#alpha supremacy


i was a communications professional. Words were the tools of my craft. In my personal life, i’ve relied upon them to compensate for many things and to get what i want. Now, words are useless.

In a country where i can’t speak, read, write, or understand the language i am as vulnerable as i’ve ever felt in my life. And He makes no attempt to lessen that discomfort. In fact, He leverages it to His advantage.

Every day, He speaks long, emphatic dialogues directed at me, knowing full well i can’t comprehend a word. And i’ve learned i can’t rely upon intonation or facial expressions either. He’ll frequently use gentle, condescending tones right before physically accosting me for unknown reasons. i’m doomed to fail the tasks He sets out for me because i can only learn the nuances of His expectations from trial and error.

i don’t know if He speaks English but i’ve stopped begging for mercy, at least with words, which perhaps makes my cries all the more poignant.

My passport, wallet, cellphone - anything that connected me with my former life - its all gone.

He has the countenance of someone who is extremely happy and lighthearted, which is what dismantled my guard to begin with. It’s not that He’s a cruel person. It’s obvious that to Him, it’s completely natural and permissible to enslave, own, and use me for His pleasure, whenever and however He wants.

The way He fucks me tells me a lot about how He sees me; it’s almost always on my back in a manner that always leaves me feeling feminized. Even when it’s romantic and tender, there’s always an edge to the way He maneuvers and controls me that lets me know i’m a possession - not an equal.

He loves to play in my wrecked hole afterwards, pushing His cum back inside with His long fingers and delighting in the sight of His plentiful load oozing out of me. The way He beats me makes me feel even more like the worst version of a 50s housewife - dragging me by the hair to show me where i’ve not cleaned to His expectation or slapping me for challenging Him with my eyes.

i’ve learned quickly how to please Him: crawling on my knees; kissing the head of His cock; screaming loudly when He fucks me hard like a Man possessed; keeping my head bowed and always letting Him take the initiative in any physical contact; and when He feeds me His cum off His fingers, looking Him in the eyes and showing sincere gratitude.

i don’t know what i’ve become. What started out as survival techniques have become my natural inclination and way of life. He’s just as happy as He was when i first saw Him; i like to think that perhaps He’s even happier now that He has what He wants. i never leave His home. i’m locked in chastity and wear the constant marks of His ownership across my body. And i am happier than i ever was before i met Him, because i too now have what i didn’t know i wanted or needed.

He deserves my respect and obedience.

i’m not unaware of the tremendous energy it takes mentally, emotionally, and physically to provide me with the security and structure i need to be the best version of myself - a happy, contented submissive with purpose. It’s all because of Him.

The wall He’s built around me that hems me in and makes me feel safe and protected didn’t spring up magically overnight. Even though my submission to Him feels instinctive and natural, it’s the result of His forethought and planning. To construct something tangible and permanent often requires the deconstruction of years of resistance and the realignment of daily realities and intrusions from the outside. And that takes work, dedication, and effort.

You can’t measure the length and height of that wall just by the discipline He administers or the rules and commands He gives. He has slowly and methodically made me dependent upon Him in ways that bind me more tightly than the thickest shackles ever could.

My obedience comes from a place of genuine and unwavering admiration, love, and devotion. i will do everything i can to make His life richer and more satisfying because of what He’s done for me - for us.

The dominance He exerts over me is not always with a belt. The daily affirmation of His possessiveness and full ownership over me is not just about the collar i wear or the cage that keeps me in chastity. The way He owns and controls me so perfectly is through a tapestry of a million small, nuanced things He does and says. They are consistent and reliable to the point where it’s easy to take them - and Him - for granted.

But i will honor His efforts by never doing that.

When i see Him taking quiet moments of contemplation and meditation, my heart swells with pride and gratitude that i can trust and rely upon His control, strength, and power.

As i kneel before Him and lay my head against His thigh i bask in the enormous privilege of serving a Man of such high caliber and integrity, a Man who takes His role and responsibilities seriously. He deserves my best life and i will give it to Him. Gladly.

He’s back. It’s been less than 10 hours since He left my apartment and i’ve not had enough time to safely compartmentalize everything that’s happened in the past 24 hours. i try to keep a brave face when I answer the door, which only earns me a self-satisfied smirk as He pushes His way past me.

