

Another FA I did a while ago while I was away. He’s my fav from the webtoon ‘Who made me a princess’


  • imagine though
  • Jeanette and Anastacius around Athanasia and Claude???
  • u got these two teenage girls who r playing around and chattering and eating pretty cake and then sitting next to them is two brothers who can’t STAND each other
  • but the only time they mutually agree to work together is when athy and jeanette have started to get into boys
  • and they’re like oh HELL NO
  • cute uncle fluff :(
  • on the good days Anastacius plays pranks on Claude with the girls!!! And they’re both snickering and Claude is very well aware they’re abt to do smth horrible
  • and Anastasia? Who would usually be pissed at kids for ruining his plans would just smile endearingly bc he loves his kids oh yeah
  • Claude as an uncle??? I feel like he’d be the awkward uncle u know
  • he and jeanette r just sitting there having tea and he doesn’t even wanna talk so she’s just there rambling for him
  • and she tells him all these cute stories of athanasia!!!!! and he pretends that he doesn’t care
  • but that bitch cares
  • claude would totally spoil his kids
  • totally
  • jeanette needs a new dress? Oh yeah here’s a dress but it isn’t from me
  • athanasia lost her earrings??? here it is nope I didn’t find it a dog threw it up in front of me
  • and imagine like a cat or dog in the palace
  • the cat likes Athanasia and Claude better bc Claude just likes to lazily pet it but when it wants love it goes to Athanasia
  • the dog likes Anastacius and Jeanette better bc Jeanette likes to cuddle :( and Anastacius doesn’t mind giving it nice rubs
  • but sometimes the cat will go to Anastacius and Jeanette
  • and that’s when chaos starts
  • jk
  • Anastacius would just
  • try to pet it
  • Idk I can’t see him as the calm I’ll give u soft pets kinda type
  • Jeanette would buy a shit ton of cat toys and play with it
  • stop my daughter she’s so cute
  • Athanasia and dog??? Blackie all over again but
  • without the almost dying
  • right
  • so
  • Athanasia plays ROUGH with dogs
  • it’s adorable
  • And I will take absolutely no criticism when I say the dog is big
  • it’s big
  • it’s like Great Pyrenees big
  • Like huge husky big
  • but it’s a gentle breed
  • the maids would probably get rlly frustrated that Athanasia and Jeanette end up walking back into their bedrooms with mud and flowers sticking all over their dresses
  • oops this has become a dog and cat thing
  • anyway claude and Anastacius would be cute dads and uncles
  • and jeanette and athy would be cute ass daughters and cousins and
  • sigh
  • I love them

If WMMAP is light
