#anakin skywalker x reader



Anakin Skywalker x Reader

Anakin Request:  I saw that you are taking requests for Anakin Skywalker - I thought he needed a girl that he needed a first love before Padme - one that he stole away with behind his masters back… the breakup was due to her being pulled back into her family’s grip - Let me know what you think? - @ksmckaythingstolove

A/n:I changed it just a little bit… it’s way sadder then it should have been, I was listening to wildest dreams when I wrote this so y’know taylor got to me…. i tried to write it along the lines of a clone wars style episode

Warnings: sadness, angst asf, fluff in like the very beginning 

A long time ago in a galaxy far far away….

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“Best Kept Secret” - an Anakin Skywalker x Reader fan fiction by @meshlasolus


Merry Horny-mas Masterlist

Christmas Treats. (Bucky Barnes x fem!reader)

Something Red. (Anakin Skywalker x fem!reader)

All Tied Up. (Dark!Bucky Barnes x fem!assassin!reader)

Our Take On An Office Party. (Stephen Glass x fem!reader)

Last years Christmas masterlist ❤️



Hi anon!! Okay so I literally wanted this to be smut and absolutely had it in my head as a smut… but then I started writing and it’s absolutely not that. I hope you like it though! I had a lot of fun writing it! (The amount of research I put into Kattada to only have it be in the first paragraph is RIDICULOUS)

✨Requests are Open✨

See my Valentines Day post!

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Threats and Treats

700 Words

GIF by anakin-skywalker

Y/n walked into her shared apartment with her boyfriend, Anakin, ready to spend some time with him after two days apart. Anakin has just gotten back from a diplomatic mission to Haleoda, on the planet Kattada. He had grumbled about being the one sent there, since Haleoda was known for its beautiful beaches, and as Anakin put it “Beaches have sand, Y/n. Sand.” Y/n had just rolled her eyes and kissed her boyfriend goodbye and told him to find some fun in it.

Now, though, she was ready for some Anakin time. She looked around the room but couldn’t seem to see him, so she walked further into the room. Only to find him lying face down on the sofa. Okay, she thought, Not totally strange with him. He tended to do this whenever he was just overall fed up with things, or bored. She could only tell which depending on if his foot was bouncing as it hung off the edge. If it was bouncing, he was bored and couldn’t sit still. If it wasn’t moving, he was too annoyed to move. Currently, the foot was bouncing. At least that’s a good sign.

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HI Alison!!!! Listen, I had so much fun writing this. I have never been sledding before and it looks really scary so I definitely played off of how I would feel in this moment because /absolutely not thats terrifying/, but I hope I gave you something you’d enjoy? I went for fluffy so if you want smut, you’ll just have to request again ;)

✨Requests are open✨

See my Valentine’s Day post!!

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Rosy Cheeks and Adrenaline Rushes

1.2k words (I could not find a nice gif my b)


GIF by anakin-skywalker

Eyelashes wet and covered with snow, hair powdery white, and bundled up in what must be seven coats, Anakin was a vision of beauty upon a white background. His blue eyes looked like they belonged to the frozen lake just a few paces to the right, and his height wasn’t out of place with the surrounding pine trees.

Y/N could only stare in wonder at the work of art her boyfriend was. And, she supposed, what a big dork he was carrying the sled over his head like that. He had insisted that she wasn’t allowed to help, and it’s not like she was going to throw a huge fight to carry the large sled up the mountain, but he definitely could have pulled it rather than carrying it over his head.

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I loved this! It’s so cute and a snow covered Anakin will now live in my mind rent free




1.7k Words ~ Angst

My masterlist!//read it on ao3!

Pairing: Anakin Skywalker x fem!reader
Word count: 1.7k
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Anakin and Y/n’s storm of a separatist base goes wrong, very wrong.
Warnings: Major Character Death, Blood, Shot wounds?
Notes: Hi!!! I just had this idea at night, pictures a bloody handprint being left behind, idk either man. Come yell at me in my inbox for it
Join my taglist through the link in my bio!

Anakin Skywalker was given orders to storm the Separatist base earlier that morning. He strategized his plan of action only a few hours previous. Him and Y/n L/n would separate from Ahsoka and the Troopers and move around back to give Ahsoka a clearer opening of entry. Anakin always looked forward to splitting up with Y/n. It gave them time to spend together, away from everyone, which they didn’t normally get. He loved fighting alongside her. Not only did it provide him the ability to make sure she was safe, but they worked well together. They were a great team.

Currently they were crawling up an elevator shaft, but Anakin couldn’t complain too much because at least he got to be close to her. 

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Omg come on this is so sad and so beautifully written I love good angst and this is the best




Hi wow okay, so I definitely cried whilst writing this. I absolutely took this great romantic prompt and deSTROYED IT I am so sorry anon

If enough people come into my ask box and yell it me I could be persuaded to write a part 2 happy ending

✨requests are open✨

See my Valentine’s Day post!

My Masterlist

(Join my taglist in my bio!)

Set It Free

1.5k words (angst)


Sometimes, when Y/n thought about her boyfriend, she thought about the avril. Native to Yavin 8, the bird was a large hawk-like lifeform. It was beautiful as it soared high in the air. Being the top of its food chain, the avril was also ferocious, swooping in and killing its prey in one bated breath. Anakin was a lot like the avril, both beautiful and ferocious, and so completely beyond Y/n.

She wonders now, how she had ever let herself fall so completely for him. But then, there always was something so freeing about his smile, his eyes. Y/n remembers with such clarity the first time she saw that smile,

“Hey! Y/n, wait up!” Y/n whipped around, looking for the source of the voice, only to see Anakin Skywalker jogging after her. 

“Skywalker. To what do I owe the pleasure?” Y/n raised her eyebrow at the boy, looking him over. She couldn’t deny that he was attractive, but with his usually shorn hair overgrown he looked a bit like a narglatch. 

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Wow my heart hurts now

Rest Easy - Anakin Skywalker

Anakin is all too familiar with restless sleep. So, when he sees just how tired you are, he offers to help.

“There’s that look again.”

There was a moment’s hesitation before you flicked your eyes up from the data display. Statistics and statement pieces still swirled about your vision, even as you met Anakin’s gaze. His brow was furrowed, in the way it always seemed to be since the Clone War began. Only, in that moment, as he looked at you, there was a softness in his eyes that threw your thoughts far from the image of him in battle. Such a gentleness had no place among the blaster fire and metallic corpses of droids.

“Sorry, what?”

“That look,” Anakin echoed, raising a hand to gesture to your face. “You’re either displeased or thinking too hard.”

A stunted, sour laugh slipped past your lips. “Or both.”

“What’s wrong?” Anakin asked, leaning over across the table, hand outstretched for you to take. Slowly, you moved to meet him in the middle to intertwine your fingers with his. Warm, the skin of his palm kissed yours in the mildest way, melted the ache behind your eyes, and relieved some of the heaviness of your limbs.

“Reviewing old legislation is neither entertaining nor easy on the mind,” you gave Anakin’s hand a squeeze. “That’s all, though. Nothing I can’t work through.”

“It has nothing to do with how you were tossing around last night?”

You quirked a brow at him in question and Anakin leaned back, his hand slipping from yours. A frown quivered along your lips at the loss of contact, but the loss was brief. Anakin stood from his seat across the sleek, metal table and started towards you. The dark folds of his tunics shifted with every step that brought him closer to you. When he was within arms reach, he pressed his hip against the table’s edge and leaned down towards you.

“You didn’t sleep, so I didn’t sleep,” he murmured. “Tell me what’s wrong, Y/N.”

As he spoke, his eyes held contact with yours, unyielding, reading your every microexpression. You knew the second you swallowed too hard that Anakin saw your resolve break. Memories of kicking your legs under the soft sheets of your bed, tossing from side to side, flooded back to you. Anakin must have seen those same memories too because he nodded, all too knowingly.

“Tell me, let me help you.”

There was never any hiding from him.

“Unless you can lift the weight of thousands displaced by the war and convince the Senate to provide for them, then there’s not much helping me,” you explained. “Padme’s proposal is necessary but the precedents for it…they’re nonexistent. At least according to everything I’ve read.”

The thought of all the reading you had done nearly made your throat close up. Endless pages of Basic, detailing every piece of humanitarian legislation passed by the Senate had absorbed you, mind and body, for the past few planetary cycles. Yet, despite all that time, your research had come up empty. There were no prior models that you and the rest of Padme’s team could use to base her new, improved plan off of.

“So, you have to start from nothing?” Anakin asked, putting voice to your whirling thoughts.

Bitterly, you nodded and let your eyes fall from his. “Yes, and when you phrase it in that way, it sounds even more dire.”

“Sorry, you know,” Anakin’s fingers hooked under your chin and lifted your gaze back to him, “it’s not a doomed idea. You make things real.”

“But not without a precedent,” you countered, “this is something new.”

“We’re in a new galaxy, a new Republic,” Anakin pressed. “Now is the best time to push progress forward.”

You couldn’t help the smile at his persistence. “Careful, you’re beginning to sound like a senator’s speech. Padme may enlist you.”

“I’m enlisted in a different war,” he replied, his hand moving along your jaw to cup your cup. “One with fewer speeches.”

You frowned at his words before you pressed a kiss to the meat of his palm. In response, the corners of his mouth quirked upwards ever-so-slightly, but not for long. When his lips fell down again, Anakin stepped closer, letting you feel the warmth of his body more fully. He leaned in closer too, waves of light brown hair falling to frame his face.

“Tell me what I can do.”

“I did,” you sighed, eyes flicking from his to his lips. “Save the people.”

“I’m trying, with every battle, but what can I do for you, right now? How can I get you to rest easy?”

A grin broke out along your features the second the thought entered your head. Anakin seemed to sense it, part of you wondered if it was the Force. Perhaps he used it to help read you, read your mind even. But no, that wasn’t it. It was just Anakin, the bond you shared that gifted you both with a sort of secret language. Either way, he knew what you were going to say before you opened your mouth.

That didn’t stop you from saying it anyway: “I know one way you could help.”

A rumble of a chuckle raced up his throat, a sound that you quickly swallowed when you leaned forward to close the little gap between you. Your lips found his as if you were never parted, to begin with, like being close was your natural state and separated being a foreign condition. Using his hand and, this time you were sure of it, the Force, Anakin pulled you up from your seat until you were standing. As he did, his other hand came up to the other side of your face so that he could hold you impossibly close.

“Would you believe me,” Anakin managed to whisper when you parted for air, “if I told you this wasn’t my initial intention?”

His teasing tone, like the warmth of his hand in yours had only a minute before, lifted your tired spirits. Any hint of exhaustion alleviated, if only for a precious few seconds. A laugh, one truer and lighter than the first, slipped past your lips. Anakin laugh again too and renewed every nerve ending fried by work. You leaned in again, for another kiss. His lips move fluidly against yours, soft and warm.

Then, when you pulled away, you replied, “no, but I’m alright with that.”

Chapter VI

A Jedi Knight. 

Those three words made your head spin as the pounding of your heart against your ribcage increased and grew louder. 

You were finally a Jedi Knight. 

After years of sleepless nights and training sessions that made your muscles clench painfully and your bones to ache; you had finally achieved the one thing you had dedicated your entire life to. 

The Jedi Council had decided that after risking your life and taking a bullet for the Chancellor; followed by your courageous performance during your mission on Alderaan with Anakin- where you had aided with the capture of the Republic’s number one wanted man, Count Dooku, Jedi Trials were of no need- for you had proved yourself enough. 

“Strong, is the Force with you, Padawan Y/N,” Master Yoda quipped as you stood before the Council; head bowed respectively as they declared the news to you. 

“Thankful, you must be, for young Skywalker taught you well.” 

You remained calm and collected at the sound of his name. Casting your mind shields, you straightened your back as you turned to look at the great Masters sitting around you. 

“I will not fail you.” 

“We know, Y/N. The Council has faith in you,” Obi-Wan voiced, his fingers grazing his beard nonchalantly. 

Anakin stood beside you stoically, a hard expression on his face, hands clasped behind his back. 

He waited for everyone to congratulate you before walking beside you and his former Master out into the hall. 

“Anakin, Y/N, I do hope we’ll meet later tonight for a drink. An opportunity for a free night is hardly present in a Jedi’s life,” Obi-Wan said; a smile stretching out on his face. 

“Definitely,” you chimed in gleefully, an aura of confidence expelled from your Force signature as the revelation of your new rank still rang in your ears. 

Anakin nodded, the ghost of a smile disappearing just as rapidly as it had appeared. 

“Well then, it is settled. I will see you later,” Obi-Wan nodded towards them before quietly excusing himself as he returned to the High Council Chamber. 

You breath hitched in your throat as you felt Anakin gently tuck at your arm, blue eyes glinting mischievously. 

“Let me congratulate you, my former Padawan,” he muttered, walking ahead of you towards your quarters as you dreamily followed. 


Your back collided with the front door before you even had the chance to completely close it. 

Your lips were captured in his, stifled moans escaping from both of your mouths. The frigid sensation of his gloved, metal hand locked around your wrist made you feel vulnerable in the most delirious of ways. 

Anakin backed you up against the iron surface of your door with another slam; completely closing up the space between you. He kissed you senseless and pulled away only when both of your lungs were on the brink of collapsing. 

“Say my name,” he drawled against your lips, pearl teeth capturing your bottom lip as his tongue dragged against your flesh. Automatically, the sound of his name dripped out of your mouth like melted molten. It awoke a flame within Anakin he so desperately attempted to suppress. 

Suddenly, his powerful grip latched onto your thighs, causing you to wrap your legs around his waist. He carried you onto the bed, gently laying you down before hovering over you. You felt the hardness of his arousal press against the side of your inner thigh. His lips soundly pressed against your throat, nipping at your skin lightly as you sinfully slurred out his name. 

“When you let me take you- all of you- I’ll have you feel like the most precious gem in the entire Galaxy,” Anakin sighed against your skin, eyes piercing into yours as his hands dragged against your quivering, clothed self. You swallowed hard as his lips brushed against your ear; one of his fists lost in the pools of hair surrounding your head. 

“My empress, I am devoted to you,” Anakin purred out, slipping his eyes shut as the sudden urge to mold his lips into yours extensively overwhelming him.

You arched your back into him- hips grazing hips. The sound of his shaky breaths were enough to make your eyes want to roll into the back of your head. Unbeknownst to you, you somehow managed to flip your positions with Anakin-his cobalt eyes widening with curiosity.

Ever since you began exploring your secret relationship with Anakin; you knew that you needed to have a talk. After finally bringing yourself to sit down with him, one quiet evening after a dreadfully boring mission; you admitted to the General that you’ve never been intimate with another man. 

To your surprise, he voiced how incredibly pleased he was and that it did not matter to him. He had then pulled you into his chest and lowly sighed out how thrilled he was knowing that you were to be with him and no one else- from chaste kisses to more carnal deeds. 

Anakin placed a hand behind his head as he gazed up at you, drinking in the sight of your flushed face that seemed to look like the most intricate painting ever created; the sunset’s pastel pigments highlighting your blush and the sharpness of your features. 

You too, couldn’t help but dreamily observe your lover in the sun’s colorful waves of farewell. Anakin’s chestnut locks were plastered against his forehead, lips swollen and red. His cheeks glowed with the same pinkish tint that shaded your own as his free hand roamed up your body, settling against your bruised lips. You stared at each other in awe- afraid that this was all a mere dream- all too good to be true. 

You leaned forward and kissed him deeply, parting slightly to his discontent.

“I am utterly content knowing that you are the only man to see me in such a manner,” you sighed out, your voice a decibel above a whisper. 

“As am I, myalluring precious,” Anakin purred out, flashing you a grin that was specially reserved…for you.

You laced your fingers through his soft hair before pushing his bangs out of his face, whispering sweet nothings as you trailed a finger over his scar. 

“We must get ready before Obi-Wan finds us in my sheets,” you murmured aloud, the thirst for Anakin infinite. His dilated pupils rolled as he sat up, metal hand immediately pressing against the small of your back to secure you onto his lap. 

“I agree. That would be…awkward to say the least.” 

“I couldn’t have said it better myself,” you heartily laughed, only to be silenced by his soft lips against yours. You wished with your entire being to be able to skip your rendezvous with Obi-Wan, but he was right. Not many Jedi had the chance to boast about being gifted with a free evening. It happened once in a blue moon. 

Carefully, you hoisted yourself off of his incredibly comfortable lap before heading to the door. 

“Thank you for all the lessons, Master,” you said to him, voice low and seductive. You caught the glare he sent your way. 

“Don’t test me, Y/N,” Anakin threatened before kissing your lips sweetly; the Force opening the door for him. You chuckled at his leisureliness; knowing very well that this was one of the many broken Jedi lessons that would be kept undisclosed .

“I’ll see you later, Skywalker,” you blew him a quick kiss to which he replied with a playful smirk. 

You watched as he strode off towards his quarters, his dark cloak swaying with his footsteps; force signature oozing with dominance and intimidation. 

You shivered. 



Hey there! As I stated in the reply sent to the anon asking about my story update; when I opened my laptop to continue w/ the chapter; it was completely wiped out :) 

Serves me right for writing the chapters on Tumblr text instead of word  but whatever, I just spent an hour rewriting everything. To be fair, it was supposed to continue onwards but I decided to close the chapter off here and so the other chapter will be a direct continuation. 

Thank you to EVERYONE hyping me up, reblogging and liking my story! 

P.S. From now on, I’ll be tagging the chapters with the hashtag of the fic’s name so it’s easier for you to find it bc a bitch doesn’t know how to create a masterlist :) I’m not sure if I’m making any sense, its 3am omg gn ! 

till next time <3 





Chapter V

Many weeks had passed after the eventful night in your quarters. 

After that evening, it was as though your stares at each other had become more heated and the urge to touch him seemed more overwhelming. Training had become more bearable as you so the growing respect Anakin began to have towards you. Pride swelling in your chest as your heart beat faster. 

Instead of casually leaning against a pillar, Anakin would actively train beside you. If you needed any help, he would place his hands on your body, strategically moving your limbs around to succumb to the correct stance. He would mutter instructions in your ears, in a type of way that would leave your whole body peppered in goosebumps.  

But, that was all it was- lingering looks and dreamy endeavors. You sighed as you sunk into your chair, the lull of Anakin’s Corellian G9 Rigger-class light freighter engines groaning as the spacecraft zoomed through hyperspace. Anakin glanced at you from his peripheral vision, his lips tucking upwards into a sly smirk. You raised a brow. 

“Is my flying boring you?” He quipped as a pool of similar stars surrounded them; signifying how much closer they were to their destination.

“No, but sitting around doing nothing is,” you retorted, fingers lazily twirling at the ends of your hair. Anakin craned his neck as he turned to face you- dark, sea-blue eyes staring humorously at you. 

