#all our secrets laid bare



Auror Partners - Inspired by All Our Secrets Laid Bare

Inspired by Firethesound’s story All Our Secrets Laid Bare I’ve been working on Podficcing this story and wanted to create cover art for it. I just love this story and these boys. This is not based on a specific scene or descriptions per say but more my feeling of the essence of them. It was a lot of fun I haven’t been inspired to draw in forever but I’m happy with it. I hope it brings a smile to your face too Podfic will post on Ao3 beginning February 4th and will post 2 chapters a week Mondays and Fridays.

Almost Kiss

Their Almost Kiss inspired by the fic: All Our Secrets Laid Bare

I simply adore these two

The Set

“Draco put his fingers in his ears”

One of my favorite scenes. I couldn’t get the image of Draco out of my head and of course I had to make the matching set.

Just finished recording the Epiloge for the podfic of All Our Secrets Laid Bare. The finished podfic should be up in all its formats on AO3 tomorrow evening ♡♡♡

I can’t believe it’s almost done its been such a huge part of my life for the last 3 months. It’s very much a bittersweet feeling, I’m gonna miss those crazy boys

Quick Draco doodle inspired by Harry dressing Draco in his clothes in All Our Secrets Laid Bare
