#amanda rollins x reader


It wasn’t that difficult to find Amanda’s vehicle in the parking lot. You doubted that a lot of New Yorkers drove trucks. Even though she’d picked up everything and left Atlanta, she hadn’t completely changed. Although, if she had, you wouldn’t have gotten the invite to come up and stay with her for awhile. You knew that Kim’s surprise visit was disastrous, but you’d really been working hard to get better. You texted Amanda to let her know that you were outside waiting by her truck, but you didn’t expect her to tell you to come in. 

“Excuse me, I’m looking for Amanda Rollins?” you said to the officer working the front desk. He pointed you towards the elevator and told you to find her floor. You looked for the button labelled SVU and remembered to press it once you got inside. You were nervous to see Amanda after so long, maybe she wasn’t even interested in you anymore. You stepped out of the elevator and as you started walking down a hallway, you felt someone grab your arm. For a moment, you were scared, but then they pulled you into a hug. 

“God, I almost didn’t recognize you,” Amanda said as she pulled away. You smiled at her and shrugged. “You’re looking good. How are things down south?” 

“Keepin’ my head outta trouble, I swear,” you promised her. “Everythin’s all legal now.” 

“What do you mean everything’s legal now?” Amanda asked you as she crossed her arms across her chest. “Your head is out of trouble, out of trouble, right?” 

“Yeah, but there ain’t a lot of work for convicted felons. So, I found a club, I’m just dancing, I swear.” Amanda sighed and you immediately felt bad. “Let me talk to my boss and then we can head out for lunch. I’ll take you to my apartment, that all you brought?” 

“Yeah, guess there wasn’t a lot of use keepin’ my stuff around if everyone thought I was gonna rot in jail,” you joked and Amanda frowned at you. She left to talk to her captain and then she came back with her jacket. “How long do we have?” 

“Until they call me in for something.” Amanda grabbed your hand and tugged you into the elevator. “Kim talking to you still?” 

“No, um, part of my rehabilitation was cutting ties with people who weren’t going to be healthy in my new life,” you said and Amanda nodded. She obviously agreed, having been the first person to tell you not to hang around her little sister. It was hard though, especially whenever Amanda had gone off to college. You hadn’t been good at making friends, Kim was closer to your age anyways, and she was more than okay with letting you tag along to parties and whatnot. It’d been a quick and slippery slope, one that nobody could have stopped you from going down if they tried. 

“Here ya go,” Amanda said as she opened the passenger’s side door for you. You set your bag in the backseat and then sat down. It was quiet for the most part as Amanda drove around looking for a restaurant. For a moment, it felt like you were back in Georgia with her and the two of you were hanging out after school. “Whatcha thinkin’ about?” 

“When we used to hang out after school. It was fun, I was so innocent back then,” you said absentmindedly. Amanda frowned and sighed, guilt starting to nag at her for your life having circled the drain. “It ain’t your fault ‘Manda. If anything, I should be thanking you. I mean, the last thing you do before you leave is get me set on the right path.” 

“A path you’d have been on if I hadn’t just abandoned you.” Amanda’s hands tightened around her steering wheel and you turned to face her. You reached over and placed your hand on Amanda’s leg. “I don’t think this is a good idea. What happens when you go back, huh?” 

“I dance for money and you solve sex crimes,” you said nonchalantly. Amanda glanced down at your hand as she came up to a red light. “I’ll be here for a week, I think that we should make the most of it. Who knows when I’ll have more free time or my parole officer will be in such a good mood.” 

“Yeah, we should make the most of it,” Amanda agreed. She surprised you when she leaned over and pressed a kiss to your cheek. You blushed a little before deciding to take the plunge and just kiss her. Amanda kissed you back, but not for too long since the light changed. “I can’t tell you how long I’ve been waiting to do that.” 

“I have a feeling I can, actually,” you chuckled. Amanda let you hold one of her hands and during that lunch, you felt like you’d finally done right by her for the first time in forever. Amanda dropped you off at her apartment, went back to work, and you managed to make a meal out of the frankly odd ingredients in her kitchen. 

Taglist:@storiesofsvu@xixxiixx@wannabe-fic-reader​ @screenee