“Ah, interesting. Even though last night you begged me to let you retire from training sooner so you can ‘relax’ before our mission. I see,” he laughed, silently accepting your playful scowl as an appropriate response. 

Even though you seemed to be on good terms; earlier you had gotten into a fight. You pleaded for Anakin to let you fly them to Alderaan as word had revealed that Count Dooku was preparing for something terrible to happen. You were to travel with your master, capture Dooku and bring him before the Jedi Council. Tension was bubbling back in Coruscant as secessionist propaganda began stirring around the levels. Star systems had begun seceding from the Galactic Republic, pledging their allegiance to the Confederacy of Independent Systems. This had begun burdening the Jedi Council greatly. As the Confederacy of Independent Systems grew slowly; time rapidly became highly valuable as no one knew when the next planned attack would befall. Hence, arresting Count Dooku was a current, number one priority. 

In any case, Anakin had irritated you even more as he stubbornly denied you the pleasure of flying the ship. But you quietened down, knowing from first-person experience how much General Skywalker loved his time controlling the spacecraft. If you were being completely honest with yourself- it was kind of cute. 

“Let’s just get this over with,” you sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose as Anakin flipped a couple of switches on, soundly telling you to help him begin the landing process. You complied to your master’s wishes, leaning forward to tap the buttons laying in front of you on the elongated, sleek dashboard of his ship. 


The opening groaned as it declined downwards, creating the path connecting between the metal spacecraft and the green lands of Alderaan. Following Anakin’s suit, you stepped onto the grass; the blanket of gravel crunching under the pressure of your boots. He had landed on a tiny opening surrounded by a forest of intimidating trees- an attempt to conceal the huge, silver Freighter craft. You parted ways slightly as you decided to explore the environment surrounding you; only to run back to him when he whistled at you. 

“Look,” he pointed to the ground, the clear sight of fresh footsteps scarring the earth before your eyes. You bit your lip. 

“Seems like he isn’t travelling alone.” 

“I wouldn’t be surprised if he had his own droid army. Dooku is intelligent; he knows we’re coming for him. Our advantage is that we now know where to find him,” Anakin muttered bitterly, running a hand through his hair before reaching to touch your shoulder. 

“Let’s just follow the trail and see where it leads us.” 

You raised a brow in question. “If he indeed has an army protecting him, don’t you think we’d need some back up?” 

Anakin sent you a cocky smirk; already taking the lead as he continued onward. 

“Please. It’s nothing we can’t take.” 


“I’m…waiting…for…an…apology,” you yelled out, lightsaber sizzling at the contact it continuously made with the shots sent your way. 

“Fine,” Anakin bellowed back as his own weapon single-handedly slashed through three different droids before deflecting his own fair share of shots. “I apologize…we should’ve…called for…backup,” he pushed out through gritted teeth, lightsaber decapitating any droid standing in his way as he advanced towards Dooku, who eagerly watched the young Jedi General and his Padawan demolish his supposed ‘protectors’. 

You weren’t necessarily angry at the turn of events. You just knew that if Anakin had listened to you earlier and called for backup- getting to Count Dooku would’ve been a much easier job. Unfortunately, it seemed as though your overly-confident master possessed too much faith in the both of you. But, that made you fight harder as a feeling of warmth spread through your body; the butterflies in your stomach fighting a battle of their own. 

When you noticed Dooku pulling out his own lightsaber; you realized how close Anakin was to him. Instead of hurrying towards him, you continued engaging in combat with the droids, your dominant hand doing all the work with your lightsaber as your other hand reached out to pull out your Holopad; fumbling to contact Master Obi-Wan as your eyes stayed trained on the enemy before you. 

“Hello, Padawan Y/N, have you encountered a problem?” Obi-Wan’s voice echoed through the device, the blue flicker of his silhouette glitching and oscillating as you held onto it tightly. 

“Well, Master, yes and no,” you grunted out as you firmly gripped onto your weapon, another shot  bouncing off the blazing blade and through the chest of the attacker droid. Not only were you currently focusing on the group of droids charging at you, but you could also hear Anakin growling as he engaged in a one-on-one fight with Count Dooku. 

“Good news is that we found Dooku…Anakin is currently preoccupied with him..bad news is that we jumped into action… too quickly…we probably need some backup.” 

You heard Obi-Wan click his tongue before sighing. “Ah Anakin, stubborn as always. I’ll be there soon.” His profile disperses and he ends the line of communication. 

You give out a great yell in frustration as the number of droids continue growing. Lucky for you, they were the slow ones- that needed so much as a push to knock them out. Seeing as the Force was eternally with you, you used it to literally shoved a line of them backwards, smirking widely when you heard them clash into their incoming subordinates.

After what seemed like eternity, Obi-Wan and a few other spacecrafts landed near the abandoned, droid-occupied mansion you were currently fighting for your life in. When the responsibility of struggling against an entire fleet of droids had finally been lifted off of your chest, you sprinted towards your master and Dooku. 

You watched as flashes of azure blue clashed with the crimson blood-red color of Dooku’s lightsaber. You wanted to jump in. 

“No, Y/N, let mefinish this piece of space filth,” Anakin barked out at you. For a split second, his eyes met yours, a dangerous fire burning in his pupils. 

“Master, you needn’t have to kill him. Let the Council deal with him,” you called back, cunningly twirling the saber in your hand as you got into a threatening stance- ready to pounce and intervene at any second. 

“Yes,Anakin, do listen to that beautifulPadawan of yours. If something were to happen to you- don’t worry- I’ll take goodcare of her,” Dooku drawled out, his voice sickly venomous as Anakin’s expression contorted into one displaying pure, lucid rage. In the blink of an eye, Anakin twisted his saber, slicing through something that had resulted Dooku in expelling a piercing screech of pain. 

He fell to the ground, hand clutching at his other hand; as part of his limb fell beside him. Blood pooled around the Sith; soaking into his cloak as he stayed on his knees, head dropped. 

“That’s for what happened during our last encounter and for the fact that you can’t watch your tongue,” Anakin declared poisonously as he strode towards the fallen man; roughly picking him up and dragging him towards your spacecraft. You walked behind them, stopping shortly to talk to Obi-Wan as his clone-troopers fought off the last of the droids. 

“Congratulations on your successful mission, Y/N. Anakin has taught you well. Go back to Coruscant with him, deliver Dooku to the Council and I’m sure that you should be expecting good news soon regarding your elevation into Knighthood,” Obi-Wan pointedly stated, a smile of contentedness and pride plastered onto his face. You respectfully bowed before hurrying back to your spacecraft. 

“Thank you, Master Obi-Wan. I’ll see you soon.” 


After making sure Dooku doesn’t bleed out on your way back to Coruscant; you slumped back down next to Anakin; lazily stretching your arms outwards. 

The Freighter spacecraft was currently floating through space, the constellations rapidly changing every single second. 

Anakin had been unusually quiet.

“Anakin, are you okay?” You whispered as you examined his strained expression. He gave you a quick glance before looking away. 

“Yes, I’m fine. Are you okay?” 

“I am. I hope you’re not mad that I sent Obi-Wan our coordinates.” 

He absentmindedly shook his head, his pale face causing you to bubble up with worry. 

That’s when you noticed the deep gash drawn up from his chest, all the way to the end of his shoulder. You gasped. 

“You’re hurt! Why didn’t you say-” 

“I’m fine,” Anakin replied firmly and if these were circumstances in which neither of you were hurt- you would have closed your mouth and not pressed on. But, he was wounded and you couldn’t just sit there and thrive in ignorance. 

“No, you’re not. Let me help you,” you stoically retorted back, standing abruptly before heading to retrieve the ship’s medical kit. Anakin’s loud, disinterested sigh filled in the silence between you. 

Trembling hands clutched onto the equipment as you realized that now you had to get to his skin. Anakin finally turned to arch a brow at you; knowingly waiting for you to tell him what to do next. 

“Can you…can you please take off your robe and tunic?” You mumbled out, cheeks turning a deep shade of pink. A satisfied Anakin smirked before wincing as he tried to untangle himself out of his clothing. 

“Since you’re asking nicely…although I think I need help with that too,” he offered in a low, raspy voice as you uneasily looked down at him. 

Seeing as there was no other way to move forward without peeling his clothes off of him; you sucked in a deep breath before moving to stand in between his legs. Your slim fingers gently unclasped the hook of his robe; letting it flow over the side of his seat. Carefully pulling at the fabric of his black tunic, you freed it from the grasps of the dried blood before tucking it over his head and onto your seat. Your eyes widened at the solidness of his chest. The way his muscles flexed at every breath he took. You admired him for a second longer; before your eyes fell onto the deep cut that seemed to be Dooku’s doing. 

Anakin shivered as the cold air in their spaceship stroked his bare flesh; but also because he noticed your staring. Swallowing hard, his fought the urge to bite down on his lip and do something the Council had classed as forbidden for any Jedi. He watched you through hooded eyes as you rubbed bacta solution on his wound, wincing here and there if the pain increased. Deep down, he thanked Dooku for doing him this favor. 

You avoided Anakin’s heated stare that drilled through your skull. But that completely juxtaposed your next action as you absentmindedly lowered yourself onto his lap, making it easier for you to work on his wound. He bit back the groan that threatened to escape through his lips. Both of your force signatures had darkened, filled with signs of forbidden want. 

He propped his knees in an effort to make it more comfortable for you, which caused you to look into his darkened pupils and raise a brow. 

“I can sense you, you know?” He growled out, his uninjured, metallic hand finding comfort at the curve of your waist as he gave you a squeeze. You jumped at his touch, your chest rising and falling at a quick pace- similar to Anakin’s. 

“I can sense you too,” you countered as Anakin’s gaze flickered to your lips. 

“I’m not sure when in the galaxy this happened; but the sight of you fighting off all those droids today was incredibly appealing,” he purred out, head cocking to the side as you brushed your fingers through his hair. You leaned in, lips brushing against his ear. 

“I guess you should thank my master for teaching me how to fight like that.” 

Without a warning, Anakin’s hand grabbed at your throat as he pulled you in- crashing his lips into yours. You moaned into his mouth, immediately retaliating as your arms snaked around his neck, pulling him closer. He bit your bottom lip, making you sigh out a moan- and he utilized that to his advantage as he slipped his tongue into your mouth. The kiss was everything you had imagined it to be. 

Butterflies burned your insides, your heart was racing at a speed that was twice faster than the Freighter you were on and the sweet taste of his full lips against yours made you fully straddle him. 

Anakin groaned as his fingers found refuge between the locks of your hair. He aggressively pulled your head to the side, planting sloppy, wet kisses on the corner of your lips before moving down the side of your jaw and onto your throat. You craned your neck to give him easier access, your own fingers rushing to latch onto his long, brown curls. 

When he finally pulled away, you were both breathing heavily, the ecstasy of desire clouding your heads. Anakin looked smugly at you, feeling proud that you looked so disheveled all because of him. Your pouted lips were a prime, swollen red color. Your eyes were hooded with a longing appetite that he had previously only gotten to see as a rare glance sent his way. 

“Anakin,” you whispered softly as you brushed his bangs out of his face. He pressed a finger against your lips, gently silencing you. 

“Don’t, Y/N. I’ve been waiting for a while to do something like this. Your force signature- no matter how much you tried to conceal it from me- it made me go insane as I sensed this carnal urge coming from you too.”

“But…this is wrong. The Council-” 

“Yeah, this sort of thing is forbidden. But, above all, we are human. We are unable to suppress such feelings. It’s in our nature. If there’s a code that forbids attachments; then we can simply ignore it and decide what to do by ourselves. Y/N, no one must know,” Anakin explained in a soft, low voice- his fingers mindlessly playing with a lock of your hair. You pursed your lips, afraid that if you drown in the pleasures of living an enigmatic fantasy with Anakin; you will both get into trouble. 

But then again, as Anakin used to always say during training- “Codes are created so they can ignored and broken.” 

You rested your palms at the side of his face, kissing him sweetly, as opposed to the intense and passionate first kiss you had shared a moment ago. 

“I trust you with my life, Anakin. I can’t keep trying to hide my force signature from you. If this is what our destiny has stored for us, then who am I to try and deny us of that path?” 

He flashed you a wide smile, pulling you in for a kiss that had completely wiped out the entire galaxy from your mind. 

It was just you and him. 



Thanks for all the love and support you’re all sending me via reading my story :) 

I’m not sure if I’m entirely happy with this chapter, but I just wanna let you know that just because they kissed once doesn’t mean that now I’m gonna make their love story easier ;) 

Till next time, 





Chapter IV


Much to your reluctance, you opened your eyes, hissing soundly as the brightness of the light above you burned your irises. 

After recollecting yourself, you tried once more, this time slower. The medication had slurred reality with your mind, the effect taking its sweet time to ware off. 

“Anakin?” You mumbled out, your voice sounding off in the far distance. You heard someone awkwardly clear their throat out before they stepped closer to your cot. 

“I’m afraid Anakin is not present, Padawan L/N. How are you feeling?” Obi-Wan’s voice fluttered around you, each syllable slowly pronounced clearer and clearer. You groaned, head pounding ferociously. If whatever pierced through you didn’t manage to kill you; this headache seemed to have wanted to do exactly that.

“I’m…fine. What happened?”

Master Obi-Wan pursed his lips tightly, the crease between his brows deepening as you sensed his mind distantly recalling the disasters that made up the eve of the Chancellor’s celebratory event. 

“Well, you saved the Chancellor’s life. Unbeknownst to how the attacker stayed unnoticed between Anakin and I; your quick reflexes and selfless persona caught sight of him and you swung yourself before the Chancellor, taking the shot.” 

You glanced down at the plaster-white bandage twisted around your waist. You ran your fingers along the material, trying to feel where the wound was, but Obi-Wan gently moved your hand away. 

“Let it heal. The plasma energy shot at you missed your stomach by a few mere inches. It’s a deep wound, but lucky for us all, no significant organ was damaged. You’ve been in and out of sleep trances for the past few days, thanks to the medication. But, that is only because when it happened, the shot sent you into shock and we needed to stabilize you as quickly as possible,” Obi-Wan explained, smiling sadly down at your exhausted facade. 

You nodded, running a hand through your hair. “I understand. Thank you for explaining. May I ask where my Master is?” You tried controlling your tone, but the mention of Anakin sent a jolt of electricity through to your heart. Obi-Wan looked away, concealing his hands between the sleeves of his robe. 

“I’m afraid, he left Coruscant. Once this all happened, Anakin decided to take on a mission; leaving without even telling me. Do not take offence, dear Y/N. Anakin probably did it in an attempt to deal with the traumas of that night. After all, losing a Padawan would hurt just as much as it does losing a Master,” he offered apologetically as your face strained into a hurt scowl. “Please, get some rest,” Obi-Wan continued, reaching out to squeeze your shoulder before departing the Jedi Temple’s medical bay. 

You sighed loudly, feeling deeply disappointed that Anakin had left so abruptly. Did he not care about you enough to wait a day or two until you woke up? Did he despise you that much? 

Questions rolled in and out of your mind as you glared up at the ceiling; the medical machinery around you beeping loudly. You were so deep in your hurt thoughts; you barely even noticed the medical droid that popped into your room to check your vitals and change your bandages. 

Another two days passed and your only hobby seemed to be staring into the void of your room’s ceiling. Sometimes, Obi-Wan would come by- try to make you laugh or just keep you company- the fear of losing you to insanity all too real for him. 

You denied the food they were giving you- claiming that exhaustion was taking the best out of you. But really, it was the unforgiving sadness and disappointment caused by the fact that your Master wasn’t present beside you during these new, hard times. You spitefully began missing his irritating jokes and how insulted he would get if you said anything about his job as a general and Jedi. 

But alas, time passed by and you were finally allowed to check out of the medical bay and return to continue your healing in your quarters. 


Walking through the Temple seemed a mission on its own, as people stared and spoke in hushed voices as you passed by. Nonetheless, you kept your head high as you wordlessly made your way back to your quarters. But, your pacing slowed as you felt the Force ripple around you, sensing someone you were all too familiar with. 


You followed the Force, palms sweating as your mind raced with thoughts that mixed with the various emotions flowing through your blood vessels. 

However, when you saw him engaging in a deep conversation with Senator Padmé Amidala; all these confusing emotions seemed to be quickly replaced by a stab of sadness and something else. 

Something that made your heart clench a certain way. 

Though you knew it wasn’t the right thing to do; you ignored your consciousness as you walked closer to them, trying to pick up on what they were saying. Alas, they were too far away- but you could tell that they were having a deep conversation about something that made Anakin frown at her apologetically as she persistently attempted to get him to respond back. 

He stepped back, eyes catching sight of his Padawan. His customary tight expression was replaced by a soft contortion as he excused himself and began striding towards you. Senator Amidala’s gaze followed him wordlessly; shifting towards you as a sigh escaped her lips. You had always felt as though there had been something going on between her and your master. Alas, you were in no position to question Anakin about his personal life. 

“Y/N,” Anakin began gingerly, earning an ice-cold shoulder from your behalf as you marched past him; stomach clenching uncomfortably. 

Without turning to look back, you hurried towards your initial destination- the comforts of your bleak quarters. You needed to be as far away from him as possible, afraid that you’ll unleash the wrath that was entirely directed towards him. 

Right as you slammed the door of your room; it rudely snapped open- revealing the one individual you had tried escaping from. 

“What was that for?” Anakin growled out angrily, blowing the door shut behind him. 

You stood in the center of your room, your back facing him as you glared out of your window and into the commotion happening on the air traffic routes. 

When your silence became his apparent answer; Anakin gritted his teeth and advanced towards you, the weight of his hand on your shoulder holding you hostage as he tried twisting you around to face him. 

“Don’t touch me,” you snapped, stepping away from him as you shrugged his hand off of you. Anakin widened his eyes before trying to calm himself, the Force between you prodding at the growing pressure building in the room. 

“Why are you acting like a child?” He said calmly, voice giving away the shake of irritation and anger he was trying to hide, but to no avail. 

You shook your head, letting out a cold, humorless chuckle. 

“I bet Jedi business with Senator Amidala and everything else for that matter will always be a top priority. Why was I stupid enough to expect my own Master waiting for me to wake up in the medical bay?” You were thankful that you were facing the other way; although it would have probably made you feel better when the sound of your words left a hurt expression on the features of your young master. 

“Is this what it’s all about? If you really want to know, I was-” 

“Yeah yeah. General Skywalker went on a super dangerous mission to try and please the Council so they can see that you are perfectly able of earning the ‘Master’ ranking without having to train a Padawan. Good for you. Congratul-” You harshly interrupted him, waving your hand in the air nonchalantly. 

