

It’s 2am and I can’t sleep and I have to leave for work early tomorrow because I need gas - which I was too lazy to get today and told myself I’d stop in the morning for, along with crappy gas station coffee and a donut. I’ma be tired y’all.

To the anons who have sent me writing requests - promise I’m not ignoring you!!! I’m leaving them unanswered in my box so I don’t lose them and will get to them when I re-open requests. Thank you for sending them to me!! The fact that you like my writing enough to ask me to bring an idea to fruition makes me very fuzzy

Part of me wonders if JK has so many mattresses strewn about so he always has a place to lay down or. Or…so he always has a comfortable place to fuck regardless of what room he’s in.

Someone write that fic lol

The way I have mentally checked out at work

Not just because of BTS, I can keep my shit together, though I am a bit shook.

Our AC seems to have also bit the dust last night sometime and so it’s 88 degrees (F) in our office. I decided to go outside on my break to get some air buuuut:

I hope everyone is okay over the boys, it’s a weird feeling, but it’ll all be okay