Despite the long, hot shower after He left, i still went to bed feeling dirty, especially since the evidence of His virility continued to ooze from my wrecked hole.

He immediately starts to undress and my face flushes in shame at His presumptive intrusion; He makes me feel like a cheap whore. But after the way i behaved last night, why wouldn’t He?

The sight of His barrel chest and extended stomach is like a jolt of caffeine. The view triggers memories of how smothered and helpless i felt beneath His weight and my heart races with dreadful anticipation.

He glares at me as He kicks off His shoes and starts working on His pants. “What the fuck are you waiting for?? Strip and get your ass in bed - on your back.”

i feel numb and dizzy as i hastily obey. i’ve had a sample of what He’s like when i disobey and i don’t want to experience that again.

The unmade bed sags beneath His weight as He lumbers into position. Lifting my limber legs, He throws them haphazardly over His shoulders and bends me in two. “Don’t have time for you to suck my dick,” He says, as though the blame is on me and i deserve what’s coming. With a sudden lunge, the head of His beer-can thick dick penetrates my sore hole and impales me.

His cock loosens what was left inside me. The squelching sound as He long-dicks me is obscene. He quickly builds up a sweat and presses His body against mine, rubbing His scent into my skin.

The few sounds i have the breath to make are pure anguish. He holds my eyes with a fearful gaze as He increases His tempo. i hurt all over. Thankfully, i feel the now familiar sensation of liquid warmth filling me as He grunts and groans into a frenzied orgasm. He collapses on top of me spent and panting.

After a few moments rest, He hastily gets up from the bed and prepares to leave just as suddenly and unceremoniously as He arrived. Once dressed, He heads for the door but not before scooping up my wallet, keys, and phone. “You look good this way. Don’t change a thing.” And then He’s gone.

What You’re clutching in Your hands is a testament to Your power.

The hours, months, and years of my life boil down to a few precious minutes of self-sacrificial service to Your lust.

All the tireless dedication to working out and dieting: i don’t do it for my health or well being. i do it to be as presentable and appealing as i can to a predatory eye, with the hopes that someday an Alpha will mark me as a target and take me. i do it for You. For the hope of You.

It may sound pitiful to those who think self actualization is about empowerment. But to a born submissive, our potential is fully realized when we surrender to the forceful hand of dominance.

It just takes a Man with the confidence and know-how to assert His inherent power and privilege to trigger these instincts in me, no matter how latent they may be. The rougher and more possessive You are the easier the kill; i’m wired to give myself to dominance.

Take what’s Yours. Consume the benefits of my labor and everything i have to give - everything that’s built up in anticipation of this moment. Claim it to Your glory. Savor the knowledge that what You’re taking represents significantly more than just a blip occurrence on Your lifeline. Comprehend the sacrifice and the offering because it’s a testament to Your Alpha supremacy and power.

When You feel me shiver and collapse beneath Your fingers understand that Your dominance is calling into being my life’s purpose. i was made for this. For You. There is no shame in the exchange; You are helping me fulfill my purpose. So enjoy.

i need You.

i don’t say it in words, but You feel it every time You touch me. You see it in my shameless acquiescence to Your objectification and sexualization of my mouth and body. You guide and maneuver me, not because i’m resistant or unversed in what pleases You; You do it to experience the deep satisfaction of witnessing the power of Your touch.

It transforms me before Your eyes into the needy, desperate submissive You’ve made me to be just for You. My body goes lax and my brain shuts down as my very being is called into a singular purpose: to submit unequivocally to Your needs, supremacy, power, and control.

The stress, obligations, and realities of Your day to day life may pull You away from that which renews Your spirit, power, and strength. But its these moments that center and ground You.

You own me, body, mind, and soul. You have a power that very few in Your world or the world at large will ever experience or understand.

It is an exceeding rare strength and virtue to live outside the boundaries of societal norms. For both of us, that inner strength gives us the freedom to be who we are and to receive what we need from each other. The simplicity of that exchange gives us the strength to walk unshaken and undeterred amongst the lifeless zombies that proliferate our fucked up world.
