#always glad to help out





every time i see the phrase “consular dating” i think it should be referring to some dating reality show. like the bachelor but for roman consuls

top 10 most dateable consuls go (@porciacatonis)

  • 10. ???
  • 9. ???
  • 8. ???
  • 7. ME
  • 6. ME
  • 5. ME
  • 4. ME
  • 3. ME
  • 2. ME
  • 1. ME

- as told by Gaius Marius

@mariussuggestions am I correct or do you have another list?


Here is my list of dateable consuls:

  • 10. Metellus Pius. Date him to keep him away from my son
  • 9. Scipio Africanus. He and Hannibal remind me of myself and Jugurtha
  • 8. Lucius Cornelius Cinna. Not the original Lucius Cornelius but will do
  • 7. Marcus Antonius Orator. Kinda hot like Antonii tend to be but also smart
  • 6. Manius Aquillius. Loyal (to me) but overestimates himself
  • 5. Marcus Aemilius Scaurus. My bff in the nineties
  • 4. Rutilius Rufus. A good friend
  • 3. Scipio Aemilianus, You can learn a lot from him
  • 2. Sulla. He’s kinda sexy
  • 1. ME. Loving yourself is the key to the consulship. 