What caught you by surprise was how Anakin took that to his advantage as he grabbed hold of your wrist- roughly pulling you to finally face him. That completely stripped you of your confidence as you stared up at him- eyes wide and filled with bewilderment. Your noses were so close to brushing as he bitterly looked into your eyes; jaw clenching and unclenching firmly. 

“Be quiet!” He barked, making you wince as the roughness of his loud voice pierced your eardrums. 

“Why do you always have the tendency to paint me as the bad guy? Sure, I thought that I didn’t needa Padawan- but here we are. Did you ever stop to think that maybe I left Coruscant to follow the fool who shot you? Oh no, you can’t possibly put that through your thick head because ‘I don’t take you and your training seriously and there’s always something more important than you.’ Well, think again,” he spat out, brusquely letting go of your wrist before running a hand through his hair. 

Tears threatened to pool into your eyes as you stubbornly stared at the floorboard; the sound of Anakin pacing back and forth causing frustration to overwhelm you. 

“I’m sorry, Anakin.” 

He halted in his footsteps, the feeling of his deep-blue eyes boring into your self. 

“Yeah, you really should be.” 

You both stood stationary, neither of you facing each other. You tried to apologize again mentally, but he manipulated the Force to push you out of his mind. You sighed, your chest constricting as you turned to face him. 

Anakin looked ridiculously tall in your tiny quarters, it almost made you chuckle. His head was bent downwards, staring at his boots, fists clenched tightly into punches. You slowly- almost cautiously- walked to stand beside him, the moonlight blended with the series of lights emitted from the buildings in front of you lighting up both of your faces. You couldn’t help but notice the twinge of hurt and pain concealed behind his deep frown as he refused to look down at you. 

“I’m so sorry, Ani. I shouldn’t have been so ignorant.” 

Maybe it was the rawness behind your soft voice; or maybe it was the use of his nickname that you would often play with when you want to mess with him; that made Anakin finally shift his solid gaze onto you. You held onto your breath as you waited for him to say something. Anything. 

“I’m sorry too.” 

Shaking your head, you locked eyes with him- the action burning you from the inside out. 

“You have nothing to be sorry for.” 

“That’s not true. I left you without saying a word. It wasn’t very ‘Jedi’ of me to let my anger control me…but the only thing that filled my mind was how badly I wanted to hunt this person down and harm him…for hurting you,” Anakin said in a low voice, eyes dropping to your bandages framed by your Jedi robes. 

You were about to say something as you opened your mouth, but Anakin continued, his fingers brushing your jawline. “I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself if something had happened to you.” 

All you could do was stare at him. You gaze swept across his troubled face- his scar, his knitted eyebrows, his pursed lips, his defined jawline, his messy hair. You gave into his touch, head tilting towards his fingers, a silent plead to strengthen the calloused pressure of his caressing. 

His hand moved his fingers, trailing an invisible map from the side of your face- and for a split second- to your lips before continuing onward to your throat. He let out a shaky breath, swallowing hard before letting go of you- too soon for your liking. He noticed the discontent his action brought into you; but stayed silent, his blue eyes seeking yours- the intensity making you feel as though he was memorizing every perfection, every imperfection that made you up. 

“Get some rest, Y/N, I’ll come see you tomorrow. Good night,” Anakin whispered to you softly, his gruff voice sounding like velvet as it trickled through you. 

You let go of a breath, (E/C) hues following his frame as he walked towards the door. You couldn’t help the vibration of his name escape your lips as he turned to face you, in question. 

“You know, if our roles had reversed that night, I would have reacted the same way.” 

That made him smile, the dim light coming through your windows revealing the gleam in his eyes. 

“I know.” 



Omg, this chapter is definitely one of my favs at the moment. I’m currently midway through rewatching ‘Revenge of the Sith’ but I’m very much avoiding the ending bc if I don’t watch it…  ✨ it never happened ✨ 

But anyway, I can’t believe that today I got noticed by one of my favoriteaccounts on this app @anakinswhore omfg the fact that you read and REBLOGGED my story means the world to me, bb!! I can promise you that when I finally write their smut scene (whenever that happens hehehe), I’ll dedicate it to u! 

Thank you to everyone who’s read, liked and reblogged the story up to now- much love

till next time ;) 





Chapter III 

Anakin was 22. You were 18. 

Maybe it was due to the fact that you were so close in age- which often caused you both to forget your Padawan/Master relationship. Surely, this was why you began yelling at him, scolding him for tripping you in the hallway. Anakin smirked, trying to find reasoning behind his premature actions. 

“A Jedi must never lose themselves in their thoughts. What if my leg was actually a lightsaber aiming to cut your leg off, hm?” He raised a brow as you allowed yourself to roll your eyes. You lowered your mental shields, letting him hear a roll of colorful insults aimed his way. 

That made him pause and glare at you; but before he could answer- Obi-Wan Kenobi’s presence lingered around you. 

“Anakin, Padawan Y/N- I’m hoping you’re both not wasting your time bickering with each other. Tonight, Chancellor Palpatine is organizing an evening of celebrations- in honor of commemorating the Republic’s great advancement in the war. We are expected to guard him,” Obi-Wan stated, his glance shifting from you to his former Padawan. You exchanged looks with Anakin. 

When neither of you said anything, Master Obi-Wan cleared his throat before flashing a smile your way. 

“No questions? Wonderful! Then I must leave you to prepare. I have a meeting with the Council regarding some matters that need to be straightened out before tonight.” With that, he turned to his heels, his cloak gliding behind him. 

You let go of a breath you didn’t seem to notice was trapped in your airways. Anakin sensed your agitation as he folded his arms across his chest.

“What’s the matter? You’re able to mock and challenge your master to a fight, but you’re getting all queasy because you’ll be working at a party?” He huffed out, grinning widely as his ocean-blue eyes swept across you. 

You pursed your lips. “Well, you’re forgetting the fact that you’remy master- you make my job of irritating the stars out of you very easy…by just being yourself.” You ignored the way Anakin scowled at you as he tried to retaliate from your insult. “As for tonight, of course I’m nervous. The responsibility of protecting the Chancellor is something I never knew I’d have to take up as an assignment,” your gaze fixed itself upon the top of your black boots, your stance stiffening as you felt the weight of Anakin’s hand press against your shoulder. 

“The Council has faith in you…I have faith in you. Besides, Obi-Wan and I will be there with you. It’s just a safety precaution. I’m sure everything will go smoothly,” he reassured you, the intensity of his stare burning through you. You swallowed, smiling meekly up at him as he gives your shoulder a squeeze, his fingers slowly trailing off of you before he walked off. 

You stood there, mental shields up, wordlessly questioning the quick flutter your heart gave away at your Master’s touch. 


Air traffic did not disperse as the sun waved goodbye to the planet lying in the heart of the Galaxy. 

You busied yourself that entire evening with preparing for the celebration. Your boots were polished, lightsaber shining as you worked on smoothing out your hair. Instead of keeping it up, you pinned a few of your (H/C) front strands to the back of your head, allowing the rest of your locks to pour over your shoulders.  

Obi-Wan told you that although you weren’t going to the celebration to enjoy yourself; you were to all look formal and presentable. 

So, instead of wearing your usual white robes and copper-colored cloak; you settled for your long, charcoal tunic. Your eminently thin waist was hugged by a thick leather belt that began under your breasts and halted above the curve of your hips. It looked more like a corset as it lay against your figure. Gloves identical to the one Anakin wore on his right hand hugged your two limbs; the material reaching up to the flesh above your elbows. The outfit was beautiful and intricately designed- a gift from your former Master on the eve of your eighteenth birthday. 

Right before the tragedy of her passing.

You swore you would never wear it out as it brought out too many broken memories- but tonight- you told yourself there was no more space for grief and pain. 

A knock echoed through the bareness of your quarters. You took in a deep breath, hand fluttering over your belt; fingers brushing against your lightsaber. You felt calmer. 

Slowly opening your front door, you locked gazes with Anakin Skywalker. 

For a second, you swore to the stars that his eyes widened as he stared at you. Whilst his eyes dragged themselves over your physique; you couldn’t help but have a similar reaction to his attire. 

He too- was dressed in all black, the shimmer of his lightsaber’s metal a pleasant contrast. The front of his tunic was laced with leather and his robe seemed to be a darker shade of black than his everyday one. As always, his sharp-features face were framed by his brown curls. But something that wasn’t always there was that glint in his eyes. The glint that seemed to have darkened. 

“Y/N…” he stuttered out before clearing his throat. “You look beautiful.” 

Surely, he caught sight of the blush that peppered against the skin on your face. Anakin smirked knowingly. 

“Why, thank you, Master,” you tried to hide your blush with a dramatic bow that earned you a low chuckle. “You don’t look so bad yourself!” 

Anakin cocked a brow, the scar that ran along following suit. “I know.” 

You rolled your eyes at him, before freezing as he extended out his concealed hand. 

“Shall we,” Anakin drawled on dramatically, head tilting downwards- blue eyes never leaving your face. 

“We shall,” you playfully responded, your hand gliding over the leather of his glove before securing your grip onto him. 


You reluctantly placed distance between each other as you both sensed Obi-Wan’s approaching presence. You felt that Anakin was also hesitant to let you go- through the Force. That brought up a warm feeling to run its course through you. 

The three of you moved through the crowd of Upper-class citizens enjoying their time in the presence of their Chancellor. You didn’t really care who was who, as Obi-Wan halted a few times, conversating with people you felt as though you’ve never seen. 

Anakin did the same, only in his case, he had his Padawan beside him at all times, looking around cautiously. 

He glanced at you, grinning widely as he sensed your tension. He leaned downwards, grabbing onto your elbow to beckon your attention.

“Relax, my dear Padawan. People are drinking, talking, laughing. In a bit, Chancellor Palpatine will make a toast…talk about how excellent our progress has been in the war, everyone will clap and the night will be over in a few short hours,” he murmured against your ear, lips brushing against your flesh once or twice. You thanked the stars for your choice of attire as the length of your gloves completely concealed the wave of goosebumps that dotted your arms. 

And legs.

And spine. 

Since words couldn’t find their way through to your lips; you chewed on them and gave him a stiff nod. 

You looked up at him and it was as though once again, you were caught in some trance that dropped you within a vortex of confusion and warmth. 

Perhaps he felt it too since he never broke away from your stare. The Force was far too strong between you two. It seemed to have made you both obliterate the fact that you were in the middle of a celebration- all sorts of highly-respected individuals surrounding you.  

Anakin bit down on his bottom lip before letting go of it, mouth opening slightly as though he was about to… 

“Anakin, Y/N. The Chancellor is about to begin his speech. We must reside by him immediately,” Obi-Wan’s persistent voice pulled you both out of whatever whirlwind grasped onto you. 

You looked down, hair covering your face as you followed Anakin wordlessly to the front of the luxurious hall. 

Chancellor Palpatine greeted you all with a smile on his face. You couldn’t tell if it was genuine or not; but you simpered out a tight smile in return and stood beside your Master as they spoke. 

Then, he began his speech. The hall quietened down, eyes piercing the Supreme Chancellor and his Jedi protectors. You felt uneasy as you scanned the room. Anakin seemed to sense you, hushing you in his thoughts. You blankly stared forward, trying to nudge him out of your head. As always, he was too strong. Once you gave up trying to fight him, you finally accepted the soothing essence of his demeanor. 

Then it happened within the blink of an eye. You saw the glint of metal twirl above the crowd, the sound of a blast, the movement of your muscles, the screaming, the shouting, the pain…

Then what followed was your body’s collapse, gloved hands clutching your face…

And finally,

The desperate sound of your name on his lips. 



Hi! I see that more people have seen my fanfic and that makes me really really pleased! Thanks :) 

I’ve had this final scene in my mind for the past three days and so I’m very happy with the way this chapter turned out- especially since it has inspired me enough to actually plan out the following two chapters!! 

Till next time, you’re not ready for what’s to come hehehe




Chapter II 

The sun’s early rays slid through your bare window, caressing your pale face as your eyes squinted in an attempt to hide. But, that was one failed battle right there; so you stretched slowly and yawned loudly. 

The coldness of your quarter’s floor tiles sent a jolt of electricity through your body. You hurriedly got into your robes, hastily tying a knot around your waist to prevent it from interfering with your movements. As always, you braided your long curls into a tight braid; carefully intertwining your Padawan braid into the larger one. A frown masked your tired features- knowing that if you’re late to training today; Anakin will kill you. Even worse; he’ll probably lecture you oh so early in the morning. A grumpy, lecturing Anakin was an Anakin you tried to avoid at all times, especiallyso early in the day. 

Latching your lightsaber onto your belt, you swung open the door leading you out of your quarters- colliding into something incredibly solid. You stumbled backwards, only to realize that the solid thing indeed had hands that pulled you back onto your feet. 

One metallic hand and one covered in flesh. 

You widened your eyes as you looked up into the deep blue eyes of your master; who disapprovingly stared down at you- jaw tightly clenched, shoulders flexed. You sent him a lopsided smile. 

“Good morning, Master! It’s such a wonderful time of the da-” 

“You’re late. Again.” 

You frowned in confusion, cocking your head to the side. “You said the crack of daw-” 

“Yes, exactly. And that was exactly ten minutes ago.” Anakin huffed, mirroring your expression, tilting his own head to the side. 

You dumbly stared at him searching his face for an answer to one very important question. Is he joking? 

He searched your own face and perhaps it was the fact that he knew he was being way too hard on you…or it was the way the morning rays swished against your skin- something shifted within him. 

For a split second only. 

Clearing his throat, Anakin shook his head and grabbed you by the shoulder, pulling you with him as he began heading further away from the Jedi sleeping quarters. You looked at him, eyes widening. 

“Master, my door…” 

He silently answered you via slamming the door from a distance- the Force vibrating around you. You rolled your eyes as he sent you a sly smirk. Together you made your way through the Temple and into the training ground. 


Four hours later, you were lying on the hard ground covered by a slick layer of sweat, chest heaving up and down, teeth biting hard on the bottom of your lip in frustration. 

Anakin on the other hand, was leaning against a pillar, arms crossed over his broad chest as a smirk carved itself onto his features. You glared at him, rolling onto your side, resting your body weight on your forearm and elbow. 

“I’m sick of repeating the same fighting techniques. I want something more,” you growled out, earning a raised brow reaction from your master. 

“Well, when you perfect the art of lightsaber combat, perhaps then I’ll show you something else,” he replied, his voice low and humorless, although the glint in his eyes told you otherwise. 

You decided to play on. 

“It’s okay if you admit that you have forgotten what else there is for me to learn. I can just go ask Obi-Wan or something…” you trailed off, eyes widening slightly as you tried masking a chuckle at the immediate change in Anakin’s posture. 

He almost immediately pushed himself off the pillar, jaw clenched so tightly, you were afraid he’d grind and break his own teeth. You picked yourself up, back straightening as he strode towards you. You insistently continued staring into his eyes- the Force surrounding the both of you as the tension thickened. Anakin stopped in front of you, his brown curls falling over his eyes as he craned his neck to look down at you. 

That was when you began feeling nervous. But you tried to hide that feeling, knowing that Anakin would thrive if he found out that his actions did exactly what he had wanted them to force out of you. He leered down at you as you widened your eyes, realizing that he did in fact, sense your nervousness. You inwardly swore at yourself. 

“You think you’re so tough. Why don’t you fight me then…since you keep throwing jabs at how lousy of a Jedi I am,” Anakin purred out, his hot breath washing across your face as you swallowed thickly, palms sweating. You concluded to the fact that he didn’tmake you nervous; you just felt small and insignificant when he towered over you in such a manner. 

Yes, yes, that was it. 

“I-…alright,” you meekly breathed out, avoiding his intense stare. Though your peripheral vision caught onto Anakin’s grin. He moved backwards, slowly pulling out his lightsaber. You still couldn’t look at him, your heart pounding as you mentally slapped yourself for being so cocky. 

The hum of his lightsaber shook you out of your trance, forcing you to finally look at your master. Although you could tell that he wasn’t taking you that seriously, caution marked his face, his force signature betraying his feeling of uncertainty. What you didn’t know was that he wasn’t feeling uncertain because he thought he couldn’t win this fight. Of course he would. 

He was uncertain as to whether this was a good idea because even though he liked to toy with you- he didn’t want to hurt you. But even though he didn’t want to admit it to himself, or to anyone for that matter- he knew that you were ready for a real fight.

You mimicked his stance, the hum of your own lightsaber grazing through the air. If you weren’t paying such close attention to Anakin, you would have missed his nod of approval. You smirked. 

Without a warning, he charged towards you, his steps quick and precise. The training room amplified the sounds of your sabers making contact- each second connecting them in a different position. You grunted as he growled, your muscles pushing your harder as you fought against your master. 

Suddenly, as you expected him to lash at you from the right side; he dodged downwards, swooping at your legs, bringing you down with a loud thud. Taken by surprise, whilst you tried pick yourself up, he beckoned your saber out of your hand with the Force before pinning you against the floor, his gloved, mechanical arm that clutched at your weapon; lazily resting against your forearm situated above your head.

Both of you were breathing heavily as Anakin did not move off of you. It was as though the entire world had stopped in that moment. You lost yourself in his wild, adrenaline-filled eyes as he quietly searched your face for any signs of real pain. He leaned in, leaving minimal space between you both. 

“I’m impressed. I really thought that I will bring you down during the first three minutes of our spar. Well done.” 

Your eyes widened as you stared up at Anakin. 

“Did you just…compliment me?” 

Anakin grinned, effortlessly hoisting himself off of you, pulling you up with him. 

“For all one knows, you put up a good fight. But, don’tforget yourself. Being too presumptuous will only lead to your own downfall,” your master muttered, patting the dust off his robe. “Come now, you must eat.” Without a glance to see if you would follow him; he strode out of the training ground, relying on the Force to sense you, your feelings and movements. 



Hello there! Thank you to anyone who’s taken a moment to read through my story. TBH, I don’t really know where I’m going with this story- plot-wise - so I’m just going with the flow. Perhaps I’m being influenced by the Force to write the chapters out the way I do hehe. 

No but really, thanks for reading and see you all next time! 




House Of Memories (14/?)

Obi-Wan Kenobi x Padawan!reader

Warnings: little bit of angst, otherwise nothing lol

Summary: After learning that your senses have been correct, and Obi-Wan is truly in danger, Padme, Anakin, and yourself go to rescue him from the planet Geonosis.

A/n: okay i kinda like this part but still kinda a filler, next part will be good stuff

Words: 2.1k

Anakin came back the next morning, when it was still early, and the twin suns were barely peaking over the edge of the sand on the horizon line. He came bearing nothing but his mother’s body, which to everyone’s dismay, brought an intense darkness in the atmosphere. You could feel it, the dark that coursed through his veins, branching out into the air and trying to intoxicate any being it could. It was powerful, and you nearly lost your footing for how strongly it impacted you.

