—so you became a pickpocket. It was easy since your height made you hard to notice.

You had only done it a few times when you made a mistake. You noticed the Wayne family out and about one day. They weren’t surrounded by security, so you saw your chance. Even as a kid you knew about the famous Waynes. You looked at them and then noticed a nice-looking watch on young Bruce’s arm. Apparently, you had picked the wrong target.

As soon as you touched the watch, Bruce turned around and looked at you. You froze, your instincts telling you to run but you were too scared to move. Bruce looked confused. He then looked at his watch and then back to you, figuring out what it was you were after. Your face felt hot and just as you turned to leave you saw Bruce taking off the watch.

“I never liked it anyway,” he said to you. Your confusion only grew when he extended his arm with the watch in his open palm. You were too scared and confused to move. But Bruce just pushed his arm out further.

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Take care

Request:From Anon- can you do something where Batman saves the reader from getting hurt??? maybe on the streets or something idk- all you!

A/N:Thanks to the anon who sent me an ask and nudged me to write. This doesn’t have a whole lot of fluff or angst (I know, very unlike me) but is just more a generic Bruce/Batman saves the reader and does Batman stuff.

Summary: Picking up clothes from the dry cleaner is supposed to be an easy chore, but this is Gotham and you’re married to Bruce Wayne. You were a fool to think it’d be anything but interesting. F!reader x Bruce Wayne | Batman

Tags:Bruce Wayne x Reader, Bruce Wayne, Batman, The Batman, Battinson, DC Universe, fluff, Batman x Reader, Batman 2022, pattinson!batman, dc imagines, batman one-shot

WARNINGS:none, just some canon-typical violence and swearing (terrifying, am I right?)

Words: 2.5k+

Gotham’s shadows were more than dangerous.

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After months of stolen glances and stilted conversation, Bruce Wayne finds it in himself to go after you. But there’s something about him that’s hiding, & you’re not sure you want to find out what that is. 


pairing:bruce wayne (2022) x f!reader
tags:18+ ONLY, explicit, “friends” with benefits, angst, bruce is stifling his feelings, receiving oral, unspoken emotions, emotionally stunted bruce :(
word count:3.7k+
a/n: this is my first time writing 2022 bruce and it was a strugglebecause i just want fluff all the time lol. going from a character who’s 100% honest abt his feelings to one who is the saddest, most emotionally arrested guy ever was a feat lol but i hope yall like it!!


Bruce never looked at you during sex. He could barely look at you outside of sex, his eyes always cast downward when you went for a visit with your Aunt Dory, grumbled greetings and his voice hushed when he spoke to her, sparing you a glance or two. 

Despite his best efforts to keep you at a distance, he couldn’t help himself when you showed up one day several months after your first visit. When you found him lounging in the library, hunched over an open book with the fireplace roaring, he’d told you Dory had gone out of town for personal reasons. 

“Oh, alright, well. I’ll uh, I’ll give her a call. Thanks, Mr. Wayne.” As you’d turned to leave, he shut the book and stood up, strolling over to the doorway, hands in the pockets of his black sweats.

He hovered near you, shoulders drawn inward as he tried bringing himself down to your height, “You can stay, if you want.” 

Still not looking at you, he inched closer, fixing your bodies in the corridor before he reached around you to grab the door handle. He was closer now than he’d ever dared to be before, the wide berth of the door affording you time to answer the question he postured. An unspoken inquiry as to whether you’d duck under his arm to leave, abandoning the prospective culmination of months marked by loaded stares, or stay and give in to the sallow mystery standing before you. 

You chose the latter.

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A Disaster of a First Date

In which we hear the tale of Bruce and (F/N) first date. The will be time skips in the story to save time and I’m to lazy to write all the little details, but you’ll get a quick catch ups. Enjoy!

Third Person’s POV

It was a normal day at the manor or at least that’s what everyone was thinking when you call a family meeting, but the only issue was Bruce was busy at Wayne Industries. Jason, Barbara, and Cass were sitting on one of the couches watching the chaos unfold before them. Dick and Duke were attempting to keep Tim and Damian apart from killing each other while Stephanie filmed the chaos. The main door swings up and in come (F/N) and Alfred carrying bowls of popcorn one for each kid.

