#alsmp scott smajor



Characters: Angel!Scott, Thunderborn!Sausage, Merling!Scott, plus a couple of “special guests”

Relationships: MythicalSausage/Scott Smajor

Tags: Canon Divergent

Warnings: Spiderwebs, Illness, Body Horror, Character Death, Fluff then Angst, then More Angst, but! a Happy Ending

(Sequel to Echoing Through To You)

Summary: Having admitted their feelings, Sausage and Scott begin another chapter of their lives together while Sausage gets used to his new powers. All is well until Scott falls under an enigmatic curse, and all they can do is wait it out. The result complicates their relationship…

(Also available on Ao3!)

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big recommendation for any fans of fluff, angst, scosage or all of the above


Characters: Vampire!Scott, Wither!Sausage, Angel!Scott, plus a couple of “special guests”

Relationships: MythicalSausage/Scott Smajor

Tags: Okay Fine You Twisted My Arm I’ll Ship Them, But Not Without Some Tragic Angst First >:3c, Canon Divergent - Canon Is Putty In My Hands

Warnings: Body Horror, Injury, Bleeding, Character Death – Look If I Can’t Play With Characters Becoming Different Every Time They Die Then What Is The Point

Summary: Scott tried to bury Sausage after unintentionally killing him, but he didn’t stay in the grave. An alliance was formed and together they became an unstoppable force. Yet something about Sausage’s new form didn’t sit well with Scott. And then when the vampire happened to die, well…that changed things in more ways than one.

(Also available on Ao3! )

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got to beta-read this one (and unintentionally prompted op to write it in the first place) very recommended!!


something something wither!sausage sucking angel!scott’s soul something something shared sensations, thoughts and feelings something something.


Wither!sausage fighting angel!scott and winning so he begins to suck his soul expecting to feel scott’s hate for him and instead feels love, a deep and unconditional love and scott’s guilt for not been able to stay or help sausage

something something wither!sausage sucking angel!scott’s soul something something shared sensations, thoughts and feelings something something.

cc!scott is a gamer and merling!scott is a gay-mer

“That night was quite a sight to behold. For years at the annual masquerade, the Ruler of Rivendell

“That night was quite a sight to behold. For years at the annual masquerade, the Ruler of Rivendell had only picked the Codfather to dance. Yet, this year despite their previous animosities, as soon as the King of Mythland walked into the room they were both drawn to each other as if under a spell.”

“What could have possibly changed this year that drew these rulers so close?”

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