#all of these







Rejoice, “let’s fake a relationship for Christmas” fanfic season is upon us.

Don’t forget “snowed in and have to share a bed” season.

And, of course, there’s “drunk Christmas party hookups”.

And, “Who left me this mysterious but incredibly thoughtful gift?”

And the classic “Who hung that mistletoe right where we would accidentally meet?”



hello, the fact that people are so quick to forgive Iroh, who spent the majority of his life committing war crimes, and did not actually reflect and begin loving peace till after his son died which was when Zuko was at least seven, but are not so quick to forgive azula, a 14 year old girl groomed into being a child soldier, has a very obvious mental illness, and was in fact committing war crimes because she was being emotionally abused by her father. 

“azula was crazy, azula was evil, azula was blah blah blah.” Azula was FOURTEEN. She was fourteen and considered irredeemable by her own uncle. The same uncle who offered nurture to her brother. She was living her life terrified that once her usefulness to Ozai ran out, she would be hurt the same way Zuko was. she was fourteen, and people are quick to forgive her imperialist uncle who spent more than her life committing war crimes and being a successful war general, rather than showing sympathy to a mentally ill, 14 year old girl, who was a child soldier. 

in the same vein, if you are able to find azula redeemable but not jet and hama, then there’s an issue. 

yes, azula is a 14 year old, mentally ill child, groomed to be a child soldier. she IS a war criminal. she IS an imperialist. those things were because of her circumstances, but she is those things.

jet is a traumatized child of war. hama was a prisoner of war. jet’s entire family was killed when he was 8. hama was a target of genocide. jet and hama were both traumatized by the fire nation’s imperialism, and were driven to the point of fighting off the imperialists. the same sympathy that is extended to azula, can and shouldbe extended to the brown child of war, and the brown prisoner of war.


  • “You just busted in my house asking for help in bad english and I thought you were a kid who did some minor troubles at the comic con or somethiing judging by your costume but you’re actually an alien who crashed near and is researched by your planet’s authorities” au
  • “Caught you changing and you have wings binded on your back” fallen angel au
  • “Now that I think about it I never asked why is your house built around a giant-ass tree please explain” dryad au
  • “We had a sleepover and I woke up earlier than you so I wanted to grab something to eat and why the actual fuck is there so many blood packs in there” vampire au
  • “You’ve been avoiding eveyone since a couple days and I noticed your arm seemed paralyzed or something and I wanted to talk to you except when I grabbed said arm to stop you from running away it came out oops” robot au
  • “I see you every year at carnaval/halloweens/any costumed holidays with the best costume ever (though always the same one) and we exchanged numbers and became internet buddies but why won’t you accept to meet face to face any other days” centhaur/satyr au
  • “We were dicking around in chemistry but you accidentally received some of whatever we made and it turns out that this substance strongly weaken you/forces you to take your true form” shapeshifter/dragon au
  • “I came to your house for a sleepover but you weren’t here your house was trashed and when I found you again the next day you were naked and without any recognitions of what had happened” werewolf au
  • “We fell on each others and yo where the frick is your stomach dude” Wendigo au
  • “You had an accident and I thought you were dead bc I couldn’t hear your heartbeat but you turned out just fine” undead au
  • “I always thought you were our common friend’s sibling but you actually are a demon they summoned years ago and made a pact with“ demon au
  • “I keep freaking out whoever come to my old house but you don’t get scared easily and you actually seems interested by my story and past instead of just being here for the thrill wanna chat?” ghost au


Original Lewis Chess Pieces, National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh, 26.1.19.


everyone’s comfort characters are either gay, mass murderers, mentally unstable or just straight up dead or all of these

tawaretsampleleftelbow:unexpectedyarns: just-call-me-vendetta: thecacophonyoflis: mimisavagee: chieftawaretsampleleftelbow:unexpectedyarns: just-call-me-vendetta: thecacophonyoflis: mimisavagee: chieftawaretsampleleftelbow:unexpectedyarns: just-call-me-vendetta: thecacophonyoflis: mimisavagee: chieftawaretsampleleftelbow:unexpectedyarns: just-call-me-vendetta: thecacophonyoflis: mimisavagee: chief



























I got a virus from that screenshot of Limewire

I hate you all

I miss my guy paperclip

I hate you all for this 

I heard this post.