There was a simple funeral, family only, with the exception to both you and Padme.

You were filled with a sorrow over the woman you didn’t think you would have. You felt connected to her in a way you couldn’t explain, like you’d known her, and her gentle motherly love and kindness. You remembered suddenly why you felt this way. All the times you helped Anakin to sleep, removing the bad dreams from his mind, usually of her, you were able to protect the good memories and thoughts he had about her, seeing them vaguely in his mind whenever your signature brushed his. She meant so much to him, and you knew instantly the for the sudden darkness in his presence. You knew Padme and the others were blind to its feeling, its power, but you weren’t. You wanted to speak with him about it at least once before you left the planet, but upon R-2’s arrival, his beeps and whistles going off in a nervous rant about getting back to the ship, you knew it would have to wait.

You sensed it again, the pull on your signature, coming from far off in the galaxy, begging for help but not letting you connect yourself to it. You ran to the ship ahead of the others, but they joined you upon seeing your haste. You immediately pulled up the transmission that R-2 had been going out about, and as sense of relief rushed over you at the sight of Obi-Wan on the hologram stand.

“Anakin, my long-range transmitter has been knocked out, retransmit this message to Coruscant,” he began, and Padme turned, pushing the button that would forward the holo-message to the Jedi temple. “I have tracked the bounty hunter Jango Fett to the droid foundries on Geonosis. The trade federation is to take delivery of a droid army, here, and it is clear that Viceroy Gunnray is behind the assassination attempts on senator Amidala. The Commerce Guilds and Corporate Alliance have both pledged their armies to Count Dooku and are forming an… Wait…”

Your heart began pounding quickly and your eyes widened in fear at the sight of him activating his saber, deflecting the shots of a battle droid, which soon came into view upon the hologram. Your sense of unease returned at an alarmingly fast rate, and you gripped the arm of your seat to try and keep your composure. Padme knew with just one look like you were about to combust.

You completely blocked out anything happening around you for a moment, including Mace Windu’s instructions on what you were to do to protect the senator. Anakin answered on both of your behalf, before ending the transmission.

“They’ll never make it in time, they half to come halfway across the galaxy.”

Padme’s words did their job on filling you in for what you missed the last few seconds. You were controlled now by your feelings, and not your right mind, you wouldn’t stand for it.

“Anakin, we have to go get him, Geonosis is less than a parsec away,” you said, already moving to the pilot’s seat, next to Padme who occupied co-pilot. She would support your decision, but as you suspected, Anakin didn’t.

“If he’s still alive.”

Of course, your fellow padawan and his undying optimism would strike again.

“Ani, are you going to just sit here and let him die?” Padme furrowed her brows and turned her seat to face him as he paced the confines of the ship.

You didn’t care what would happen, you would leave them here and find Obi-Wan yourself. You prepared the ship, regardless of the orders you’d been given only moments ago. You were not a soldier, you were a Jedi, and followed the ways of the force. The force was pulling you to your master, and you were going to follow it.

“He’s your friend, your mentor, he’s-”

“He’s like my father,” Anakin replied, his voice changed, and you sensed a small bit of that darkness you’d felt in him earlier from his anger. Anger leads to hate, and hate leads to destruction. “But you heard Master Windu, he gave me strict orders to stay here.”

“Anakin if you refuse to come, I suggest to you that you take Padme back to the Lars home and keep her safe there, but I’m taking this ship, and I’m going to Geonosis. With, or without you. Your choice,” you said to him, not mean, but firm in your tone. You had never been so driven in your life to put yourself in danger over another person, and though it may be due to attachment, you felt pride in how confident you were right now. You hardly ever were.

Anakin didn’t speak, just looked down, and so you turned back around, preparing the controls and such before it was time for him to make a final decision.

“Master Windu gave you strict orders to protect me,” Padme said, looking at you before looking at him. “And I’m going with her, to help Obi-Wan.”

“If you’re planning on protecting her, you’ll just have to come along,” you said in addition to her statement.

Padme had also turned around, helping you to get the ship in the air, while Anakin smirked behind the two of you. He’d be damned not to admit it, but the women he’d met in this galaxy were some of the strongest beings ever known. He was always so empowered by watching yours and Padme’s strength, though both of you were strong in different ways, with Padme being more resilient as a politician, and you being physically more of a worthy opponent. You both did your duties with strength and pure will.

Once the ship was in the air, and heading towards the correct destination, you handed over the controls to Anakin, knowing he was a far better pilot than you were. That was something you would need to work on in the future if you were to ever go on a starfighter mission with your master. Of course, you need a master to go on missions with, and if you were unable to save Obi-Wan, you were unsure of what you would do.

You sat in one of the small chambers of the ship, leaning your head against the wall and closing your eyes for only a moment. You’d thought that maybe that would bring you peace, and your head would dull out the noise that echoed loudly in the force. You shot your eyes open the very next second, realizing that, no, it did not make it better, only worse. The noise and pressure that weighed on you was heavy, and you supposed your deep connection to the force, and its way of using you as an instrument were the reason for that. Jedi were the force made living beings, but consulars were always known to be deeply connected to it in ways the other Jedi weren’t as gifted with.

“Hey,” Padme sat beside you in the confined space, and though there was little room, you couldn’t seem to mind her company. Her presence was soothing. “This must be the reason for your-”

“Yes,” you cut her off, but not to be rude. You didn’t want to hear another person say it when you had been feeling and thinking about it all day and yesterday. It plagued you to no end and you wished it away, but that wouldn’t happen until you knew Obi-Wan’s fate was secure on the safe side of things. “I hate admitting when I’m afraid, but right now it’s the only feeling I can seem to have.”

“It’s perfectly normal to be afraid. It’s our human nature to be scared when someone we love is in danger.”

She picked up your hand, which was nervously fidgeting by your robes beside you. She squeezed it and smiled at you reassuringly, and you let out a deep breath, trying to remember how to combat this feeling that swarmed in your stomach. Obi-Wan had taught you many ways, in fact, to sure yourself of the ache that your anxiety caused you in situations like this… but truthfully there had never been a situation like this. The time when you were captured, and tortured in the grasp of Count Dooku, it had been you going through the pain and suffering. You couldn’t bear to let Obi-Wan endure that. It would hurt you far worse than anything you had to deal with yourself.

“If I can’t save him, I will never forgive myself,” you looked up at her with eyes full of tears, yet to be spilled onto your cheeks, which were growing red by the second. “If he dies-”

“We will find that before that happens. We have to believe that he is still alive.”

“I know he’s alive, I can feel it,” you told her, and she breathed a breath of relief. It was a tricky thing, yours and Obi-Wan’s force bond. It was something that could either bring peace to you, or alternatively, anguish. It would only be a matter of time, and you’d hoped that you would not fail to arrive before they tried to kill him. “My biggest fear has always been that I would fail him, and now that his life is on the line, I can’t seem to control myself anymore. Using my feelings has always been a useful tool in battle, but now I sense they have taken me over, and are using me instead.”

Padme listened to the words with great focus, trying her hardest to come up with a wise piece of advice, but she had never been one to use the force, or even know much about it. She could only offer you her encouragement, which is what she did.

“You are stronger than almost anyone I’ve met, and I know you will make the right decisions when the time comes. I’m sure by the end, Obi-Wan will be back by your side where he belongs.”

You smiled and nodded in thanks. As young as she was, she was wise beyond her years, as you’d hoped to be by the time you became a Jedi Knight.


Geonosis was a drab planet, not drabber than Tatooine, thank the maker. It was still not a most wonderful placed for your usual Jedi attire. Any place where the suns shined onto a desert was a place you likely did not want to be, but under the current circumstances, you’d do your time here.

The base on this planet was not just a base, but a factory, which you’d vaguely remembered about from Obi-Wan’s message.

“Where are you going?” Anakin asked you, trying to make his own way through the place, with the droids and Padme following close on his tracks.

“Wherever the force takes me,” you raised an eyebrow, about to go down a pathway which seemed like the way to a trap, but you felt a pull coming from that direction. “Go ahead without me, if it’s a dead end, I’ll catch up.”

You knew it wasn’t going to be a dead end, and so did Anakin, but he nodded anyway, continuing on his own path. Dead ends were rare among the Jedi, because as a Jedi, you can use your lightsaber to simply create another path with seconds. There was no such thing as a permanent dead end.

You felt the pull get stronger as you went, but before you knew it, you were backing away out of sight. Droids were pacing the hallway, and it was a wonder you went unnoticed just now. You were hoping to make a diversion somehow and looked around to find some sort of object. There were processing units with manning droids at the end of the hall, and you tried, as discretely as possible, to make it malfunction. You should have known, in all of your years of training, you were never discrete. The droid’s mechanical arms went failing about, and within seconds they were distracting the other droids in the hall. You snuck passed them and soon gained access to a doorway, which of course was sealed shut and there was no way in without an access code.

“Kriff,” you said, feeling the presence you’d been looking for this whole time. It was right on the other side of this door. He was on the other side of this door. You closed your eyes and tried to focus, but you were quickly interrupted with a hand on your shoulder.

“Lovely to see you again, young Padawan.”

Count Dooku.




House Of Memories (13/?)

Obi-Wan Kenobi x Padawan!reader

Warnings: bad dreams, angst, confessions?? kinda idk

Summary: You travel with Anakin and Padme to the planet of Tatooine, hoping to find Anakin’s mother before something bad happens. You begin to feel more anxiety about Obi-Wan’s position, wanting to leave your station to help him.

A/n: i hate this chapter, it’s kind of a filler to move along the plot, anyways literally don’t even read it, disregard it completely.

Words: 2k

Anakin had mediated that morning, feeling a horrible feeling about his mother, outside of the world of his dreams. It was a reality, she was going through something awful, and he needed to get to her. Anakin had insisted to Padme that she should stay on Naboo, with you as her security until he could return, but she protested, her true feelings showing through when she told him she would come with him.

That’s how you came to be here, after a long flight, sitting in the home of the Lars family farm. Owen, Anakin’s step sibling as it would come to be, was a very good and gentle man, you quite liked being in his and his girlfriend’s presence. They led a much simpler life than you, not one you quite envied, but one you could see yourself one day settling into upon leaving the Order. You swore you never would, but seeing the galaxy in full, you began to wonder if maybe it could be a possibility, to explore, and to settle, eventually.

Cliegg, the man who had married Anakin’s mother, was sitting at the head of the table, telling Anakin what had happened to the very person he had come so far for. The natives, the sand people in the desert, making homes out of the dun sea among other places on Tatooine, had capture her, held her hostage in their camps. Anakin seemed outraged, but he was of course too sensitive to take it out on the poor family who had actually been around her when it happened.

“Where are you going?” Owen asked, his head tilting up in a curious manner. You knew exactly where he was going.

“To find my mother.”

“No, Ani,” Padme tried to stop him, knowing it was dangerous, and that he was treading out to meet an unknown enemy. You knew he would be fine; you just hope that he didn’t massacre an entire race because they kidnapped his mother. Perhaps you should go with him?

“Your mother is dead, son. Accept it,” Cliegg tried his best to keep the young Skywalker from going out alone, and you didn’t have the guts to tell him he shouldn’t, but you were slightly concerned for him should he not find what he’s looking for.

“I can feel her pain, and I will find her. I know she’s alive.”

With his last word, you knew you had to let him go. You understood what it was to feel the pain of someone you love and be expected to shut it out for the cause of the mission. You were trying your absolute best to hold out on hope that Obi-Wan was alright, but you couldn’t shake the feeling that something was hunting him.

“Thank you for letting us into your home, you’ve been very gracious,” you thanked them, seeing that Anakin and Padme had abruptly left the room, no other words being said.

“Of course, anyone who was connected to Shmi is welcome with us.”

You stood up, nodding to the three that were left around the table before making your exit also, offering as warm smile as you left, heading out to one of the ledges that overlooked the sandy dunes. Anakin was mounting a speeder-bike, ready to ride away at a moment’s notice. Of course, he wouldn’t leave without an encouraging embrace from Padme, whom you suspected got over her intense argument with him over their relationship.

You crossed your legs, placing your hands over your knees. You closed your eyes and inhaled deep breaths, the way Obi-Wan had taught you to meditate. He’d taught you so well, and it was the very reason you were able to reach out to him right now, trying to find out if he was alright. You searched the far corners of the galaxy, other signatures coming in and out of your range, but none of them being familiar enough for you to hold onto. You finally reached the space that you’d found his presence lurking in last time, but it wasn’t there. It wasn’t even close. You kept searching, brows furrowing as the vast expanse kept blowing past around your mind. It was like his signature no longer existed on an ethereal plane. You knew it wasn’t gone, because part of it was still calling out to you, from where, you had no idea, but it had to be alive and strong for him to project it that far away. Perhaps the danger was past, and now that he felt safe, he tried to find your signature again. You were trying your best, but every attempt seemed to only be getting you further away from success.

You huffed, trying to focus, and let the force guide you, rather than you use the force to guide yourself.

You felt a flicker of light, and a feeling of warmth, but it wasn’t physical, it was purely in your mental state. surrounding you, making you glow from the inside. You thought that maybe you’d found him, and were about to hold tight to his signature, branching your own out to perhaps get a feeling back from him, something, anything to indicate that he was alright. You extended your presence to him like a hand pulling someone away from trouble, but as soon as you made contact with the signature, it spit you back out like the days before.

You opened your eyes, feeling you heart rate climb and your hands begin to shake. He really was in trouble. You hoped Anakin would not take too long, because you wanted nothing more than to leave this planet and go find wherever Obi-Wan was.

“Pardon me, Jedi?” you heard a soft voice beside you, and you jolted at the sudden interruption of your mind. “I didn’t mean to frighten you.”

It was that sweet girlfriend of Owen, her name was Beru, you think. She smiled timidly in your presence; her hands folded like she was carefully contemplating something to say.

“It’s alright,” you shook your head a little, hoping she didn’t get the idea that you were a rude Jedi. “What can I do for you?”

“Well, I hate to bother you, but we seem to be having trouble with our heater… Owen’s father said that perhaps you wouldn’t mind using your abilities to help us get it working.”

“Of course, I’ll see what I can do.”

When she led you inside, she pointed to the stove burner, which had completely been turned to the highest level it could be, without a single flame protruding.

You walked up, and upon closer inspection, the connecter to the gas lighter was broken horribly. You weren’t very good at fixing things like Anakin was, your mechanic abilities were rather underdeveloped, as Obi-Wan so kindly put it. Truth be told, he didn’t want you to focus on the more technical things, for he believed a consular of your class would excel to assignments far greater than mending a broken stove burner… but, here you were, wishing you’d taken Anakin up on his offer to learn at least a few simple things.

“I’m not sure I could fix it for you,” you told them, a little embarrassed at being a Jedi learner, standing in the kitchen of another family and looking like a complete idiot. “What is it you need heated?”

“Just this kettle,” Owen showed you, holding up the large metal caldron that was hanging over the heater before it had broken.

“That’s not too bad,” you said, taking it from his hands and hanging it back on the hook above the stove. You closed your eyes again, hoping you hadn’t exhausted your force abilities by trying to find Obi-Wan.

“What are you going to do?” Beru asked, very excitedly coming over to witness. She had never met a Jedi before today, and by now she’d had the pleasure of bringing two into their home.

“Something I had to learn to do when Anakin took all the hot water from the ‘fresher,” you joked, raising your hand and closing your eyes. That was technically the exact reason why you’d learned you could do this but figured it best to remain as a joke. You inhaled, focus, and exhaled, heating the inner contents of the kettle without having used any help from the heater.

They all looked on in amazement, thankful for the help they had received. You lowered your hand and shook your head a few times to snap out of it. You were definitely pushing your limits with how many needless uses of the force you were making yourself endure.

You politely excused yourself, going to the room they’d assigned for you and Padme. She was still awake, but lying down in one of the small cots, looking as sleepy as you supposed you were.

“You seem to be popular among our hosts,” she said, looking up and resting her head on her elbow.

You really didn’t want to talk, because you knew you would probably make no sense in your dreary state, so you just smiled, rolling your eyes playfully at her in response and then laid down in the cot across from her.

“You’ve been thinking about him today, haven’t you?” She asked, picking up on your subtle clues but deciphering them slightly wrong. It was technically the reason you were so tired; the strength was drained from you by your overuse of the force, and what you were using it to find.

“Yes,” you turned to face her, though your eyes were falling fast with every minute passed. “I think he need’s my help, I don’t want anything to happen to him.”

“I understand. You feel greatly for him, it must cause you pain to feel what he feels,” she paused, laying back down and looking at the ceiling, which was purely drab compared to what she was used to. It was simple though, and humble. “How does it work?”

“How does what work?” You kept on, knowing that the moment you fell asleep it would probably be into a nightmare about Obi-Wan.

“Your bond to him, how you can feel him when he’s not even there?” She was so curious, and she held a childlike innocence in the way she asked you these things.

“I’m not really sure. It’s been there since I met him, so I’ve never been without it. I haven’t really asked him about it, either. It always just seemed so natural, I guess it never crossed my mind that there was a reason for it.”

It seemed to fascinate her, how you had used this ability all your life, but didn’t know much of it, and didn’t realize how much of a gift it is.

“I just know it’s always been a comfort to me; he’s always been a comfort to me,” you fell deep into the feelings you held for him, the love, and the admiration. They embraced you, and helped you feel a little at ease, though it was hard to keep that sense of calm when the next moment you were raking your mind of why these thoughts were so important. “That’s why I feel that something is badly wrong. I can’t lose him, Padme.”

“He’s your Anakin,” she summed it up, finally admitting to herself, and out loud to you about her strong feelings for your fellow padawan, while addressing your love for your Jedi Master.

“He’s everything.”




House Of Memories (12/?)

Obi-Wan Kenobi x Padawan!reader

Warnings: bad dreams, angst, confessions?? kinda idk

Summary: You tell Padme what has been weighing on your mind since your meditation, and later that night Anakin dreams of his mother

A/n: okay this is the second update, you all have been fed, now let me sleep… zzZZ

Words: 2.8k

Anakin had earlier today expressed to you some feelings about how things were going with Padme, claiming that he had, and I quote, ‘Warmed her up to the idea of being together, but can’t get her to commit to it.’

He told you about the kiss on the balcony, though you’d already seen that when it happened. You were sympathetic with him and wanted to help in any way you could. The way he described her to you, you knew he was deeply in love. He had told you that nothing was worse than a love you knew was reciprocated yet you could not act on it. You could think of one thing worse. Unrequited love. A love so unconditional, that it would never waiver, and never leave you. A love that would torment you as long as you lived because you would know the other person your heart was meant for did not feel the same for you. You knew that it was your fate, and you’d accepted it a while ago. Now, you swore you would make it your business to ensure that Anakin did not feel the same pain you did every day.

