#amistad ervin

Characters to expect coming up in Birds of Prey #0, out March 9th!Oracle (Barbara Gordon)Black CanarCharacters to expect coming up in Birds of Prey #0, out March 9th!Oracle (Barbara Gordon)Black CanarCharacters to expect coming up in Birds of Prey #0, out March 9th!Oracle (Barbara Gordon)Black CanarCharacters to expect coming up in Birds of Prey #0, out March 9th!Oracle (Barbara Gordon)Black CanarCharacters to expect coming up in Birds of Prey #0, out March 9th!Oracle (Barbara Gordon)Black Canar

Characters to expect coming up in Birds of Prey #0, out March 9th!

  • Oracle (Barbara Gordon)
  • Black Canary (Dinah Laurel Lance)
  • Huntress (Helena Bertinelli)
  • Miss Martian (M’gann M’orzz)
  • Vixen (Mari Jiwe)
  • Rocket (Raquel Ervin)
  • Amistad Ervin

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So, while I don’t speak about it often, I am autistic. And I REALLY loved how Amistad was written in this episode. Because it’s a genuine representation of some of the struggles. As anyone with Autism (and without it but with knowledge on it) will tell you, every case is different. There are similarities I see in Amistad that I have (like eating food in a particular way, or getting upset when my schedule is messed with) and things I don’t but I know other people do have issues with (like the toy cars being upside down and the spinning of their wheels, or HAVING to have his wool beanie).

I also appreciate that Raquel is struggling with accepting that Amistad has Autism. Because it feels genuine. I have no doubts that by the end of the arc, Raquel will be more willing to accept that he has Autism and meet his needs to the best of her ability. But the fact that she doesn’t do so right now isn’t bad. It’s called a character flaw, and she’ll overcome it.
