#and if you did then do it again

fishwrites: Ancillary (a love story): Chapter One fic written for @klancereversebang for @cubisticki


Ancillary (a love story): Chapter One

fic written for @klancereversebangfor@cubisticking‘s wonderful art, featuring Altean Lance + BOM Keith with a twist! (the scene will appear in chapter 3!!).

Summary:Where Krolia took baby Keith with her instead of leaving him on Earth, entrusting him in Altean care because being half-Galra and not looking Galra was a particularly dangerous thing since the war began. (Where Daibazaal was not destroyed but the resource-race brings everyone down the same slippery path).

Keith grows up alongside the Altean heir adjacent: Lance. They become inseparable; even on those rare occasions where Lance goes off-planet without Keith, it’s never for very long.

Until one day, the envoy never makes it back to Altea.

Fic soundtrack |AO3 link|art post (tba)

Oh god i’m actually super nervous posting this… ;__; trying out a shorter and more compact writing style. I want to try write more emotion in less words? but yeah any feedback is really gratefully recieved. i hope it’s enjoyable aldskja

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