You had organized a picnic with her kitchen staff, that very night, letting Anakin surprise her with the romantic outing the next day, just the two of them. Anakin was more than capable of keeping her safe, and you needed some time, uninterrupted, to meditate.

As well as you were handling this first mission on your own, even with Anakin by your side, you felt homesick. Home is where the heart is, so no, you did not yearn to be back on Coruscant. Quite the opposite, actually. This planet was so graceful in so many ways, you loved the atmosphere, and the beauty in everything you saw. Your heart was aching for another reason. Home is where the heart is, and your heart, whether he’d accepted it or not, was with Obi-Wan Kenobi.

You meditated in the bright sun of the afternoon, connecting yourself to the force and letting it become one with you. You closed your eyes and breathed deeply, reaching out across the expanse of the universe and trying to find it, the signature that kept you calm.

The council saw it when you were very young, the force bond you had with a certain at-the-time padawan learner. They knew he was the only one who could get through to you when you were scared, or when you were having a hard time behaving with the other children. Others might say it was just because you were fond of each other, but it went much deeper than that. It went to a place that was now a bit rare in the order. You could find each other’s presence, even when one of you was off-world, and you could grab hold of the other’s signature. It was a gift that most Jedi never received, and you were grateful to have it be a part of you. You didn’t know what you would do without the constant comfort of Obi-Wan’s force presence.

You reached out further into the vast expanse, in a timeless place, where silence ruled the outer space. The heat of the sun was belting down onto your skin, but not a burn it left, only warmth, and a few drops of sweat to your brow. It was accommodated by the fresh breeze, blowing into your face and picking up a few strands of hair, lifting them around with a small gust each time.

You finally found it, the familiar signature, and reached out to grab hold of it, but something was blocking you from doing so. You hesitated, then reached out again, trying your best to subdue any doubts that may have caused you to fail the first time. You didn’t think that had been the problem, though, and it wasn’t. He was blocking you out. On purpose. He never did that. Even when he had been fairly annoyed with you, he always welcomed your signature, claiming that it soothed him, the vibrant nature of it.

“Obi?” you whispered, mostly to yourself, attempting one more time to grab hold and keep it tightly. Again, you were spat back out on the other side, but there was fear in the rejection. There was pain, and there was fear. There was an immense amount of weight you felt on top of you, and you opened your eyes, disconnecting from your time of meditation to realize what the situation must be. Obi-Wan was in trouble, and from what you could feel, it was most likely a mortal danger.

You stood up, trying to settle your breathing before you started walking around the grounds to see if Padme and Anakin had returned yet. It appeared that they had, and you went to see if you could sneak a conversation with Anakin.

“How was your picnic?” Your cheerful voice entering the room would have led them to believe that nothing was the matter with you. You could put on a facade if you needed to.

“Absolutely wonderful. Your fellow padawan was very good company, I thank you for organizing it for us,” she said, standing up from her seat to greet you. Her politeness was ever so strong, you wished you could be that polite. Obi-Wan was that polite, too.

“No need to thank me, though I made the arrangements, it was originally his idea.”

“Well, either way, I thank you for assisting. If you both will excuse me, I will go and get changed for dinner, then we may discuss more,” she told you both, walking out to meet her hand maid that had been waiting at the door since they both arrived back.

You waited until they had gone out of earshot, peeking around the corner to be sure that they had left, then you turned back to Anakin, the worried look coming across your eyes very quickly.

“Anakin, something has happened,” you told him, but he seemed to be off in wonderland, smiling as he laid his head against the large chair.

“Yes, it has, she’s finally starting to consider me as a real option, and I think I’m going to tell her tonight.”

“Tell her what?” you allowed the conversation to take a slight detour on account of your curiosity.

“That I love her,” he said, the dopiest look upon his features, but it suited him well. Perhaps you wouldn’t tell Anakin about your meditation just yet. Though at times he claimed that your shared master slowed him down, he cared for Obi-Wan dearly, as if they were family, and he would give up his chance at happiness to save him if something were really wrong.

“That’s wonderful, Anakin.”

“It is… I know you don’t understand it, but love lifts you higher than any place in the galaxy. It’s made me realize things about myself that I never thought could be true,” he stated, his voice so full of admiration, not even for Padme at the moment, but just the feelings he had for her.

You knew exactly what he meant, and contrary to his belief, you did understand it. You hadn’t been able to share one on one moments with Obi-Wan like he had with Padme, but you believed that if it were ever a thing to happen, you would cherish the moments and keep them close to you all the days of your life. The best days you’ve had have been by his side. You supposed you had some alone time after you’d been kidnapped. You were in the med unit for two days, constantly being pumped full of substances like bacta and magsol for the pain. He’d sat by your bed for as many hours a day as they would allow him to, and he would hold your hand, or read you a book from the archives. You weren’t even conscious the whole time those moments happened, but you stored away every memory you could keep, and brought them to the surface some nights when you felt lonely.

“I hope one day I can experience a love like yours and Padme’s,” and you spoke it with the truth. It was all you’d ever wanted.

You hoped that perhaps after dinner you would be able to tell him, or maybe even Padme about what you felt was wrong, but for now, you left the room, readying yourself to have a meal with the both of them.


After dinner, they seemed to have held a rather tension filled conversation, for they split apart, and you couldn’t seem to talk to one about the other without them trying desperately to change the subject.

You supposed you would do just that, as you sat in Padme’s bed quarters, helping her into her nighttime attire as she sent home her handmaid early. She’d told you that she was sorry to ask of your assistance, but that the maid had a sick daughter she had only then warned Padme of. You loved to hear of her kindness and had no problem of helping her with the things she needed it.

“I didn’t want to spoil the mood earlier; I know you and-” You cut yourself off, wondering if you should even mention him, but decided that they would have to get over themselves eventually. “I know you and Anakin had a lovely time this afternoon.”

“That’s alright, what troubles you?”

You took in a deep breath, unsure of how to phrase it to her. It was sometimes hard to explain your force bond with Obi-Wan to others you weren’t well acquainted with the force, but she was intelligent, and you knew she would catch on rather quickly.

“I meditated today, for the first time since arriving. I always try and find my master’s presence when I do. His signature calms me,” you paused, seeing that she had already taken to your words with understanding, awaiting you to continue. “I found it, but it seemed to be blocked, like he was keeping me out. I felt anguish with it, and I think he’s in trouble.”

“Master Kenobi is a capable man, I’m sure if there was any danger, he probably only blocked you out as a precaution to keep you safe.”

You nodded, knowing that perhaps she was right, and perhaps you were being horribly paranoid over nothing… but maybe you weren’t. You knew your master like no one in this galaxy. You’d known him longer than Anakin even did, and paid close attention to every little detail of his being… something just felt off.

“You could be right, I could be worrying over nothing,” your eyebrows furrowed, and you took a deep breath in with closed eyes before admitting what you’d only ever told to one more person, who just so happened to be a Sith Lord, “I just feel connected to him, and I can sometimes feel what he feels. I think…”

You hesitated. Did you really want to tell her? Not that you didn’t trust her, but you weren’t sure if you wanted someone you knew closer to you to have this information. That would make it real. It was already real, but it was a mystery, yet to be unwrapped. This would present itself as an open book, telling her would.

You almost wanted it to be real. You wished it was. Maybe telling someone with experience in that area could help you to understand the depth of your love, and what you were willing to do to keep it.

“I think I feel the same way for Obi-Wan that Anakin feels about you,” you sighed out the rest of the air in your lungs after you let out your words. Your heart raced at the confession, even to someone who wasn’t him. You were happier having said it out loud. “I love him.”

“Oh,” she said, processing everything this brought to the table. She had just had this conversation with Anakin, about how they would be forced to live secret lives, hiding their love in the shrouds of darkness if they were to let it continue. Of course, perhaps being within the same order could help things. “I see.”

“If I have brought discomfort to you upon sharing these things-”

“No, you haven’t. I just wonder,” she wanted to be kind, but having known the age and status of Master Kenobi, she doubted it was a possibility of the two of you sharing the same feeling. She didn’t want to encourage something that could only hurt you in the future, she liked you far too much for that. “Does Obi-Wan know of your feelings?”

“No, I could never tell him. I don’t believe I should tell Anakin either. He would only become more aggressive towards Obi-Wan.”

“I understand. I want you to know you have my strictest confidence in what you have shared with me,” she stood, facing you and reaching out for your hand, giving it a gentle squeeze to ensure you she was telling the truth.

“Thank you, really you have no idea what it means to me to have a friend in you.”

With that, you helped ready her for bed, then left, going back to the shared room you’d been keeping with Anakin for the time you’d been here. He had made a joke about you waking up one morning and he’d be gone, probably in the senator’s room, but it had yet to happen, so you refrained from joking about it further.

You settled onto the bed across from his, ready to sleep with the exhaustion the day had given you, but as soon as your head hit the pillow, you heard it. The soft words from Anakin’s mouth as he slept.

“No,” he got louder, beginning to move around.

He was having a nightmare. You sensed it upon the intensity of it growing in the confines of his mind. It was his mother again. She was in danger.

“Please, no,” he cried, probably loud enough to reach the other rooms on the other side of the walls.

You climbed out of bed, going to his and kneeling down gently next to him, you tried not to wake him, because waking Anakin in the middle of the night, nightmare or not, was a dangerous action.

“Shhh,” you tried to calm him, placing both hands at the side of his head, and focusing your energy on his mind.

Normally it was quite easy to draw away any bad things that swirled around in there, pulling them all out and replacing them with only good things. It had become rather hard this time, and when you locked onto the nightmare, it stuck to you, like your tunic to your back when you were sweaty from training, it would not peel away from you, and you began to see the horrors that he did. You started to panic, unable to leave the nightmare, or even his mind for that matter.

You freaked out, sending a jolt through the both of you, waking him as he sat up straight, and causing you to fall back into the headboard. He turned to you, breathing rapidly, checking his surroundings for anything irregular and settling on the fact that you were there with him.

“What happened?” he wasn’t asking about the nightmare; you knew that much. You were there experiencing it with him, and it was brutal.

“I tried to take it away… It wouldn’t leave you, and it tried to hold me in with it.”

You’d heard of visions through the force, small scenes from the future. You hated to admit it, but they were impenetrable, unlike dreams, which you could easily take away or alter to your liking. If this was truly one of those visions, then that meant…

“It felt so real,” he let out, and you nodded.

It was a good few minutes before he even tried to sleep again, only on your offer that you would try and guide his mind to a state of unconsciousness.

There were several failed attempts before it became so late that the sun was peaking over the ridge of the far most lake you could see. You weren’t going to give up on him, he needed his rest, but you feared your efforts were making you more tired and causing you to fail.

“You should probably get to bed; I’m going to meditate for a while,” he said, sitting up next to you and patting your shoulder. You could barely keep your eyes open, but you’d be damned if you’d let him tell you what to do when it wasn’t mission related.

“I’m fine, I don’t want you to have to stay up,” you muttered through a yawn, proving his point and dismissing your own completely.

“Thank you, but no. You always take care of me, it’s time I do the same for you.”

He picked you up up off of his bed and carried you to your own, where you weren’t even able to adjust to a more comfortable position before you were out like a light.




House Of Memories (11/?)

Obi-Wan Kenobi x Padawan!reader

Warnings: a kiss- oop, fluff, angst, more fluff

Summary: You begin to witness Anakin and Padme falling in love, and hope that one day you may have the same luxury with your Master.

A/n: there will be a second update tonight bc i missed yesterday’s…. BUT I WAS GOING INSANE OVER OBI-WAN’S COSTUME CHANGE???

Words: 2.2k

The order to escort the senator back to her planet came swiftly, and though you and Anakin were nervous to embark on an assignment for the first time without Obi-Wan, you pretended to be overly confident, making everyone around you believe that you had no doubts. Everyone except for your master, of course.

You sat next to him in the transport, waiting for it to reach the station. Padme and Anakin sat across from you, and you watched as they happily conversed, not daring to chime in. You were pleased they were having a nice flight by all means, and you wondered if you might be able to hold an interaction with Obi-Wan the same way until you’d arrived.

You were still a little nervous about being away from him on this mission and knew that if you wanted to say something about it, now was the time.

“Master?” You turned to him, unknowing he had already been looking at you and watching your nervous mannerisms. You had red on your face upon realizing how close you were, and dropped your head when the next words came out. “I feel like I’m not ready to accomplish this assignment without your guidance.”

He knew. He sensed it in your signature, floating around in the air, thick with a kind of anxiety he’d only ever seen when you were having a nightmare. Truly you werent worried about him, were you?

“I understand, little one. It’s always a little nerve-wracking whenever we first venture out on our own. Most often we feel that since our responsibility is greater that we will end up being a disappointment.”

You nodded, without looking at him you took in his words to heart, storing them away for later use.

He lifted your head with his finger beneath your chin, trying to get you to look at him. You did so without hesitation upon feeling his signature embrace yours, calming your fears.

“I want you to listen to me,” he said softly, his gaze wandered your face momentarily and you wondered if he may have been admiring your features the way you did for him just now. “As long as you remember your training, and keep following the path of the light, you will never disappoint me.”

“Thank you, Master,” you let your gaze linger perhaps a bit longer than was necessary, but still you were the one to look away first, seeing that across from you, Anakin and Padme were talking, laughing like nothing was wrong. “I will try and make you proud.”

He was smiling softly, and there were only a few words on his mind.

“You already have.”


The planet of Naboo was purely the most gorgeous place you’d ever seen, and only one person being here with you could make it better.

You found yourself letting Anakin take the lead, doing as he instructed mist if the time. You were sure that if anything happened you could step in, but as you both had discussed earlier, it was important that Padme see him as a man who knew what he was doing. You supposed that made much sense. In her mind she was still trying to come to terms with his adulthood, and being a leader was a good way to show her he was now grown and capable.

You’d been here a few days now, and the efforts to make her see him romantically seemed to be working very well. You’d catch her sending him looks across the room, or while they stood by each other, you would lag behind to ‘chaperone’ their encounters.

The lake country was beautiful, and Padme had told you once of a most beautiful flower that had grown on this side of the property. You’d been eager to see it, because it supposedly resembled that of a blue heart. You didn’t have many flowers on Coruscant, only the ones that had been imported from other planets.

You had spotted a bush of them from far away, as the three of you walked to a balcony overlooking the lakes and an island that sat amongst them. You quietly excused yourself from their presence, although you doubted that they had even noticed your absence.

You ran down the steps, your robes swishing back and forth after you with excited footsteps. You saw the plant up close for the first time and became entranced. It was the first time you’d even truly seen a flower glow that way in the sunlight, the petals seeming to change colors from different angles of viewing. You had seen imported plants from many different places, and been on planets where there was much greenery, but you would put all the others to shame for this one flower. It seemed to sparkle like a diamond in the center, the crystal buds in the middle were shimmering as if they knew you were watching them with amazement.

You always liked the color blue. It reminded you of Obi-Wan. His saber color was blue, but just off blue. It was the most soothing color you had maybe ever witnessed, and you remember as a child, going to Ilum for the first time with Master Yoda and the other younglings, ready to get your first Kyber crystal. You were so convinced it was going to be blue, and you had hoped so long for it.

You remember a day before going, when Obi-Wan had explained to you the significance of the trip you would take. He showed you his lightsaber up close, which you always noticed was strapped to his hip. You had no idea the importance of the weapon, the one in which you carried now at all times, depending on it in times of need to defend yourself. He let your small hands hold in up, if only for a few seconds, and you became instantly excited when he showed you the crystal chamber, explaining that you would soon have one, just like him.

The other younglings were so happy to finally find out their saber color and didn’t care what is was as long as they got one, knowing that someday it would help them to become a real Jedi.

When it was your turn, you were disappointed to get a green crystal like the one Master Yoda had. You didn’t understand at the time the wonderful thing it was to be a green saber, because you had not yet been taught what the meaning of it was. You only knew you were sad because all the other kids got blue crystals, and you didn’t. You were sad because now you couldn’t be like Obi.

He had been so encouraging that day when you returned. He had a day off and was curious to find out what you’d gotten. Truthfully, he predicted it before you even left. You had the true makings of a consular, strong with the force and wise beyond your years, with all the diplomatic and peaceful characteristics you also carried, he knew you’d be a green saber like his Master Qui-Gon.

“It’s green,” you held it up to him with a frown on your face. Seven years old, and more than distraught at something that should be celebrated. “I don’t like it.”

“Why not?” He helped you up into the desk he was formerly reading at, trying to see what the problem was.

“I wanted it to be blue like yours,” you trialed off, staring at the rigid green crystal in your hands. It was the color of frogs, and you didn’t like frogs. They were slimy.

“Oh, but little one, a green saber means very good things. Would you like me to tell you?”

You nodded simply, not convinced over his argument. It was green, and it was ugly, and it was never going to be blue, so you hated it. It was already connected to you, tethered through the force, but you hated it.

“It means you are very strong with the force, more so than myself, more than the others you train with. It also means you are wise, you will be able to learn and do things with greater understanding than most people ever will. You are also a good peace keeper, and though you may not start battles, you’ll always know how to end them.”

You liked the sound of being wiser than anyone you knew. You were always having to prove to some of the mean boys of your class that you were smarter than them and more capable, now you had the green crystal to prove it. You didn’t like bragging though, it made you feel bad to put other below you, so perhaps you wouldn’t say anything at all.

“Does this mean you won’t be my Master?” you asked quietly, looking back up at him with a sad expression. You knew that often times Padawans had saber colors that reflected that of their Masters. It was often to do with the force abilities. Obi-Wan knew that your abilities would probably far outweigh his own once you were grown, but wasn’t going to let that stop him from training you to the best of his ability.

“I’m going to do everything in my power to make sure you become my padawan someday, I promise,” he held his pink finger up to you, and you smiled. He always kept his promises, whether it was sneaking you extra desert before bed, or staying up later than he usually did just to read you a story in the library before your curfew. He was a good promise keeper.

You took his pinky with yours, shaking it back and forth a few times before jumping off the desk and beginning to run away.

“Little one?” he stopped you before you left the area completely, “I think your crystal is a lovely color, remember to embrace it.”

And you did, from that day forward. You were proud of your saber color and its meaning, and the force abilities inside of you that made it come to be. You always thought that blue and green looked the best together anyways. Blue on blue was repetitive and boring.

You ignited your lightsaber in front of you, holding it up to the flower to prove your point, the way they both glowed respectively beside one another made you smile.

