#alyssa greene


@multibcrn​ - emma.


     tonight was supposed to be the mostimportantnight of her life an alyssa was feeling all the emotions: excitement, anxious, and pretty much everything in between. She was just hoping for the best and ready to get it over with so she could spend the night dancing with emma, her girlfriend. she’d tried to talk to her mother but as expected that didn’t go well. but other than that things were right on track. that was, until on the car ride to the prom alyssa was watching out the window and noticed they weren’t headed to the school. confusion quickly settling on her face as her mother parked the car at the elks lodge. 

     it was a great, horrible surprise to her finding out that her friends… that everyone had tricked her. and that kaylee and shelby both thought they were protecting her. as soon as she found out and could compose herself, alyssa was in the bathroom calling emma to try and explain to her that she honestly had no clue until just now that they’d played such an awful trick on poor emma. “Emma!” She quickly starts when she hears the familiar voice on the other end. “Emma, I swearI had noidea.

 unruly hearts week | day five - au day      Pokemon AU where Alyssa and Emma are Pokemon trainers w unruly hearts week | day five - au day      Pokemon AU where Alyssa and Emma are Pokemon trainers w

unruly hearts week|day five - au day 
     Pokemon AU where Alyssa and Emma are Pokemon trainers who have focused their life on helping hurt Pokemons from the wild and releasing them once they are in full health. They have their own bunch that has grown attached to them, but they both became companions to a Vulpix and Cyndaquil who were both fiery in personality and motivation that it allowed them the chance to get closer (and later together) through trying to find ways to heal them and get them stronger to withstand a fight for self-defense. 

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munchiezxx: here’s kalyn emma and izzy alyssa doing whatever they were doing in this photonow im eve


here’s kalyn emma and izzy alyssa doing whatever they were doing in this photo

now im even more upset we never got kalyn emma :( 

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