#always reblog the kiss



Alec being kissed and lifted off the ground mid-kiss, his arm wrapped around Maurice.

So many scenes in gorgeous film I had to go back and view again (and again and again)


Alec being kissed and lifted off the ground mid-kiss, his arm wrapped around Maurice.

So many scenes in gorgeous film I had to go back and view again (and again and again)

I remember reading from James Wilby that this scene was actually filmed on only day three or four , so they didn’t really even know each other!

They had dinner at a restaurant and spoke on everything but that scene.. James asked “do you think we should just go for it?” And, in Rupert’s typical, wonderful fashion, he just said “yup” and they did it.. James’ actual quote was along the lines of “he stuck his tongue down my throat, and that was the end of that!”

(Rupert also caused the bed to break in the other scene… Good Lord..)

Maurice as a book will always be my favourite and the film was bloody fantastic too! The cast were gorgeously chosen and suited the characters perfectly. Forster would have been so proud.. I even have a tattoo of Forster himself I just love it all

(And this kissing scene at the end makes me cry so much because we didn’t get that in the book, but it was so beautiful I’ve never been more happy that they strayed from the novel )