I highkey feel attacked

I have been stabbed in the feels.

petition to bring this back

Well hello to my fellow 90’s


minesweeper was my game

also clippy, i miss you every day bro


Omg, my family constantly competed to have the highest score in 3D pinball… ☺️

all of this hurts but in a very good way

seeing that WordArt picture automatically took me back to ‘97

I’ll just set this right here…

Please understand Minesweeper was on Windows 95.


When you turned on the computer and got a C: prompt and had to ASK the computer to run Windows.


Post link




if you tag me in a chain post and i don’t do it it’s not because i hate you it’s because i am very lazy. i love you thank you for tagging me.

*or i didn’t see it because my activity is super full

*or i saw it, thought “i’ll do that when i have a free minute” and my brain promptly wiped itself like a shaken etch-a-sketch the second i left the tab


I’m so sorry to anyone and everyone I do this to


Bunny appreciation post ♡


“Don’t move.”

  1. The carer says as they stitch Up A’s Wound
  2. Says the torturer who is going to get another instrument (though A cannot even move due to their injuries)
  3. Says the torturer as a commotion can be heard outside of the room. 
  4. Says A to B while B is stood in the middle of a minefield / a movement triggered trap
  5. Orders A to B while A is rushing off out of the room to face the bad guys.
  6. The carer says to the now waking up whumpee.
  7. The torturer bellows in A’s face, as A’s body trembles with the exhaustion of being forced to stand. 
  8. The police order A as they’ve been caught for a crime they didn’t commit (perhaps they were in the wrong place at the wrong time.)
  9. The torturer whispers while holding a knife close to the whumpees eye.
  10. The hero says finally, their gun trained on the bad guy at the end of the fight. They’re bleeding from multiple wounds and are favoring their left leg, but the fight is over and finally, finally,the whumpee can arrest the bad guy and get some rest. 



I’ve heard the last one called “pebbling”, and that’s absolutely what I do when I spam memes and tiktoks at my friends.


Our Flag Means Death tags that I relate to on a personal level (x)(x)


a small list of forehead kisses i need to see more of

  • forehead kisses to ensure everything will be okay
  • pulling away from a kiss, placing your lips on your lover’s forehead
  • forehead kisses that simply say “i’m here for you” because nothing i say will mend your pain
  • a forehead kiss as we hug: you pulling me closer and me nuzzling my head into the crook of your neck
  • male characters being kissed on the forehead
  • an exchange of forehead kisses. you kiss me on the forehead. i kiss you on the forehead. repeat. our friends and family think we’re disgusting but we don’t care
  • trailing kisses from your lover’s forehead to their lips (or vice versa)
  • forehead kisses without reason. we don’t need reasons. kiss the forehead
  • a quick kiss on the forehead when tending to your lover’s wounds, grateful they’re home safe and back in your arms
  • it’s too early in the relationship for good night kisses, but forehead kisses is a good substitute
  • a forehead kiss that reads “i love you, but you know damn well [insert character flaw]”
  • having to stand on your tippy toes to reach your lover’s forehead
  • a kiss goodbye on the forehead, you’re unrequitedly in love with me and i’m telling you to let me go
  • kissing your friend’s forehead because platonic affection <3
  • supposedly we hate each other, but when i show up at your door looking for comfort, you extend your arm and offer me a hug. as i wrap my arms around you, my tears soaking your shirt, you can’t quite help but to lay a kiss on my head
  • silent forehead kisses because we’ve had a pretty bad argument, and neither of us are currently in the right mindset to talk it out, but i want you to know that i love you, and we’re going to get through this
  • kissing your lover goodbye on the forehead instead of the lips, because the only thing that’s going to keep me from missing you to death until we (hopefully) reunite again is the thought of finally collecting that kiss we didn’t share from you (and if we kiss each other goodbye, it feels like the end of something)


man i miss date i wanna torment him with visions



rereading my own writing is just a constant fluctuation between “damn, girl, you wrote this? (affectionate)” and “damn, girl, you wrote this? (derogatory)”

I am also “damn, girl, you wrote this? (forgetful)”
