

I carved a Sutekh icon for my altar from the same blackthorn branch that I carved Eris. He is stained with an 18-year-old red wine bequeathed to me by a dead bus driver (praise be to Albert! May he live forever!), blackberry and fig liqueurs, and icon. The black stain is part char from my stove, and part a mixture of ritual ash and Stuart Semple’s Black 2.0. The gold is ol’ Stuart’s goldest gold, which I can’t recommend enough really, and gold leaf. The red is a crimson alcohol ink I bought last year and immediately forgot I had. Turns out, it stains unsealed wood really well, and can be blended out with neat isopropyl alcohol on a paintbrush. This would ordinarily make me worry about drying out the wood, but beeswax and neem oil solves all problems.


The aflatus came upon me at last, and I carved a Tzeentch icon for my altar. I’m carving a set of icons of my pantheon from various local woods (mostly hawthorn and blackthorn as they’re most appropriate) and appropriate materials from my huge “found favours” hoard. Tzeentch here is carved from the same blackthorn branch that Sutekh and Eris came from.

Process and so on over on patreon as you’d expect. I think Dionysus will be next!

