#all planets



Planets in the 12th House: Questions/Answers

Planets and asteroids here can be a bit tough on the natives. We all have to remember to stay strong and not lose hope. Life is filled with many challenges and we are here to learn and evolve, one day at a time.

Sun in the 12thHouse“Am I worthy?” Yes, you are. Remember that every single day is a battle and you are special and valued. When you have grown into who you are and learn to appreciate the gifts you can bring forth to the world, you can help others. Learn to channel your egotistical side occasionally, because it can work wonders.

Moon in the 12thHouse“Why can I feel everything?” You are the empath and can sense everyone’s pain. Use your abilities to heal others and it enhance your skills. Many will go to you because your mind will serve as a beacon, helping individuals in your journey. Your helpful nature will be expressed through this placement, helping others along the way.

Mercury in the 12thHouse“Does anyone understand me?” It’s hard to step out of the shadows of the 12th House, but first you need to find some faith in yourself, only then will you be able to speak loudly with a mind that will shine brilliantly, empowering you to relay your message to the world.

Venus in the 12thHouse“Do they truly love me?” There is a tendency for the native with this placement to keep their love lives hidden or there are circumstances that force them to (an affair or someone unattainable). Make sure that you and your partner are honest with one another, this way the relationship can flourish in the sunlight instead of the shadows.

Mars in the 12thHouse “Is it worth fighting for anything?” Yes, fight for everything you believe will bring forth positivity and help you become a better person. Cling on to your passions, your hopes and dreams and you will see that there will come a point when you can become a champion for other people that cannot express or use their voice.

Neptune in the 12thHouse “Is this reality?”  Neptune is comfortable here because it rules the mystery of the 12th. Those with Pisces influence or dominance would understand how this can be a haven, an escape into another world and a place where their dreams can unravel. The only issue here would be not to fall too deep into the mystic rivers of the 12th because it can consume you and your reality will be warped. You have the power to feel everyone’s pain, so you need to learn how to remove yourself from emotionally draining circumstances. Hone your psychic abilities and make them stronger so that the waters don’t drown you here. It’s always good to wake up after a nice dream.

Jupiter in the 12thHouse“Hope is somewhere.” The benefic planet in the House of shadows is a wonderful placement. In your darkest hour you will be able to find a beacon of light and hope that will push you out of the darkness. Make sure to fine tune that ability because it is within you. This placement smooths the transition from feelings of being in a dark place to finding the power to rise above it all with ease.

Uranus in the 12thHouse“Why is everything changing?” The native has a fear of the changing world, but this is all in your head. Change is good, change should be welcomed because change helps catapult you to your next stage. If you feel apprehensive or you might be too fixed in your own ways to accept the changes, remember that we live in a dynamic world and we have to evolve with the times.

Saturn in the 12thHouse“When will the madness end?” In the House of self-undoing, this placement can become the native’s worst enemy. Take time to do some meditating, exercise, writing or reading. Any hobbies will help you get out of the slump. Focus on doing as much as you can and whenever you have doubts or fears, remember that you can get through this because you are powerful enough to endure and weather any storms. You will come out stronger than ever.

Pluto in the 12thHouse“Will I get a moment of peace?” You will. Pluto, like Saturn are tough malefics, but you van do it because this is only your first form of many. Pluto transforms and empowers, so at your lowest point you will find a light, just like the native with Jupiter in this House. This light will help you and strengthen you since you will learn how to face these challenges when you evolve. With each transformation, you will acquire new weapons that will aid in your journey. Do not lose hope.

Chiron in the 12thHouse – “Why does everything hurt?” Chiron here will be very much like a mix of the Moon and Saturn in the 12th. You can sense the pains of others along with something that might be haunting you within. With this placement, you can meditate to uncover the greater mysteries. There is a compassionate soul within you and it can bring transformations to others in a positive and exquisite way.
