#alliance event

The Rat Bastard TavernFriday, November 6th, 6 BellsThe Legerdemain Lounge, located in Old (NorthrendThe Rat Bastard TavernFriday, November 6th, 6 BellsThe Legerdemain Lounge, located in Old (Northrend

The Rat Bastard Tavern

Friday, November 6th, 6 Bells

The Legerdemain Lounge, located in Old (Northrend) Dalaran!

Hey there you reprobates. Don’t worry, with us that is a term of endearment. We are back at it again for another month serving up some absolutely terrible health choices that taste fantastic! And if that isn’t your flavor of regret, then try some regret in the form of our slew of expertly crafted drinks at the ready to wash away what bothers you!

It’s a crazy world out there, isn’t it about time your diet matches? At least for an evening. So grab a friend, or grab a friend in a totally different way, and head on down to the Rat Bastard this Friday! We look forward to tempting you into drinking far too much.


The Rat Bastard is cross-faction!

The Rat Bastard tavern is a cross faction event! If you wish to help us out a bit, please bring your own Elixirs of Tongues. We will have plenty to offer on hand, in case you come without. We will provide both Horde and Alliance based staff along with the Elixirs. Easily accessible via portal from both Orgrimmar and Stormwind, or via flight path for lower levels.

[[@wowrpevents​​@wraconnect​​@the-royal-courier​​@wracentral​​@wraallianceevents​​  @wrahordeevents​​ ]]

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The 38th Monthly Bloodsport Brawl!- Saturday October 24th -- 6pm Sign Ups, 7pm Launch -It’s that tim

The 38th Monthly Bloodsport Brawl!

- Saturday October 24th -

- 6pm Sign Ups, 7pm Launch -

It’s that time again!

A time to strip off your fancy clothing or working gloves and step into a place where the only thing that matters is your grit. Your grit, coupled with your ability to lay a punch into some poor sod’s throat with enough force to collapse it. Gruesome? Not to the proper sorts! Nah, some people revel in it!

People like you, perhaps? If so, then why not come and pit yourself against some of the finest fighters this city has to offer. New bloods, old veterans, it doesn’t matter to us! The pits don’t care about your species, gender, or class. The great equalizer, it is!

Think you have a chance to be the next Bloodsport Champion?

If so, join us down at the Stormwind Docks on Saturday the 24th. Sign ups open at 6 bells and close just after 7 bells. No late sign ups can be admitted, so show up on time to assure your place!

Combat is single elimination ladder, and fights are handled with base d20 rolls. Each fight will be moderated, assuring fairness and keeping things smooth, as well as answering any questions for new fighters. Several fights take place at the same time throughout the event, and spectators are more than welcome to attend.

To sign up, speak to or whisper Nayleen on the night of the event. She will be on location at the docks. Brief party invites available to assist with directions if necessary.

All scores will be updated in real time, and a full ladder will be available to all on the day of the fight to follow the winners as they move up the rankings.

We hope to see you there!


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