#although i love angst-


bam’s note : this is a part of @okkatsudon ; “somebody new” collab! it’s always been my dream after watching mha to write this, literally seizing this opportunity as soon as i saw the event!

warnings : angst, unrequited/one sided love, crushing, no happy ending, some cursed words, deja vu, third wheel character, one part is slightly suggestive, long fic (almost 3k words omg wat- )

it was sweet to love him.

you met todoroki on the very first day of school, pretty cherry blossom trees were blooming and portions of petals were falling down the ground.

lost in the scenery, you didn’t took notice of the person walking your way until you bumped into them. all the books and papers you were carrying got knocked to the floor. you instantly apologise to that person and crouch down to collect your things. another hand that’s not yours help pick the few left ones before handing them to you.

that was the first time you got to drown in those mismatched heterochromatic eyes.

a stranger with evenly split hair between two colours; white and red. he was rather well-built and tall for someone around his age. though he has quite a strange large scar on one side of his face. despite that and the seriousness he wore you swear you viewed him as the hottest guy you’ve ever met.

you again haven’t noticed that you were staring at him for far too long until this unknown man need to clear his throat and gently jab the stuffs to you once more. you felt your cheeks burn in embarrassment as you quickly look away and mumbled quiet sorry for your bad manners and thank him for his help.

he only nodded in response before about to turn and resumed back on his way. you interrupted him first by calling out, “what’s your name?”

the man spare you a glance, evidently heard you, still he decided not to reply. making you frown and follow him, proceeding to ask him questions “hey, what’s your class? perhaps we’re on the same one, and with that perhaps-” he suddenly took a turn around the corner, consequence come in you almost tripped on your own feet. this time you managed to grab the wall, then run up to catch up to him. frowning, why is he gotta be so fast?

“hey! wait! you’re still new here like me right? how about we walk to our classroom together? i’m y/n by the way, and was about to head to class 1A. do you perhaps have any idea where-” it was as though all you babble was nix as the arrogant dude, you could call him, doesn’t seem to even give a damn.

but it’s alright, because it seems like he share the same destination as you. 1A label presented in front of you, and the stranger you met earlier already disappear by walking into the room before you can even registered what’s going on.

all your dreams, wishes, hopes, were right here. heart hammering hard in your chest, you felt your body slightly shook in both excitement and anxiousness as you slowly stride after that two colours haired guy.

and your whole life changed ever since.

you later learned by a group of girls you’ve been hanging out with, his name was todoroki. shototodoroki. your eyes and mind were already mindlessly trailing to the figure of him, far away from your friends voices, away from any other environment. he was scribbling something to his note. looking effortlessly so cool, so handsome.

and somehow you were tapping your lips. thinking of a way of trying to get close to him, what a stupid act. you just met him a week ago, but something about him already intrigued you this much??

“y/n. y/n, are you even listening?” mina’s voice snapped you out of your trance. you blinked a couple of times, regaining your attention back to her while searching for a suitable response.

“ah- sorry i got distracted, what was it again?” you lightly scratch your cheek, looking confused.

“are you perhaps interested in todoroki-kun, y/n-chan?” tsuyu pointed out, and uraraka nodded her head in agreement.

“yeah, we saw you were looking at him. is there anything going on between you two?” the browned tilted her head curiously, all the girls turn their head to look at you, too.

“nothing! it’s nothing really, i’ve just been wondering of… a way to…” you nervously switched your gaze anywhere and everywhere but their watchful eyes. trying your best to contain your blush.

“get closer to him…” you quietly whispered to them.

an ‘oooooo’ and squeals buzzed among them, and you have to cover your face up with a hand. glancing one last time at the person who caused all this, you felt your heart skipped a beat when you saw that he was, coincidentally or not, looking at you too.

at lunch, all thanks to the efforts of those girls. makes you sitting beside him right now, finding it hard to get a grip of yourself. blushing like crazy, you can’t help but be a stuttering mess.

“i- uh uhmm- hey, not sure if you remember me. but i’m-”

“i remembered. you were that annoying girl who keep pestering me all the way to my classroom”

the statement make you shock a bit. no, very.

