#and dnis



if you could completely excise an element from your fandom – like disappear it forever, there would never be another post about it and indeed the thoughts that caused them would never even appear in another fan’s head so as not to potentially foul the air with their presence – what would it be

I have two. Fandom specific: the whole making Sam Winchester a side character in his own fucking canon. Third-wheel!Sam. More specifically the stupid “Sam Leahy” thing, where they take away his very name and give it to Cas as Dean’s husband. This isn’t feminism, you giant weirdos. Don’t even go there.

And in general: DNIs. Do people really not know how social media works? This is what the block button is for. 90% of them are just virtue signaling with DNIs anyways.

OH. I lied. Three things. This last one is also fandom specific: SPN events that boast “Everyone welcome!” and then strictly forbid the second most popular ship in the fandom. Even when it’s a kink event. Like, are you kidding me? This is what tagging is for, and it works. (When you actually use the words, that is, and don’t replace letters with * or / or make up some alternative slang. USE YOUR WORDS, CHILDREN.) SPN used to be the kinkiest fandom to have ever kinked, and now we’re dripping with saccharine faux weddings and coffee shop AUs. It’s seriously a huge loss. 
