

I’m so tired of my hair. Its damaged to the point where some strands have become straight. The damage is due years of not taking care of it. This past year, I have been on a journey to grow healthy and long hair. I want to run my hands through my hair without my hands getting stuck between my hair. It’s like I’m growing string on my head. I have been trying so many things to correct this problem and I’m starting to get discouraged. I’m slowly trimming my ends, but cannot cut all of it at once.

My hair is naturally thin, and I do not have a lot of hair. I trimmed the back of my hair two months ago and I already developed split ends in that area. I’m worried about the state that my hair will be in when winter comes. I want to give up and wear weave, but I want to learn what works for my hair, and how to manage it. I also want to love my hair.