“Okay thank you for gathering here today.” You say taking a seat in the chair set up in the middle of the room holding your own bowl of popcorn. “You are probably wondering why I call you all here today.” The kids look at each other then back at you. “I felt it’s time for you to here about mine and Bruce’s first date.”

“Mom, we have all heard that. You and B went to a movie and dinner.” Dick says though his chipmunk cheek fill with popcorn.

You shake your head back and forth, “That is a lie. It was the second first date.”

“What was the first?” Tim pipes up curiously.

“That is why all of you are here and Bruce isn’t.” You overly dramatic look off into the distance, “It time you all learned of the disaster of a fist date. It all started on a peaceful Friday night long ago…”

—— Flash Back ——

“Crap, crap, crap! Where did I leave those earrings?” You shout racing around your apartment trying to find your missing paw shaped earrings. You’re German Shepherd, Bucky, watch from his doggie bed as you rushed around, and Steve, the Golden Retriever, followed after wagging his tail happily. You run back into the kitchen looking around the counters hoping to find them; it was the only place you hadn’t look quite yet. A glint catches your attention from the corner of your (E/C) eyes. “Found you!” You turn grabbing the earrings and quickly putting them in.

A knock on the door grabs your attention you look through the peep hole and standing there looking slightly nervous was your date that night. Bruce Wayne. He had call the morning after meeting at his gala and was wondering if you would like to go on a date with him that coming Friday. You of course agreed seeing no harm in it. You take a deep breath calming your nerves while grabbing your jacket and purse before opening the door wide enough to slip though without letting your two rambunctious dogs out that not what you need tonight.

“You look lovely, (F/N).” Bruce compliments smiling that faint worth grim. You had your hair pulled out of your face, light make up, a casual (F/C) sun dress with black and white accents, and black jean jacket cover your arms and shoulders, and comfortable and cute sandle adorned your feet. You had you paw print earrings in, simple sliver necklace with your name, sliver bracelets on each wrist, and a ring with your birthstone on you right hand pointer finger.

“You don’t look you shabby yourself Bruce.” You say smiling up at him. Bruce was wearing a nice black long sleeved dress shirt and gray tie, black dress pants, and black shoes. A expensive looking watch was in left hand wrist and a simple sliver ring on his left hand pointer finger.

“Well, I think we should be going.” Bruce takes your arm escorting you down the hallway.

— Time Skip — At the Restaurant

It was a simple and quite place. Nothing super fancy but nothing to dirty either; it was the perfect place to eat and the burgers are to die for. Bruce parks and both off you walk to the front door.

Disaster 1

As you walk to the door Bruce opens the door for and older couple to walk in front of you. Someone inside bumps into Bruce casing him to let go of the door making it close on your face. A warm feel trickles out of your nose making you reach your hand up. You pull your hand back seeing red liquid on your hand.


Bruce had just caused you to have a bloody nose.

“(F/N)!” Bruce leans down besides you placing his handkerchief on your nose. “I’m sorry someone bumped into me.”

You left your hand up putting pressure on the cloth, “It’s okay, it’s not your fault. You were being polite; I’m hungry and no bloody nose is going to stop that.” You say trying to sound happy which was hard because you nose was blocked your voice comes out funny.

Bruce opens the door, “Ladies first.”

“Such a gentleman.” You laugh smiling still holding the increasingly redder handkerchief.

Both of you slide into a booth opposite to one another grabbing the menus in the racks picking out what to have for dinner. The bleeding had finally stopped when the waiter came around to see if you were alright. The waiter place two glass full of ice water on the table then took your guys orders.

Disaster 2

“In hindsight I should have been a bit more prepared. So now I always carry a pocket knife with me.” You say laughing and along with Bruce at your story.

“So are you carrying one know?” Bruce says eye seemingly twinkling in the light and a real smile is on his face.

“Of course.” You wink at him laughing.

