#and nothing else

 every day with them tbh  every day with them tbh

every day with them tbh

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I’ve always been insecure about wearing crop tops but how could I say no to my boys???

Also please note the disaster twins keychains turned phone charms. They’re one of my favorite rottmnt fan-merch I own

You are absolutely rocking the shirt


i hate those posts that are like “what if your mother aborted you?” because it’s LIKE. i value my mother as having her own agency above my existence simply because she came first. if she aborted me, id be fine with it because in the fucking hypothetical of un-existence & knowing, id rather her have access to safe abortion than having to carry & birth when she didn’t want to like wtf kind of egotistical question is that. do u not value yr mother in the least. whatever joys you’ve gotten out of life aren’t greater than yr mother’s choice
