#and dance







Happy BFSN Snflowerkru , it’s Tuesday again!

A little hello to all of you, on this day of May when the temperatures are already too hot for the season…I don’t know how our Indian and Pakistani friends do with such high temperatures…Let’s hang on ! 
Here are two pictures of an afternoon spent in Paris, with a little wink to @julibernardo​  since the coffee is called Odessa ;-).

Other than that I’m back to work, and things are not easy right now. That’s why saying hello to everyone is always a good idea!

Sending much love to :  @pendragaryen​​,@natassakar​​,@geekyogicheese​​,@immortalpramheda​​,@kizo2703​​,@lee-em-dee​​,@carrieeve​​,@ninappon​​@igotbellarkeforthat​​,@infp-with-all-the-feelings​​,@bookwormforalways​​,@kateemcintyre​​,@moreflowersthanweeds​​,@foolishnymeria​​,@otp-armada​​,@isweartobreathe​​,@the-suns-also-rise​​,@roguetwelve​​,@heartbellamy​​,@bellamyblake​​​,@jeanie205​,@broashwhat​​​ , @imaginetonprincecharmant​​​,@brightblakes​​​

Happy BFSN Sunflowerkru!!

Thank you dear Stef for tagging me so faithfully

Spring has definitely sprung around here! I have bunny friends hopping around my yard almost every day and this nest was a surprise I found behind the wreath on my front door.

Much love to the Bellarke fam! I hope you all are doing well! ❤️

Tagging/saying hi: @infp-with-all-the-feelings@bookwormforalways@natassakar@ninappon@carrieeve@geekyogicheese@roguetwelve@pendragaryen@moreflowersthanweeds@immortalpramheda and anyone else who wants to join in! I’m tagging from memory, so I apologize if I forgot someone.

Happy Tuesday, sunflowerkru!

alas, my holiday is over now. it’s a struggle to go back to getting up early in the morning after oh, the whole week off but what can you do. someone has to earn enough to feed the cat ;-)

i hope you guys have a good day and a good week. the Eurovision Song Contest starts tonight, so i apologise upfront for all the spam you’re all about to see here. do come join me in shitposting, though, Europe! :-)

tagged by @togetherkru@igotbellarkeforthat // tagging @pendragaryen@useyourtelescope@jeanie205@infp-with-all-the-feelings@bookwormforalways@natassakar@roguetwelve@ninappon@kizo2703@otp-armada@heartbellamy@brightblakes

Hey Sunflower Kru!

Loving all of your pictures of Spring! It tried to snow here today haha. But I think we should have real Spring by next week if the weather cooperates.

Things are super busy but good. Our first tour stop was great. I got to have lunch with my grandma and meet up with some friends that I haven’t seen in years and aside from a very turbulent plane ride it was wonderful. Looking forward to our next stop in a couple of days!

Thank you @togetherkru@igotbellarkeforthat​ and @carrieeve​ for the tags. Stef - beautiful architecture! Adorable coffee shops! I want to be back in Europe . Kim - it’s too bad that Easter is already past because those photos are absolutely perfect. So cute. Karolina - I love the color of those flowers. And as a little bonus just for you: here’s a picture from performing with Ruslana back in 2016

Tagging/sending love to @natassakar@ninappon@bellamyblake@pendragaryen@bookwormforalways@heartbellamy@writetheniteaway