Bruce reaches forward to grab his water glass. But his attention wasn’t on his small action it was focused on you. You eyes were bright and beautiful, your smile was the most pure sight, the way when you gave a real laugh your eyes crinkled in the corners, and your the gorgeous laugh that came from your lips. His hand comes in contact with the glass knocking the full glass across the table. The water flowed out faster than either of you could react; it was like blowing up a dam and all the rush flooding the town. The ice cold water flowed off the table and into your lap causing you jump straight up and bang both of your knees on the table. The shock from the table sent you glass teetering before tipping in you direction and once again dosing your legs in freezing water.

“Owww…” You say placing your hands on your knees rubbing the trying releave some of the pain.

“I’m so sorry.” Bruce stands up and rounds around the table to your side of the booth placing his napkin down on you wet lap. “I wasn’t paying attention and my knocked the water glass over.”

You place a hand on his arm, “Listen it was an accident. You didn’t spill your water on purpose.”a smile makes it way on to your face making Bruce relax.

After that dinner concluded without anymore problems. Granted Bruce was a lot more careful each time he did something but overall it went smoothly.

— Time Skip — Back At Your Apartment

“I hade a lovely time tonight Bruce.” You say unlocking your apartment door. “Even with the bloody nose and water spill.” You turn to him laughing with a bright smile. Bruce could feel a smile make its way onto his face; something about your smiles were contagious.

“I can second that.” Bruce replies not wanting to leave quite yet.

You push open your apartment door then glance back at Bruce still lingering around, “Would you like to come in for some ice cream? We never did have dessert at the dinner.” You offer not wanting the night to end.

Bruce’s eye light up, “I would love to.” You walk in with Bruce right behind. Once inside you slip your shoes off and lock the door. Your dogs come running to see you but stop and growl at Bruce.

“Steve, Bucky no this is a friend.” You say walking in front of Bruce petting your dogs. You gesture over to Bruce to meet the dogs. Bruce bends down and holds out his hand to Steve first. Your golden retriever had always been the more friendly so it was a suprise that he started to lick Bruce’s hand. Bucky was more hesitant, but he took a whiff of Bruce’s hand gave a bark and returned his attention to you. “You have the dogs approval, congrats you are now officially aloud to enter the apartment.”

“Well that’s good because I was looking forward to the ice cream.” He send you a wink chuckling.

You stand up and head in the direction of the kitchen. “First I have to feed my two big boys here and then we can have ice cream.”

Disaster 3

“Would you like some help?” Bruce ask following behind you glancing down at the dogs; Steve and Bucky looking up at him not taking their doggy eyes off.

“That would be perfect, could you grab their bowls from the floor? You’ll see them by the entrance for the kitchen.” Bruce spots the bowls and picks them up. The dogs start to become excited and start to jump up reaching for the bowls. Bruce held them above his head to avoid your dogs knocking the dog dishes from his hand.

You had just placed the twenty pound dog food bag in the kitchen when it happened. Bruce walk in trying to avoid being nocked over by the dogs and didn’t see the dog food bag in front of him. He trips and falls on top of you. You grab onto the counter behind trying to avoid hitting your head which did work, but your lunch dishes were sitting there and one of them happened to be the knife you had use to cut the cheese. It cut it to arm holding the counter causing your grip to slip.

Bruce looks down at what he landed on. He face had landed on your chest causing heat to rise he looks up at you expecting you to yell at him, but he see you clutching your left arm with blood coming from your fingers and dripping down onto the floor. A knife lays besides you with your your blood on it. He gets up off you. “(F/N), I’m so sorry.”

You look up at him give him a smile, “You tripped its not the end of the world. Now can you help me up. I think I’m going to need stitches.”

Bruce quickly but as gently as he can picks you up bridal style, “I’ll get you to a hospital.”

“That would be appreciated.” You say smiling at him trying to hide the pain rippling through your body.

— Time Skip — At the Hospital

Bruce had rush in the emergency room bring you straight to the receptionist at the desk. The hospital seemed to be dead of activity; which was unusual for Gotham. A nurse came and quickly got you into one of the rooms a prepared you for your stitches. The whole time Bruce hovered watching carefully as the nurse did her job. The doctor who was giving the stitches came in; it was an older lady in her mid fifty’s with graying hair. She quickly sealed the cut on your arm as if it was the easiest thing in the world.

“Okay Miss (L/N), your going to need to avoid using this arm for the next week.” She say gesturing to the stitches.