“don’t say that” your eyebrows bundled as you speak, “it’s quite a rude thing to say to someone you don’t know”

mismatched apathetic eyes locked with yours, no emotion showed on his expression as he simply answered, “and it’s also quite rude to keep bothering a stranger who obviously show no interest in being friends already”

his words sharp as a knife, you felt a heavy lump forming in your throat. “i’ll make you change you mind” your voice was quivering, but you were too hurt to care for that. “just you wait”

with that, you got up and marched off. heading straight toward the girl’s bathroom.

guess things always hurt when it’s right.

but being the super determined person you were. you still didn’t give up on the following days, or weeks, or months. the always failed attempts of trying to follow him, be close to him and getting to know him more.

despite each time the boy snapped and stabbed you with hurtful words, the very next day he’ll still find you sitting in his usual spot at the cafeteria. running to the front gate to wait and walk home together.

your girl friends are also behind all these scenes too, silently leaving only you and him to bring the notebooks to the teacher’s room saying they were “busy”. purposefully leave right away to give you two alone time, well not really since they stay at an appropriate distance watching, and when he hurt you again, they always make sure to be there comforting and encouraging you to never loose hope.

and perhaps the world wasn’t too cruel. because eventually the once unconcerned todoroki slowly start to warm up, especially after the u.a. sports festival.

“todoroki-kun~ may i join you for lunch today?” you jovially asked him, despite completely know the common incoming disinterested answer.

though today, much to your surprise, he merely nodded. you stared after him, baffled. and shoto turn his head back to you after a few steps, slightly tilting his head in confusion as if saying, 'what are you waiting for?’

speechlessly gaping, you cannot exactly describe the fluttering feeling in your stomach. 'aw fuck it’ you thought and quickly pursue after him.

that day was the first day you grasp the real meaning of the word 'hope’. all your friends jump and cheer for you afterwards when you return to them.

“cheers to y/n and her soon-to-be boyfriend!” hagakure sang while mina threw her arms around you, blathering nonstop how happy she was for you. laughing at how supportive they all were, as though he was already your s/o, but you must admit that you couldn’t ask for anything better.

from here on out, the former cold relationship between you and shoto seems to grow warmer, like winter slowly turn into spring.

time flies by faster than anyone could imagine, right now most of you guys already received provisional hero license. although todoroki and bakugou still have to go to a special course.

“sho-chann” you called for him late at night when you guys about to parted to your own rooms. “tomorrow’s your first day of the special course right? good luck!”

small smile cracked at your sweet encouragement, he mumbled a thank you. and you grinned back at him, afore, a soft kiss was planted wordlessly against your forehead.

for the 3rd, or 4th time or more counted, that he had made you surprised. although you didn’t get to say a word as he was already pacing away. leaving you brushing your fingers on where the kiss landed, still all fuzzy and blushing.

not to mention that he was smiling to you more often. directly. like after you guys watched some random movies, you deliberately tease him of 'how we should hang out more often’ while shooting him a wink. the stoic man’s upper lips were tugged up in response. and shockingly agreed to what you’ve just said.


dear god, you weren’t imagining it.

it wasn’t until winter ran by did you confront him. mustering up all the courage you got, you have to say it, no matter what.

“oh, hey y/n” shoto greeted you, coming to meet as requested right outside the dorms. it was nighttime and the only lights available except the moon were from the lamp posts.

“hi sho-chan” you smile in return, nervously fidget with your fingers.

“so what’s up?” the half white red haired questioned curiously. taking silent note at your uneasy posture.

gulping, there’s no turning back now. “do you know that, if you’re confessing on the first snow. the higher chance that your crush’s response might be positive?”

a quizzical look contorted over his face. “really…?” he replied, touching the scarf swathing around his neck. “and what did that has to do with why you called me?”

“i-” you began, then stopped to purse your lips. suddenly snow was falling to your hair. your cheeks were flushed and a smoke flows from your mouth as the words slipped. “i think i like you, sho-chan”

silence settled over you both for a moment. his wide-eye gaze never leaving you, until you have to break it when it’s becoming rather uncomfortable.

“please say something…” you murmured embarrassingly while looking away. making the man clears his throat apologetically and answered.

“i appreciated the feeling you hold towards me, y/n” he paused for a moment, carefully pondering for the right sayings. “but i’m still not so sure of my own feelings yet… could you give me some time first?”

you felt your heart squeezed as he soon excused himself after that. slightly opening your mouth and blinking a few times in frozen position, feeling torn whether to feel sad or continue to stay hopeful.

so you waited. for days, weeks, months, you felt deja vu during so. here you are, waiting for slim chances that’s most likely end up with rejection by him already forgetting given prolong period.

even worse that any time you brought it up, it was always the same answer, 'please give me more time’.

yeah, for sure. but for how long, mr.todoroki?

sighing languidly at this on loop thought, you walk past your empty classroom, about to heading back to your dorm. or so you thought. as you came across an over-limit unexpected scene.

a scene that makes you want to take back the idea you once thought, that perhaps the world wasn’t too cruel. because it definitelyis.