You nearly chopped on of the flower heads off on accident for the accelerated heartrates you sensed. You turned around quickly, seeing Padme and Anakin standing at the balcony, leaning into each other with the upmost sincerity as their lips danced together in a beautiful pattern.

You smiled, looking away a moment later to think about it to yourself.

'I’m happy for you Anakin,’ you thought, wishing that the one you loved could someday love you in return.

Your generation of Jedi headed the rules well, but just like every generation, things changed ever so slightly when the new one came in. The other Jedi in training, the ones that were yours and Anakin’s age, they all thought that perhaps attachment was only a bad thing when it could make you corrupt, which is what you thought. You knew your attachment to Obi-Wan could never make you corrupt, because your love for him was so pure, it made you feel closer to the light.

Obi-Wan was nothing if not a perfect example of following the rules, even when he was upset with the council, he always made sure he had permission from them before he did something that may be dangerous or irrational. He could never feel the same way as you did, because he probably felt that attachments of any kind, good or bad, were not to be explored simply because the order forbid it.

You saw the blue of the flower in front of you nearly begin to wither at how forcefully you must have been projecting your thoughts around you. You hated that it affected the living things around you, but you couldn’t bear to keep it pent up inside yourself.

You backed away from it and went to check on Anakin and Padme, needing any sort of distraction to keep your thoughts away from you.

When you’d come back to the balcony, the tension was still thick, but they had gotten back to standing a respective distance from one another, now.

“I can cross that flower off the list, it was absolutely lovely.”

“I’m so delighted you were able to see it. We have so much rare plant life here, it’s a shame so many will never know its beauty,” Padme stepped away from Anakin, who seemed, for lack of a better word, shaken.

“I must say, I was nervous to embark on this journey without my master, but this planet as well as your company have made it worthwhile.”

She smiled that brilliant smile of hers, a sweet twinkle in her eyes as she took your arm in hers and began walking away from the terrace. Anakin followed, begrudgingly, and you noticed right away that there was something wrong. You wouldn’t be able to tell for the next few hours, as long as you were in the presence of Padme.




House Of Memories (15/?)

Obi-Wan Kenobi x Padawan!reader

Warnings: some angst, more darkside mentions, canon typical violence, feelings (a lot of them) oh and also !!SPOILER!!: obi-wan takes his shirt off

Summary: The execution of Anakin, Padme, and Obi-Wan does not rule well in Count Dooku’s favor, but when he makes his escape, Obi-Wan and Anakin are left battered, and it’s up to you and Padme to pick up the pieces.

A/n: hi welcome to episode 15, otherwise known as my favorite part of this series… oh boy you guys don’t understand I’m rlly excited ab this part bc it’s the beginning of other plotlines down the road okay anyways enjoy

Words: 5.4k (bc it’s the best part)

“I didn’t expect to see you so soon after our last meeting, young one.”

The insidious voice of Count Dooku rang about your ears as he and four guards escorted you down the hallway, away from where Obi-Wan was.

“Did you miss our time together?” He played at you, trying to get you riled up. The last time he saw you it was to try and turn you to the dark side. You figured he would try again, subtler this time, but still with a driving motivation.

“I know what you’re trying to do, and it won’t work,” you spat in his direction, though he was slightly in front of you and could not witness the deathly glare you were burning into the back of his head.

“I think that you may change your mind after today.”

You jerked in the hands of whoever just grabbed you, letting their fingers wander a little too low for your liking, before you used the force to throw that singular guard away from you. You knew you couldn’t get away from all of them, much less Dooku, so you settled for the small amount of pay back. He chuckled in his deep voice, rather fond of your annoyed antics.

“Already you are so mischievous, surely you can see why I find such potential in you,” he asked, turning to you with a raised brow.

“Whatever you have planned, whatever you think may turn me, you have wasted your time yet again.”

“Oh, I’m not sure about that,” he brought you to a small room, not a torture chamber, as you’d been expecting. “You are strong in yourself, harming you physically would do us no good anymore.”

You sat down upon being forcefully shoved by one of the other guards, pushing his luck after what happened to the last one.

“Like I said before, my path is chosen, you’ll have to kill me before I follow the darkness.”

You were proud of the way you stood up to him, but lost all feeling if confidence upon seeing his grin, like he’d been waiting for you to say those exact words. He sat down across from you, leaning back in his chair and watching closely your reaction.

“Not you, young one. But someone you are rather… fond of,” he teased, watching your mind put the pieces together. “Kenobi has trained you well, but without him, I wonder if you should be so strong to resist the call of the darkside.”

You laughed, and he looked at you quizzically. The rapid beating of heart heart gave you away, but you seemed so unbothered by his threat to your master, the one you loved dearly. He didn’t know how to interpret your actions and your emotions.

“Funny, you think you can kill Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. Far more powerful men have tried, and he sent them limping away, cowering in fear.”

The Sith Lord was taken aback, no one had ever spoken to him like that before. You had fire in you, that was clear. If only he could find a way to harness it for his doing, you would be the most valuable asset to the separatist cause. Your power was still somewhat raw, and untamed. You couldn’t control it as much as you wish you could, and Dooku could sense that. He also sensed that you were driven more by your feelings than discipline. This was a rather fortunate reason why his plan could work so well.

“Rest assured, he will be outnumbered one hundred to one, myself included if it should come to it. He will die, and you will become myapprentice.”

You figured it out. Killing Obi-Wan was not just to leave you without a master, but a small step in a smart plan, with a deeper meaning that you did not pick up on before.

Killing Obi-Wan would make you angry, and miserable for the rest of your life. It would also make you fearful of facing anything without him ever again. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, and hate leads to destruction.

If Obi-Wan were to die at the hands of this man, you would not let him have the satisfaction of turning you over it, because you surely would. You would kill yourself, unwilling to let him use you as an instrument of evil. You weren’t going to let him get into your head, and you weren’t going to let him win this battle.

You weren’t going to let him kill Obi-Wan Kenobi.

“When does this execution take place?” You asked, your voice and face gave away nothing, but you were using the force to undo the restraints that held your hand behind your back. You knee Dooku had your lightsaber, and since you’d taken it back from him once, you knew it was likely you could do it again.

“As soon as I give the order. I ask you to reconsider once more, my offer stands that I will let him go if you accept. It would be such a shame to lose the one person you desire over such pride of the Jedi.”

He stood to his feet, beckoning his guards to come back and move you to a new location.


You sat among the grand crowd, being ushered to a seat in the front row, where you could not only see Obi-Wan. chained to a tall post, but also Padme and Anakin, who were being brought out on a chariot, like this was some damn parade. It was an execution, but they rolled them out as if they were meant for entertainment. You supposed this was for entertainment, however sick and twisted the people who watched it were.

You knew you had nothing to lose at this point, and since you were sat in front of the others, you knew they would not see as you closed your eyes, your hand which had broken free, reaching out only an inch away from you to help you connect. You searched your feelings to grab hold of Obi-Wan’s signature, and for the first time in days, he let it in, embracing it as well. He didn’t know you were here, only Anakin and Padme, as they were about to executed beside him.

You made sure that no other force presences were listening in, before you thought a message into the void, Obi-Wan hearing it in his head seconds later.

‘Master, I’m here,’ and when you saw his head snap upwards at the small whisper in his mind, you knew you’d reached him.

'What? Why?’ His loud and angry thought almost made you jolt in your seat, but you kept calm, hoping for the right time to steal back your lightsaber and get out of here. No mistakes, not like last time when you let your weakness get the better of you.

'I’ve come to get you out, Anakin and Padme, too.’

He sensed your presence and its location by now, looking up at the balcony to see that you seemed to be in a worse position than he was, sitting with the Sith Lord himself Count Dooku. His blood boiled just seeing him next to you, when clearly, he had been the one to do so much damage to you just a few short months ago. You almost died in his arms because of that man, and it enraged him to see you with him in any capacity.

'If he touches her, I’ll kill him,’ you didn’t think that thought was meant for you to hear, but you heard it anyway, his mind spiraling deeper into aggression the more he thought about this.

'I’m okay, so far he’s been civil,’ you gave a short reply to his words, and indeed the reaction you saw confirmed you weren’t meant to hear that previous thought.

'Stay where you are, I’ll figure something out.’

Like hell you were gonna stay put. This was an execution, and the moment you sensed he or the others were in imminent danger, you’d be off that balcony, finding a way down to the lower levels of this chaotic arena. It really was chaos, with creatures of different species and rank all here to watch the show. You wondered how demented someone had to be that they would watch this hideous display of violence for kicks.

They released several beasts into the center of the grounds, poking and prodding them till they began to go after your loved ones. You took a deep breath and tried to remain in your seat. You had no assurance that this was the time for you to leave, although everyone was distracted, a pull in the force kept you sitting for the time being.

“A little anxious, are we?” Dooku provoked you, but you shook your head, watching as each person down in the arena gained their advantage over the beast that was assigned to them.

“Of course not, they seem to be on top of things,” You nodded to Padme, who had climbed the entirety of the tower she was formerly chained to, whipping the Nexu in the face with her chains to keep it away from her. Anakin was harnessing the Reek, channeling his energy to control the creature. Obi-Wan, well, he was just dodging the humongous claws of the Acklay that chased him. He was doing a tremendous job, though, if you would say so yourself.

“I find that a bit more time in the arena will make them tired. They will succumb to my defeat, I assure you.”

You rolled your eyes and kept watching, beginning to understand, if only for a moment, the reason for watching this as entertainment. It was nerve-wracking, having people you love and care about in the middle of it all, but had it been three random galaxy-goers, you might find it thrilling. You shook that thought away, because if anyone was here, that meant they were prisoners, and were being forced into this arena against their living will.

“I find that in a bit more time, you will be swallowing the words you have so careless thrown around in my presence,” you looked back at him this time, expecting a scowl, or even a grimace, but instead you found a smirk, and a raised brow. He crossed his arms and looked down at you in your seat, but you turned back around upon feeling him try and enter your signature with his darkness. It was so uncomfortable, the dark. You hated it, and you were repulsed anytime it was mentioned that a tinge of it floated around in your veins from time to time.

Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Padme, once chained and unable to find a way out, were all mounted on the mudhorn, riding around to find an exit to the arena, and that’s when it swarmed you. The hundreds of light side force signatures, previously guarding themselves, but now were fully exposed, and you looked behind you, watching as Mace Windu entered the area, and ignited his purple saber. He gave you a stern look, which you were quick to cower away from, but at the same time, you’d never been so glad to see Mace Windu in your life.

“Master Windu, how pleasant of you to join us,” Dooku kept his composure, though it seemed he’d been cornered.

“This party’s over.”

Jango Fett, the bounty hunter who stood by the blade of the Jedi Master, seemed unfazed, even with his young son by his side. You took the grand council member’s entrance as a distraction, standing up and using the force to pull your lightsaber in your hands, igniting it and preparing yourself for a battle if need be. You had Master Windu on your side for once, which did feel pretty empowering, you’d admit. You wished he was on your side more often.

“Brave, but foolish, my old Jedi friend. You are impossibly outnumbered,” Dooku spoke, still confident that he had the upper hand. So many Jedi had shown up to come and face them, you hoped it would be more than enough to succeed.

“I don’t think so,” Windu remarked with a slight chuckle under his breath.

“We will see.”

At the sight of battle droids coming down the hallway, you bolted, jumping over the high balcony and landing to the low ground with a roll to your shoulder. Mace Windu followed not after, and you stood side by side, deflecting blaster shots from an endless about of vulture droids which were oncoming to attack.

“I suppose I’ll be in trouble for this,” you said, but he was not in the mood to argue with a padawan at the moment. Or any time, really. Especially not you.

“Greatly, but we will not discuss this now,” he said, pulling two sabers from his belt and tossing them in your direction. If not for the force, you would have dropped them both, but thanks to your gifted abilities, they landed in the center of your palm. “Get these to your Master and Padawan Skywalker.”

“Alright,” you huffed, using him as cover as you ran to where the reek was standing, tossing them up as you kept your steps moving. They caught them with ease, and within no time, were fully armed, as Padme managed to strip a blaster from a droid.

You were never one to stand back and wait for your enemy to approach, so you jumped headfirst into the crowd of droids, slicing and blocking and pushing your hand in the direction of where you wanted the force to flow. You had not yet mastered it, but wall running was one of your favorite skills, and had aided you in beheading about fifteen droids in eight seconds flat. You smirked, looking at the burning pile of rubble, then moving onto the next section, where the beasts of the arena still run rampant.

“Master, head’s up,” you said, watching him duck as you threw your saber and let it slice into the leg of the Acklay. It lost its balance, but did not fall, so Obi-Wan chopped at the other legs until it was on the ground.

You kept blocking blaster shots from hitting him while he killed the beast completely, spinning his saber once and plunging it straight through the heart of the creature. His hair was sweaty, and fell in loose, untamed strands beside his face, and you couldn’t help but be distracted for only a moment, His heaving breaths, making his robes move along with the rhythm of his chest was also something you noticed, nearly slapping yourself in the face as you did. Focus, stupid.

“Are you alright, little one?” he came toward you, and it was quite hard for you to keep your eyes on the droids when you could feel his arm brush against yours now and again when he used his saber to block a shot.

“I’m fine. Let’s just finish this so we can go home,” you said, but right after, you took a shot to the shoulder, hissing in pain, but trying to regroup so you didn’t get shot again.

“Get behind me,” he said, but didn’t even allow you time to follow his instructions before he pulled your arm and stood in front of you.

“S'just a scratch,” which was all but true, but you were luckily still able to wield your saber one handed.

Scratch or not, these droids were simply so many in number, and as more Jedi began to fall, the more you felt the odds were against you. There were few of you left, and the droids had narrowed the area of the fight, so the Jedi were left in a small circle.

The droids had lowered their weapons, and among the halt, came a booming voice from the balcony you’d resided on earlier.

“Master Windu, you have fought gallantly. Worthy of recognition in the archives of the Jedi Order. Now, it is finished. Surrender, and your lives will be spared,” he droned on, making his speech so formal, as he usually did.

“We will not be hostages to be bartered, Dooku.”

Mace Windu had a strong voice as well, professing his disagreement to the terms which were laid.

“Then, I am sorry, old friend.”

The droids raised their weapons again, ready to fire upon you when given the order, but it never came, instead, the roaring engines of many trooper ships came down upon you, all lead by none other than Master Yoda. You’d wondered where he had been.

An army of hundreds, maybe even thousands came to your rescue, and you were able to board one of the ships with Obi-Wan as soon as they created a perimeter. Anakin and Padme soon joined you, then you were off, away from this arena, escaping death for possibly the third time in your life, now. Someday you figured you might lose count.

Speaking of count, the Sith Lord Dooku had managed to make a very quick escape, and your ship was ready to follow after him. Anakin had made a suggestion on where to fire some tactile missiles on the way, bringing down the entire structure by simply damaging the fuel cells.

The ship began to jolt with oncoming fire when you’d begun getting closer on Dooku’s trail, and the ship jolted, nearly skewing out of control at once point. Padme and a few other troopers fell out of the carrier, and upon seeing Anakin’s dismay for what happened, you stepped to the edge of the platform, eyeing their location.

“I got her, go,” you yelled over to him before jumping off of the transport.

You didn’t know if it would make a difference, or if he would let his feelings cloud his judgement, but you ran over to tend to the unconscious senator, hoping she hadn’t endured any serious head injuries. She seemed to be okay, and after a few moments, she came to, her eyes wide with realization on what happened.

“Padme, are you alright?” you helped her to her feet, and the other clones around you tried to make contact with the last transmission.

“Yes, I’m fine,” she was a little dizzy when she first stood, but otherwise would be okay.

“We need to get back to the Ford Command Center.”

The clone trooper’s suggestion went in one ear and out the other for Padme, and she shook her head rapidly, as if it was a great offense.

“No, no… Gather what troops you can, we’ve got to get to that hangar,” she said, determined as ever. You weren’t sure what happened between her and Anakin once you’d split up at the base, but it was widely impacting both of their minds and actions. You wondered if perhaps a confession had come between them in the small moments that they felt their lives could be ended.

“Get a transport, hurry,” you told the trooper, and he nodded, running the other direction.

“Right away.”


You counted every second of each minute it took you to arrive at the hanger, where you sensed darkness, but also defeat. It was a horrible feeling, and though Obi-Wan’s signature was strong, it was accompanied with harsh pain. Your heart raced as you hopped off the ship, running alongside Padme to get inside.

There was no sign of Count Dooku, but instead two jedi, laid across the floor, their injuries more visible than anything else.

Padme ran to Anakin, and likewise, you didn’t let any time separate you from reaching the object of your affection. You slid down on your knees before his body, his arm and leg singed with the mark of a lightsaber. You knew first-hand what that felt like. It was a burning sensation that did not easily fade away. It consumed the rest of your body and most of the time rendered you useless in battle.

“Obi,” you completely disregarded any formal title that you would normally use, saying his name brought comfort to both yourself, and also him. He hissed in pain when you accidentally grazed the wound on his shoulder, his face clenched up in pain. “I’m sorry.”

“I’ll be-” he paused, turning to where he was able to sit. Not comfortably, but better then struggling to lie on his side, held up by one unharmed arm. “I’ll be alright.”

“We need to get you to the ship. Can you stand?” you stayed close by him, waiting for any signs he needed your help.

“I believe so,” he pressed his palm to the ground, kneeling like you had, before carefully pushing up to his feet, but only for a second, before the pain got to be too much on his leg, and his knee gave out, the weight sending him falling into your arms. He clung to you for dear life, and for only a fleeting moment, you reveled in it. The feeling of his embrace around your whole being.

You wrapped your arms around his waist, trying to steady him, and it seemed he was becoming more stabilized the longer we were up.

“Are you sure about that?” you snickered but didn’t include all the usual sarcasm that most times filled the words. You were still much too worried over him to be joking about his current state.

“I can walk, if you help me.”

Your heart should absolutely not have fluttered when he uttered those words, but damnit, it did. You let out a shaky breath before turning him so that you were side by side, one of his arms slung over your shoulder, your grip on his hand held tightly. You kept your arm around his midsection, hoping to possibly catch him somehow if he should fall again.

“I shouldn’t have left,” you murmured, but he was glad you did.

“I didn’t want you anywhere near that piece of filth. Not after what he did to you.”

You smiled at his fond protectiveness, leading him slowly to the ship, hearing him hiss every few seconds at the pain of putting his weight on that leg.

“And now, after what he did to you?” you knew it was wrong of you to turn the tables, but you know if you’d been thinking clearly, you would have stayed with him, by his side, to fight the man who had come to harm you both so badly.

“It’s not about me.”

You shook you head, deciding to let it go, at least for now. Walking up the onramp of the ship, you were relieved to get him into a seat, watching as they loaded Anakin onto a different carrier before both ramps were lifted, and the ships were in the air.