“But this is my dominant arm.” You reply rubbing you forehead sighing. “How am I supposed to function without using it?”

“Is there anyone you can stay with that could help?” The doctor question glancing towards Bruce then back at you.

You shake your head back and forth, “No I don’t have family that lives in Gotham and most of friends don’t live here either.”

The lady doctor crosses her arms, “And this man right here?” She points over to Bruce who was sitting near you in one of the chair. You look at him questionable before shrugging your shoulders.

Bruce pipes up for the first time since asking the receptionist for help. “I can help for a week. It’s the least I could do after tonight.”

“Really Bruce are you sure?” You turn you full attention on him. “I don’t want to impose.”

“You wouldn’t be and this way I have a chance to make up for the disaster date that you just went through.” Bruce smiles gently at you forgetting the world around. You smile back and lean forward giving him a one armed hug.

“Thank you.” He hugs back a warm filling igniting inside of him and his heart beats faster.

— End Flashback —

“After that we where kinda of attached and I stayed a lot longer than I need to, and by the time came around for me to leave…. I didn’t.” You finish your story smiling.

“So the smooth and charming Bruce Wayne, slammed a drop in your face, slipped ice cold water, and caused you to go to the hospital on your first date?” Dick questions laughing.

You nod your head, “And spilled hot tea on me the next day so guess who visited the hospital again.”

“Okay now that doesn’t sound like Father at all.” Damian says looking at you questionably.

“Bruce only get flustered and clumsy around people he is in love with. He still does things around me that make me question if he really the great Batman.” You reply smiling brightly finishing off the last of your popcorn. You shake your head lightly, “Anyway if you kids will excuse me I need to go hide because Bruce probably already knows I told you, and I don’t feel like dying today.”

Don’t Tell Bruce (Part 2)

What will you (Batmom) let your children do that your stubborn, buzz kill, extremely sexy husband Bruce Wayne aka Batman won’t? Well read on to see!

Each kid will be broken down into sections, so it will be like a bunch of mini stories!

This was requested by @colombia-chan !!! Hope y’all enjoy!

Here is the second part!!! Part One


“Come on it’s just for one night.” Duke pleads with Bruce.

“Duke your on cave duty tonight and that’s final.” Bruce turns around crossing his arms.

Duke throws his hands into the air, “But it’s the premier of the Zombie Hunters 2 tonight and I have tickets. It starts at eight I can be back.”

Bruce shakes his head back forth before getting into the Batmoblie. “We are short people tonight or I would let you go.” He say and the door slams closed.

“Fine.” Duke mutters pouting before an idea comes to mind.


“Can you cover for me tonight please?” Duke ask when you come down into the cave. “I really want to see this movie.”

You smile at understandingly, “Sure Duke, enjoy the movie.”

“Thanks, I see why everyone just comes to you to ask for things.” Duke comments grabbing his keys and wallet.

“Just don’t tell Bruce that and try to get back as soon as possible once the movie is over.” You call after sitting down to watch the monitors.

Tim (14)

“Can we stop for coffee at the new shop?” Tim asks Bruce who was sitting besides him.

Bruce looks up from his report, “You have school Tim.”

“So yes to the coffee?” Tim questions with hope fading from his voice.

Bruce looks at him and back frown at the file he was reading, “Not when you have school.”


It was your turn to drive Tim to school. “Can we stop for coffee?” Tim asks hoping for a different outcome than with Bruce.

“The one at the new shop?” You ask noting taking your eyes off the road.

“Yes.” Tim nods excitedly.

You smile brightly changing lanes, “Totally I heard the hot chocolate is amazing.”

Tim pumps his fist, “Sweet thanks.”

“Just don’t tell Bruce I let you get coffee before school.” You say laughing nervously.


“You can’t have it.” Bruce refuses shaking his head back and forth.

Stephanie throws her hands up in the air, “Why not?”

“No.” Bruce just shakes his head.

“That’s not an answer.” She snaps back crossing her arms.

“It’s my answer.” Bruce stands up crossing his arms.

Stephanie tries to argue, “But…”

“No.” Bruce leaves the room and that was the end of that decision.

“Can I have it?” Stephanie asks pointing your old scooter.

