#amie x elias



elias & amie - that waybynanasdream | Posted on June 26th, 2021


Guys, I think we really should talk about this moment:

The way that Elias stands up and puts himself between Robin and Amie… 

The way that Robin tries to intimidate Elias by moving into his personal space, but Elias isn’t at all bothered.

The way that Elias only backs off when Amie tells him that they are both being embarrassing, which they are.

The fact that Elias is beyond entertained by the fact that his future wife Amie is yelling at Robin. Like he is legit checking her out at that point and looking at Robin in such a smug way. 

Like honestly the way that Elias is looking at Amie is legitimately the embodiment of mark me down as scared and horny/imma gonna make her the future mrs elias kroon

(credit goes to @eagles-translated for translating)

You Feed My Soul

Amie sighed loudly in the dark for what seemed like the thousandth time before she felt gentle stirring in the bed next to her.

“Älskling” came in a deep rumbled voice.

“Hm?” she responded in mock innocence.

“What do you need?” he asked in an semi exasperated tone.

She felt guilty after glancing at the clock on the beside table. 5:03 am.

“Nothing, I’m fine. Go back to sleep.”

“Considering you’ve been trying to stare me awake for at least three minutes, I highly doubt that.”

Before she started sighing she had been trying to wake him up through sheer force of will and when that failed, by glaring at the back of his head.

“Jag är hungrig” she says in a small voice.

“Let me guess. What you want is not located in our kitchen?”

She shakes her head in confirmation.

“Alright” he replies while slowly sitting up in bed and yawning.

He stretches and the muscles in his back flex in the process. “Pick your poison.”

Amie rises up on her knees and settles behind him. She runs her hands up over his naked back and loops her left arm over to place her hand on his chest while planting kisses on his right shoulder.

“You don’t have to convince me, I’m already up.”

“I know, I just love you. So much.”

She can literally feel his heartbeat accelerate against her hand at the declaration.

He turns to look her in the eyes. “I love you Amie, more than words can ever express.”

She blinks back the sudden onslaught of tears and whispers, “Slim Jim’s and Pickles”.

The abrupt shift of conversation throws him for a loop. Plus he was too busy being hypnotized by her eyes to really register anything. “What?”

“Pickles and Slim Jim’s. That’s what I want to eat Elias.”

“Oh” he laughs lightly. “You are so weird.”

Amie rolls her eyes. “But you love me ‘more than words can express’” she mocks in a lower register.

“I do. But that doesn’t make you any less weird.” he says then gives her a quick peck on the lips.

She scoffs in fake annoyance. “Sak samma”

“I’ll be right back. Unless you want to ride with me?” he says while getting up from the bed and looking for a pair of sweatpants and a T-Shirt.

“No, I feel like I would pee my pants if I was in the car more than five minutes. Your daughter is sitting right on my bladder.”

“Aww my poor baby” came his muffled reply before his head popped out the top of his shirt.

After grabbing his keys he glanced over and Amie was pouting while looking at him.

He raised a single eyebrow in question. “What’s wrong? You want to change your snack to something normal?”

“No. I’m just gonna miss you” she said in the saddest voice he’d ever heard.

She is something else he thought amused.

“I’ll be gone ten minutes, fifteen tops” he responded reassuringly.



“Yeah, we’ll be fine.”

“Good” he replied while walking towards her.

He leaned down and gave her round belly a kiss and then kissed the side of her head.

“Don’t pee in our bed” he whispered in her ear and then chuckled at the affronted expression on her face.

“I hate you” she finally replied when he was almost out the door.

“That’s not what you said earlier” he said with a smirk.

Amie couldn’t think of a smart retort so she just threw a pillow that he easily dodged while leaving the room. She was actually frustrated that she didn’t hit her target and she made herself more angry by imagining Elias laughing all the way out of the house.

Man these mood swings are no joke she thought while settling back comfortably in the bed, happy again at the thought of the treats she would soon devour.

Älskling - Darling/Beloved

Jag är hungrig - I’m hungry

Sak samma - Whatever

This drabble was inspired by what to expect when you (might be) expecting by rradioh on A03. I consider this a continuation of that fic but it’s not necessary to read their story first. But I do recommend reading it because it’s so good.
