#anakin fic rec




Hi anon!! Okay so I literally wanted this to be smut and absolutely had it in my head as a smut… but then I started writing and it’s absolutely not that. I hope you like it though! I had a lot of fun writing it! (The amount of research I put into Kattada to only have it be in the first paragraph is RIDICULOUS)

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Threats and Treats

700 Words

GIF by anakin-skywalker

Y/n walked into her shared apartment with her boyfriend, Anakin, ready to spend some time with him after two days apart. Anakin has just gotten back from a diplomatic mission to Haleoda, on the planet Kattada. He had grumbled about being the one sent there, since Haleoda was known for its beautiful beaches, and as Anakin put it “Beaches have sand, Y/n. Sand.” Y/n had just rolled her eyes and kissed her boyfriend goodbye and told him to find some fun in it.

Now, though, she was ready for some Anakin time. She looked around the room but couldn’t seem to see him, so she walked further into the room. Only to find him lying face down on the sofa. Okay, she thought, Not totally strange with him. He tended to do this whenever he was just overall fed up with things, or bored. She could only tell which depending on if his foot was bouncing as it hung off the edge. If it was bouncing, he was bored and couldn’t sit still. If it wasn’t moving, he was too annoyed to move. Currently, the foot was bouncing. At least that’s a good sign.

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HI Alison!!!! Listen, I had so much fun writing this. I have never been sledding before and it looks really scary so I definitely played off of how I would feel in this moment because /absolutely not thats terrifying/, but I hope I gave you something you’d enjoy? I went for fluffy so if you want smut, you’ll just have to request again ;)

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Rosy Cheeks and Adrenaline Rushes

1.2k words (I could not find a nice gif my b)


GIF by anakin-skywalker

Eyelashes wet and covered with snow, hair powdery white, and bundled up in what must be seven coats, Anakin was a vision of beauty upon a white background. His blue eyes looked like they belonged to the frozen lake just a few paces to the right, and his height wasn’t out of place with the surrounding pine trees.

Y/N could only stare in wonder at the work of art her boyfriend was. And, she supposed, what a big dork he was carrying the sled over his head like that. He had insisted that she wasn’t allowed to help, and it’s not like she was going to throw a huge fight to carry the large sled up the mountain, but he definitely could have pulled it rather than carrying it over his head.

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I loved this! It’s so cute and a snow covered Anakin will now live in my mind rent free




1.7k Words ~ Angst

My masterlist!//read it on ao3!

Pairing: Anakin Skywalker x fem!reader
Word count: 1.7k
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Anakin and Y/n’s storm of a separatist base goes wrong, very wrong.
Warnings: Major Character Death, Blood, Shot wounds?
Notes: Hi!!! I just had this idea at night, pictures a bloody handprint being left behind, idk either man. Come yell at me in my inbox for it
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Anakin Skywalker was given orders to storm the Separatist base earlier that morning. He strategized his plan of action only a few hours previous. Him and Y/n L/n would separate from Ahsoka and the Troopers and move around back to give Ahsoka a clearer opening of entry. Anakin always looked forward to splitting up with Y/n. It gave them time to spend together, away from everyone, which they didn’t normally get. He loved fighting alongside her. Not only did it provide him the ability to make sure she was safe, but they worked well together. They were a great team.

Currently they were crawling up an elevator shaft, but Anakin couldn’t complain too much because at least he got to be close to her. 

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Omg come on this is so sad and so beautifully written I love good angst and this is the best




Hi wow okay, so I definitely cried whilst writing this. I absolutely took this great romantic prompt and deSTROYED IT I am so sorry anon

If enough people come into my ask box and yell it me I could be persuaded to write a part 2 happy ending

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Set It Free

1.5k words (angst)


Sometimes, when Y/n thought about her boyfriend, she thought about the avril. Native to Yavin 8, the bird was a large hawk-like lifeform. It was beautiful as it soared high in the air. Being the top of its food chain, the avril was also ferocious, swooping in and killing its prey in one bated breath. Anakin was a lot like the avril, both beautiful and ferocious, and so completely beyond Y/n.

She wonders now, how she had ever let herself fall so completely for him. But then, there always was something so freeing about his smile, his eyes. Y/n remembers with such clarity the first time she saw that smile,

“Hey! Y/n, wait up!” Y/n whipped around, looking for the source of the voice, only to see Anakin Skywalker jogging after her. 

“Skywalker. To what do I owe the pleasure?” Y/n raised her eyebrow at the boy, looking him over. She couldn’t deny that he was attractive, but with his usually shorn hair overgrown he looked a bit like a narglatch. 

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Wow my heart hurts now