Your eyes widen in shock. You had no use for it but you figured none of you kids would want it. “Sure, we should take it into the shop to get everything replaced and make it all fancy.”

“Sweet! Your the best!” Stephanie tackles you in a hug.

You hug her back smiling, “Just don’t tell Bruce I let you have it. I have no use for it anyway.”


“Father I want to keep it.” Damian says holding a squirrel in his hands.

Bruce’s eye visibly twitches, “Your not keeping a squirrel.”

“Why not?” Damian questions looking at the squirrel in his hands.

Bruce shakes his head, “No.”

Damian raise a brow at that, “Father that’s not an answer.”

“Damian no.” Bruce then sho’s him from his office. Damian’s cheeks puff out as he looks at the squirrel in his hands.


“Can I keep him?” Damian asks showing you the squirrel.

This was new one to you, but what’s the harm. “Yes.” Damian get excited and is already leaving the room, “He will have to live outside.”

“But…” Damian begins to protest.

You hold a finger to silence him, “But we will make him a fancy squirrel house and set it up in one of the trees.” You explain your plan to him

“Thank you Ummi.” Damian says as the squirrel jumps onto his shoulder.

“No problem, just don’t tell Bruce and he probably won’t notice anyway.” You smile at your son.

Bruce: So let me get this straight, you thought all of this was a good idea.

Batmom: Good idea no, but it was so worth it.

Bruce: And you two thought it would be a good idea to going along with it?

Tim: In our defense we figured going with Mom would be a better idea.

Dick: This is true.

Bruce: You broke into an ice cream shop for what?

Batmom: Bruce, darling, love of my life, that is all to obvious.

Bruce: Tell me then.

Batmom: They were smuggling drugs out of Gotham using the delivery trucks before shipping it around the U.S.

Tim: They would would put the drugs in with select containers of ice cream.

Dick: And once it got to a certain point they would melt the ice cream and retrieve the drugs.

Bruce: Seriously, how did you find out?

Batmom: I might have dropped my bracelet you gave me, so we broke in to find it and stumbled across the drugs and ice cream.

Bruce: I married you again why?

Batmom: You love me.

Song Fic Request

#24 I Choose You by Sara Bareilles

Bruce Wayne x Reader

I can’t remember who requested this. I hope everyone enjoys.

Bruce’s POV

“Bruce wait a second please!” (F/N) shouts at me. I can hear the wavering in her voice. “I’m not mad at you but please don’t leave me. I’m begging you.” Her voice trails off and the soft sobbing beings.

I turn around and look at her. I could feel my resolve crumbling as I looked at her tear stained face. I wanted nothing more then in that moment to take her in my arms and comfort her. But I can’t to that.“I can’t. I hurt you.”

She looks at me her eyes were red and tears dropped off her flushed red cheeks onto the carpet below. “You didn’t hurt me. That psychopath did. Not you. You never would.”

“Yes, I did!” I shout out her. “It’s my fault he took you!” My whole body trembled, and I could feel the pressure building up behind my eyes. The first tear slipped out, and I couldn’t stop the rest that followed. (F/N) ran into my arms and we dropped to the floor.

“Listen to me. I love you Bruce, so much that I can’t imagine my life without you in it anymore.” I could feel her tears drip down my neck and all I could was wrap my arms tighter around her. “I didn’t believe in true love until I met you. I choose you. And I knew what I was getting into when we got together. So if think for a second you getting rid of me because so big bad villain kidnapped and tried to kill me you very very wrong.” (F/N) kissed my gently and pulled back to look into my eyes.

I kiss her forehead before resting mine on her’s. “I love you too. I can’t ever stop the way I feel. I choose you too. But I can’t lose to some psycho, because I can’t imagine my life without you in it either. So please I’m begging you be more careful.”

“I will. I promise, but my apartment isn’t safe anymore apparently.” She glances around her apartment which was trashed from the struggle she had put up.

“Move in with me.” The words came out of my mouth before I could stop them. I didn’t regret them for a second. I could protect her, and see the love of my life everyday. It was a win win.

Her eyes widen and she gives that brilliantly beautiful smile of hers.“Really? You mean it?” She question softly.