“i- i think i have a crush on you, todoroki-kun!”

similar sentence. yet the person who say it is…

“don’t worry y/n-san” yaoyorozu soothingly rubbed your back, “i’m pretty sure he will see it soon someday” she said with a gentle smile. all the while offering herself to be a shoulder for you to cry on.

why her? why the person who used to always stick by your side?


right now you were only listening. but then you start creeping closer, trembling hand slowly crack the door open slightly, only enough to take a peek inside.

you regretted it before you even saw.

hands clutching her skirt. cheeks bashfully tinted red. she spare a second to push her loose soft looking black strands behind her ear and shifted her gaze. the sun was setting down out the window, giving the room beautiful pale red, orange, purple, and yellow light. what a romantic sight for sore eyes…

“i know you might not feel the same. and that it’s super inappropriate for me to confess to you even though you’re still in the middle of giving y/n-san an answer. i’m so sorry, but i really like you. i- i-

no. no. no.

todoroki cuts her off by pulling her into a passionate kiss. momo, without hesitation, promptly give in to the kiss and pull him closer. and he reciprocated by letting his hands roam over to her hips. before gently gripping them and angled his head to deepen the kiss.

your hands and blood run cold. you felt your whole body went numb as you have to bring a hand up to cover your broken sobs. trying your hardest to contain the… too late, the tears were already streaming down your cheeks. and you felt your heart wrench painfully at the sight before you. it was agonising really.

to learn that all your efforts were all for nothing.

and your body moves its way, out of control. the door was forcefully hauled open by you all of the sudden. startling the people inside, they froze abruptly before immediately pull away. shock, embarrassment and shame painted clear on their faces.

you still not dare to say a word, only tremulously stare at both of them while more tears brimming at the edge of your eyes.

they look as if they want to say something, but momo kept quiet and dropped her gaze to the ground. and the young man hesitated to reach his hand out to you, mouth in motion of gaping and closing.

“it’s not what you think, y/n… i can explain-”

“right now i do not want to hear it shoto” you clenched your hands into tight fists, and bit your lips as hard as you could.

“please excuse me” eyes cold and unreadable expression, you make a quick turn on your heels and stormed out. ignoring all the shouts and names calling for you.

“y/n i-”

“shut up!”

about a couple of hours later, you were in your room. shoto was also trailing behind you, wanting badly to apologise and make things up with you.

but to no avail, he only make you cry harder, angrier. to be specific.

“why didn’t you tell me in the first place shoto? why didn’t you tell me that you weren’t interested in me? so i didn’t have to hold hopes and wait for so long!?”

the guy went silent. regrets and guilt were heavy in his chest, and he could only flinched when you screamed “answer me!” in his face.

“i’m so sorry y/n…” was all he mumbled, tears todoroki didn’t know he was holding back starts to fall down.

you should’ve known.

you should’ve known of the fact why you always saw them together. getting along incredibly well even at the beginning where he was still cold towards you.

now you began to understand that gentle look on his face when he wipe the foam from the iced latte off her mouth. unintentionally linger his hand there far too long, that alone was enough to tell that the half white red haired adored her.

or when he was always willing to stay up late just to comfort and listen to her rambling all her overthinking doubts and problems. be there for her whenever she needs him and help her with everything he could…

something he never do for you.

ah,fuck this world.

fuck this cruel world.

“y/n i didn’t mean to…” the man look away. trying to find words for explanation. this is probably the first time you ever saw him like this. so vulnerable and lost.

his current state almost makes you want to forgive him, if what he’d done to you was something more forgivable.


“no, don’t even waste time on elaborating. i should be the one who say sorry” his heterochromatic eyes immediately jump up to yours in surprised and confusion. even so you continued, “none of this was your fault, i was out of my mind. i’m sorry. it should’ve been your choice to choose who you want to be with”

wiping a hand over one of your teary eyes, you felt as if hundreds of knives were stabbing you. suffocating and agonising pain seeped through you over and over.


you tried to bit back the huge waterfall and pent-up emotions that threatened to escape you anytime as you choked out the last words.

“it’s okay sho… just go love her”


likes or reblogs are highly appreciated!
