#and just


paperairplanemob replied to your post“The wendigo Mr. Mime that’s a crossbreed between Sableye and a…”

This was starting to get a little creepy and then you brought it back with the island of misfit crossbreeds and now I’m just


It was a fun post ot write because it started serious and halfway through writing it hit me “imagine the cute lil imperfect results that find their own little part in society and get super loving trainers who think they’re better than any ‘perfect’ crossbreed any day.”

And akhksjfhd I keep thinking of all the awkward Pokemon that think at first that they’re just unwanted and rejected and worthless, then they find a home and everything justfits and they wouldn’t trade their so-called flaws for the entire world. >w<



poppetawoppet replied to your post “But think of how much $ they would save on earbuds if they had…”


s c r e a m i n g

Like, they’d learn pretty damn quickly what it feels like in their heads when Eliot has a concussion, what it feels like when he’s been knocked out and they need to go rescue him (which, okay, has happened, like, once, in the entire time they’ve been connected, but still.) It was terrifying at first, because lbr concussions do not feel great, and being knocked out is like a concussion combined with a bad trip for Eliot.

But they’ve never felt the complete and utter panic they felt when Eliot is just… gone. They’re both stuck on the same thing, obvs. That Eliot is dead, that they had failed at protecting him, that if the telepathy couldn’t tell them when he needed them then what fucking good was it?

And like. They race to the last place they knew Eliot was, because fuck. Fuck. They can at least- They can’t give him a proper burial, but they can… do something. Except he’s not there.

Hardison has never been so glad for sticking a tracker in everyone’s shoes than he is right then.

So they find him, fight their way through a bunch of Bad Guys, because it’s for Eliot, so obvs they are desperate and ruthless enough to just. Cut a path through them, figuratively.

And they’re finally at the room his body’s in, and they both pause outside the door because neither of them knows if they can do this. They’ve been holding the panic at bay by like. Concentrating on getting to him. But now that they’re almost there… Parker looks like she’s about to cry, and Hardison is kinda shaky. And finally, they’re like, we have to go in and they force themselves to open the door.

Eliot is strapped down to a chair, and drugged to the gills, but very, very obviously alive. Just… not conscious.

And, idk, they beat up the scientist after making sure it’ll wear off. And when Eliot comes to back home, there is a lot of, like. Clingyness and residual panic because now they know what it’s gonna feel like, when Eliot finally is killed. How there’s gonna be just an empty spot in the back of their brains, a dead spot that they can feel all the time.

That night, while Eliot’s sleeping and Parker and Hardison are both too keyed up to actually sleep, they make a pact, that no matter what, Eliot’s not gonna die without them. They change together, they die together. Full stop. Because living with that empty space… it’s literally unbearable. And stuff.

OTHER THINGS I HAVE THOUGHT ABOUT: How this would affect – and how they would be affected by – Eliot’s PTSD. (Like, we can agree that the flashbacks in s1 aren’t actually funny, right? Because like, yeah, he’s learned to shake them off p quickly, but they’re still- Like, you know?)

Parker’d probably be the most jumpy getting Eliot’s flashbacks, and Hardison would be calm but really fucking disturbed, even hours later.

As far as dealing with it, all the h/c with Eliot’s PTSD, man. All the h/c. Like Parker attempting (and miserably failing) to make his favorite foods for him. Hardison knowing if Eliot wants or doesn’t want to be touched/alone and giving Eliot what he needs.

But above all, them making it clear that Eliot should never, ever apologize for the flashbacks. Eliot still feels guilty for subjecting Parker and Hardison to them, and Parker and Hardison knows he feels guilty, but they never blame him for his trauma. 

(and thank you yes I agree s1 flashbacks were a little stilted)

Also other things I thought of randomly in regards to telepathic!Leverage:

- Hardison singing tunes that have been stuck in Eliot’s head, which used to bother him since bluegrass/country wasn’t his thing but now he doesn’t really mind anymore

- Eliot getting headaches when Hardison is doing some hardcore computer hacking and has been staring at a screen for x hours

- Parker driving Eliot up the wall with something annoying, like a phrase or an expression that she loops on repeat until he blows his top

- Hardison and Eliot reminding Parker to speak, because when you can read minds you sometimes forget and it’s easy for Parker to stop speaking altogether

- there are no such things as passwords. Or safe words.