I nod my head, “Yes, I choose you. I will always choose you so why not.”

“I love you Bruce.”

“I love you too (F/N).”

Batman: What ever you do don’t look down


Batman: You looked down didn’t you

Batmom: Maybe just a little bit

Batman: Keep looking at me and don’t look down as you cross

Batmom: Fine but you and me are going on a date after this

Batman: *Ready to hit his head against a wall*

Batmom: Hey, I need some incentive of I’m going to do this

Batman: Fine, now will you cross

Batmom: For a date with you, I’ll cross *Winks at him*

Batman: *Shakes his back and forth just done with tonight*

Song Request

#3 Speechless by Dan and Shay

Bruce Wayne x Reader

Link to Song Masterlist

This was requested by @onely617 thank you for the request! I hope you like it! The audio is actually really good on the this one!!!

Bruce’s POV

I stand at the base of the stairs waiting. I glance down at the watch on my wrist and glance to the second floor. “(F/N)!” I shout becoming a bit impatient from the wait. We had to get to a charity gala tonight and my lovely soon to be wife was taking longer than normal to get ready.

“Sorry Bruce!” Her soothing voice calls back to me, “I’ll only be five more minutes, I promise.” I shake my head a chuckle slightly. (F/N) had this weird idea in her head that she would embarrass me if she didn’t look like perfection. I can’t begin to understand why; she could were sweat pants and old t-shirt with her (H/C) messed up and still be the most gorgeous person in the room.

I smelled her before I saw her. The perfume was the combination of cherry and vanilla. (F/N) always seemed to smell like this; and that perfume was her signature scent. It drove me crazy and I love every second of it.

I look up the stairs and there she stand in all her amazing glory. (F/N)’s dress was perfect. I felt my mouth run dry and and my brain stop working. She walks down the stairs smiling brightly at me her eyes almost star like. I couldn’t tell if it was the glitter from her eyeshadow or the glistening light in the chandelier.

“Earth to Bruce.” (F/N) waves her hand in front of my face snapping me out of my trance. “You ready to go?” I nod my head; mouth still dry and it felt like I couldn’t breath, but in a good way.


“Fudge monkeys where did I leave it?” A distressed voice cry’s out. I glance up from my paper to a see figure rush past my office door.

“Leave what darling?” I question loudly enough to where she could hopefully hear me.

(F/N) appears in the door way in a flower pattern sun dress, comfortable yet shoes that went with it, and hair pulled into a ponytail. I felt my breath rush out of my mouth and the ability to talk lost again. I felt my heart beat pick up and a blush making its way to my face.

“Lois, Clark, and I are going to the county fair in in Clark’s home town, but I can’t seem to find my jean jacket which is with my purse.” She explains crossing her with a thinking look on her face. “And I have to leave in ten minutes or I’ll be late.” Her eyes dart around the room catching mine before lighting up. She snaps her fingers together and rushes out of my office. “I left it by the front door! See you later Bruce!”

I shake off the daze and think about what she said. “Wait up! I’ll come with!” I grab my jacket and wallet and rush after. No way was she going to look that amazing and have fun without me in a different town. Besides I need a break anyway.

“Hurry up or we will be late.” She smiles at me from the front door.


I take a deep breath a straighten my tie in the hallway mirror. It was date night and I was taking the love of my life to the circus in town. (F/N) had said she always wanted to watch the Flying Grayson’s perform in person.

Tonight when I saw her I wouldn’t clam up and not say anything. Tonight I will tell her she looks amazing. That she is the most beautiful woman in the world. Never once have I been able to tell her as soon as I saw her; even after we got married. The only woman to every make me speechless on sight.

(F/N) walks down the hall. A simple knee length off the shoulders dress with sandals. A coat hands past her dress and she looks down at the zipper trying to zip it. Her eyes reflected frustration and annoyance, but she still looked so perfect.

The damage had been done. Once again I was speechless.

She zips it up and smiles at me. “You know something Bruce.” (F/N) puts her hand in mine. “I’m always happy when you don’t say anything. I can see it all in your eyes.” Her hand tightens around mine. “If you ever did, I think I would have to go change.” She kisses my cheek, “I’m glad I can still make you speechless.”