He sunk down into a seat, but you had to make sure he was settled before you went off looking for the first aid supplies on board. He had his eyes squeezed shut for the bending his knee did, but then upon taking a deep breath in, he opened them, lifting his head to meet your concerned eyeline. You couldn’t even stop yourself; you didn’t even try. You brought a hand to the side of his face, stroking your thumb over his cheek and watching as his eyes again closed, but fluttered peacefully, embracing the signature you’d extended and wrapped around him like a warm blanket in the cold. His hand came over top of it, holding it in place before hesitantly turning his head and kissing the center of your palm. He then held your hand to his, squeezing it tightly before letting it fall back to your side.

You weren’t even sure what to say or do following those events, and how could you? He had just given you the most tender expression you’d ever seen him wear, then he held your hand against his skin like it was the most precious thing in the world to him. You didn’t even know, but in that moment it was. Your gentle caress was easing his pain and making his heart leap with joy. It took his fears away.

“I’ll be right back,” you finally let out, though it was hushed, and the words had been stumbled over.

You asked one of the nearest clones if they had any medical supplies on board and were relieved when the clone had taken you into the hull, where a few med kits had been stashed in case of emergencies.

You were not able to lift the large crates up into the cargo hold, so instead you brought with you only supplies you could carry. Bacta pads, bandage wraps, and cleaning supplies.

You set them down beside him when you returned, and he was still looking at you with that slightly glassy eye stare. The one that told you he was taking in his surroundings and considering what he was to do amongst them. You knelt down in front of him, your knees between his feet as you prepared to work on his leg. You were able to see clearly the wound in its full capacity, the fabric of his pants being singed through and stretching wide enough that you could access it.

“I’m sorry, I know this is going to hurt,” you warned him, starting with a cleaning pad, trying to wipe away anything that could enter and cause infection. You dabbed his leg gently, and his fist came down onto his other thigh, clenching tightly around nothing as he forced himself fight through the pain. “I’ll be as careful as I can, I promise.”

You removed the pad that had the stinging liquid poured into it, setting it aside and ignoring how much blood and blackened skin remained when you pulled it away. You replaced it with a bacta pad, which was soothing, and healing to the skin. You took the hand that had come down on his kneed and moved it to the leg you were working on, placing it upon the bacta pad so that you could move on to the wound on his arm.

“Just hold this here.”

He obeyed immediately, watching your features become softer as your worry over him faded slightly. He focused on you, the slow movements you made as not to hurt him, the way you treated him with the upmost care and affection. He was not sure if the small gesture he’d given you had crossed a line, since you only seemed to be making your own out of intentions of calming him, but now, seeing you act so wonderfully on behalf of his wellbeing, he knew it had been to you a sign of gratitude for your never-ending help.

After examining his arm more carefully, you were alarmed to find out you wouldn’t be able to treat it without more access. The hole in his sleeve was far too small to make any kind of mends to his skin.

“I-” you hesitated, your cheeks darkening red at the thought of the words you had to say. “I can’t get to this one very easily. I might have to take this off.”

He didn’t see any harm in your request, but by your reaction to having to ask it. You were so flustered, and he thought for a moment, maybe it made you embarrassed that you would have to remove a piece of his clothing. You seemed very shy about it.

“Alright,” he said, trying to look at you, but you refused to meet his eyes. It didn’t make you uncomfortable, and it certainly didn’t make him uncomfortable, but the next few movements were a tad bit awkward to witness.

You removed the belt that always sat around his waist, usually holding his saber clip and more importantly, his saber… which was probably on another ship right now. You shifted to kneel between his legs, getting close enough that you could drag the fabric away from the front of his body, and bring it over his shoulder. You focused more when you pulled it along his arm, not wanting to irritate the wound any further.

You tried to fight yourself and not to look at the bare skin, only the wound that was left on it, but failed. You dragged your eyes over his shoulder, the scars that were already there, and the curve of the muscle. It was all beautiful, like you envisioned it would be. Your breath hitched in your throat, and you had to blink rapidly to shake yourself out of it, before you let your eyes over the broad expanse of his chest. You reached into the pile again, ridding your mind of the thoughts.

“I’m sorry that you have to do this,” he spoke up suddenly, and took your hand in his, releasing the hold on the bacta pad it previously held in place.

“Don’t apologize. I want to help you, Master,” you said, fishing through until you found another cleaning wipe.

Great pride rippled through him, and a smile shown on his face. He was more than happy to hear you say those words, and with such pure intent. Such sincerity.

“You don’t have to call me that all the time, you know,” He offered, and it was only now that you looked up to see his brilliant smile. This was the most intimate moment of your life as far as you were concerned, and being this close to him, while he smiled over words that you’d said, was almost overwhelming to you.

“It’s just become a habit,” you admitted, forgetting to warn him as you placed the cleaning pad against his arm, watching him jolt in his seat and throw his head back against the wall. You felt bad, and out of instinct, you placed your hand on his chest, trying to soothe him, not realizing the hole you’d immediately dug yourself into. You still didn’t let it click with you where your hand was, or what it was doing, your fingers trailing along the expanse of the muscle he’d built over the years. He wasn’t bulky by any means, but very fit, more practical for Jedi activities.

He felt your hand run over where his heart sat, and he wondered if you could feel how fast and sporadically it was beating.

“I’m not sure if the council would like it if I called you by your name. They seem to find fault in everything I do,” you trailed off, finishing off the cleansing wipe and applying the bacta pad, holding it there yourself as you allowed it to soothe the skin, letting its healing properties to sink into his wound.

“If they have anything to say about you, I’ll make sure it never reaches your ears.”

You smiled, looking back up at him, and seeing that your faces were very close, since he’d leaned forwards again. You didn’t even remember a word he said, too captivated in the closeness you only ever dreamed about. You could lean forward an inch, and those dreams would become a reality. You even dared to glance down at his lips, only once. He caught it, though. You leaned away after a moment more, keeping your hand on his arm while you found the bandages. Opening the package with your teeth, you tried and failed to use one hand to wrap his leg, so you had him hold the bacta pad to his arm while you were busy elsewhere.

Once you were satisfied, you repeated the process, no other words being spoken between you, except for when you were finished. You went to stand up, to turn around and find a clone who could give you an ETA for Coruscant, but you were stopped when a hand caught your arm, delicately and gentle as can be. You turned around and saw an almost pleading look in his eyes, and he nodded next to him for you to sit, and you couldn’t deny him.

“Thank you for taking care of me,” he said gratefully, his voice was soft, and had there been anyone else near, you would have been the only one to hear him.

“After everything you’ve ever done for me, I will always do my best to take care of you, Obi.”

It was a sentiment that seemed simple enough to your tired mind, but the impact it gave on the receiving end was so powerful. It gave him hope that perhaps someday you might feel the same way about him, that he had come to feel about you. It was like an oncoming freight speeder, his feelings for you, and how quickly they had progressed. All he knew was that he would always hold you close to him, protecting you, and giving you everything he possibly could.

You fell asleep on his shoulder during the flight home, and the closeness and the warmth you provided for him became his tether that it was all reality.




*GIF not mine*

Summary: A very drunk Anakin has some very sober thoughts for you to hear. 

A/N: Anakin is hot, that’s all I gotta say. Enjoy!

Word count: 2128


The wail of your name roused you from your slumber, followed by a loud crash outside your dorm. 


The sun hadn’t risen outside your window, and darkness still shrouded your room aside from a small glow exuding from your alarm clock. 2:37 AM, it read. 

Who in the goddamn fuck-

“YN open up!” Loud knocks sounded outside your room, but not on your door. 

Uh oh. 

You scrambled from your bed, cursing under your breath as the night air nipped at your skin. Snagging your Jedi robe hanging from the wall near your door, you shrugged on the warmer layers and hugged them close around your body, which had only previously been clad in undergarments.

You couldn’t press the button to open the door fast enough, but by the time it had, you were too late. 

Obi-Wan stood with a brow raised in his own doorway, obviously unimpressed with the figure before him. And, clad in his usual getup of dark robes, leather boots, and tousled hair, stood Anakin Skywalker in complete disarray. His robe, already worn inside-out, slouched off one of his shoulders. Parts of his hair were knotted and tangled, matted down and stuck to his head with sweat. As he stared in utter confusion at his former master, his entire body swayed from side-to-side.

He was totally shitfaced. 

“Master?” he hiccuped. “What are you doing in YN’s room?” There was a slur to his words, one you hadn’t caught when he was shouting for the entire Jedi dorm to hear. 

Obi-Wan, shockingly impassive, drew his gaze to you, a single brow raised. You hadn’t realized your hand had come up to muffle a snicker until Anakin almost toppled over. You jumped up from your position across the hall as his body leaned too far to one side, but thankfully Obi-Wan reached out a hand to steady him before you could. 

Then Anakin smacked his hand away. “I said, what are you doing in YN’s room?” His tone was angry, filled with betrayal. His hand went to his hip, where his lightsaber was latched, and that was when Obi-Wan lost his patience. 

Staring past Anakin and at you, he nodded toward the Jedi Knight. “I believe this is yours.” With that, he retreated to his room, shaking his head and mumbling something under his breath. 

You stood with pursed lips, waiting and watching as the wheels in Anakin’s head turned, trying to comprehend Obi-Wan’s words. Finally, he turned around in utter disorientation, only to straighten up like a pleased puppy at the sight of you. 

“YN!” he shouted much louder than necessary. He reached out, making his way towards you only for the sudden movements to give him whiplash as he stumbled to the right, completely miscalculating your location as he crashed face-first into the wall beside your dorm. 

You cringed, sucking in a breath through your teeth before going to his aid. “You okay?” you asked gently, grabbing an arm and guiding him into your room. 

“Yeah,” he choked out, rubbing his nose. “That hurt.”

“I’m sure,” you cooed, rubbing up and down his arm comfortingly as you led him to a seat on your bed. “Stay here.”

“Wait,” he snapped to attention as his metal arm snagged yours, grip tight but not enough to leave a mark, “where are you going?” His eyes were wide and nervous as they danced around your face. He seemed scared you were going to disappear forever once you left right now. 

“I’m just gonna get you a glass of water,” you soothed, unlatching his hand from your wrist. His gaze fell to the action, and his grip tightened just a bit before he let go completely with a furrow of his brows. 

“But I have to tell you something.”

“I figured,” you chuckle, “but I’ll be quick.” Escaping out of your room and down the hall, you left with the feeling of Anakin’s despairing eyes still latched onto you. You slipped into the bathroom, filling the cup with tap water as you gazed at yourself in the mirror. Eyes bloodshot from being woken up, your hair a rat’s nest on the top of your head, and a small drop of drool on the corner of your mouth-ew! You yanked the cup out from under the stream where it had been overflowing and set it on the counter before scrubbing your face. The cold was a shock to your system, less-so than Anakin’s being drunk outside your room at two a.m., but still did the trick to remind you that this wasn’t a dream, and that, yes, a very drunk–yet somehow still very attractive–Anakin had been calling your name and searching for you

It didn’t help that you’d had a crush on him ever since you’d met as young padawans and he’d arrogantly introduced himself as the Chosen One. It really didn’t help at all. 

With a couple of smacks to your cheeks, you finally had the courage to return to your room, leaving the bathroom and immediately crashing into a solid chest. 

Anakin, you realized, glancing up for reassurance. He looked distraught, eyes wild and unfocused as he towered over you. 

You were surprised you hadn’t heard him coming, considering he was barely in a state to walk a straight line much less make it down the hall and around the corner. Well, you thought, somehow he made it back to the Jedi temple from whatever bar he came from alive, surely this wasn’t as difficult.

Until you realized his hand was stationed against the wall for support as he swayed. 

Scratch that–how the hell is he even alive?

“Anakin,” you stressed, “what are you doing? I told you to wait.” Like a lost puppy, you led him back to your room, the skin of his forearm much too hot underneath his robes. 

“You took so long, I got nervous.” And yet the only one who seemed nervous as you arrived back in your room was you. Anakin, on the other hand, locked his eyes reverently on your form as you returned him to his place on your bed, watching you with an unfamiliar look in his eyes as you handed him the glass and told him to drink, to flush out the obvious abundance of alcohol in his system. 

At your command, he downed the glass of water in seconds, swallowing and licking his lips. You forced your gaze away from the action when you realized you were staring too long afterwards. Yet, even as muddled as he was, he still noticed, still smirked like he always did. 

For so many years you figured you were hiding your crush so well, thought he was just the type of guy to smirk at everyone for such things. It wasn’t until he had gotten a padawan of his own, gotten an army of his own, that you realized the way he acted around you alone was different. 

Even as smashed as he was, he still made you feel as though you were acting the fool. Like he was teasing you–how embarrassing. 

Shame colored your face as you spun around, searching for something to do as a drunk Anakin lounged on your bed. 


“Hmm?” You still faced away, searching the room for anything else to do but stare at the sight on your bed. That is, until a hand latched around yours, yanking you around hard enough that you almost fell over. The force of the pull landed you straight between Anakin’s knees, his hand still on yours while the other stabled you at your hip. Your hand had instinctively gripped his shoulder, but you stole it away quickly. 

Nonetheless, he stared at you, positioned in front of him. For a minute, that’s all he did. Stare and stare, eyes locked on yours as the smirk on his face carefully transformed into a dropped jaw. He looked at you like… you didn’t really know how to describe it.

Like… like you were the one who hung the stars in the sky, who placed planets in orbit. Like you were the cause of the glow of the sun, like you shifted the tides using the moon. Like you were worth worship, worth praise, worth the doting look that took over his face.

A shiver crawled over your skin the more he looked at you; you’d barely noticed his hand had taken to slipping past your robes and connecting with the bare skin of your side, metal thumb caressing the skin. The other was still latched on your wrist like he never wanted to let go. Distantly, you wondered if it would leave a bruise. 

A heavy silence fell over the room, just you waiting in anticipation as Anakin lost his focus, face flushed with besottedness. For once, you didn’t feel like he had the upper hand over your feelings. For once, it appeared you controlled his. 

“YN.” He mumbled your name almost subconsciously, like it had slipped out without his knowing. 

“What?” Softly, carefully, you urged him for more. In response, his eyes locked on your lips, running his tongue over his own involuntarily. His face, so dazed, so infatuated, so lost, finally seemed to have come to grips with his purpose for that moment. 

“I’m in love with you.”

For a second, you felt nothing. You said nothing. No reaction, no response. Nothing. You didn’t even breathe. 

For years you’d dreamt of… well, not exactly this moment, but something akin to it. Anakin professing his feelings, appearing absolutely infatuated with you. His handsome face glowing with joy as you returned the sentiment. His hands steadily, assuredly cupping your face and guiding your lips to his. 

Like in your dreams, your chest was so trembly and shaky, so completely and utterly in disbelief that the man you’d been in love with for years was completely infatuated with you. Your hands shake and breaths escape you in pants as though you’d ran miles just moments prior. Your heart was pounding hard, trying to escape and your mind grew blankly overwhelmed. 

Anakin, having spent the last few seconds with zero response from your end, was visibly unnerved. He searched your face for any reaction, any clue into what you were feeling. Finding nothing, he looked lost, scared, and dejected. 

Long ago had he sobered up, but the alcohol was still in his system as he staggered to his feet, not largely taller than you but his overall form still being a formidable sight. You’d been forced to lift your head as he rose, following his movements. A waft of alcohol infiltrated your nose. 

The hand previously on your side rose to your face, cupping your rosy cheek. A cold thumb caressed your cheekbone for just a moment as he took in your face as though for the last time. Then he shook his head in what you could only interpret as anguish. “I’m in love with you,” he repeated, this time less shy. “For so many years, I have been. And I thought you felt the same, but I see now that I am wrong.” 

You open your mouth to question him, but he continues. “I’m sorry for bothering you tonight.” A sad, forced smile encompasses his face. “Let’s forget this ever happened. Goodnight, YN.”

Your chest grew filled with guilt and regret and pity for making him think this way. And when his hand moved to drop from your face, you drew up your own to prevent it. Your face, you were sure, was filled with too many emotions to interpret–confusion, for doubt that this was real; joy, for happiness that the man you loved returned your feelings; amazement, for sheer question of how you had come to be this lucky. 

But a flicker of hope struck his eyes at your action, and so he stayed put, waiting dutifully for your response. 

Like your dreams, his lips were soft. Like your dreams, he eagerly responded, pulled you in, close and tight, like he would never let you go; he swore himself to you, would do anything for you, would follow you anywhere. 

Like your dreams, you worried for the Jedi Council’s discovery of your love, and Anakin kissed your worries away. 

Just leave it to me, he said the next morning, his arms tight around your form, his ruffled hair glowing like a halo in the morning sun. His bare skin was hot against yours. I’ll handle it. We can be together, and they won’t be able to stop us. 

Like your dreams, you trusted him.


The Force and Its Tragedies (Sith!Anakin Skywalker)

Summary: Joining the Rebel Alliance was always going to be a risk to your life and safety. But never did you think that you would end up in the clutches of the evil that you have been fighting to take down. And never did you think that you would reveal your biggest secret to said evil.

Word Count:3.4k

A/N: Kay, so this is my first (and maybe last? depending on reception) Star Wars fic in a long, long time. It’s also a Sith!Anakin Skywalker fic. Suitless, uncrispy Vader, if you will. Let me know your thoughts, feedback is always appreciated. If you enjoyed, please like, comment, or reblog! If you didn’t enjoy, pick a time and place and we shall duel.

The first thing that you realize upon waking up is that you have no memory of how you came to be in a position where you would need to wake up. The last thing you remember, your small group of Rebels had landed on Naboo to follow up with the Gungans on a lead about the Empire’s supposed killing machine, the Death Star. Now you’re here…if only you knew where ‘here’ was.

That’s when you realize the second thing, which is that you’re restrained. Considering you don’t usually restrain your hands and feet before going to bed, you’re a little concerned. Now you’re actually awake, and your eyes shoot open to see what situation you’ve found yourself in. You’re strapped to a platform that stands vertically, the restraints being the only things keeping you from falling over. The room is small and constructed almost entirely of steel, with no technology to give you any sort of indication as to where you are.

“Hello?” you call out, cringing as your voice echoes through the room. You clear your throat and try again. “Can anyone hear me?”

The door, a panel on the wall that looks the same as the rest of the room, opens before you can again attempt to summon anyone, and you know that you’re in far more danger than you had originally thought. The all-black figure that marches in would be imposing based on size alone, but the lightsaber at his hilt and the helmet covering his face make him a creature of nightmares. Everybody in the galaxy, and probably outside of it, knows who this is, how he came to be. After all, the Jedi Order and the Republic only fell a mere five years ago.