- Parker picking up various languages from Eliot

- When one of them gets drunk the others (especially Parker) find everything funny and will randomly start sniggering at things like household objects or everyday words

dammit I’m supposed to be outlining this fic (which operates oddly along the same vein, a little)


SO. I definitely think you are right that Eliot would feel awful about Parker and Hardison having to see his memories. Like, he has done some awful shit, and they don’t deserve to have to see that. Especially some of the more terrible memories that leave even him kind of shaken up for a while afterward. (And yes, every sentence in this paragraph is carefully worded to mean exactly what you think it means.)

But I also think that Eliot would never, ever, ever, admit that he has ptsd. Or even like, begin to consider that he has ptsd. I feel like he’d feel that ptsd is for people who have really had bad shit happen to them. That ptsd is for people who… idk how to phrase this right. People who don’t deserve it? I guess? Like, sometimes life hands good people shit cards. But he is not a good person.

And, I mean, he thinks ptsd is a real and valid thing, and a reasonable response to shit, and like, he doesn’t look down on people with ptsd. ,It’s just… not something he has.

He just has really vivid memories sometimes, is all. And, yeah, there are ways he doesn’t like to be touched and things Parker and Hardison learn not to do, but everyone is like that. I mean, there are things Parker doesn’t like them doing, ways she doesn’t like them touching her. So, you know. It’s normal. Not ptsd.

And I also think that Hardison would bring it up once (and only once) and Eliot would basically have a total shouting meltdown at him about how disrespectful he’s being to people with real problems, etc. Probably they would actually fight about it, like really fight that leaves them both angry for days, and then Hardison would never mention it again.

Ialso think that Eliot would like. Be so Not Okay with anyone trying to… do nice things for him? After one of these memories has surfaced? Like, it’s not a big deal and he should be doing some caretaking of them because they had to experience it too, and they… they don’t deserve that. So he would be super terrible about accepting any comfort. Like, at all. Because if anything, he should be punished for subjecting them to his stupid bullshit.

Probably, a lot of the time, he would just leave right after, ostensibly so they couldn’t try to be kind to him, but really because he’s so ashamed of… whatever.

re: languages, I totally bet Parker is about languages the same as she is about like. Art. Like, “I thought everybody could do that” sort of thing. So, yeah, obviously she picks up a bunch of different languages from Eliot, Hardison has too! And Hardison is just like um babe, I definitely haven’t.

OTHER THINGS: now I am thinking about how each of them would deal with the lack of privacy. Because even Hardison needs time that is just him. Not as much as Parker and Eliot, sure, but still. And, weirdly, he’s the one who learns to kind of… block them out first. Like, he doesn’t go silent, they can still feel that he’s there, but they can’t get any actual thoughts off of him.

Both of them find it wildly upsetting, to varying degrees, because what did they do? And Hardison is like nothing? I just needed some me time. Weren’t y’all just complaining the other day about how there’s no privacy anymore?

So, you know, he teaches them how to do it, and now that Parker’s gotten used to being able to see things in their heads, she’s actually the one who uses it the least? Because like. It turns out knowing intent and what people expect of her – especially because Hardison and Eliot don’t expect anything she’s not willing to give – is oddly calming?

And Eliot, at first, tries to use it all the time. Because they don’t- He’s just got so much nasty shit in his head, they’re probably relieved that they don’t have to have it as background radiation anymore. He can’t always control it during one of those really intense memories – he thinks he just has to practice more, but…. – but, you know, overall, he uses it all the fucking time.

And then Hardison and Parker come to him and are like um, do you want us to undo it? like we can go back to the lab and probably get them to-

Which, what the fuck? Of course he doesn’t want them to undo it, they almost died adding him to their little telepathic ring, why would he want them to cut him out again??

And probably Hardison would be the one to explain that he, you know, seemed like he… didn’t really want to be connected to them anymore. Like maybe the fun had worn off and he wanted out. Since he was always blocking them.

And Eliot is just like … at them, and once again feels bad because once again he’s fucked up and once again they’re being so fucking nice about it. But, you know, etc.

I have so many other feelings but this post is too long as it is. But let me tell you, this trashfic is definitely what I’m working on next.

I held off on posting this one for a little while because I used it in a zine app that had blind appI held off on posting this one for a little while because I used it in a zine app that had blind app

I held off on posting this one for a little while because I used it in a zine app that had blind applications, but I knew a couple of the mods so I didn’t want them to risk being biased by recognizing my work! Honestly this is some of my favorite lighting and expressions I’ve ever done, and I’m so stoked to share it with everyone :D

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