

The Anarchists, meaning those who negate the powers of the existing order, are correct in the negation of every person, and establishment that wants to control another person’s point-of-view. There would be no more violence under Anarchy, than under any regime. Anarchy can only be instituted by more and more people that simply wish to live together in harmony, without coercion from another, and not live under the protections that the existing regimes offer, thereby, there will be more and more people that will be ashamed to institute the same power of the existing regimes. 

Instead of Tariffs or National Rent control. 

What we really need is National up-zoning 

Today is the 27th anniversary of Ruby Ridge.

Look it up. Refresh your memory.

*Randy Weaver’s 14 year old son, Samuel (pictured below), was shot in the back and killed by federal agents because the family dog (which they also killed) alerted him to something in the woods on the property. The US Marshals hiding in those woods never announced themselves.

These federal agents then attempted to murder Randy Weaver via sniper fire when he went out to get his son’s dead body and his back was turned, but they missed the kill shot and hit him in the shoulder instead. Randy’s wife, Vicki, was murdered by FBI sniper Lon Horiuchi while holding her 10 month old baby.

After Randy Weaver’s son and wife were murdered by federal agents (over illegal weapons charges, kicked off by an unfounded claim of threats, called in to the FBI by a neighbor who was retaliating against Mr. Weaver over a land dispute), he was later ACQUITTED ON ALL CHARGES except for failure to appear to court.

“Economic institutions shape economic incentives: the incentives to become educated, to save and invest, to innovate and adopt new technologies, and so on. It is the political process that determines what economic institutions people live under, and it is the political institutions that determine how this process works.”

-Why Nations fail, Daron Acemoglu.