Anakin Skywalker was a name only spoken in whispers by people gossiping and retelling how the so-called Chosen One had heeded Darth Sidious’s call, executing Order 66 flawlessly and without any mercy. Nobody knew for certain what had happened that day on Mustafar when the student battled the teacher. The only thing that was certain was that after that, both Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker had disappeared, the former presumed dead and the latter taking on the mantle of Darth Vader (the worst-kept secret in all the worlds). Some say that he wears the helmet because he had been burned beyond recognition and the suit was the only thing keeping him alive, others claim it’s solely for the fear that it strikes in the hearts of his opponents. Whatever the reason, it’s certainly striking fear into your heart right now.

The door slides shut behind him with a hiss, and for a long few minutes, he just stands there and stares at you. It’s obviously an intimidation tactic, but it’s doing its job. You can’t see his eyes, yet you can still feel them boring into your skin. It’s uncomfortable, and you squirm under his gaze.

Keep reading

The Force and Its Tragedies (Sith!Anakin Skywalker)

Summary: Joining the Rebel Alliance was always going to be a risk to your life and safety. But never did you think that you would end up in the clutches of the evil that you have been fighting to take down. And never did you think that you would reveal your biggest secret to said evil.

Word Count:3.4k

A/N: Kay, so this is my first (and maybe last? depending on reception) Star Wars fic in a long, long time. It’s also a Sith!Anakin Skywalker fic. Suitless, uncrispy Vader, if you will. Let me know your thoughts, feedback is always appreciated. If you enjoyed, please like, comment, or reblog! If you didn’t enjoy, pick a time and place and we shall duel.

The first thing that you realize upon waking up is that you have no memory of how you came to be in a position where you would need to wake up. The last thing you remember, your small group of Rebels had landed on Naboo to follow up with the Gungans on a lead about the Empire’s supposed killing machine, the Death Star. Now you’re here…if only you knew where ‘here’ was.

That’s when you realize the second thing, which is that you’re restrained. Considering you don’t usually restrain your hands and feet before going to bed, you’re a little concerned. Now you’re actually awake, and your eyes shoot open to see what situation you’ve found yourself in. You’re strapped to a platform that stands vertically, the restraints being the only things keeping you from falling over. The room is small and constructed almost entirely of steel, with no technology to give you any sort of indication as to where you are.

“Hello?” you call out, cringing as your voice echoes through the room. You clear your throat and try again. “Can anyone hear me?”

The door, a panel on the wall that looks the same as the rest of the room, opens before you can again attempt to summon anyone, and you know that you’re in far more danger than you had originally thought. The all-black figure that marches in would be imposing based on size alone, but the lightsaber at his hilt and the helmet covering his face make him a creature of nightmares. Everybody in the galaxy, and probably outside of it, knows who this is, how he came to be. After all, the Jedi Order and the Republic only fell a mere five years ago.

Anakin Skywalker was a name only spoken in whispers by people gossiping and retelling how the so-called Chosen One had heeded Darth Sidious’s call, executing Order 66 flawlessly and without any mercy. Nobody knew for certain what had happened that day on Mustafar when the student battled the teacher. The only thing that was certain was that after that, both Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker had disappeared, the former presumed dead and the latter taking on the mantle of Darth Vader (the worst-kept secret in all the worlds). Some say that he wears the helmet because he had been burned beyond recognition and the suit was the only thing keeping him alive, others claim it’s solely for the fear that it strikes in the hearts of his opponents. Whatever the reason, it’s certainly striking fear into your heart right now.

The door slides shut behind him with a hiss, and for a long few minutes, he just stands there and stares at you. It’s obviously an intimidation tactic, but it’s doing its job. You can’t see his eyes, yet you can still feel them boring into your skin. It’s uncomfortable, and you squirm under his gaze.

“So,” he begins, his modulator-altered deep voice making you jump, “this is the best that the Rebel Alliance can come up with?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You parrot the alibi you’ve gone over multiple times since you were assigned to this mission. “I was on Naboo to trade textiles.”

“Liar.” He takes a step closer to you, and your breath catches in your throat. “We know that you’re with the Rebels.”

You shake your head. “You’re mistaken.”

“Am I?” His voice sounds mocking—he probably is mocking you. “If you’re not going to tell me what I want to know, I can always just take it from you. I’m going to ask one more time. What were you doing on Naboo?”

“I already told you.”

His head tilts thoughtfully. “So you’re going to be difficult today? Very well, then.”

It’s difficult to explain what it’s like when someone tries to go through your mind unless the person has also gone through the same experience. Unfortunately, it seems that more and more people these days have experienced the cruel interrogation tactics of the Empire. It’s a horrible feeling, one that you can never forget once it’s happened to you.

It’s an invasion of privacy in the worst form when you learn that your mind is not nearly as impenetrable as it’s supposed to be. Your mind feels as though it’s being physically rifled through, one layer at a time. The pain would be enough to send you to your knees if you were physically able to, but your vision whites out instead.

Going down without a fight would be to go against your very nature, so you force yourself to regain some of your wits and attempt what the Rebellion has been training you to do. You lift your head up to stare back at Vader, taking deep breaths in and then, with each breath out, physically pushing him out of your mind. He retreats suddenly, almost stumbling back. You’re sure that this is how you die, considering you’ve never heard anybody ‘defeat’ Darth Vader and live to tell the tale. To your surprise, however, he looks at you and laughs. Maybe you did die? That’s the only logical reason why he would be laughing right now.

“I didn’t realize we had a Jedi as our guest of honor today.”

“I’m not a Jedi.”

“No, but the Force is strong with you.” 


“There’s no use coming up with more lies. Not when I can feel it.” A hand comes up to your face, and you flinch as he brushes an errant hair out of your eyes. “Someone’s on edge.”

You roll your eyes. “Pardon me for being a little jumpy after being captured by some creature in a mask.”

“‘Creature in a mask,’” he repeats dryly. After a moment, his hands come up to his mask. You can hear the mechanisms unlatching his mask, and you close your eyes to try and shield yourself from the horrors you’re inevitably about to face.

Slowly, hesitantly, you peek out of one of your eyes before both open to make sure that what you’re seeing is correct. The stories, it turns out, are wrong. Darth Vader is not some burned husk of a man that’s clinging to life, nor is he horribly disfigured. Darth Vader is arguably one of the most beautiful men you’ve ever seen. His golden-brown curls fall to just above his shoulders, and his sharp features are striking. With a face like his, you can easily see why people could so easily fall to the dark side. The only thing that does give you pause is his eyes; bright and yellow, the eyes of a Sith.

A smirk appears on his full lips, and you know that he doesn’t need to read your mind to know that you’re enjoying (unhappily, albeit) this revelation. “Now that I’ve successfully toppled your ‘creature in a mask’ assumption–”

“You can still be a soulless creature no matter how you look,” you hiss.

Vader raises an eyebrow at you, daring you to speak out of turn again. Upon seeing that the message has been received loud and clear, he continues. “The Jedi keep thorough records of Force-sensitive younglings throughout the galaxy. How did you escape them, then?”

Too late, you realize that you perhaps should have pushed aside your tendency for self-preservation. Maybe revealing that you’re Force-sensitive to a Sith was a very, very bad idea. Judging by the sudden interest in your past, you’re leaning more towards that it was definitely bad instead of just ‘maybe’ bad.

You don’t realize that you’ve inadvertently refused to answer the question until that same pain shoots through your head once again, making you cry out in pain. “Need I remind you what happens if you don’t play by the rules?” The pain disappears just as suddenly as it appeared. If you weren’t tied up right now, you would absolutely flip Darth Vader off. Instead, you settle for mentally flipping him off. It doesn’t have the same effect. “Answer my question.”

You sigh heavily. “Fine! My parents didn’t want to give me up, they refused to allow me to be taken away by the Jedi. I was eight when they came for me, and my parents told them I was dead. They sent me off-planet to stay with family for the week, just to make sure they couldn’t track me.”

“Smart. Although, letting an untrained Force-sensitive run around to wreak havoc on everyone and everything probably wasn’t the best call.”

“I guess my folks weren’t thinking long-term.”

Vader laughs at this. The sound doesn’t reassure you. “It’s been a few years since I’ve seen someone with your…potential.”

“Could that be because you killed all of them?” you ask dryly. He rolls his eyes, but thankfully doesn’t cause you any more pain.

“It’s been even longer since I’ve had an apprentice.” 

Your heart drops into your stomach when you realize what he’s implying, and you can feel the cold sweat that begins to form. “I don’t need to be trained. I don’t want to be trained. Especially by you.”

“Think about all that you could accomplish by honing your skills! You could become great, Y/n.” You don’t recall telling him your name—had he gleaned it from looking through your head? Or had it been the Gungans themselves who had betrayed you and sent you to this fate the moment you touched down on Naboo? 

“I don’t need you in order to be great.”

Something dark—darker than what you’ve already seen from him—crosses Darth Vader’s face. You’ve angered him by turning him down, and some part of you knows that people who anger him don’t live to see another rotation. His gloved hand hovers above the hilt of his lightsaber, your heart thundering in your chest at the action.

Instead of removing the lightsaber, igniting it, and slicing you in half, Vader simply fiddles with its position on his belt, like some sort of coping mechanism while he thinks. He turns away from you, looking back at his discarded helmet on the table next to the door. You remain silent during these long few minutes, too scared to speak up and ask him why he’s decided to change tactics. Then, he turns around. By the smile on his face, you’re almost wishing that he stayed facing the door.

“Let’s play a little game.” Vader’s hand flexes and your restraints unlock. You fall to the ground, catching yourself on your hands and knees. Your limbs tingle at the sudden unrestricted movement, and you have to give yourself a second before you can push yourself up to a standing position again. “You hide and try to escape, and I seek. If you win, you walk away from here free. If I win, you become my apprentice.”

“And if I don’t want to play?”

He grins. “You don’t get a choice.”

That’s what you were expecting him to say, yet there was a part of you hoping that he wouldn’t. Vader glances behind him, opening the door at his command.

“I’ll even give you a head start.”

If you don’t go, you’re conceding defeat before you can even start, and you won’t allow him to have you without a fight. You look back at Vader one more time, who teasingly motions with his hands for you to get going, before sprinting out of the door. A pair of stormtroopers stare at you as you pass them, but they don’t follow. You don’t stick around to hear if Vader’s telling them not to shoot you. 

(When the Troopers hesitantly peer into the room you were being held prisoner in to say, “Sir, the prisoner has escaped. Should we engage?” Darth Vader does, in fact, tell them that they do not have permission to engage and that they should leave this to him)

You round a random corner to make sure that you’re far enough away to have this crucial second before pausing. Your hands fumble for the inner lining of your jacket, and you rip apart the loose seams to pull out the emergency homing signal that all members of the rebellion are sent on missions with. The button is pressed once, twice, three times, which is all the time you’ll allow yourself before you’re running again to try and find some way out of here. The pipes along the top of the wall serve as your guide; you know that they’ll lead somewhere, whether it be an electrical hub that you can sabotage or an exit.

Rebel,” a voice echoes through the halls further than a voice should reasonably be able to echo. The surprise of it sends you screeching to a stop as your head swivels from left to right in an attempt to see how he’s caught up to you already. When you see that he isn’t, in fact, anywhere near, it becomes clear that he’s projecting to you.

“Stay out of my head!” He’ll hear you even though you’ve whispered it under your breath. After all, if there’s one thing you know about the Sith, it’s that their powers are frightening and limitless.

Mm, no. I don’t think I will.” Back to sprinting you go, following the pipes and begging your feet to move faster and faster until it feels like you’re hardly touching the ground. “Your shields are impressive for someone with such little training. Once I find you, we’ll work to make sure that they’re impenetrable.

“Like this?” 

A Jedi who had escaped Order 66 and ended up joining the Rebel Alliance, Dia Dorvin took you under her wing when she recognized that there was another Force-sensitive within the ranks. Though there wasn’t much she could train you on, having just barely achieved the rank of Jedi Knight before the fall of the Republic, she tried her best to help you at least hone your skills. Dia would be proud of the way you use her gentle voice to remind you to slam shut the proverbial steel doors of your mind that Vader has managed to slip through. Your mind goes blissfully silent, and you wish you could see the look on his face when he’s realized that you’ve shut him out without his ‘training.’

The loading hangar is devoid of any life when you make it, and only a few droids beep at you when you hit the button to open the hangar doors to give you any indication at all that they recognize your presence. When the door begins to open, you see lava and obsidian outside. Interesting that Darth Vader decided to build his home base on the same planet where he allegedly killed his former master, though that may be more due to the circumstance of an inhospitable planet serving as a good hideout then some sort of poetic justice.

Before you can run past the TIE Fighters and numerous other ships whose makes you couldn’t begin to name, the sound of heavy boots echoes at the back of the room. Considering the stormtroopers are much lighter on their feet to maintain the element of surprise, there’s only one person those footsteps could belong to. Even without that knowledge, your intuition just knows who’s coming. You dive behind a pile of shipping containers, snatching an iron bar from one of the work tables as you do so.

Your breathing is too loud, too scared, and you slap a hand over your mouth to try and keep quiet. Vader’s moving slowly through the hangar, listening carefully for any sign of you. A droid chirps at him, loud and insistent. The red flash of a lightsaber and the sound of metal being slashed gives you enough of an idea what’s happened to that little droid.

“Where, oh where, could my little rebel be?” Vader’s voice sounds like it’s coming from everywhere, making it impossible for you to tell where he is in the hangar. He lets out a laugh before his sing-song tone says, “Come out, come out, wherever you are.”

He’s enjoying this, you realize. The sick bastard is hunting you, like a predator stalks their prey, and he’s having fun doing so. You have to move, and now. Slowly, you poke your head out from behind the containers, only to see that Vader isn’t anywhere in your field of vision.

The hairs on the back on your neck stand up, and you tense right before you feel him behind you. “Boo,” he whispers into your ear. You try to jump over the crates, but he grabs you by the back of your shirt and flings you to the ground.

Your back collides harshly with the ground, and you cough as you try to get your breath back. When you can finally breathe again, you look up only to be faced with Vader’s bright-red lightsaber inches away from your face. The heat from it is intense, and trying to be as still as possible only makes you want to involuntarily jerk more.

“I don’t want to hurt you,” he says. For some reason (like, say, the lightsaber currently pointed at you), you highly doubt that. “Come with me, Y/n. Embrace your destiny, who you’re meant to be.”

Keeping eye contact with him, you stretch your fingertips to get the metal bar that you dropped closer to you. Once it’s close enough, you wrap your fingers around it. “Fuck you.”

You swing the bar at Vader with all your strength, making direct contact with the hand that holds his lightsaber. It doesn’t hurt him, but it does catch him off-guard enough that the lightsaber goes flying out of his grasp. Scrambling back up to your feet, you ready yourself to swing once again as he calls his lightsaber back with the Force.

Vader’s other hand stretches towards you, using the Force to stop you from bashing his head in. The bar won’t swing any further, an invisible hand keeping it from moving any more. In the distance, you can hear the distinct sound of a ship exiting hyperdrive.

“I admire your tenacity, but this ends now.”

Suddenly, you see it. Your way out, and your last hope. “You’re right.” You lift your shaking hand in the air towards a control tower. Now, it’s your turn to smile. “This does end now.”

Yanking your hand back towards you, the control tower collapses along with it, like you’re pulling it with an invisible string. Sparks fly from the wires, and Vader is forced to roll out of the way to keep from being crushed under all of the metal. You take your chance and run outside before he can try to get back around the now-destroyed tower.

The Mustafarian heat is immediately oppressing, sweat beading on your brow as you scan the skies. The dot in the distance quickly becomes an actual ship—a Rebel Alliance ship. The back of the ship opens, and the familiar faces of your friends and comrades appear. They’re yelling for you to hurry, holding their hands out as the pilot drops as close to the ground as they can.

Your legs are burning from the exertion of having to run for your life yet again, a stitch forming in your side as you extend your hand and jump. Though the crew is not Force-sensitive, you trust them with your life…literally. Yet again they come through, a hand grabbing onto yours and ensuring that you won’t fall.

Rip and Oona, two of your fellow Rebels, each grab an arm and haul you up onto the ship. They’re hanging onto you like you’re going to turn to smoke and slip out of their hands. Given the circumstances that have led to this moment, you don’t exactly blame them.

“Kriff, Y/n, are you okay?” Rip is frantically looking you up and down, checking for any sign of injury.

“Yeah, we were sure you were a goner!” Oona adds.

“I’m good. Let’s just get out of here.”

“On it!” Voth yells from the pilot’s seat up front.

As the back of the ship closes and the crew springs to prepare to again enter hyperdrive back to the Rebel Alliance base you’ve all been stationed at, you can’t help but look down at Vader’s fortress. Sure enough, you see a tall, broad silhouette staring up at your ship. Just before you lose sight of him, you hear his voice in your head one last time.“You may have won the battle. But I promise you, my little Rebel, that I will win this war.

Summary: Y/N struggles with the aftermath of Anakin’s role in Order 66


Part 1 - 3k words

Part 2 - 3.5k words

Part 3 coming soon!


Summary: Y/N loses track of Anakin and desperately searches for him.

Warnings: death? war?

A/N: I was sick of working on my manuscript, so I decided to write something else. It’s not very polished, and the end’s a bit weak, but it was fun to write so *shrug*

Edit: Here’s part 2!

Word count: 3k


You dragged yourself up the stairs into the Jedi temple, so exhausted from your diplomatic mission, you couldn’t walk in a straight line or at an even pace.

You’d finished a day earlier than expected, thanks to a welcomed break from the normally demanding nature of the Gungans, and you were looking forward to finding Anakin.

Considering he’d aided Naboo in stopping the Trade Federation when he was young, you figured he’d want to hear all about your mission and how much the planet had changed since he was last there.

If you were being honest, you also couldn’t wait to show Anakin the dress you’d chosen to wear to make a good impression. The shimmery, silver fabric made you look like royalty, and the billowing sleeves and flowing skirts only added to the overall flair.

Anakin always said you looked beautiful in anything, but you saw the glint in his beautiful blue eyes whenever he saw you in an outfit you had to wear for an undercover mission.

And right now, all you wanted was to see that glint.

You’d wondered on occasion if the reason he liked seeing you in something other than your Jedi robes was because the robes served as a constant, inescapable reminder. A reminder that your lives weren’t your own.

Your secret relationship of a few months was going better than you’d expected, but Anakin had been confident from the beginning. 

Being the charmer that he was, he said he’d always known the two of you were meant to be.

You quietly knocked on Anakin’s door, but there was no answer. “Ani?” you called as softly as possible, so as not to alert his neighbors of your presence. “It’s Y/N.”

You opened the door.

Keep reading
